Hillary Clinton specifically directed that her e-mails not be preserved


^^^ another left-wing loser that thinks making fun of republicans will make hillary not a career criminal and failure

Yawn, another Republican loser who thinks engaging in crazy attacks on the democrat will make up for the lack of substance on your side.

Hey, instead of telling me why I shouldn't vote for Hillary, tell me why I should vote FOR one of your guys?

I could vote for Kasich or Rubio, they both seem like okay guys. But they probably won't get the nomination. You guys will nominate Bush even though none of you really seem to want him. And then you'll wonder why no one else could get excited about him, either.

^^^ another left-wing loser that thinks making fun of republicans will make hillary not a career criminal and failure

Yawn, another Republican loser who thinks engaging in crazy attacks on the democrat will make up for the lack of substance on your side.

Hey, instead of telling me why I shouldn't vote for Hillary, tell me why I should vote FOR one of your guys?

I could vote for Kasich or Rubio, they both seem like okay guys. But they probably won't get the nomination. You guys will nominate Bush even though none of you really seem to want him. And then you'll wonder why no one else could get excited about him, either.

lack of substance?

lmao every Republican candidate is eminently more qualified than career criminal hillary

libs are losers who lie.....................to themselves
Nobody is terrified of a Hillary Presidency because she's a woman, rational people are terrified of the prospect because of the fact that she's a self serving, dishonest, power hungry career criminal who'd have a steep challenge tying her own shoes let alone running the executive branch.

What do you base that on?
Thirty years of scandals, deception and outright criminality...which is her only real claim to fame other than the fact that she was fucking Bill (well that is when Bill wasn't fucking some other woman and I don't blame him either, If I had to wake up next to lil' Miss John Gotti every morning I'd find someone else to fuck too), those are her qualifications for being inducted into the hall of fame for scumbags.. her qualifications for the job of President of the United States? nada, zip, zero, zilch.... never accomplished anything worthy of note (well except of course her claim to the heavyweight championship of gathering tax payer funded airline miles).

Her "supporters" aren't being rational, they're be led around by the nose by the Democratic Party and I think it's going to bite them in the ass REAL hard next year if they nominate her. They need to start remembering why they passed on her in 2008 before it's too late......

^^^ another left-wing loser that thinks making fun of republicans will make hillary not a career criminal and failure

Yawn, another Republican loser who thinks engaging in crazy attacks on the democrat will make up for the lack of substance on your side.

Hey, instead of telling me why I shouldn't vote for Hillary, tell me why I should vote FOR one of your guys?

I could vote for Kasich or Rubio, they both seem like okay guys. But they probably won't get the nomination. You guys will nominate Bush even though none of you really seem to want him. And then you'll wonder why no one else could get excited about him, either.

lack of substance?

lmao every Republican candidate is eminently more qualified than career criminal hillary

libs are losers who lie.....................to themselves

not even close...

except, of course, in rightwngnuthackworld where someone who practically destroys a company and costs 30,000 jobs while taking a golden parachute worth tens of millions is considered "qualified".

you idiots are hysterical. what you really need to say is they parrot what your regressive, bigoted views so you like them.

except of course for kasich, who actually is qualified, but is too decent for the rightwingnut base.
but what about her cloths? did she keep her cloths, or just hid them under her bed?
I keep every email I ever receive or send. Furthermore, government employees are required by law to keep all their emails.

They are also encouraged to delete old e-mails to not take up too much space on their computer.

What they do is copy them to their local machine. You are obviously not computer savvy.
When a State Dept employee deletes their e-mails, those e-mails are not deleted from multiple backup servers. You little one are obviously not computer savvy.

But hey you sure are silly.
Thirty years of scandals, deception and outright criminality....

Got to cut you off right there, guy.

Okay, so how is it that Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars and found nothing on her, you've had dozens of congressional committees looking into her activities, and they came up with nothing.

In fact, the people who usually end up falling on their swords are her critics. McCarthy admitted the Benghazi hearings were meant to sling mud on her reputation, and today he had to withdraw from his quest to be speaker.

