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Hillary Clinton: Qualifications to be President

Republicans have maintained a platform of trying to block all healtcare for everyone. Been doing it for 50 years
I see you support a proven liar who is also the enabling wife of an adulterer and child molester.

Both Clitons have done more to get healtcare to Americans in need than "let em die" republicans
Maybe because they have a bundle of stocks in Humana and Novant.

Maybe because they give a shit while Republicans would just as soon allow those without insurance to die

And yet, the reality of it is when O care gets fully up and operational, there will be more people dying than before. I am however, still waiting, with baited breath, for a list of Hillary's accomplishments.
What a pile of stupid bullshit, completely lacking in any foundation, with ZERO facts and ZERO data support. It's nothing more than a butthurt opinion because you dislike Hillary, who is the subject of the OP. Lol..... Please, let's come back to this in 2019. I will be laughing at you for a long, long time.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Both Clitons have done more to get healtcare to Americans in need than "let em die" republicans
Maybe because they have a bundle of stocks in Humana and Novant.

Maybe because they give a shit while Republicans would just as soon allow those without insurance to die

And yet, the reality of it is when O care gets fully up and operational, there will be more people dying than before. I am however, still waiting, with baited breath, for a list of Hillary's accomplishments.

The Fox is strong n this one

Still insisting Obamacare will fail......any day now

O care is patterned after the UK's NHS, and that system is failing. That's the problem with any of these set ups. They are not going to address the problem of the US health care system because the trial lawyers association makes too much money off of lawsuits.

The reality of the situation is more people have to pay more for less than before. That IS the reality of the situation. The US can afford a better health care system than we had, and most certainly better than what is being shoved down our throats. If you weren't so mindlessly partisan you would admit it.
"Shoved down our throats"

Lol. ..

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Both Clitons have done more to get healtcare to Americans in need than "let em die" republicans
Maybe because they have a bundle of stocks in Humana and Novant.

Maybe because they give a shit while Republicans would just as soon allow those without insurance to die

And yet, the reality of it is when O care gets fully up and operational, there will be more people dying than before. I am however, still waiting, with baited breath, for a list of Hillary's accomplishments.

The Fox is strong n this one

Still insisting Obamacare will fail......any day now
Obamacare has already failed. What was passed was never implemented and it has been changed so often by EO that the Supreme Court will weight in on this. Again.
Yeah, just keep saying that and click your heels 3 times.....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
The Fox is strong n this one

Still insisting Obamacare will fail......any day now

O care is patterned after the UK's NHS, and that system is failing. That's the problem with any of these set ups. They are not going to address the problem of the US health care system because the trial lawyers association makes too much money off of lawsuits.

The reality of the situation is more people have to pay more for less than before. That IS the reality of the situation. The US can afford a better health care system than we had, and most certainly better than what is being shoved down our throats. If you weren't so mindlessly partisan you would admit it.

Sorry pal...but that is one of the dumbest posts you have ever made. Do you think before you post?

Obamacare is nothing close to the UKs universal healthcare. Universal healthcare has the government running hospitals and doctors working for the government
Obamacare is patterned after Romneycare and the plan from the GOP Heritage think tank

Yes, I do. Why don't you? It takes a while for a system as large as the UK's NHS to collapse, but collapse it is doing. It is failing to provide adequate care to it's patients so they are dying in higher numbers now, than before NHS was instigated. That is what's known as a fact. O care is likewise a disaster. Those of us who had health insurance now have to pay for more, and we get less for it, than before. The NET increase in people with health insurance with all of the bullshit, is 3 million. The net cost to get those 3 million insured is greater than the benefits that will be received.

You used to make decent posts but I see those days are now past. That's a shame.

And once again. Can somebody...ANYBODY, show us an accomplishment that Hillary has under her belt? Anybody?....Bueller?

When given a chance to save yourself, you double down on dumb

Claiming Obamacare remotely resembles Britains national healthcare only solidifies that

But that is what the rightwing propaganda machine dictates, so what else can you expect?

I didn't say it resembled it. I said it was going to FAIL just like it. Can you not discern the difference? Were O care so damned good, why did they delay implementation? Why did they allow the multinational corporations to opt out? Why did they do everything to benefit the insurance companies, but not those who are going to paying for it?


It's a simple question and you fluffers have been avoiding that for 34 pages! ANSWER THE DAMNED QUESTION!

