Hillary Clinton specifically directed that her e-mails not be preserved

The impact (or lack thereof) on your personal life is not the same as indicators of trustworthiness in a prospect for national leadership.

Quite the contrary, it should be the ONLY factor that should govern our votes. The GOP is very good at getting people scared or upset or playing on their bigotries by bringing up bullshit, but the fact is, the GOP brought us our last three wars and our four of our last five recessions.

Until you demonstrate to me how this email thing makes my life worse, I don't give a fuck.

Bush getting us into a war has nothing to do with whether Shrillary broke the law or otherwise violated the public trust.



Stop bringing it up.

Stay focused upon the question at hand.

All else is deflection, and will continue to be called-out as such.

Quite the contrary, it shows the hypocrisy of you Right Wingers. That you don't seem keen on prosecuting Bush for THIS


but are whining thta Hillary had her own e-mail server because she didn't trust government servers, shows your priorities are truly, truly fucked up.
If you don't give a fuck, then you may safely disengage and busy yourself elsewhere.

None of this is relevant to the question of whether or not Shrillary broke the law or lied about it afterwards to cover it up.

We will know the answers to those questions, soon enough.
The impact (or lack thereof) on your personal life is not the same as indicators of trustworthiness in a prospect for national leadership.

Quite the contrary, it should be the ONLY factor that should govern our votes. The GOP is very good at getting people scared or upset or playing on their bigotries by bringing up bullshit, but the fact is, the GOP brought us our last three wars and our four of our last five recessions.

Until you demonstrate to me how this email thing makes my life worse, I don't give a fuck.

Bush getting us into a war has nothing to do with whether Shrillary broke the law or otherwise violated the public trust.



Stop bringing it up.

Stay focused upon the question at hand.

All else is deflection, and will continue to be called-out as such.

Quite the contrary, it shows the hypocrisy of you Right Wingers. That you don't seem keen on prosecuting Bush for THIS


but are whining thta Hillary had her own e-mail server because she didn't trust government servers, shows your priorities are truly, truly fucked up.
Until you can demonstrate how Bush getting us into a war,is related to whether or not Shrillary broke the law or lied to cover it up, any attempt at deflection and distraction will be a cause for laughter and derision - indicative, as they are, of corruption coming to the defense of corruption.
Here's the thing. Most people don't keep e-mails that are more than two years old. At my last job, I purged my e-mail of any e-mails older than 1 year. I think that's what most people do.
As an IT Professional for 30 years I can tell you, you'd be wrong, most people keep every scrap of email they've ever received unless forced to do otherwise, I wish most people would keep it down to a years worth but it just isn't the case. We're Americans and most of us are pack rats ...... :)
As an IT Professional for a similar time frame, I can second that. I see pack-rat mentality at work every day, and it runs into the terabytes for clinicians and administrators.

Add to that, both statutory and policy mandates, regarding telecommunications and record retention and data life cycles and security and chains of custody, and you've got a recipe for a situation where even the most negligent or cavalier or furtive bureaucrat is holding onto every scrap that he-or-she has ever generated.

And, if you're a service bureau, accepting custody of a server - physical or virtual - or its contents - related to a high-level government appointee or department head - one who deals in secret, confidential or similar public-trust -caliber exchanges - you're going to take an image-snapshot of that server the very moment it arrives, on removable media, and you're going to park that in a vault somewhere.

You might very well do a thousand backups of the thing, and tweak and pare-down its content over time, to reduce the size of ongoing backups, but you're always going to have that coming-in-the-door (Handoff Day) snapshot sitting in a vault someplace, as a final line of defense, for archive restoration.

My money is on the Sacred Cow (Handoff Day) Backup existing offline in a vault somewhere under the service bureau's control, and my money is also on the FBI et al, already having that data in their possession.

It takes a minute or two to wade through so much data, so, I'm not surprised that we haven't heard the outcome of that Federal investigation yet, regarding data content.

Teflon Bubba and Teflon Donna can't keep dodging (metaphorical, legal) bullets forever.

The Feds will tell us soon enough, whether Madame Bullshit Artist has managed to dodge yet another, or whether this one finds its mark.

Awesome, thanks for sharing my IT Brother .... it's always comforting to be reminded you're not the only one dealing with these headaches. :)

Funny story:

I once had a new employee to our company screaming at me because I told her I couldn't restore all her emails from her PREVIOUS companies mail system...

"Don't you guys keep all that on backup?" she asked

"Yeah lady , I regularly backup every mail server on the planet, EMC absolutely loves me for it because I single handedly keep them in business" I replied

She didn't get the joke...
Gawd, I hope this investigation wraps up soon.
Yep. It's getting old.
So you're an IT guy. Is it possible this can go fairly quickly?

