Hillary Clinton Silent On 1992 Clinton-Gore Confederate Campaign Button

Why? Who here believes that Hillary Clinton won't do whatever it takes to get elected? Even lying about being 'under fire'?

BFD hater dupe. The definition of under fire or hurried is VERY open. Compare that lie to just about everything you "know" about ACA, Bengazi, theVolt, "muhroom clouds", who caused the Bush World Depression etc etc etc etc. Hater dupes!
Hillary is not to be hated. She's to be pitied. One who has so often been denied, by her own party, that which is rightfully hers. And on top of that to have suffered such a debilitating brain injury that she can't remember they screwed her once and will screw her again.

Only hater dupes care about your bs gossip. Most want to get the US out of the GOP pander to the rich ditch we've gone in the last 30 years. see sig.
The rich create jobs, not the poor. We need the rich to help drive the economy while cutting welfare from minorities.
Haters like you are progressives' best pals. Keep up the good work. Maybe that was true of the greatest generation rich, who believed in giving back to the country for their good fortune, now they're too often greedy idiot lying Reaganist propagandists, like your heroes, stupid.

You hate Capitalism.
I hate unfair capitalism, hater dupe. see sig

What is fair capitalism? Cuba? Russia? China? UK? Mexico? - Ask people where they think capitalism is more fair than here in the USA. Any definition of "fair capitalism" that lies between your ears will be replete with more socialism or communism. The fairest thing about capitalism is Opportunity. Opportunity does not exist when you are among the masses under the guise of "fairness" locked out by a true 1%. Check your hater dupe card at the door when you are ready to debate.
I'l go with all other advanced countries. Old EU, Canada, NZ, Oz. After 30 years of Reaganism, they all have better opportunity than here. Cheap college and training, AND take care of the unfortunate. Free health care, living wage, cheap day care, parental leave, one mo. vacation plus after a year, etc etc. Today, the USA is an unfair mess, chump of the greedy idiot lying rich GOP. see sig
Well, well, well....what do we have here? Looks like Hillary has some explaining to do. This needs to be an issue she must address.



Hillary Clinton Not Talking About 92 Clinton-Gore Confederate Campaign Button TheBlaze.com
i hope the RNC Makes an ad out of this, and run it right after a Hillary ad.
So you're making the point that Hillary has changed her position on the Confederate flag in the last 20 years,

and none of her potential opponents have?

Good, run on that.
Well, well, well....what do we have here? Looks like Hillary has some explaining to do. This needs to be an issue she must address.



Hillary Clinton Not Talking About 92 Clinton-Gore Confederate Campaign Button TheBlaze.com
i hope the RNC Makes an ad out of this, and run it right after a Hillary ad.
So do I....it will be PRICELESS, but not in the way the GOP may think.
didnt Monica wear Confederate Panties?
The OP should study history.

Clinton is a Southern Democrat who only paid lip service to blacks.

Clinton is Republican Lite.

He pronounced the era of Big Government over in his first State of The Union. He made bigger cuts to welfare than Reagan, Ford, Nixon and Eisenhower combined. He fucked big Labor with NAFTA - and he always sided with Wall Street and corporate America over unions and environmentalists.

So the Left is emphatically not surprised by this button.

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