Lol. .. yes, that brings the conversation further. ..

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
And yet, the reality of it is when O care gets fully up and operational, there will be more people dying than before. I am however, still waiting, with baited breath, for a list of Hillary's accomplishments.

The Fox is strong n this one

Still insisting Obamacare will fail......any day now

O care is patterned after the UK's NHS, and that system is failing. That's the problem with any of these set ups. They are not going to address the problem of the US health care system because the trial lawyers association makes too much money off of lawsuits.

The reality of the situation is more people have to pay more for less than before. That IS the reality of the situation. The US can afford a better health care system than we had, and most certainly better than what is being shoved down our throats. If you weren't so mindlessly partisan you would admit it.

Sorry pal...but that is one of the dumbest posts you have ever made. Do you think before you post?

Obamacare is nothing close to the UKs universal healthcare. Universal healthcare has the government running hospitals and doctors working for the government
Obamacare is patterned after Romneycare and the plan from the GOP Heritage think tank

Yes, I do. Why don't you? It takes a while for a system as large as the UK's NHS to collapse, but collapse it is doing. It is failing to provide adequate care to it's patients so they are dying in higher numbers now, than before NHS was instigated. That is what's known as a fact. O care is likewise a disaster. Those of us who had health insurance now have to pay for more, and we get less for it, than before. The NET increase in people with health insurance with all of the bullshit, is 3 million. The net cost to get those 3 million insured is greater than the benefits that will be received.

You used to make decent posts but I see those days are now past. That's a shame.

And once again. Can somebody...ANYBODY, show us an accomplishment that Hillary has under her belt? Anybody?....Bueller?

She likes baking cookies for her daughter.
Funny, in 1992 at Bush 41s end rallies, when they knew he was going to lose, they chanted "Hillary can't bake, Hillary can't bake!" ... so, which is it?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

got into Yale Law school based on her gender

flunked the DC bar sending her to Little Rock with Bill-her second choice

got rich representing clients in front of people her husband had given the posts to

had an affair with Vince Foster

ordered a picture of her and all the other living first ladies taken out of the WH because Hillary's fat ankles compared unfavorably to all the other former first ladies including ancient Lady Bird Johnson and Barbara Bush

treated SS, FBI and military officers in the White House like trash

carpetbagged her way to the US Senate

Lost a primary to the lightest resume in modern history

let our ambassador get brutally murdered

Do you even understand the difference between lies and innuendo versus facts and reality?

Do you think that if you repeat lies often enough they become truth?

Hopefully, the majority of the American public are not fools such as you so clearly illustrate yourself to be.

are you denying Cankles flunked the DC bar
do you deny she was no where near the top of her College Class

Look I know man hating femiNazis get wet over Cankles but she's a joke
Her only two redeeming qualities were that she stuck it to Barack Obama in the primaries and that she might have been the other choice against McCain.

She was screwed out if the nomination by the democrats.... Strike one.

She caved and sucked up to Obama for a job....Strike two.

Now she can just disappear. She has out lived her political usefulness.
Oh, like Reagan was screwed out of the Primaries by Republicans in 1976. What a shame that Reagan never got a third chance by his party and go on to win the presidency. Oh, wait, he did. ....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
I see you support a proven liar who is also the enabling wife of an adulterer and child molester.

Both Clitons have done more to get healtcare to Americans in need than "let em die" republicans
Maybe because they have a bundle of stocks in Humana and Novant.

Maybe because they give a shit while Republicans would just as soon allow those without insurance to die

And yet, the reality of it is when O care gets fully up and operational, there will be more people dying than before. I am however, still waiting, with baited breath, for a list of Hillary's accomplishments.
What a pile of stupid bullshit, completely lacking in any foundation, with ZERO facts and ZERO data support. It's nothing more than a butthurt opinion because you dislike Hillary, who is the subject of the OP. Lol..... Please, let's come back to this in 2019. I will be laughing at you for a long, long time.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Maybe because they have a bundle of stocks in Humana and Novant.

Maybe because they give a shit while Republicans would just as soon allow those without insurance to die

And yet, the reality of it is when O care gets fully up and operational, there will be more people dying than before. I am however, still waiting, with baited breath, for a list of Hillary's accomplishments.

