Hillary Clinton probably has Parkensons Disease

"your desperation, and fear that the truth is finally coming out" has been the far right mantra for 24 years.

You live in fantasy world, redfish.

realism is not desperation. sorry dude, your liberal ideology has failed, time to move on.
All these medical stories about Hillary Clinton have now been proven false. Concocted.

Maybe....she's a zombie! That would explain all those symptoms :D

Seriously, the RWnut sites are even posting fake MRI's to 'support' these stories.

They've all gone mental. It's delightful.

They've ticked it up about ten notches to officially One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest territory.

the truth about your candidate really scares you, doesn't it? The contents of her "lost" e-mails will destroy her, add in perjury before congress and the Clinton foundation money laundering, and she is toast.

The left wing posts in this thread demonstrate your desperation, and fear that the truth is finally coming out.
Now take the pills the nice nurse has given you.

Hillary already took all of them, that's why she cant climb 4 steps without help.
Hey, it just occurred to me...

The circle is complete. In 2006, the RWnuts, led by drug addict Rush Limbaugh, accused Michael J. Fox of pretending to have Parkinsons.

Ten years later, the RWnuts are accusing Hillary Clinton of pretending NOT to have Parkinsons.

lol, they could use a new edition of their playbook. Get some new crazy.
Hey, it just occurred to me...

The circle is complete. In 2006, the RWnuts, led by drug addict Rush Limbaugh, accused Michael J. Fox of pretending to have Parkinsons.

Ten years later, the RWnuts are accusing Hillary Clinton of pretending NOT to have Parkinsons.

lol, they could use a new edition of their playbook. Get some new crazy.
No one accused him of pretending to have Parkinson's, douche bag. They accused him of deliberately not taking his medication and exaggerating his symptoms when he testified, and that's exactly what he did. When he's on his medication his symptoms are almost unnoticeable.
Don't you think we are entitled to know the extent of her illnesses? Kaine vs Trump would be another round of Trump vs Cruz. Trump would destroy him with facts.
You are unhinged if you think Comrade Trump could take on Kaine with any chance of success. How she ill is unknown, Redfish.

I am not interested in your hypothetical about trump and kaine.

But you are interested in spreading rumors about Clinton.

he should probably post this garbage in conspiracy theories. but whatever

you need to face reality, chick. .

We are facing reality.

You lie and spread rumors to attack Democrats.

Its what you do.
Hey, it just occurred to me...

The circle is complete. In 2006, the RWnuts, led by drug addict Rush Limbaugh, accused Michael J. Fox of pretending to have Parkinsons.

Ten years later, the RWnuts are accusing Hillary Clinton of pretending NOT to have Parkinsons.

lol, they could use a new edition of their playbook. Get some new crazy.
No one accused him of pretending to have Parkinson's, douche bag. They accused him of deliberately not taking his medication and exaggerating his symptoms when he testified, and that's exactly what he did. When he's on his medication his symptoms are almost unnoticeable.

Typical right wing nut jobs- and just like Donald Trump- attacking a person because of his handicap.
Democrats are getting worried. Close the crooked foundation or drop out of the election. Hilly may be the one to bail.

Getting worried by Clinton's increasing lead in the polls and the Electoral College vote?


Meanwhile the exodus of Republicans jumping the sad ship Trump continues

Why exactly is Tricky Trump scared to show us his income taxes?
You are unhinged if you think Comrade Trump could take on Kaine with any chance of success. How she ill is unknown, Redfish.

I am not interested in your hypothetical about trump and kaine.

But you are interested in spreading rumors about Clinton.

he should probably post this garbage in conspiracy theories. but whatever

you need to face reality, chick. .

We are facing reality.

You lie and spread rumors to attack Democrats.

Its what you do.

the truth is not a rumor, it is the truth. deal with it.
All these medical stories about Hillary Clinton have now been proven false. Concocted.

Maybe....she's a zombie! That would explain all those symptoms :D

Hey- that is as likely as any of Redfish's fantasisies!
She is not presidential material...she is a known liar and crook. I don't care how sick she is or isn't she should never be placed in the most powerful position in the world. She's a liar!
I am not interested in your hypothetical about trump and kaine.

But you are interested in spreading rumors about Clinton.

he should probably post this garbage in conspiracy theories. but whatever

you need to face reality, chick. .

We are facing reality.

You lie and spread rumors to attack Democrats.

Its what you do.

the truth is not a rumor, it is the truth. deal with it.

The truth for you is something simply to bury with bullshit and avoid as you lie and spread rumors about Democrats.

Its what you do.
Democrats are getting worried. Close the crooked foundation or drop out of the election. Hilly may be the one to bail.

Getting worried by Clinton's increasing lead in the polls and the Electoral College vote?


Meanwhile the exodus of Republicans jumping the sad ship Trump continues

Why exactly is Tricky Trump scared to show us his income taxes?

LOL, and what is Hillary scared to show us about the Clinton foundation?

Trump gets audited every year, if he was cheating the Obama IRS would be all over the media with it.

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