Maybe you all need to nominate THIS GUY to be your new leader. He seems to have all the qualifications.

What they do is copy them to their local machine. You are obviously not computer savvy.

Uh, no guy, what they do is delete them from the server. I know that when I deleted my e-mails, they were gone from my local computer but also on the network.

Now supposedly, there were backups somewhere, the IT Guys assured me.
What they do is copy them to their local machine. You are obviously not computer savvy.

Uh, no guy, what they do is delete them from the server. I know that when I deleted my e-mails, they were gone from my local computer but also on the network.

Now supposedly, there were backups somewhere, the IT Guys assured me.

If you weren't such a computer moron you would know that you can create emails folders that are stored locally on your machine. Then you move all your old mail into those folders.

On second thought, you can scratch the word "computer" in front of "moron."
I keep every email I ever receive or send. Furthermore, government employees are required by law to keep all their emails.

They are also encouraged to delete old e-mails to not take up too much space on their computer.

What they do is copy them to their local machine. You are obviously not computer savvy.
When a State Dept employee deletes their e-mails, those e-mails are not deleted from multiple backup servers. You little one are obviously not computer savvy.

But hey you sure are silly.

Which has nothing to do with what I posted.
If you weren't such a computer moron you would know that you can create emails folders that are stored locally on your machine. Then you move all your old mail into those folders.

On second thought, you can scratch the word "computer" in front of "moron."

Uh, yeah, I could do that (and actually, I do.)

But there's no good reason to keep year old e-mails in these folders. After a year, if you haven't solved the problem the e-mail was about, you are never going to.

So I mostly delete shit after about a year.
If you weren't such a computer moron you would know that you can create emails folders that are stored locally on your machine. Then you move all your old mail into those folders.

On second thought, you can scratch the word "computer" in front of "moron."

Uh, yeah, I could do that (and actually, I do.)

But there's no good reason to keep year old e-mails in these folders. After a year, if you haven't solved the problem the e-mail was about, you are never going to.

So I mostly delete shit after about a year.

Oh yes there is. On quite a few occasions I've had co-workers making accusations that I did this or I did that, and my old emails proved they were lying. You keep old emails around for insurance.
Thirty years of scandals, deception and outright criminality....

Got to cut you off right there, guy.

Okay, so how is it that Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars and found nothing on her, you've had dozens of congressional committees looking into her activities, and they came up with nothing.
Probably something to do with the fact that the primary target of the Ken Starr investigation was Bill.

In fact, the people who usually end up falling on their swords are her critics.
One of the many perks of being politically connected in Washington and having legions of apparatchiks willing to mindless "defend" you endlessly in the media.

McCarthy admitted the Benghazi hearings were meant to sling mud on her reputation, and today he had to withdraw from his quest to be speaker.
McCarthy acted stupidly but his statement doesn't change any of the facts surrounding Hillary's latest scandals.

Maybe you all need to nominate THIS GUY to be your new leader. He seems to have all the qualifications.
I don't know what you mean by "you all" , I'm not nominating anybody since I don't belong to any political party, I detest them all equally.
I don't know what you mean by "you all" , I'm not nominating anybody since I don't belong to any political party, I detest them all equally.

Not sure why the GOP Spends so much time pandering to you, then.

anyway, point being, you guys have been singing this, "We are going to get Hillary over _______" since 1992. The list being.

Travel Office Firings
Vince Foster's Suicide
FBI Files
and now her E-mail. Yes. E-mail.

It's kind of pathetic to watch.
I don't know what you mean by "you all" , I'm not nominating anybody since I don't belong to any political party, I detest them all equally.

Not sure why the GOP Spends so much time pandering to you, then.
They don't, they spend a lot of time trying to piss me off though and more than occasionally they succeed in doing it.

anyway, point being, you guys have been singing this, "We are going to get Hillary over _______" since 1992. The list being.

Travel Office Firings
Vince Foster's Suicide
FBI Files
and now her E-mail. Yes. E-mail.

It's kind of pathetic to watch.