The Fox is strong n this one

Still insisting Obamacare will fail......any day now

O care is patterned after the UK's NHS, and that system is failing. That's the problem with any of these set ups. They are not going to address the problem of the US health care system because the trial lawyers association makes too much money off of lawsuits.

The reality of the situation is more people have to pay more for less than before. That IS the reality of the situation. The US can afford a better health care system than we had, and most certainly better than what is being shoved down our throats. If you weren't so mindlessly partisan you would admit it.
"Shoved down our throats"

Lol. ..

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Stat i don't like you anymore.

Last I checked the liberals despite the country being majority against it according to the polls shoved it through to Obamas desk which he signed without reading it. That's with zero GOP support. That's shoving it down our throats. Westwall is 100% correct and you haven't proven shit. Start proving your point or shut up.
Maybe because they have a bundle of stocks in Humana and Novant.

Maybe because they give a shit while Republicans would just as soon allow those without insurance to die

And yet, the reality of it is when O care gets fully up and operational, there will be more people dying than before. I am however, still waiting, with baited breath, for a list of Hillary's accomplishments.

The Fox is strong n this one

Still insisting Obamacare will fail......any day now
Obamacare has already failed. What was passed was never implemented and it has been changed so often by EO that the Supreme Court will weight in on this. Again.
Yeah, just keep saying that and click your heels 3 times.....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Obamacare has failed to make isuarance the following,

1.) affordable
2.) To insure the uninsurable. Medicaid is doing that not ACA or market place. Medicaid sucks by the way.
3) help drive down the cost of healthcare that gets billed to insurance companies.

The main problem I have with obamacare is the effect it is having and the worsening effect it will have on our economy. As any employee and any business owner what they are being FORCED to do to stay in business and to keep a profit. Small business refuse to grow due to the mandate. That alone limits USA potential in what is supposed to be a limitless potential greatness country. Med companies are becoming small by firing employees or removing them from full time. That reduces their income and hurt tax revenue with an 19 trillion debt and 100 trillion in unfunded federal obligations, and with a fed reserve that owes 4.5 trillion from printing money. I can go on and on. Econmically this should have never passed.

Bottom line is Pelosi and reid and Obama knew Obamacare would fail and were counting on a public option. Now in 2010 when the GOP took the house by huge margins that put that to rest and it's now dead with a senate GOP. Now we are stuck with a shitty bill that extends to all parts of our country from the fed to the citizen.

Every liberal knows it and they will die by it. They can't run from it.
I see you support a proven liar who is also the enabling wife of an adulterer and child molester.

Both Clitons have done more to get healtcare to Americans in need than "let em die" republicans
Maybe because they have a bundle of stocks in Humana and Novant.

Maybe because they give a shit while Republicans would just as soon allow those without insurance to die

And yet, the reality of it is when O care gets fully up and operational, there will be more people dying than before. I am however, still waiting, with baited breath, for a list of Hillary's accomplishments.
What a pile of stupid bullshit, completely lacking in any foundation, with ZERO facts and ZERO data support. It's nothing more than a butthurt opinion because you dislike Hillary, who is the subject of the OP. Lol..... Please, let's come back to this in 2019. I will be laughing at you for a long, long time.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Stat was is hilary's good accomplishments? Surely someone who believes in her must do so because she's accomplished something..... Gotta have more than a last name.. List them.
Both Clitons have done more to get healtcare to Americans in need than "let em die" republicans
Maybe because they have a bundle of stocks in Humana and Novant.

Maybe because they give a shit while Republicans would just as soon allow those without insurance to die

And yet, the reality of it is when O care gets fully up and operational, there will be more people dying than before. I am however, still waiting, with baited breath, for a list of Hillary's accomplishments.
What a pile of stupid bullshit, completely lacking in any foundation, with ZERO facts and ZERO data support. It's nothing more than a butthurt opinion because you dislike Hillary, who is the subject of the OP. Lol..... Please, let's come back to this in 2019. I will be laughing at you for a long, long time.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Stat was is hilary's good accomplishments? Surely someone who believes in her must do so because she's accomplished something..... Gotta have more than a last name.. List them.
Hey she faked her way into a Senate seat. She faked her way into being Secof State. She lied about a bunch of stuff and got away with it. What more could you want? Oh, did I mention her vagina?
Maybe because they have a bundle of stocks in Humana and Novant.

