Hillary Clinton Now Plans to Be Ordained Methodist Preacher

A new Clinton Con for desperately needed attention and money.

She is one of Satan's most reliable slaves. She has about filled up the full measure of her inequities on this plane, and it is about time for her Master to call her down home.

Will be a be a reviled asterisk in American History.
She is doing the Lord's work

Thievery under the guise of religion, is still thievery. Unless she does a complete turnaround, there's a special place in Hell for the likes of that shithead.
She is doing the Lord's work

Thievery under the guise of religion, is still thievery.
Repent, sinner

I didn't get what I own by stealing it from the poor. Hillary did. Bet even you sent her a donation.
Hillary is born again in the light of the Lord

I doubt it. She could walk on water and blow Skittles out her ass and I still wouldn't believe that she's anything more than a common crook.

Maybe she realizes that the Trump gang is getting closer to indicting her for her crimes, and hope the judge will go easy on her. Religion is sometimes after all, the last refuge of the scoundrel.
She is doing the Lord's work

Thievery under the guise of religion, is still thievery.
Repent, sinner

I didn't get what I own by stealing it from the poor. Hillary did. Bet even you sent her a donation.
Hillary is born again in the light of the Lord

I doubt it. She could walk on water and blow Skittles out her ass and I still wouldn't believe that she's anything more than a common crook.

Maybe she realizes that the Trump gang is getting closer to indicting her for her crimes, and hope the judge will go easy on her. Religion is sometimes after all, the last refuge of the scoundrel.
Hold thy tongue, gentile. Lest ye be judged by it.
Does this mean she'll have to resign her Biosopiric in The Great AlGore First Universal Church of Global-what-the-fuck (this week)?

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