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Hillary Clinton: Qualifications to be President

Her resume is SO strong that a Junior Senator from Illinois with who's ONLY real "qualification" was that he wasn't white beat her.
Obama was elected instead of Mrs. Clinton because he was a man. America was more ready to have a black man than a woman. Now, they are ready to have a woman, except for some, and I'm sure we will see plenty of their rabid screechings demeaning her because she is female.

We will probably see a lot of posts on this board demeaning Mrs. Clinton for being female. The reality is that if the GOP does it, or their representatives or spokesmen, people like Limbaugh, it will only work against them. The vast majority of Americans do not want to vote with a party that demeans women simply for being women,who speak of a woman with demeaning labels, etc. If the GOP, the right wing, do that, they will be harming themselves far more than Mrs. Clinton's campaign.
Democrats failed to nominate Clinton over Obama.
Democrats demean women.
What about that is unclear to you?

Hillary Clinton Facts Summary Accomplishments

This is what they list as her accomplishments.....

"She went to Wellesley College and was a commencement speaker which is where she first attracted national attention." - See more at: Hillary Clinton Facts Summary Accomplishments

"When she was the First lady of Arkansas while her husband served as the governor she was successful in leading the task force that reformed the education system in Arkansas." - See more at: Hillary Clinton Facts Summary Accomplishments

That's it. Everything else is a list of jobs she got because her husband was POTUS once upon a time.

That's really the best you can come up with?

I know it is the current rightwing talking point, but it is far from the truth

Hillary was ELECTED twice to the Senate from NY. It was her name on the ballot
Hillary was named to be Secretary of State not because of who her husband was but because of how well she had done in the Presidential primaries

She was elected because her husband had been Pres, that's it. The Democrat machine got behind her because they wanted her in that position to help them. When she was there what the hell did she do? C'mon mr. fluffer, there's lots of Senators out there. What the hell did she do in 12 years? Name the bills she co-authored. Name the committee's she sat on and the influential decisions she helped craft. C'mon. Show us something other than her despotism derived jobs.

Can we discuss how George W Bush got elected then?
Exactly. And Mrs. Clinton is far more intelligent, has a stronger character, and is better prepared for the office.
She has stronger character, sure. She has bad character. She is a liar, condescending, and devious. She thinks she's smarter than you. And in your case she's probably right.
Her resume is SO strong that a Junior Senator from Illinois with who's ONLY real "qualification" was that he wasn't white beat her.
Obama was elected instead of Mrs. Clinton because he was a man. America was more ready to have a black man than a woman. Now, they are ready to have a woman, except for some, and I'm sure we will see plenty of their rabid screechings demeaning her because she is female.

We will probably see a lot of posts on this board demeaning Mrs. Clinton for being female. The reality is that if the GOP does it, or their representatives or spokesmen, people like Limbaugh, it will only work against them. The vast majority of Americans do not want to vote with a party that demeans women simply for being women,who speak of a woman with demeaning labels, etc. If the GOP, the right wing, do that, they will be harming themselves far more than Mrs. Clinton's campaign.
Democrats failed to nominate Clinton over Obama.
Democrats demean women.
What about that is unclear to you?

Republicans failed to nominate Reagan over Ford in 1976.
Republicans demean Californians.
What about that is unclear to you?

Damn, this is just too easy....
Hillarys exposure to Washington and global politics during her time as First Lady exceeds any current Republican.

You are welcome to try to prove otherwise
Then the Pubs are just gonna have to change the 'experience' benchmarks, from 'exposure to Washington', over to 'governance'.

At least Bubba Clinton had done a stint as a Governor of a State, before we gave him the keys to the White House.

We let a rookie junior first-term Senator from Illinois into the White House, and he managed to screw the pooch, and lose both houses of Congress.

There are, indeed, examples of Presidential success stories, under circumstances wherein the candidate had not governed, first.

But, after this last Presidency, I think the Nation is better off looking for someone who has actually governed, albeit on a State level, rather than giving the job to another political hack and manufactured celebrity, with nothing more than some time in the Senate, as credentials.

You can serve on a Leadership Committee, then go on to actually LEAD, and be successful, but you have a MUCH better CHANCE of succeeding, if you have already cut your teeth on another sizable Leadership opportunity (State governorship), and made most of your mistakes on somebody else's nickle, before trying to play The Palace.

Or so logic would seem to indicate, as a preferred pathway to the Presidency.

Experience in the office you seek beats being a governor

Hillary had eight years in the Whitehouse followed by four years as Secretary of State. She understands the job she is seeking

A governor understands internal politics of his state but has no understanding of international politics, Washington politics or the internal workings of the executive branch
Being a First Lady is not a time-tested and viable pathway to the Presidency.

A governor understands how to intertwine the work of an Executive Branch with a Legislative Branch and a Judicial Branch, albeit on the State level.

