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Hillary Clinton: Qualifications to be President

Then the Pubs are just gonna have to change the 'experience' benchmarks, from 'exposure to Washington', over to 'governance'.

At least Bubba Clinton had done a stint as a Governor of a State, before we gave him the keys to the White House.

We let a rookie junior first-term Senator from Illinois into the White House, and he managed to screw the pooch, and lose both houses of Congress.

There are, indeed, examples of Presidential success stories, under circumstances wherein the candidate had not governed, first.

But, after this last Presidency, I think the Nation is better off looking for someone who has actually governed, albeit on a State level, rather than giving the job to another political hack and manufactured celebrity, with nothing more than some time in the Senate, as credentials.

You can serve on a Leadership Committee, then go on to actually LEAD, and be successful, but you have a MUCH better CHANCE of succeeding, if you have already cut your teeth on another sizable Leadership opportunity (State governorship), and made most of your mistakes on somebody else's nickle, before trying to play The Palace.

Or so logic would seem to indicate, as a preferred pathway to the Presidency.

Experience in the office you seek beats being a governor

Hillary had eight years in the Whitehouse followed by four years as Secretary of State. She understands the job she is seeking

A governor understands internal politics of his state but has no understanding of international politics, Washington politics or the internal workings of the executive branch
Being a First Lady is not a time-tested and viable pathway to the Presidency.

A governor understands how to intertwine the work of an Executive Branch with a Legislative Branch and a Judicial Branch, albeit on the State level.

It's why so many Governors have made it to the White House, and why no First Ladies have made it to the White House.

Even merely within the timeframe from the passage of the 19th... the track record speaks for itself.

Never been done before. Eleanor Roosevelt had similar executive office experience as First Lady. But combine those eight years experience with eight years in the Senate and four as Secretary of State and you have executive level experience that no Governor can match
You and I are (apparently) irreconcilable, in our opinions of 'exectuve-level experience' versus 'governing experience'.

I will happily concede that Eleanor Roosevelt, Edith Wilson, and such, were 'Presidential Partners' of the highest caliber. and I'll even concede that Hillary Clinton might arguably be included in that distinguished company, however, I will also stick to my guns, to the extent where I hold that "Observer-caliber" experience is inferior to "Governing-caliber" experience.

A governor has already had front-line experience in balancing a viable Executive alongside the Legislative and Judicial, first hand. An observer lacks that experience.

A legislator (such as a Senator) has merely participated in lawmaking and oversight on a group or committee level, and is not making 'The Buck Stops Here' -caliber decisions as the sole 'Deciderer'.

A department head (such as an SoS) can, indeed, be exposed to a myriad of high-level concepts and goals and constraints - such as those seen within the domain of Foreign Policy - and is, indeed, charged with making mid-range decisions in pursuit of higher-range ones decided by others - but the running of such a department leans heavily upon the entrenched bureaucrats of that department and custom and usage and preexisting strategies and goals and plans and can be run in a rather autocratic fashion, with only a macro-level accountability to the Legislative branch of government.

A governor, on the other hand, has done it all, albeit on a State-level scale - the most important of which, running a 'polity' (a State) - running a 'collective' - with the consent of the governed and alongside a watchful legislature and judiciary: the power of life and death over capital cases, State of the Polity addresses, budgeting, expenditures, collaboration with the Legislature, dealing with the 'mini-governors' of his polity (mayors), soliciting and disbursing Federal tax monies in addition to revenues raised within his own borders, proposing and disposing of policy and strategies, enticing business, taming civil unrest and popular dissatisfaction, tending to Constitutional issues with the courts, etc.

You know.. the kind of things that a Governor (President) of ALL the States does - X (times) 50.

Our 50 governor's mansions are the Minor Leagues from which we draw many of our All-Stars.

Some 50 different Presidential Training Boot Camps - a facility that the American People oftentimes take advantage of.

Given two opposing candidates of good repute and service and vision and prospects, personally, I would choose the former Governor, nearly every time.

I do not see sufficient talent nor vision nor experience on Hillary's part to make this one of those occasional Exceptions - but that's just me.

