7 Open 'Leftist Threats That Political Terror Is Coming To America Whether Trump Wins Or Not '


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Many leftists have directed some deeply disturbing rhetoric at conservatives and Trump supporters in recent months, claiming President Trumpā€™s bombast is responsible for the political polarization of todayā€™s America. This is pure nonsense.

Sure, Trump talks about MS-13 as ā€œanimals,ā€ Antifa as ā€œthugs,ā€ and Hillary Clinton as crooked enough to ā€œbe in jail.ā€ His supporters know his presentation to be a bombastic and theatrical schtick, but he never threatens any group of voters."

** MS-13 members ARE animals - they commit grotesquely violent crimes.
** Antifa ARE 'thugs'. Black Lives Matter & The Proud Boys both held a Press Conference to condemn them.
** Hillary Clinton is a proven criminal who should be in jail. Comey, who said she DID brealk laws, told Americans the only reasonshe would not be sent to jail is because she was TOO STUPID to know she was breaking laws.

"By contrast, some ominous tones, even homicidal and terrorist tones, are coming from the mainstream left. Increasingly, through mainstream media and Big Tech, high-profile leftists are speaking openly about violence to be inflicted on Trump and all his supporters.

Hillary Clinton was proven to have paid 'thugs' to beat and bloody Trump Supporters at Trump rallies back in 2016. Foreign-funded domestic terrorists, supported by Democrat leaders in Democrat-run cities (Proven), have looted, burned, destroyed, assaulted, and murdered all across the county - Democrat leaders and politicians have facilitated this. Now masked liberal terrorists are 'stoning' peaceful Jews marching in NYC.

"Iā€™m not talking specifically about the Antifa and Black Lives Matter street violence weā€™ve seen in places like Denver and Portland, which includes outright murders of Trump supporters. Iā€™m referring here to voices that normalize and promote open terror against any freedom-respecting person who has different views from those blessed by left-wing leaders, media, and Big Tech. Seven examples are included below"

1. A Think Tank Guy Should Meetā€¦A Firing Squad

First, in a chilling Twitter incident, agitator Nils Gilman called for the execution of journalist and former Trump adviser Michael Anton. Gilman publicly stated, ā€œMichael Anton is the Robert Brasillach of our times and deserves the same fate.ā€ Brasillach was a Nazi collaborator in France whose fate was execution by firing squad. Neither Gilman nor Twitter took down the tweet, despite many protests, including a public letter of grave concern from the Claremont Institute, where Anton is a senior fellow.
** Twitter refuses / refused to take down the Tweet calling for this violence.

2. Shoot This CEO For Not being Woke Enough

Former Twitter CEO Dick Costolo objected to the company Coinbaseā€™s decision to ease up on forcing employees to engage in social justice agendas such as critical race theory. Costolo accused Coinbaseā€™s CEO Brian Armstrong of being among the ā€œme-first capitalistsā€ who would be the first lined up and ā€œshot in the revolution.ā€

3. If Trump Loses, His Supporters Remain ā€˜An Existential Threatā€™

Liberal Extremist Author Paul Rosenberg declares that even if president Trump LOSES, he, his former administration members, and even Americans who supported and voted for him remain 'EXESTENTIAL THREATS' (to Liberal Extremist power / control) and must be dealt with. Rosenberg encourages launching a 'serious campaign to sway hearts and mind' against any beliefs other than those of liberal agenda and ideology. Rosenberg even goes as far as suggesting Trump and associated officials be rounded and prosecuted - "He even brings up the Nuremberg trials as instructive, trials that resulted in death sentences for 37 Nazis."

Rounding up and 'exterminating' the upper level leaders is not enough:

"That isnā€™t good enough, however, according to Feffer. Itā€™s important to go after ā€œlow-level participantsā€ to root out Trumpism. It recommends enforcing this changing of ā€œhearts and mindsā€ so that there is ā€œan attitudinal shift that could lead to lasting transformation.ā€ This is not a far cry from re-education camps and coercive thought reform.

