Hillary Clinton probably has Parkensons Disease

Here's what would happen.

Trump releases his returns
they consist of hundreds of pages
the dem/ media coalition picks out one page and lies about what it means
Trump has to waste days explaining the media/dem lies.

We all understand your strategy, we get it. But it won't work.

Clinton released her tax returns
They consisted of hundreds of pages

Why is Clinton not scared to release her tax returns but Donald Trump is scared to release his?

Tricky Trump- the less transperant than Tricky Dick.
how much did the Clintons give to charity in 2015?, since you claim to have access to their returns, it should be easy for you to post the number for us. What was their total gross income? What was their income from the Clinton foundation? what was their income from speeches?

you say its available, so put up or shut up.
It is available, it is online, they gave about 10% of their gross to the Clinton Foundation.

LOL, and the foundation gave it back to them as untaxable "salaries and expenses". Wake up, its a scam. They deduct it from income and then put it back in their bank account.
Explain how they are untaxable. Think it through before you reply.
HRC is going to win, Redfish. Reconcile yourself to that reality and buy lots of prozac.
Ask the people of New York whether she was a failure as their Senator?
Well you would have to ask the folks in her district...they are not happy with her and the job she did, she lost them them thousands of jobs...
Sorry, no go for that LIE.

One, she did NOT HAVE A DISTRICT silly.....

She was the Senator for the entire State of New York, she was NOT a congress critter with a District,
Two, the citizens of her State overwhelmingly reelected her for a second term.....

Every single County in the State election she won in a landslide, including all Northern Republican leaning counties.

please list her accomplishments as senator.

or since there were none, as SecState, none there either

how about as first lady-------------destroyed the lives of women raped by her husband.
you got a problem with google? until you do your own college level research to find those answers to your own questions, you won't know or believe anyone else doing the work for you Redfish.

And you truly don't want to know the answers, it would spoil what your right wing masters told you to believe about her....and you are not opened minded enough for the truth....!!! ;)
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Here's what would happen.

Trump releases his returns
they consist of hundreds of pages
the dem/ media coalition picks out one page and lies about what it means
Trump has to waste days explaining the media/dem lies.

We all understand your strategy, we get it. But it won't work.

Clinton released her tax returns
They consisted of hundreds of pages

Why is Clinton not scared to release her tax returns but Donald Trump is scared to release his?

Tricky Trump- the less transperant than Tricky Dick.
how much did the Clintons give to charity in 2015?, since you claim to have access to their returns, it should be easy for you to post the number for us. What was their total gross income? What was their income from the Clinton foundation? what was their income from speeches?

you say its available, so put up or shut up.
It is available, it is online, they gave about 10% of their gross to the Clinton Foundation.

LOL, and the foundation gave it back to them as untaxable "salaries and expenses". Wake up, its a scam. They deduct it from income and then put it back in their bank account.
Explain how they are untaxable. Think it through before you reply.
NOTE! They don't get paid a salary from the foundation...don't let his BS about that go by....

And if they were salary paid employees by the foundation they would pay state and federal and payroll taxes just like everyone else.
REPORT: Anesthesiologist Confirms the Worst About Hillary's Illness... We Were Right

Its a shame when anyone contracts this disease, but she is displaying all of the early symptoms.

She is a sick woman and should not be taking on the stress of being president.

I no docter but yor postins sugjest yu mite hav agraphia disease. hav u bin tested fer agraphia? I wil wate fer yer dockers neuro test results.

^^^^a severe case of dementia displayed in the above post.

A severe lack of intelligence and perception in every one of your posts.
REPORT: Anesthesiologist Confirms the Worst About Hillary's Illness... We Were Right

Its a shame when anyone contracts this disease, but she is displaying all of the early symptoms.

She is a sick woman and should not be taking on the stress of being president.

A report from an anonymous anesthesiologist who has never so much as been in the same room with Clinton, treated her in any way, has no specialized training in any of the diagnosis he's giving, nor has access to any of her medical histories......making a diagnosis.

Um, wow. Sounds like just your kind of source.
Anyone besides me think that this recent rash of reports about Mrs. Clinton's health has conveniently coincided with Mr. Trump's falling poll numbers?

She has been around for 25 years and nobody has even said a peep about her health until now when Mr. Trump is being handled his ass
REPORT: Anesthesiologist Confirms the Worst About Hillary's Illness... We Were Right

Its a shame when anyone contracts this disease, but she is displaying all of the early symptoms.