Yes and you can also argue that the mayor of Wasilla also has those experiences but on a "smaller level"

Washington DC is the big time and the Executive Branch is the premier level of experience. Being the Governor of a state, especially a small state does not equate to playing in the big time. You do not have "Federal" responsibilities or experiences
I have nothing to add to this, RW, so, I'll have to let my arguments stand or fall on their merits... thx.
Hillarys exposure to Washington and global politics during her time as First Lady exceeds any current Republican.

You are welcome to try to prove otherwise
Then the Pubs are just gonna have to change the 'experience' benchmarks, from 'exposure to Washington', over to 'governance'.

At least Bubba Clinton had done a stint as a Governor of a State, before we gave him the keys to the White House.

We let a rookie junior first-term Senator from Illinois into the White House, and he managed to screw the pooch, and lose both houses of Congress.

There are, indeed, examples of Presidential success stories, under circumstances wherein the candidate had not governed, first.

But, after this last Presidency, I think the Nation is better off looking for someone who has actually governed, albeit on a State level, rather than giving the job to another political hack and manufactured celebrity, with nothing more than some time in the Senate, as credentials.

You can serve on a Leadership Committee, then go on to actually LEAD, and be successful, but you have a MUCH better CHANCE of succeeding, if you have already cut your teeth on another sizable Leadership opportunity (State governorship), and made most of your mistakes on somebody else's nickle, before trying to play The Palace.

Or so logic would seem to indicate, as a preferred pathway to the Presidency.

Experience in the office you seek beats being a governor

Hillary had eight years in the Whitehouse followed by four years as Secretary of State. She understands the job she is seeking

A governor understands internal politics of his state but has no understanding of international politics, Washington politics or the internal workings of the executive branch
Being a First Lady is not a time-tested and viable pathway to the Presidency.

A governor understands how to intertwine the work of an Executive Branch with a Legislative Branch and a Judicial Branch, albeit on the State level.

It's why so many Governors have made it to the White House, and why no First Ladies have made it to the White House.

Even merely within the timeframe from the passage of the 19th... the track record speaks for itself.

How many women have used being first lady to qualify them for candidacy?
It qualified her for Senator, then Presidential candidate, then Sec State
It qualified her for none of those and as a result she failed in every one.
Sure is going to be pretty damn funny when after a community organizer beat the best the GOP had to offer US twice, this Hillary old timer with NOTHING (according to GOPers) to hang her hat on, hands the GOP's ass to them in 2016! lol

Yes, continually screwing the middle class is hilarious.

So a right winger claims Hillary is trying to screw the middle class. I guess that is to be expected, with the way the right gets everything backwards. They were, after all, the ones who made such a big deal about FEMA Prisons, Death Panels, and BENGHAZI-BENGHAZI-BENGHAZI

No, a sane person looks at the track record and concludes that Congress doesn't give a crap about the middle class. Left wing or right wing. What's amusing is lefty's such as yourself can't seem to figure it out.
Sure is going to be pretty damn funny when after a community organizer beat the best the GOP had to offer US twice, this Hillary old timer with NOTHING (according to GOPers) to hang her hat on, hands the GOP's ass to them in 2016! lol

Yes, continually screwing the middle class is hilarious.

So a right winger claims Hillary is trying to screw the middle class. I guess that is to be expected, with the way the right gets everything backwards. They were, after all, the ones who made such a big deal about FEMA Prisons, Death Panels, and BENGHAZI-BENGHAZI-BENGHAZI
Is the middle class better off today than it was when Obama took office?
What policy differences does Hillary have to indicate she will make things better for the middle class?

You will of course deflect, insult, and do anything other than answer thsoe questions. Because you are hopeless.

I'm not sure Hillary has been in position personally to effect the middle class during the last six years. Does the Secretary of State usually have much control of the plight of the middle class? I don't really see what your first question has to do with the subject, but if you can explain how it does, I will be happy to answer.
Hillary does have massive policy differences with the right, a few small policy differences with Obama. Considering the crash that the right wing handed him, and the constant obstruction he has had to battle, he has done better than I expected. Hopefully, Hillary will continue the work that Obama has started. The right has, and will have nothing but crazies to offer, so, unless another viable Democrat joins the contest, there is only one choice.
Sure is going to be pretty damn funny when after a community organizer beat the best the GOP had to offer US twice, this Hillary old timer with NOTHING (according to GOPers) to hang her hat on, hands the GOP's ass to them in 2016! lol

Yes, continually screwing the middle class is hilarious.