The formula appears to be threefold and on a large scale, ā€œthe scale on which we need to be thinking,ā€ according to the Salon article. First, divide the so-called redeemable Trump supporters from those intent on keeping America great. Second, send those who are problematic to virtual education camps. Third, stomp out all the ideas the power elites donā€™t like."

HOLY SHIT! Welcome To The Democratic Party's 3rd Reich!


If the democrats do more than talk shit, they will be very sorry.

While I share your bravado, in a way, the democrats and deep state have already done much more than just talk shit. Months and months of riots. Years of Trump Russia insanity. They impeached our President. They've declared war on all our Constitutional rights and on religion and on American culture and history. Frankly, the time to physically resist the radical left was years and decades ago. Now we've allowed them to push us to the edge of a civilizational cliff like a herd of water buffalo.
4. Prosecute Everyone Who Supported Trump

Former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann recently ranted that everyone associated with Trump, including his enablers and supporters, must be ā€œprosecuted and convicted and removed from our society.ā€


5. Trump Supporters ā€˜Must Be Eradicated From Societyā€™

"On Aug. 4, 2019, a supposed religious scholar and CNN contributor Reza Aslan announced on Twitter ā€” a tweet still up as of Oct. 22 ā€” that all Trump supporters ā€œmust be eradicated from societyā€ along with Trump, and that there is ā€œno longer any room for nuance.ā€ Aslan has nearly 300,000 followers."

6. Openly Attacking Members of Congress

"The organized violence against guests at the Republican National Convention as they left the White House in August showed new levels of open hostility against the right. Most notably, the mob swarmed Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and his wife, who were convinced they would have been severely injured or killed if there were no police presence."

Nancy Pelosi and her radical domestic-terrorist supporting and violence-inciting Democrats already engaged in so much violent rhetoric that it incited one of their 'cultists' to attempt to assassinate Republicans at a public park, leaving 1 politician shot. Later, AFTER this, Democrats returned to telling their violent sheep to follow and harass politicians out in public, returning to their violent rhetoric after vowing for a very short time to end such violent rhetoric.

Their TDS, irrational, hate-driven insanity has grown to the level unseen before in this country. Such hatred and open calls for / promises of violence against those who oppose Leftist extremist ideology and agenda is WELL beyond 'intolerance'. It is almost open sedition and a promise of a violent take-over / transition from the country our Founding Fathers created, our free nation based on the Constitution into a Socialist / Marxist nation.

7. Plots to Dox Political Opponents

"The left is now using doxing tools to invite widespread targeting of Trump voters. A recently unveiled database called ā€œThe Media Manipulation Casebookā€ is described as a means of gathering personal information that exposes anonymous Trump supporters. NBC News reporter Brandy Zadrozny appears to use it to find ā€œaddresses, property records ā€¦ even Amazon wish listsā€ that can be a ā€œgoldmine for learning about what a person reads, buys, and wants.ā€

This ALREAY happening. Liberal candidates are already publicly posting / releasing the personal addresses of Republican politicians and candidates - CREATING / SETTING UP / Almost INCITING / INVITING their radical, mentally unstable, hate driven sheep to affect violence against them and their families!

This stuff should scare the hell out of Constitution-loving/defending Law-Abiding, Freedom-Loving American citizens and should be a wake-up call!

If the democrats do more than talk shit, they will be very sorry.
I don't see where Dems are talking shit. Most of the OP is conspiratorial fake news. The only good thing is that, most people are seeing it for what it is and ignoring it.
Please, don't give them any ideas.

I'm crossed between what you say & giving it its own thread.

People need to consider this for their own safety!

I agree with you and I was mostly joking. But on a deadly serious note, we should expect the radical left capable of committing any level of violent attacks in the coming weeks.
If the democrats do more than talk shit, they will be very sorry.