It's why so many Governors have made it to the White House, and why no First Ladies have made it to the White House.

Even merely within the timeframe from the passage of the 19th... the track record speaks for itself.

How many women have used being first lady to qualify them for candidacy?
It's completely different. You guys obviously don't want to see it. She was not the Laura Bush type of first lady. She was involved, in the way Eleanor Roosevelt was. Mrs. Roosevelt would have made a good president too, and in many ways, she did. :)
Even if she was the best First Lady in the nation's history, in a functional sense - which she was not, IMHO - she is plagued by multiple scandals, she is widely perceived as one of the Arrogant Rich, and her personal life is widely perceived as one of deceit and licentious behaviors and a public embarrassment.

These are, quite possibly, not the best building blocks for a successful Presidential candidacy.

To make matters worse (for her), the Nation and the People have had a bellyful of Democrat-sponsored social re-engineering and Nanny-Statism and bypassing of Congress and rule by Imperial Decree to last it for a while.

If true (and I've come to think that maybe it is), it seems seems unlikely that the Nation will wish to continue down that path anytime soon, for another four or eight years.

There are healthcare and immigration and foreign policy mistakes to be corrected and reversed.
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Her resume is SO strong that a Junior Senator from Illinois with who's ONLY real "qualification" was that he wasn't white beat her.
Obama was elected instead of Mrs. Clinton because he was a man. America was more ready to have a black man than a woman. Now, they are ready to have a woman, except for some, and I'm sure we will see plenty of their rabid screechings demeaning her because she is female.

We will probably see a lot of posts on this board demeaning Mrs. Clinton for being female. The reality is that if the GOP does it, or their representatives or spokesmen, people like Limbaugh, it will only work against them. The vast majority of Americans do not want to vote with a party that demeans women simply for being women,who speak of a woman with demeaning labels, etc. If the GOP, the right wing, do that, they will be harming themselves far more than Mrs. Clinton's campaign.

Obama was elected because Hillary played it safe. Too afraid to upset the polls and make a solid stance. Hillary played it safe on Iraq. Didn't want the Republicans to be able to claim she was a woman, soft on terrorism, unpatriotic. Obama came out from the start declaring that Iraq was a bad war. By 2008, Obama had been proven right
Can you imagine after being thoroughly beaten by a Kenyan community organizer having to admit that an old scraggly woman in a pantsuit kicked the shit out of you
It'll be tough for Hillary if Warren beats her in the primaries. Good point there, nutjobber.

Good...I like Warren and she would be better for the country. But she is a political lightweight and lacks the Clinton political machine
CLinton is a political heavyweight? I guess compared to the rest of the dufuses in the Democrat party, like Al Francken and Dianne Feinstein you might be right.
Are you serious?

Who on the right had the political power and influence of Hillary Clinton?
Who on the right has the name recognition both home and abroad?
What power and influence does Hillary have?
Kim Kardashian has name recognition. I wouldnt call her a political heavyweight.

Are you serious?

Hillary has the power of name recognition. She is the most recognizable political figure in the country. She has the power to raise immense amounts of money from those who think she will eventually win. In terms of politics, that is immense power

I encourage Republicans to run Kim Kardashian.......she has more responsible political views
The parallels to 1951 are nothing less than astounding.

In 1951, the movement to draft Dwight D. Eisenhower was enormous - in both parties, to note.

64 years later, we see a similar groundswell in the US of A, this time for the best known woman in the USA.
Her resume is SO strong that a Junior Senator from Illinois with who's ONLY real "qualification" was that he wasn't white beat her.
Obama was elected instead of Mrs. Clinton because he was a man. America was more ready to have a black man than a woman. Now, they are ready to have a woman, except for some, and I'm sure we will see plenty of their rabid screechings demeaning her because she is female.

We will probably see a lot of posts on this board demeaning Mrs. Clinton for being female. The reality is that if the GOP does it, or their representatives or spokesmen, people like Limbaugh, it will only work against them. The vast majority of Americans do not want to vote with a party that demeans women simply for being women,who speak of a woman with demeaning labels, etc. If the GOP, the right wing, do that, they will be harming themselves far more than Mrs. Clinton's campaign.

Obama was elected because Hillary played it safe. Too afraid to upset the polls and make a solid stance. Hillary played it safe on Iraq. Didn't want the Republicans to be able to claim she was a woman, soft on terrorism, unpatriotic. Obama came out from the start declaring that Iraq was a bad war. By 2008, Obama had been proven right
And because he is a man. The idea is implicit in your post: she didn't want to appear soft because she is a woman. If you think her being a woman made no difference, you are wrong.

This is what they list as her accomplishments.....

