Hillary Clinton specifically directed that her e-mails not be preserved

This is a case of the law not keeping up with the technology

If I scan a document and convert into a digital image, the document is still a document. Emails are just electronic form of mail. You can burn a piece of paper mail, and you can also delete an email, therefore the law applies to both.

Simple concept.
Wrong, asshole. It was a deliberate attempt to destroy evidence after the fact.

And you know this how?

Here's the thing. Most people don't keep e-mails that are more than two years old. At my last job, I purged my e-mail of any e-mails older than 1 year. I think that's what most people do.

Now, no doubt, you think that there's a magic trove out there where Hillary ordered the murders of Vince Foster and Christopher Stevens and that guy who used to play Urkel. (Okay, I made that last one up.)

But frankly, all you guys are doing is making a big deal over something most people don't care about.
If I scan a document and convert into a digital image, the document is still a document. Emails are just electronic form of mail. You can burn a piece of paper mail, and you can also delete an email, therefore the law applies to both.

Simple concept.

except that's not what was being done here. So, uh. No.

In fact, the real problem is that while one rule says that you should retain every document, there's another one that says you should delete old documents frequently.

When I was in the service, you had a whole regulation that stated how long you had to retain a record for before you had to destroy it.

Well it is just like you to defend a criminal.

Or I have a different idea of what justice is.

An Injustice -Starting a war over a lie, getting 5000 Americans and 100,000 to 1 million Iraqis killed, wasting trillions of dollars and leaving thousands of broken families in your wake.

Not really an Injustice - Deleting work e-mails from your private server three years after you left a job.
Jillian claims to be a solicitor, her case load is so light she can post on here 24-7, ambulance casing cases must be few and far. My cousin is a lawyer and he works 12-14 hrs a day, 6 days a week.
Wrong, asshole. It was a deliberate attempt to destroy evidence after the fact.

And you know this how?

Here's the thing. Most people don't keep e-mails that are more than two years old. At my last job, I purged my e-mail of any e-mails older than 1 year. I think that's what most people do.

Now, no doubt, you think that there's a magic trove out there where Hillary ordered the murders of Vince Foster and Christopher Stevens and that guy who used to play Urkel. (Okay, I made that last one up.)

But frankly, all you guys are doing is making a big deal over something most people don't care about.

I keep every email I ever receive or send. Furthermore, government employees are required by law to keep all their emails. If they attempt to delete emails when a Congressional committee has requested them, they are obstructing justice, and that is exactly what Hillary did. The Benghazi committed request all her emails years ago.
Here's the thing. Most people don't keep e-mails that are more than two years old. At my last job, I purged my e-mail of any e-mails older than 1 year. I think that's what most people do.
As an IT Professional for 30 years I can tell you, you'd be wrong, most people keep every scrap of email they've ever received unless forced to do otherwise, I wish most people would keep it down to a years worth but it just isn't the case. We're Americans and most of us are pack rats ...... :)
Jillian claims to be a solicitor, her case load is so light she can post on here 24-7, ambulance casing cases must be few and far. My cousin is a lawyer and he works 12-14 hrs a day, 6 days a week.
She isnt the biggest poseur on here only because OnePercenter posts. She is a lawyer like Im the Pope.
As for Hillary, the administration is clearly out to do her in. She wont last past December at this rate.
Wrong, asshole. It was a deliberate attempt to destroy evidence after the fact.

And you know this how?

Here's the thing. Most people don't keep e-mails that are more than two years old. At my last job, I purged my e-mail of any e-mails older than 1 year. I think that's what most people do.

Now, no doubt, you think that there's a magic trove out there where Hillary ordered the murders of Vince Foster and Christopher Stevens and that guy who used to play Urkel. (Okay, I made that last one up.)

But frankly, all you guys are doing is making a big deal over something most people don't care about.
He knows because he is a member of the Jury that will vote for hanging until dead.......................

Get used to it.

PS. If you defend a spy you are a spy. So choose your battles carefully.
Here's the thing. Most people don't keep e-mails that are more than two years old. At my last job, I purged my e-mail of any e-mails older than 1 year. I think that's what most people do.
As an IT Professional for 30 years I can tell you, you'd be wrong, most people keep every scrap of email they've ever received unless forced to do otherwise, I wish most people would keep it down to a years worth but it just isn't the case. We're Americans and most of us are pack rats ...... :)
As an IT Professional for a similar time frame, I can second that. I see pack-rat mentality at work every day, and it runs into the terabytes for clinicians and administrators.

Add to that, both statutory and policy mandates, regarding telecommunications and record retention and data life cycles and security and chains of custody, and you've got a recipe for a situation where even the most negligent or cavalier or furtive bureaucrat is holding onto every scrap that he-or-she has ever generated.