So a right winger claims Hillary is trying to screw the middle class. I guess that is to be expected, with the way the right gets everything backwards. They were, after all, the ones who made such a big deal about FEMA Prisons, Death Panels, and BENGHAZI-BENGHAZI-BENGHAZI

No, a sane person looks at the track record and concludes that Congress doesn't give a crap about the middle class. Left wing or right wing. What's amusing is lefty's such as yourself can't seem to figure it out.

Unless you are trying to say Hillary controls what congress does, your remark has nothing to do with this discussion. I know it's hard for you to remember, but the rules really do say we should stay on subject. This subject is about Hillary's qualifications. Not Congress. What's amusing is righties such as yourself can't seem to figure that out
Sure is going to be pretty damn funny when after a community organizer beat the best the GOP had to offer US twice, this Hillary old timer with NOTHING (according to GOPers) to hang her hat on, hands the GOP's ass to them in 2016! lol
Can you imagine after being thoroughly beaten by a Kenyan community organizer having to admit that an old scraggly woman in a pantsuit kicked the shit out of you
Sure is going to be pretty damn funny when after a community organizer beat the best the GOP had to offer US twice, this Hillary old timer with NOTHING (according to GOPers) to hang her hat on, hands the GOP's ass to them in 2016! lol
Can you imagine after being thoroughly beaten by a Kenyan community organizer having to admit that an old scraggly woman in a pantsuit kicked the shit out of you
It'll be tough for Hillary if Warren beats her in the primaries. Good point there, nutjobber.
Sure is going to be pretty damn funny when after a community organizer beat the best the GOP had to offer US twice, this Hillary old timer with NOTHING (according to GOPers) to hang her hat on, hands the GOP's ass to them in 2016! lol
Can you imagine after being thoroughly beaten by a Kenyan community organizer having to admit that an old scraggly woman in a pantsuit kicked the shit out of you

Hillary is very familiar with that actually
Hillary Clinton, Empty Pantsuit: Her Track Record from the Senate

Hillary Clinton has introduced bills to the Senate at a blistering pace. She has sponsored 337 bills in her Senate tenure so far, or an average of 288.9 per term. This is the highest number of any of her Democratic cohorts:

Unfortunately, very little of this legislation has moved. Of Hillary's 337 bills, only 46 have made it to the Committee stage, giving her a 13.6% batting average; the typical Democrat has a 17.4% batting average. In other words, Hillary Clinton has been relatively ineffective at getting her sponsored bills to Committee; she ranks 24 of the 39 Democrats in this department.

There are different types of senators. There are those like Diane Feinstein that sponsor a lot of legislation, and get a lot of bills passed. There are those like Robert Byrd and Ben Nelson that barely have a pulse, rarely introducing legislation and rarely getting it passed. There are a couple like Ron Wyden and Daniel Akaka who rarely introduce legislation, but are efficient at converting it into law when they do. And then there is Hillary Clinton, who introduces a ton of legislation, but has been very ineffective at making good on it. This is easier to see visually; there is nobody else in her category

Almost all senators introduce bills like this from time to time, so Hillary is not unique in this regard. She just happens to do it more often than anyone else. (A cynic might also claim that she does this to increase her "bills sponsored" statistic for when nerds like me look at these sorts of numbers).

The second reason for this pattern may be that she lacks follow-through. This could be for any number of reasons:

  1. She is ineffective at articulating the importance of her positions in committees or on the Senate floor.
  1. She lacks the collaborative skills to rally support around her legislation.
  1. She is poorly organized, or unfocused.
  1. She is more concerned about the symbolic trappings of her bills than their actual effect on Americans.
Whatever the reason, none of these attributes speak well to Hillary's leadership abilities. As she is running a campaign themed leadership and competence, I think we need to scrutinize record, and ask why she has been mostly an empty pantsuit in the Senate

Hillary Clinton Empty Pantsuit Her Track Record from the Senate
Sure is going to be pretty damn funny when after a community organizer beat the best the GOP had to offer US twice, this Hillary old timer with NOTHING (according to GOPers) to hang her hat on, hands the GOP's ass to them in 2016! lol
Can you imagine after being thoroughly beaten by a Kenyan community organizer having to admit that an old scraggly woman in a pantsuit kicked the shit out of you
It'll be tough for Hillary if Warren beats her in the primaries. Good point there, nutjobber.