If (1) such a Sacred Cow Archive exists [and Smart Vegas Money is on that being the case], and (2) that Sacred Cow has been turned over to the Feds, then...

Everything depends upon the resources they throw at the investigation, vis a vis the amount of material to be examined, and the degree of precision and care imposed upon the forensics project, by those charged with supervising it...

It's a good guess that the Feds have robot-caliber bulk email (and attachment) scanning capabilities that would make any comprehensive review go fairly quickly.
Gawd, I hope this investigation wraps up soon.
Yep. It's getting old.
So you're an IT guy. Is it possible this can go fairly quickly?

If (1) such a Sacred Cow Archive exists [and Smart Vegas Money is on that being the case], and (2) that Sacred Cow has been turned over to the Feds, then...

Everything depends upon the resources they throw at the investigation, vis a vis the amount of material to be examined, and the degree of precision and care imposed upon the forensics project, by those charged with supervising it...

It's a good guess that the Feds have robot-caliber bulk email (and attachment) scanning capabilities that would make any comprehensive review go fairly quickly.

IMHO doesn't matter, bureaucrats are running the investigation not the technical guys so it's likely to be a long, drawn out investigation.

If you want something done quickly, correctly and as cheaply as possible call an engineer, if you want something to take as long as possible, be completely fucked up when it's finished and cost an arm and a leg call a bureaucrat. :)

Federal Government Bureaucrats; snatching failure from the jaws of success for over two hundred years and counting
If you don't give a fuck, then you may safely disengage and busy yourself elsewhere.

None of this is relevant to the question of whether or not Shrillary broke the law or lied about it afterwards to cover it up.

We will know the answers to those questions, soon enough.

Really, guy? How long did Ken Starr Drag out his Panty-Sniffing investigation that went nowhere? After the Senate failed to convict, the guy left a huge mess for the next guy, who after spending 70 million dollars sniffing panties, got Clinton to agree to a $10,000 slap on the wrist.

Sweet Evil Jesus, no wonder you guys run us into debts when you get into power.

The thing is, the FBI will probably find that Hillary didn't follow the rules, but that no crimes were committed and no one had an issue with what she was doing at the time.

But you Hillary Haters will go on and on and on, because frankly, your hate for this lady animates the corpse of your political movement like a zombie. But I guess you need something to animate it, as all your ideas have FAILED.
Gawd, I hope this investigation wraps up soon.
Yep. It's getting old.
So you're an IT guy. Is it possible this can go fairly quickly?

If (1) such a Sacred Cow Archive exists [and Smart Vegas Money is on that being the case], and (2) that Sacred Cow has been turned over to the Feds, then...

Everything depends upon the resources they throw at the investigation, vis a vis the amount of material to be examined, and the degree of precision and care imposed upon the forensics project, by those charged with supervising it...

It's a good guess that the Feds have robot-caliber bulk email (and attachment) scanning capabilities that would make any comprehensive review go fairly quickly.

IMHO doesn't matter, bureaucrats are running the investigation not the technical guys so it's likely to be a long, drawn out investigation.

If you want something done quickly, correctly and as cheaply as possible call an engineer, if you want something to take as long as possible, be completely fucked up when it's finished and cost an arm and a leg call a bureaucrat. :)

Federal Government Bureaucrats; snatching failure from the jaws of success for over two hundred years and counting
There is that...
Until you can demonstrate how Bush getting us into a war,is related to whether or not Shrillary broke the law or lied to cover it up, any attempt at deflection and distraction will be a cause for laughter and derision - indicative, as they are, of corruption coming to the defense of corruption.

Again, guy... people die, you don't care.

A woman might get into power, you are TERRIFIED!!!!

I can't believe I used to be one of you sad Right Wingers.
...perhaps your comments would be more credible if you referred to the woman who is likely to be the next president by her actual name.
Oh, I make no pretense of impartiality, and I detest the idea of her attaining the nomination, or the Presidency, and happily show my personal bias.

However, my personal bias has zero bearing upon the merit (or lack thereof) of the substance of the post.

If anything, including a glaringly obvious element of personal bias is an honest approach, rather than disingenuously posing as something I'm not.

we are all partial. but no one's opinion is credible if they can't even be civil and address people by their name.

there was no substance in the o/p. if you mean substance in your post, i didn't get to it because of the presentation. (which is a shame because there are things you and I agree on and issues on which I respect what you say).
If you don't give a fuck, then you may safely disengage and busy yourself elsewhere.

None of this is relevant to the question of whether or not Shrillary broke the law or lied about it afterwards to cover it up.