She is a sick woman and should not be taking on the stress of being president.
If he's autonomous how do you know he's board certified or for that matter how do you know he's even a doctor. He's obviously never examined her, had no access to any medical tests, yet he can diagnose her problem assuming there is a problem from blogs and conservative web sites.

I suppose this is more right wing proof that Hillary is not qualified from the anti-Hillary pulp mill which is now running 24 hours a day.
Anyone besides me think that this recent rash of reports about Mrs. Clinton's health has conveniently coincided with Mr. Trump's falling poll numbers?

She has been around for 25 years and nobody has even said a peep about her health until now when Mr. Trump is being handled his ass
Of course they did...

This is a manufactured story by right wing media, just like most are from the right wing about clinton and Obama and truly any Democratic leader....

it's what they do, to control what their followers think....

All these type stories have a purpose, to deflect from what is actually going on in the news, like Manafort allegedly getting 12 million from the Russians....

It's Trump's M/O to make up a new scandal or create one yourself to get the media to move on to something else
Anyone besides me think that this recent rash of reports about Mrs. Clinton's health has conveniently coincided with Mr. Trump's falling poll numbers?

She has been around for 25 years and nobody has even said a peep about her health until now when Mr. Trump is being handled his ass

Complete coincidence. Surely.
Anyone besides me think that this recent rash of reports about Mrs. Clinton's health has conveniently coincided with Mr. Trump's falling poll numbers?

She has been around for 25 years and nobody has even said a peep about her health until now when Mr. Trump is being handled his ass
Of course they did...

This is a manufactured story by right wing media, just like most are from the right wing about clinton and Obama and truly any Democratic leader....

it's what they do, to control what their followers think....

All these type stories have a purpose, to deflect from what is actually going on in the news, like Manafort allegedly getting 12 million from the Russians....

It's Trump's M/O to make up a new scandal or create one yourself to get the media to move on to something else

Oh, its much worse than you think. As Trump inexplicably pushed a wildly Pro-Russian platform to be adopted by the GOP at their convention. One in contradiction of both US policy and previous RNC platforms on Russia.

Which if the situation were reversed and it was Hillary whose campaign had pushed a Pro-Russian agenda while her campaign manager had been taking millions in money from pro-Russian political parties, and calling on the Russians to hack the RNC.....

.....our conservative friends here would be calling it Treason.
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Anyone besides me think that this recent rash of reports about Mrs. Clinton's health has conveniently coincided with Mr. Trump's falling poll numbers?

She has been around for 25 years and nobody has even said a peep about her health until now when Mr. Trump is being handled his ass
Of course they did...

This is a manufactured story by right wing media, just like most are from the right wing about clinton and Obama and truly any Democratic leader....

it's what they do, to control what their followers think....

All these type stories have a purpose, to deflect from what is actually going on in the news, like Manafort allegedly getting 12 million from the Russians....

It's Trump's M/O to make up a new scandal or create one yourself to get the media to move on to something else

Oh, its much worse than you think. As Trump inexplicably pushed a wildly Pro-Russian platform to be adopted by the GOP at their convention. One in contradiction of both US policy and previous RNC platforms on Russia.

Which if the situation were reversed and it was Hillary whose campaign had pushed a Pro-Russian agenda while her campaign manager had been taking millions in money from pro-Russian political parties.....

.....our conservative friends here would be calling it Treason.
I agree! NO QUESTION about that!!!
REPORT: Anesthesiologist Confirms the Worst About Hillary's Illness... We Were Right

Its a shame when anyone contracts this disease, but she is displaying all of the early symptoms.

She is a sick woman and should not be taking on the stress of being president.

A report from an anonymous anesthesiologist who has never so much as been in the same room with Clinton, treated her in any way, has no specialized training in any of the diagnosis he's giving, nor has access to any of her medical histories......making a diagnosis.

Um, wow. Sounds like just your kind of source.

Well in line with his usual credible source.....

Anyone besides me think that this recent rash of reports about Mrs. Clinton's health has conveniently coincided with Mr. Trump's falling poll numbers?

She has been around for 25 years and nobody has even said a peep about her health until now when Mr. Trump is being handled his ass
Of course they did...