Maybe because they give a shit while Republicans would just as soon allow those without insurance to die

And yet, the reality of it is when O care gets fully up and operational, there will be more people dying than before. I am however, still waiting, with baited breath, for a list of Hillary's accomplishments.
What a pile of stupid bullshit, completely lacking in any foundation, with ZERO facts and ZERO data support. It's nothing more than a butthurt opinion because you dislike Hillary, who is the subject of the OP. Lol..... Please, let's come back to this in 2019. I will be laughing at you for a long, long time.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Stat was is hilary's good accomplishments? Surely someone who believes in her must do so because she's accomplished something..... Gotta have more than a last name.. List them.
Hey she faked her way into a Senate seat. She faked her way into being Secof State. She lied about a bunch of stuff and got away with it. What more could you want? Oh, did I mention her vagina?
YOU ARE FILTH. Any man who would mention a woman's vagina in this context is not a man at all but a pathetic little worm.
Maybe because they give a shit while Republicans would just as soon allow those without insurance to die

And yet, the reality of it is when O care gets fully up and operational, there will be more people dying than before. I am however, still waiting, with baited breath, for a list of Hillary's accomplishments.
What a pile of stupid bullshit, completely lacking in any foundation, with ZERO facts and ZERO data support. It's nothing more than a butthurt opinion because you dislike Hillary, who is the subject of the OP. Lol..... Please, let's come back to this in 2019. I will be laughing at you for a long, long time.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Stat was is hilary's good accomplishments? Surely someone who believes in her must do so because she's accomplished something..... Gotta have more than a last name.. List them.
Hey she faked her way into a Senate seat. She faked her way into being Secof State. She lied about a bunch of stuff and got away with it. What more could you want? Oh, did I mention her vagina?
YOU ARE FILTH. Any man who would mention a woman's vagina in this context is not a man at all but a pathetic little worm.
We're discussing her qualifications and that seems to be her main one. If she were a man no one would think about her. Right?
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Facts, information and accomplishments about Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hillary Rodham Clinton:
67th United States Secretary of State, United States Senator, First Lady of the United States and First Lady of Arkansas. She is well-known across the globe as an American politician. Hillary Rodham Clinton was the Secretary of State for the US from 2009-2013. She served under President Barack Obama. She went to Wellesley College and was a commencement speaker which is where she first attracted national attention.

Twice, Hillary Clinton has been listed in the list of the100 most influential American lawyers. When she was the First lady of Arkansas while her husband served as the governor she was successful in leading the task force that reformed the education system in Arkansas. During her time as First Lady the Whitewater controversy and the Lewinski scandal were highly publicized in the media. The public's opinion of her increased sizably during the Lewinski scandal and many speculated it was because of the poise with which she carried herself during the time.

Hillary Clinton is regarded as the First Lady that has been most empowered, except Eleanor Roosevelt. She has served two terms as a US Senator and ran for the presidential office. The American general public considers her a liberal. She has worked in favor of universal health care. No other First ladies held a post-graduate degree before Hillary Rodham Clinton. Bill was heard during his campaign to say he was providing, 'two for one price,' in reference to the work that his wife would be doing alongside him. She has been a strong advocate for a revamping of society morally, stating we were suffering from a 'sleeping sickness of the soul.' She and Bill Clinton have one daughter, Chelsea.

Hillary Clinton Facts Summary Accomplishments
Hillary Rodham Clinton: 67th United States Secretary of State, United States Senator, First Lady of the United States and First Lady of Arkansas. She is well-known across the globe as an American politician. Hillary Rodham Clinton was the Secretary of State for the US from 2009-2013. She served under President Barack Obama. She went to Wellesley College and was a commencement speaker which is where she first attracted national attention.

Twice, Hillary Clinton has been listed in the list of the100 most influential American lawyers. When she was the First lady of Arkansas while her husband served as the governor she was successful in leading the task force that reformed the education system in Arkansas. During her time as First Lady the Whitewater controversy and the Lewinski scandal were highly publicized in the media. The public's opinion of her increased sizably during the Lewinski scandal and many speculated it was because of the poise with which she carried herself during the time.

Hillary Clinton is regarded as the First Lady that has been most empowered, except Eleanor Roosevelt. She has served two terms as a US Senator and ran for the presidential office. The American general public considers her a liberal. She has worked in favor of universal health care. No other First ladies held a post-graduate degree before Hillary Rodham Clinton. Bill was heard during his campaign to say he was providing, 'two for one price,' in reference to the work that his wife would be doing alongside him. She has been a strong advocate for a revamping of society morally, stating we were suffering from a 'sleeping sickness of the soul.' She and Bill Clinton have one daughter, Chelsea.