They've already done that in Seattle, Portland, Chicago, New York, Kenosha etc....
If anyone believes these Commie Terrorist thugs will stop after Trump is re-elected I think they have another guess coming....
We the Prople, We 'Deplorables' will have to protect our familes, businesses and ultimately our selves from these misbegotten , ideologically brainwashed idiots attempting to destroy our government, freedom and Liberty.
There will be blood.
Democrats are pure evil. They know that what they are saying is what honestly should be done to them. Communism has been dealt with too gently. They have been allowed to spread and grow. Now it is here. We need our fathers and grandfathers.
Democrats are pure evil. They know that what they are saying is what honestly should be done to them. Communism has been dealt with too gently. They have been allowed to spread and grow. Now it is here. We need our fathers and grandfathers.

What we need is Americans that believe in our Constitution and it's Amendments to our Bill of Rights to stand up and fight this ideological scourge.
Democrats are pure evil. They know that what they are saying is what honestly should be done to them. Communism has been dealt with too gently. They have been allowed to spread and grow. Now it is here. We need our fathers and grandfathers.

What we need is Americans that believe in our Constitution and it's Amendments to our Bill of Rights to stand up and fight this ideological scourge.
This is a division in our government. It needs to be nurtured into a complete split.
If the democrats do more than talk shit, they will be very sorry.
They have been doing more. They are attacking, murdering, sabotaging our economy, rewriting all of history, and telling us they will kill more than they already do and we chuckle.

We deserve what we get. We should be declaring full scale all out war, which would mean attacking the sources. Eliminating soros, his family and target everyone that is on his payroll, and have done his bidding. That would include world leaders, religious leaders (like the pope) and others.

That is what it will take. Armageddon should happen sooner than later. The tribulations are upon us.
Democrats are pure evil. They know that what they are saying is what honestly should be done to them. Communism has been dealt with too gently. They have been allowed to spread and grow. Now it is here. We need our fathers and grandfathers.

What we need is Americans that believe in our Constitution and it's Amendments to our Bill of Rights to stand up and fight this ideological scourge.
This is a division in our government. It needs to be nurtured into a complete split.

The split has already occurred. The terrorist attacks within Blue Sanctuary Plantation Cities is proof positive. The re-election of Trump will not end the violence by #Antifa/BLM.
Unless Pres. Trump can employ the insurrection Act, it will come down to individual townspeople to put down these terrorist like mad dogs.
Unfortunately the BSP cities have restricted gun ownership, but not in rural areas.
I'm not afraid of these ass munching fagots.

I'm always armed and if they come at me I will kill and maim as many as I can until they stop and back off then leave.

Hmm..., I always carry an extra 12 round clip with me. Yanever know when you need more shots in Zombie land.
My recommendation to you is practice, practice, practice.....
If the democrats do more than talk shit, they will be very sorry.

While I share your bravado, in a way, the democrats and deep state have already done much more than just talk shit. Months and months of riots. Years of Trump Russia insanity. They impeached our President. They've declared war on all our Constitutional rights and on religion and on American culture and history. Frankly, the time to physically resist the radical left was years and decades ago. Now we've allowed them to push us to the edge of a civilizational cliff like a herd of water buffalo.
You are very right in listing the many grievances the left committed against Republicans, and especially Trump.
From Hillary's "deplorable" put down.
To Obama's pejorative that we "cling to our guns and religion".
To Schumer, Pelosi, Nadler, Blumenthal, and Schiff's constant lies and insults

Add in Maxine's call for democrats to attack Republicans, and the OP's list seems way to innocent.
If democrat mobs attack the wrong Republicans it will be very hard to stop once it starts.
The MI idiots who plotted with the FBI to kidnap Gretchen is a bad example of what could happen.
If the democrats do more than talk shit, they will be very sorry.
I don't see where Dems are talking shit. Most of the OP is conspiratorial fake news. The only good thing is that, most people are seeing it for what it is and ignoring it.
There are more than enough examples of democrats raising the bar on violence. (See post 18)
My concern is what a serious tripwire lights the fuse.

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