This is a manufactured story by right wing media, just like most are from the right wing about clinton and Obama and truly any Democratic leader....

it's what they do, to control what their followers think....

All these type stories have a purpose, to deflect from what is actually going on in the news, like Manafort allegedly getting 12 million from the Russians....

It's Trump's M/O to make up a new scandal or create one yourself to get the media to move on to something else

Oh, its much worse than you think. As Trump inexplicably pushed a wildly Pro-Russian platform to be adopted by the GOP at their convention. One in contradiction of both US policy and previous RNC platforms on Russia.

Which if the situation were reversed and it was Hillary whose campaign had pushed a Pro-Russian agenda while her campaign manager had been taking millions in money from pro-Russian political parties, and calling on the Russians to hack the RNC.....

.....our conservative friends here would be calling it Treason.

Yep- imagine if it were Hillary Clinton who was proposing that Japan should have nuclear weapons?


Or suggesting that we won't support Taiwan?


Or suggesting that we not live up to our treaty commitments with NATO?


But for Trump they roll over and hope to get their bellies rubbed......
Clinton released her tax returns
They consisted of hundreds of pages

Why is Clinton not scared to release her tax returns but Donald Trump is scared to release his?

Tricky Trump- the less transperant than Tricky Dick.
how much did the Clintons give to charity in 2015?, since you claim to have access to their returns, it should be easy for you to post the number for us. What was their total gross income? What was their income from the Clinton foundation? what was their income from speeches?

you say its available, so put up or shut up.
It is available, it is online, they gave about 10% of their gross to the Clinton Foundation.

LOL, and the foundation gave it back to them as untaxable "salaries and expenses". Wake up, its a scam. They deduct it from income and then put it back in their bank account.
Explain how they are untaxable. Think it through before you reply.
HRC is going to win, Redfish. Reconcile yourself to that reality and buy lots of prozac.

Oh hell Redfish hopes she wins

That will give him 8 more years of a target to smear.

A President Trump would ruin his entire game.
She is not presidential material...she is a known liar and crook. I don't care how sick she is or isn't she should never be placed in the most powerful position in the world. She's a liar!

Donald Trump of course is a bigger liar and crook.

Clinton at least has actual relevant experience and doesn't have the temperment of a petulant 3 year old.

yep, experience as a failure. wow, ain't that wonderful.

Ask the people of New York whether she was a failure as their Senator?

After 9/11 she was busy helping the city of New York- and fighting for the first responders.

former New York Police Department detective Joe Sweeney spoke about his experiences on Sept. 11. He described the experience:

At the time, the [U.S. Environmental Protection Agency] assured us that the air at Ground Zero was safe to breathe. That information was dead wrong. Thousands of my friends and brothers and sisters in blue were exposed to harmful toxins that have caused lifelong health problems.

And when we needed someone to speak for us, to stand with us, to fight on our behalf, Hillary Clinton was there, every step of the way. Within 48 hours of the towers falling, Hillary introduced a bill—signed into law—that helped first responders get the benefits they earned easier and faster. Then she pressured the EPA to launch a new task force and led congressional hearings until the EPA admitted the air hadn’t been safe.

What was Trump doing?

Trump Made No Donations To 9/11 Charities

NOVEMBER 3--In the aftermath of the 2001 terror attack on the World Trade Center, Donald Trump, a billionaire son of New York City, did not make a single charitable donation to any of the not-for-profit groups that provided aid to survivors, rescue workers, or the families of cops and firemen who died trying to save others, Internal Revenue Service records show.

since you don't have his returns exactly how do you know what he gave to didn't give to 9/11 charities?

So you think that is why he is hiding his tax returns?

So no one would know of his 'generosity' for fire fighters and policemen after 9/11?


Tricky Trump- less Transparent than even Tricky Dick- at least Tricky Dick showed voters his income tax returns.

What is Tricky Trump hiding?
Ask the people of New York whether she was a failure as their Senator?
Well you would have to ask the folks in her district...they are not happy with her and the job she did, she lost them them thousands of jobs...
Sorry, no go for that LIE.

One, she did NOT HAVE A DISTRICT silly.....

She was the Senator for the entire State of New York, she was NOT a congress critter with a District,
Two, the citizens of her State overwhelmingly reelected her for a second term.....

Every single County in the State election she won in a landslide, including all Northern Republican leaning counties.

please list her accomplishments as senator.d.
Getting worried by Clinton's increasing lead in the polls and the Electoral College vote?