"She went to Wellesley College and was a commencement speaker which is where she first attracted national attention." - See more at: Hillary Clinton Facts Summary Accomplishments

"When she was the First lady of Arkansas while her husband served as the governor she was successful in leading the task force that reformed the education system in Arkansas." - See more at: Hillary Clinton Facts Summary Accomplishments

That's it. Everything else is a list of jobs she got because her husband was POTUS once upon a time.

That's really the best you can come up with?

I know it is the current rightwing talking point, but it is far from the truth

Hillary was ELECTED twice to the Senate from NY. It was her name on the ballot
Hillary was named to be Secretary of State not because of who her husband was but because of how well she had done in the Presidential primaries
The funny thing is the Right has no one at all who is even close to Mrs. Clinton's accomplishments, intelligence and experience. Those in the GOP who are wanting to be President are dropping like flies because they know they can't win. Too funny. The Right continues to attack Mrs.Clinton for not being qualified, when all they have are bozos who know they are so unqualified, they won't even hazard running in the primaries. Reality is that whatever Mrs. Clinton's qualifications are, she far out distances anyone the GOP has to offer.
I'm sure, why even run against such a women?. You liberals are delusional. With any Conservative woman you demonize, degrade, impune. Bunch of hypocrites really. Mind numbed and oblivious to any kind of reality. You people actually get emotionally attached to sleazeball politicians. Sad day in America

This is, of course, a huge lie and you are a huge fucking liar.

I have spoken in GLOWING tones of Condi Rice, right here on this forum, you stupid fuckface.

Not only that, I have also had nothing but praise for Kay Bailey Hutchinson - what a shame that she did not stay in office.

And there is Suzanna Martinez, who may one day be an adequate standard bearer for your party, but only maybe, since she is a Latina and Rrrrrrraging Rrrrrrabid Rrrrrrasist Rrrrrrighties hate Latinos.

You are just plain old sad. One day, if you work really hard at it, you may even be able to put together an actual argument.

Who do you think your talking to boy? I make it a point not to say anything to anyone on this board that i wouldn't say to a persons face. Understand? and i guarantee you, you wouldn't talk that crap to me in person and walk away,s o try to act like an adult when you talk to me. as far as the meat of your comment that might be the case with you, but in general terms Democrats demonize conservative women as they do with conservative African Americans that's a fact
This is what they list as her accomplishments.....

"She went to Wellesley College and was a commencement speaker which is where she first attracted national attention." - See more at: Hillary Clinton Facts Summary Accomplishments

"When she was the First lady of Arkansas while her husband served as the governor she was successful in leading the task force that reformed the education system in Arkansas." - See more at: Hillary Clinton Facts Summary Accomplishments

That's it. Everything else is a list of jobs she got because her husband was POTUS once upon a time.

That's really the best you can come up with?

I know it is the current rightwing talking point, but it is far from the truth

Hillary was ELECTED twice to the Senate from NY. It was her name on the ballot
Hillary was named to be Secretary of State not because of who her husband was but because of how well she had done in the Presidential primaries
The funny thing is the Right has no one at all who is even close to Mrs. Clinton's accomplishments, intelligence and experience. Those in the GOP who are wanting to be President are dropping like flies because they know they can't win. Too funny. The Right continues to attack Mrs.Clinton for not being qualified, when all they have are bozos who know they are so unqualified, they won't even hazard running in the primaries. Reality is that whatever Mrs. Clinton's qualifications are, she far out distances anyone the GOP has to offer.
I'm sure, why even run against such a women?. You liberals are delusional. With any Conservative woman you demonize, degrade, impune. Bunch of hypocrites really. Mind numbed and oblivious to any kind of reality. You people actually get emotionally attached to sleazeball politicians. Sad day in America

This is, of course, a huge lie and you are a huge fucking liar.

I have spoken in GLOWING tones of Condi Rice, right here on this forum, you stupid fuckface.

Not only that, I have also had nothing but praise for Kay Bailey Hutchinson - what a shame that she did not stay in office.

And there is Suzanna Martinez, who may one day be an adequate standard bearer for your party, but only maybe, since she is a Latina and Rrrrrrraging Rrrrrrabid Rrrrrrasist Rrrrrrighties hate Latinos.

You are just plain old sad. One day, if you work really hard at it, you may even be able to put together an actual argument.

Who do you think your talking to boy? I make it a point not to say anything to anyone on this board that i wouldn't say to a persons face. Understand? and i guarantee you, you wouldn't talk that crap to me in person and walk away,s o try to act like an adult when you talk to me. as far as the meat of your comment that might be the case with you, but in general terms Democrats demonize conservative women as they do with conservative African Americans that's a fact

Oh, I would gladly say it very directly to your face, because unlike Conservatives, I am no coward. And I would be able to walk away, too. So, your threats are absolutely meaningless to me. They are the sign of a very, very insecure person inside of you. Live with it.