Hillary Clinton Facts Summary Accomplishments
Public opinion increased about her during the Lewinsky scandal. That's an accomplishment? Seriously? Is it even true? I think most women thought she should have dumped the cheating asshole.
And yet, the reality of it is when O care gets fully up and operational, there will be more people dying than before. I am however, still waiting, with baited breath, for a list of Hillary's accomplishments.
What a pile of stupid bullshit, completely lacking in any foundation, with ZERO facts and ZERO data support. It's nothing more than a butthurt opinion because you dislike Hillary, who is the subject of the OP. Lol..... Please, let's come back to this in 2019. I will be laughing at you for a long, long time.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Stat was is hilary's good accomplishments? Surely someone who believes in her must do so because she's accomplished something..... Gotta have more than a last name.. List them.
Hey she faked her way into a Senate seat. She faked her way into being Secof State. She lied about a bunch of stuff and got away with it. What more could you want? Oh, did I mention her vagina?
YOU ARE FILTH. Any man who would mention a woman's vagina in this context is not a man at all but a pathetic little worm.
We're discussing her qualifications and that seems to be her main one. If she were a man no one would think about her. Right?
You are a disgusting, filthy worm.
Does your wife know you talk about women this way? Does your daughter? How would you like people to reduce the value of your wife or daughter down to their vaginas? You're no man. No decent man would ever do what you are doing.
Although her major initiative, the Clinton health care plan failed, it certainly set the groundwork for the health care law we have today, the Affordable Care Act. And she played a leading role in advocating the creation of the State Children's Health Insurance Program, which provides state support for children whose parents cannot provide them with health coverage. She promoted nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses. She also played a leading role in creation of the Adoption and Safe Families Act and the Foster Care Independence Act. She encouraged older women to seek a mammogram for early detection of breast cancer (which is covered by Medicare) and successfully sought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the NIH. She worked to investigate illnesses that were reportedly affecting Veterans of the Gulf War; now commonly known as Gulf War Syndrome. And she created an Office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice. She is also the first first lady to hold a post graduate degree, and she traveled to more countries than any other first lady had at that time.

As a U.S. senator, she was the first first lady to be elected to this office. She was instrumental in securing $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site's redevelopment. She subsequently took a leading role in investigating the health issues that 9/11 first responders were facing.

After visiting soldiers in Iraq, Clinton noted that the insurgency had failed to disrupt the democratic elections held earlier, and that parts of the country were functioning well. Noting that war deployments were draining regular and reserve forces, she co-introduced legislation to increase the size of the regular Army by 80,000 soldiers to ease the strain and supported retaining and improving health benefits for veterans. She also she introduced the Family Entertainment Protection Act.

That was just in her first term. She was easily re-elected and accomplished much in her second term as well. And who can forget her run for the presidency, receiving more than 17 million votes during the nomination process?

As our secretary of state, Clinton visited 112 countries, helping to repair a badly damaged U.S. reputation. She advocated an expanded role in global economic issues for the State Department and cited the need for an increased U.S. diplomatic presence, especially in Iraq, where the Defense Department had conducted diplomatic missions. Clinton unveiled the Global Hunger and Food Security program, prevailed over Vice President Biden to send an additional 21,000 troops to Afghanistan, saved the signing of a Turkish-Armenian accord, and assisted the president with major decisions as to the U.S. position with regard to the revolution in Egypt and the decision to use military force in Libya.

Hillary doesn't need the merits of her husband; nor does she need to be attacked for standing by her man after his affair. That is her private and personal decision. And the fact that we are still focused more on Bill than Hil speaks volumes to why the United States still has not had a female president.
Hillary Clinton Can Stand On Her Own Accomplishments - US News
Hillary Clinton is widely admired for her intelligence, drive, and success as secretary of state. Her four years in office have been marked by a series of noteworthy accomplishments and near lack of serious missteps. Replacing her is a daunting task even for someone with Senator Kerry’s impressive foreign policy credentials. Below are 5 highlights from Clinton’s tenure:
1. People-to-People Diplomacy

Clinton understands the importance of strengthening ties with friends and allies while simultaneously engaging adversaries. Through intensive personal interaction, she has deftly built new relationships and managed old ones in a way that advance U.S. interests. In her own words, she has endeavored to ensure that the U.S. has “…a seat at every table that has the potential for being a partnership to solve problems.” For example, she expertly led efforts to rescue Chen Guangcheng, the dissident who took refuge in the U.S. Embassy in Beijing in May 2012, without crippling U.S.-China relations. Clinton has been the most active secretary of state in history, as a result. She has traveled more frequently and visited more countries than any of her predecessors; to date, her travels have spanned nearly 1 million miles and 112 countries.