And, if you're a service bureau, accepting custody of a server - physical or virtual - or its contents - related to a high-level government appointee or department head - one who deals in secret, confidential or similar public-trust -caliber exchanges - you're going to take an image-snapshot of that server the very moment it arrives, on removable media, and you're going to park that in a vault somewhere.

You might very well do a thousand backups of the thing, and tweak and pare-down its content over time, to reduce the size of ongoing backups, but you're always going to have that coming-in-the-door (Handoff Day) snapshot sitting in a vault someplace, as a final line of defense, for archive restoration.

My money is on the Sacred Cow (Handoff Day) Backup existing offline in a vault somewhere under the service bureau's control, and my money is also on the FBI et al, already having that data in their possession.

It takes a minute or two to wade through so much data, so, I'm not surprised that we haven't heard the outcome of that Federal investigation yet, regarding data content.

Teflon Bubba and Teflon Donna can't keep dodging (metaphorical, legal) bullets forever.

The Feds will tell us soon enough, whether Madame Bullshit Artist has managed to dodge yet another, or whether this one finds its mark.
I keep every email I ever receive or send. Furthermore, government employees are required by law to keep all their emails.

They are also encouraged to delete old e-mails to not take up too much space on their computer.
I keep every email I ever receive or send. Furthermore, government employees are required by law to keep all their emails.

They are also encouraged to delete old e-mails to not take up too much space on their computer.
That is not the case with Federal government telecommunications.

Employees are oftentimes obliged to Archive their old emails.

The Archives are parked on secondary storage under agency control.

In the case of a home-based server, the choice to delete falls squarely on the end-user (Shrillary).
He knows because he is a member of the Jury that will vote for hanging until dead.......................

Get used to it.

PS. If you defend a spy you are a spy. So choose your battles carefully.

Actually, I am.

When Bill Was President, my property values doubled, my salary doubled, we had peace, prosperity, balanced budgets and a good time was had by all.

After Dubya stole the election in 2000, we got war, recessions, busted 401K's, underwater mortgages, etc.

So you see, I just can't get worked up that the North Koreans read some of Hillary's e-mails, if they ever did. It just has no effect on my life.
That is not the case with Federal government telecommunications.

Employees are oftentimes obliged to Archive their old emails.

The Archives are parked on secondary storage under agency control.

again, you think this is a big deal, but Bush lying us into a war isn't?

This is not a big deal.
He knows because he is a member of the Jury that will vote for hanging until dead.......................

Get used to it.

PS. If you defend a spy you are a spy. So choose your battles carefully.

Actually, I am.

When Bill Was President, my property values doubled, my salary doubled, we had peace, prosperity, balanced budgets and a good time was had by all.

After Dubya stole the election in 2000, we got war, recessions, busted 401K's, underwater mortgages, etc.

So you see, I just can't get worked up that the North Koreans read some of Hillary's e-mails, if they ever did. It just has no effect on my life.
The impact (or lack thereof) on your personal life is not the same as indicators of trustworthiness in a prospect for national leadership.
That is not the case with Federal government telecommunications.

Employees are oftentimes obliged to Archive their old emails.

The Archives are parked on secondary storage under agency control.

again, you think this is a big deal, but Bush lying us into a war isn't?

This is not a big deal.
Bush getting us into a war has nothing to do with whether Shrillary broke the law or otherwise violated the public trust.



Stop bringing it up.

Stay focused upon the question at hand.

All else is deflection, and will continue to be called-out as such.
The impact (or lack thereof) on your personal life is not the same as indicators of trustworthiness in a prospect for national leadership.

Quite the contrary, it should be the ONLY factor that should govern our votes. The GOP is very good at getting people scared or upset or playing on their bigotries by bringing up bullshit, but the fact is, the GOP brought us our last three wars and our four of our last five recessions.

Until you demonstrate to me how this email thing makes my life worse, I don't give a fuck.

Bush getting us into a war has nothing to do with whether Shrillary broke the law or otherwise violated the public trust.



Stop bringing it up.

Stay focused upon the question at hand.

All else is deflection, and will continue to be called-out as such.

Quite the contrary, it shows the hypocrisy of you Right Wingers. That you don't seem keen on prosecuting Bush for THIS


but are whining thta Hillary had her own e-mail server because she didn't trust government servers, shows your priorities are truly, truly fucked up.
That is not the case with Federal government telecommunications.

Employees are oftentimes obliged to Archive their old emails.

The Archives are parked on secondary storage under agency control.

again, you think this is a big deal, but Bush lying us into a war isn't?

This is not a big deal.

Immaterial to the matter at hand.

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