My suggestion would be to stop watching then, what's Hillary to you? She doesn't give a fuck about you, why should you care about or bother trying to defend her? She's just another Washington insider that's milking her power and influence to enrich herself and her pals to the maximum degree that's she's able to.

I would recommend that you go find somebody with integrity and competence that's worthy of your support.:)
My suggestion would be to stop watching then, what's Hillary to you? She doesn't give a fuck about you, why should you care about or bother trying to defend her? She's just another Washington insider that's milking her power and influence to enrich herself and her pals to the maximum degree that's she's able to.

I would recommend that you go find somebody with integrity and competence that's worthy of your support.

Here's the thing. I actually used to think that way. I used to be one of you Right Wing Republicans who supported Dubya Bush despite a nagging feeling he was retarded because he seemed to be a man of integrity who never cheated on his wife and came from a good family.

And you know what. We went from Peace to War, Prosperity to Recession, Surpluses to Trillion dollar debts and at the end of it, I had an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K.

So here's the thing. I don't care if Hillary enriches herself. I don't care if she sends out Seal Team Six to take out Monica Lewinsky. I really, really don't.

As long as I benefit from her stewardship of the government, I kind of don't care about the bullshit.

When I was growing up, my parents used to say Democrats brought us wars and Republicans brought us Recessions.

The Bush Crime Family brings us both, and if it's a choice between Clinton and Bush, that's an easy one.
Here's the thing. I actually used to think that way. I used to be one of you Right Wing Republicans who supported Dubya Bush
Don't worry , I won't hold that against you, we all make mistakes. :)

So here's the thing. I don't care if Hillary enriches herself. I don't care if she sends out Seal Team Six to take out Monica Lewinsky. I really, really don't.

As long as I benefit from her stewardship of the government, I kind of don't care about the bullshit.
Wait you don't care if she's a dishonest, power grubbing monster as long as YOU benefit? Man and I thought I was cynical about the state of American politics at least I've never lost my concern for the liberty and prosperity of my fellow citizens, I honestly don't think you can possibly mean what you appear to be saying here.

When I was growing up, my parents used to say Democrats brought us wars and Republicans brought us Recessions.

The Bush Crime Family brings us both, and if it's a choice between Clinton and Bush, that's an easy one.
Just another reason not to buy into all the partisanship bullshit and why is it that you think our only choice is between the Bush family and the Clinton family? it sounds like you're living back in the days of European Monarchism, don't you think we can do better than those two choices?
Wait you don't care if she's a dishonest, power grubbing monster as long as YOU benefit? Man and I thought I was cynical about the state of American politics at least I've never lost my concern for the liberty and prosperity of my fellow citizens, I honestly don't think you can possibly mean what you appear to be saying here.

What did I fucking Stutter? How are things like "liberty" going to pay my mortgage this month?

Personally, I prefer the petty corruption of the Clintons playing a little grab-ass to the grand corruption of a Cheney starting a war on a lie so his company can get Billions in no-bid contracts.
One party is for the rich. The other party is for working people. As long as I benefit, I could care less how much the Clintons squeeze the rich. I don't care if Hillary whacks some of Bill's old mistresses in Fort Marcy Park. I don't care about e-mails or any of that shit.

What's in it for ME. Period. If you aren't thinking that way, you are doing it wrong.

Just another reason not to buy into all the partisanship bullshit and why is it that you think our only choice is between the Bush family and the Clinton family? it sounds like you're living back in the days of European Monarchism, don't you think we can do better than those two choices?

Apparently, when the other choices are whacky old Socialists and Reality TV rodeo clowns, apparently not.

Here's the thing. If Clinton or Bush got into office, they'll bring with them a bunch of people who actually know how to run a government.

Sanders will bring in people who know how to run a hippy commune. Trump will bring in people who know how to run a fake reality TV show with washed up celebrities trying to get back up to the C-list.

As Robert Heinlein once observed, when you are voting for a candidate, you are voting for a team. and right now, Team Clinton seems to know what it is doing.

You show me another team that could do a better job, I'd consider it. (along with dozens of other factors.) I'm not seeing that team in the current crop. Walker looked promising for a while, but he totally fizzled out on the big stage.

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