2. The Importance of Economics

Clinton articulated a new vision of Economic Statecraft that made domestic economic growth – e.g. helping U.S. companies win business overseas – a key pillar of U.S. foreign policy. She made foreign policy relevant to the broader economic conversation, taking place in the U.S. in a show of political savvy few previous secretaries could match. And Clinton appointed the State Department’s first ever-chief economist to help implement Clinton’s vision. She also supported the more traditional economic aspects of foreign policy – such as sanctions – including those that crippled the Iranian government – and free trade – including Free Trade Agreements with allies Panama, Colombia, and South Korea.

3. Restoring American Credibility

Building on people-to-people diplomacy, Clinton has promoted U.S. values in a firm but respectful way that restored international faith in the U.S. that eroded during the Bush administration. Her outreach to Burma balances unwavering support for human rights with the promise of support to a previously suspicious regime and has opened that country to the world for the first time in decades. Aung San Suu Kyi is now free and her party actively participating in the governance reform effort in Burma. Clinton also rejuvenated U.S. engagement in the Middle East by brokering a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel earlier this year. Her shuttle diplomacy and coordination with Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi will likely give the U.S. greater leverage to pursue a robust peace process in 2013.

4. Diplomacy is National Security

The now iconic picture of senior officials gathered in the Situation Room during the Osama Bin Laden raid will forever memorialize one of the principal national security achievements of the first Obama administration. Clinton supported the raid and was a key player in adjusting U.S.-Pakistan relations afterwards. She was also a strong proponent of NATO airstrikes in Libya that eventually led to Muammar Gaddafi’s ouster. Her active diplomacy was critical to securing United Nations Security Council authorization of the Libya mission and maintaining strong European and regional support for it. Without such robust diplomatic effort, the use of military force – in Pakistan and Libya – would not have been nearly as effective. Clinton’s role in these two military campaigns highlights the central role foreign policy plays in U.S. national security in the 21st century.

5. Texts From Hillary

In 2012, Clinton became an internet sensation because of a series of memes depicting her having fictitious, comical text exchanges with other celebrities while wearing her trademark sunglasses. Texts from Hillary became so popular that Clinton herself submitted her own caption to the website and invited its creators to meet with her at the State Department. Her star power and ability to capture the imagination of individuals around the world is one noteworthy aspect of her success.

Senator Kerry will likely succeed Hillary Clinton in early 2013. Her tenure as secretary of state is filled with accomplishments that taken together demonstrate the resurgence of U.S. diplomacy and restoration of American credibility. Her specific successes – such as Burma’s opening to the world or crippling effect of Iran sanctions – are important, but so too are her focus on people-to-people diplomacy and economics. Senator Kerry would do well to build upon Clinton’s impressive record once he moves over to Foggy Bottom.

5 Top Highlights in Hillary Clinton s Secretary of State Tenure - Mic

Hey she faked her way into a Senate seat. She faked her way into being Secof State. She lied about a bunch of stuff and got away with it. What more could you want? Oh, did I mention her vagina?

Clinton (D) 55.27%
Rick Lazio (R) 43.01%
others 1.72%

margin: Clinton (D) +12.26%, in a year where Al Gore (D) won nationally by +0.52% and Bush (R) won in the EC, 271-266-1, 11.74 points ABOVE the national average. Also in a year where the D's only won in all senatorials combined by +0.69%: 48.40% to 47.71%

Clinton (D) 67.00%
Spencer (R) 31.01%
others 1.98%

margin: Clinton +35.59%, in a year where the D's won the senatorials nationally by +11.52%, 24.07 points ABOVE the national average.

If she "faked" her way into a Senate seat, then so did Imhofe and DeMint, for example.

You are truly miserable at math.

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