Meanwhile the exodus of Republicans jumping the sad ship Trump continues

Why exactly is Tricky Trump scared to show us his income taxes?

LOL, and what is Hillary scared to show us about the Clinton foundation?.

Tricky Trump- even Tricky Dick showed voters his income tax returns.

Clinton has shown all of us her tax returns.
Even Romney showed us his- you know after Trump told Romney he should show voters his tax returns.
McCain showed us his tax returns
Bush showed us his tax returns
Gore showed us his tax returns.
Bill showed us his tax returns.

Trump even promised to show us his tax returns- before he decided to be the only Presidential candidate in decades to not show us his tax returns

Tricky Trump- less transparent than his GOP idol- Tricky Dick.

Here's what would happen.

Trump releases his returns
they consist of hundreds of pages
the dem/ media coalition picks out one page and lies about what it means
Trump has to waste days explaining the media/dem lies.

We all understand your strategy, we get it. But it won't work.

Clinton released her tax returns
They consisted of hundreds of pages

Why is Clinton not scared to release her tax returns but Donald Trump is scared to release his?

Tricky Trump- the less transperant than Tricky Dick.

how much did the Clintons give to charity in 2015?, since you claim to have access to their returns, .

We all have access to their tax returns- go look it up.
[Comms] Tax Returns

Meanwhile- where can I look up Donald Trump's tax returns? Oh right unlike Clinton he is hiding his tax returns....

Clinton released her tax returns
They consisted of hundreds of pages

Why is Clinton not scared to release her tax returns but Donald Trump is scared to release his?

Tricky Trump- the less transperant than Tricky Dick.
Tim Kaine would crush Trump. Is that your preference?
What makes you so sure of that? I live in Virginia and we all know how terrible and corrupt he was here. Virginia being a swing state, would be very important for him to win and his unfavorability in Virginia is rather high so if he couldn't even win his home state how could he win the nation?
"All"? That's why he has been a senator and a governor of VA because you all won't vote for him. He would win VA hands down and he would paddle Red Donald in debate without any problem.
That's one thing I don't understand about you liberals. You freak out when someone says something you don't agree with and resort to name calling like "Red Donald". That was then and this is now, the country has a catalyst now for change, a record number of people are registering republican to vote in November. With Hillary Clintons' rapidly declining health she will be lucky if she even makes it til then, so it's a real chance you and the rest of the liberals will have to vote for Tim Kaine in Nov.
You cry when Red Donald is called out for his communist sympathies, People like you, and the medicated like bripat, have trouble dealing with the fact that 'this is now.'

I will vote for Johnson. Kaine, however, would beat Trump even more badly than HRC appears to be. America would stomp all over the Trump candidacy to tell the far right to never bring forth such a candidate again.
If he is so much better than why didn't they pick him in the beginning, the DNC can do whatever they want they are a private
organization. Or they could replace HRC now, say she is sick or something. There is no way that they actually think they will be able to beat Trump in November. We will get a really good picture of Hillary come the debate times, shaking and seizing all over the stage, "short circuiting" as an excuse for lying.
The dailypresser is no better than Breitbart, a conspiracy site.

And here is your source, Martin Shkreli, a business man in pharma and crook.

Who is Martin Shkreli? A timeline - Dec. 18, 2015 - CNN Money
Dec 18, 2015 - By now, you've probably heard of Martin Shkreli, the enigmatic pharmaceutical entrepreneur who was arrested Thursday for securities fraud.

OK, then post something current (not a year old) from an unbiased doctor that says she is healthy a

I'll wait.

What doctor is 'unbiased' towards their patient? Hell legally they are required to be 'biased' towards their patient.

By inserting 'unbiased' in there, you are just signaling you will reject anything from any doctor regarding Clinton.

But of course you will accept anything by any doctor- regarding Donald Trump.
We will get a really good picture of Hillary come the debate times, shaking and seizing all over the stage, "short circuiting" as an excuse for lying.

I look forward to the debates and the right wing nut jobs seizing on any pause by Clinton as signs of her impending death, while ignoring Trump's frothing at the mouth.

Clinton is going to kill- figuratively- at the debates.

Trump will go full Trump- which the Trumpsters will love, and rational Conservatives will recoil from.
iRush is saying idiotic things. She is going to beat Red Donnie very, very badly.

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