Good...I like Warren and she would be better for the country. But she is a political lightweight and lacks the Clinton political machine
Sure is going to be pretty damn funny when after a community organizer beat the best the GOP had to offer US twice, this Hillary old timer with NOTHING (according to GOPers) to hang her hat on, hands the GOP's ass to them in 2016! lol
Can you imagine after being thoroughly beaten by a Kenyan community organizer having to admit that an old scraggly woman in a pantsuit kicked the shit out of you
It'll be tough for Hillary if Warren beats her in the primaries. Good point there, nutjobber.

Good...I like Warren and she would be better for the country. But she is a political lightweight and lacks the Clinton political machine
CLinton is a political heavyweight? I guess compared to the rest of the dufuses in the Democrat party, like Al Francken and Dianne Feinstein you might be right.
Sure is going to be pretty damn funny when after a community organizer beat the best the GOP had to offer US twice, this Hillary old timer with NOTHING (according to GOPers) to hang her hat on, hands the GOP's ass to them in 2016! lol
Can you imagine after being thoroughly beaten by a Kenyan community organizer having to admit that an old scraggly woman in a pantsuit kicked the shit out of you
It'll be tough for Hillary if Warren beats her in the primaries. Good point there, nutjobber.

Good...I like Warren and she would be better for the country. But she is a political lightweight and lacks the Clinton political machine
CLinton is a political heavyweight? I guess compared to the rest of the dufuses in the Democrat party, like Al Francken and Dianne Feinstein you might be right.

Wow, sounds like reading comprehension ain't one of your strong points, either.
Obama was a one term senator of Illinois who wouldn't have even won that if mike Ditka would of ran against him.that year (which he was thinking to do)

Lincoln was a one term senator also and obozo has more degrees than him , but other then that there is no comparison between the two, Obama is a fucking moron politically
Obama had a secretary named Lincoln, and Lincoln had a secretary named Obama!
Sure is going to be pretty damn funny when after a community organizer beat the best the GOP had to offer US twice, this Hillary old timer with NOTHING (according to GOPers) to hang her hat on, hands the GOP's ass to them in 2016! lol
Can you imagine after being thoroughly beaten by a Kenyan community organizer having to admit that an old scraggly woman in a pantsuit kicked the shit out of you
It'll be tough for Hillary if Warren beats her in the primaries. Good point there, nutjobber.

Good...I like Warren and she would be better for the country. But she is a political lightweight and lacks the Clinton political machine
CLinton is a political heavyweight? I guess compared to the rest of the dufuses in the Democrat party, like Al Francken and Dianne Feinstein you might be right.

Wow, sounds like reading comprehension ain't one of your strong points, either.
Please feel free to point out where I was wrong.
This ought to be good.
Can you imagine after being thoroughly beaten by a Kenyan community organizer having to admit that an old scraggly woman in a pantsuit kicked the shit out of you
It'll be tough for Hillary if Warren beats her in the primaries. Good point there, nutjobber.

Good...I like Warren and she would be better for the country. But she is a political lightweight and lacks the Clinton political machine
CLinton is a political heavyweight? I guess compared to the rest of the dufuses in the Democrat party, like Al Francken and Dianne Feinstein you might be right.

Wow, sounds like reading comprehension ain't one of your strong points, either.
Please feel free to point out where I was wrong.
This ought to be good.

I suggest you reread what rightwinger said very S-L-O-W-L-Y...
It'll be tough for Hillary if Warren beats her in the primaries. Good point there, nutjobber.

Good...I like Warren and she would be better for the country. But she is a political lightweight and lacks the Clinton political machine
CLinton is a political heavyweight? I guess compared to the rest of the dufuses in the Democrat party, like Al Francken and Dianne Feinstein you might be right.

Wow, sounds like reading comprehension ain't one of your strong points, either.
Please feel free to point out where I was wrong.
This ought to be good.

I suggest you reread what rightwinger said very S-L-O-W-L-Y...
OK so you cant point out anything wrong.
Really you can only look stupid for 24 hrs a day. After that it's a new day. That must be some kind of comfort.

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