Now, back to Hillary's qualifications to be president: apparently, strong majorities in FL, OH and PA think she is eminently qualified:

1st 2016 Trifecta poll from 2015 Clinton sweeps US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So, go stuff it up your ass.
I know it is the current rightwing talking point, but it is far from the truth

Hillary was ELECTED twice to the Senate from NY. It was her name on the ballot
Hillary was named to be Secretary of State not because of who her husband was but because of how well she had done in the Presidential primaries
The funny thing is the Right has no one at all who is even close to Mrs. Clinton's accomplishments, intelligence and experience. Those in the GOP who are wanting to be President are dropping like flies because they know they can't win. Too funny. The Right continues to attack Mrs.Clinton for not being qualified, when all they have are bozos who know they are so unqualified, they won't even hazard running in the primaries. Reality is that whatever Mrs. Clinton's qualifications are, she far out distances anyone the GOP has to offer.
I'm sure, why even run against such a women?. You liberals are delusional. With any Conservative woman you demonize, degrade, impune. Bunch of hypocrites really. Mind numbed and oblivious to any kind of reality. You people actually get emotionally attached to sleazeball politicians. Sad day in America

This is, of course, a huge lie and you are a huge fucking liar.

I have spoken in GLOWING tones of Condi Rice, right here on this forum, you stupid fuckface.

Not only that, I have also had nothing but praise for Kay Bailey Hutchinson - what a shame that she did not stay in office.

And there is Suzanna Martinez, who may one day be an adequate standard bearer for your party, but only maybe, since she is a Latina and Rrrrrrraging Rrrrrrabid Rrrrrrasist Rrrrrrighties hate Latinos.

You are just plain old sad. One day, if you work really hard at it, you may even be able to put together an actual argument.

Who do you think your talking to boy? I make it a point not to say anything to anyone on this board that i wouldn't say to a persons face. Understand? and i guarantee you, you wouldn't talk that crap to me in person and walk away,s o try to act like an adult when you talk to me. as far as the meat of your comment that might be the case with you, but in general terms Democrats demonize conservative women as they do with conservative African Americans that's a fact

Oh, I would gladly say it very directly to your face, because unlike Conservatives, I am no coward. And I would be able to walk away, too. So, your threats are absolutely meaningless to me. They are the sign of a very, very insecure person inside of you. Live with it.

Now, back to Hillary's qualifications to be president: apparently, strong majorities in FL, OH and PA think she is eminently qualified:

1st 2016 Trifecta poll from 2015 Clinton sweeps US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So, go stuff it up your ass.

Dude, those are old fogey states.....the only ones supporting her are the Geritol crowd.
The funny thing is the Right has no one at all who is even close to Mrs. Clinton's accomplishments, intelligence and experience. Those in the GOP who are wanting to be President are dropping like flies because they know they can't win. Too funny. The Right continues to attack Mrs.Clinton for not being qualified, when all they have are bozos who know they are so unqualified, they won't even hazard running in the primaries. Reality is that whatever Mrs. Clinton's qualifications are, she far out distances anyone the GOP has to offer.
I'm sure, why even run against such a women?. You liberals are delusional. With any Conservative woman you demonize, degrade, impune. Bunch of hypocrites really. Mind numbed and oblivious to any kind of reality. You people actually get emotionally attached to sleazeball politicians. Sad day in America

This is, of course, a huge lie and you are a huge fucking liar.

I have spoken in GLOWING tones of Condi Rice, right here on this forum, you stupid fuckface.

Not only that, I have also had nothing but praise for Kay Bailey Hutchinson - what a shame that she did not stay in office.

And there is Suzanna Martinez, who may one day be an adequate standard bearer for your party, but only maybe, since she is a Latina and Rrrrrrraging Rrrrrrabid Rrrrrrasist Rrrrrrighties hate Latinos.

You are just plain old sad. One day, if you work really hard at it, you may even be able to put together an actual argument.

Who do you think your talking to boy? I make it a point not to say anything to anyone on this board that i wouldn't say to a persons face. Understand? and i guarantee you, you wouldn't talk that crap to me in person and walk away,s o try to act like an adult when you talk to me. as far as the meat of your comment that might be the case with you, but in general terms Democrats demonize conservative women as they do with conservative African Americans that's a fact

Oh, I would gladly say it very directly to your face, because unlike Conservatives, I am no coward. And I would be able to walk away, too. So, your threats are absolutely meaningless to me. They are the sign of a very, very insecure person inside of you. Live with it.

Now, back to Hillary's qualifications to be president: apparently, strong majorities in FL, OH and PA think she is eminently qualified:

1st 2016 Trifecta poll from 2015 Clinton sweeps US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So, go stuff it up your ass.

Dude, those are old fogey states.....the only ones supporting her are the Geritol crowd.
Oh you mean three of the five battlegrounds that decide the election? Ok. ..

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