We will know the answers to those questions, soon enough.

Really, guy? How long did Ken Starr Drag out his Panty-Sniffing investigation that went nowhere? After the Senate failed to convict, the guy left a huge mess for the next guy, who after spending 70 million dollars sniffing panties, got Clinton to agree to a $10,000 slap on the wrist.

Sweet Evil Jesus, no wonder you guys run us into debts when you get into power.

The thing is, the FBI will probably find that Hillary didn't follow the rules, but that no crimes were committed and no one had an issue with what she was doing at the time.

But you Hillary Haters will go on and on and on, because frankly, your hate for this lady animates the corpse of your political movement like a zombie. But I guess you need something to animate it, as all your ideas have FAILED.
This will determine that...
...perhaps your comments would be more credible if you referred to the woman who is likely to be the next president by her actual name.
Oh, I make no pretense of impartiality, and I detest the idea of her attaining the nomination, or the Presidency, and happily show my personal bias.

However, my personal bias has zero bearing upon the merit (or lack thereof) of the substance of the post.

If anything, including a glaringly obvious element of personal bias is an honest approach, rather than disingenuously posing as something I'm not.

we are all partial. but no one's opinion is credible if they can't even be civil and address people by their name.
Thank you for expressing your opinion on the subject.

Now, if you have something substantive to add, have at it.
I am having great difficulty with the idea that a Complete Backup of the email server in its hand-off state (from the Clintons to the service bureau) does not exist.

I understand that routine backups are done from server to server, but, in this age of cheap multi-terabyte N(etwork) A(ttached) S(torage) mega-drives - and even multi-terabyte removable tape cartridges, suitable for insertion into fail-safe vaults - the lack of an original hand-off 'snapshot' image of Shrillary's email server seems rather odd, at a minimum, and, given the nature of the client, failing to take such a snapshot seems most unwise, from the vantage point of the service bureau.

It's my guess that the Feds have already found such a Handoff Snapshot, and are already poring over it, and simply withholding the news until they've concluded their forensics, and conducted talks with various stakeholder agencies and authorities.

Frankly, I suspect Shrillary is in some pretty deep shit, but, at this juncture, it's more Hunch than Reality.
I understand your point, but remember this setup was specifically engineered by the Clinton e-mail team, to evade Federal laws. The idea of a backup server, not backing up e-mails is not just idiotic, but it reeks of criminal evasiveness of Federal preservation laws.

your making up garbage, again, doesn't make it true, loon.

you're an ignorant, brainwashed dullard with nothing to add of substance to any conversation here. someone who clearly has a background in computer technology made a substantive post and all you have is some ignorant stupidity as a comeback.

what a freaking joke you are

stop projecting, wackjob.

damn, you're useless.
...if you mean substance in your post, i didn't get to it because of the presentation. (which is a shame because there are things you and I agree on and issues on which I respect what you say).
Thank you for this edit.
I am having great difficulty with the idea that a Complete Backup of the email server in its hand-off state (from the Clintons to the service bureau) does not exist.

I understand that routine backups are done from server to server, but, in this age of cheap multi-terabyte N(etwork) A(ttached) S(torage) mega-drives - and even multi-terabyte removable tape cartridges, suitable for insertion into fail-safe vaults - the lack of an original hand-off 'snapshot' image of Shrillary's email server seems rather odd, at a minimum, and, given the nature of the client, failing to take such a snapshot seems most unwise, from the vantage point of the service bureau.

It's my guess that the Feds have already found such a Handoff Snapshot, and are already poring over it, and simply withholding the news until they've concluded their forensics, and conducted talks with various stakeholder agencies and authorities.

Frankly, I suspect Shrillary is in some pretty deep shit, but, at this juncture, it's more Hunch than Reality.
I understand your point, but remember this setup was specifically engineered by the Clinton e-mail team, to evade Federal laws. The idea of a backup server, not backing up e-mails is not just idiotic, but it reeks of criminal evasiveness of Federal preservation laws.

your making up garbage, again, doesn't make it true, loon.

you're an ignorant, brainwashed dullard with nothing to add of substance to any conversation here. someone who clearly has a background in computer technology made a substantive post and all you have is some ignorant stupidity as a comeback.

what a freaking joke you are

stop projecting, wackjob.

damn, you're useless.

riding the cotton pony again leftard??

drink some TEA; it will calm those raging hormones idiot.
Until you can demonstrate how Bush getting us into a war,is related to whether or not Shrillary broke the law or lied to cover it up, any attempt at deflection and distraction will be a cause for laughter and derision - indicative, as they are, of corruption coming to the defense of corruption.

Again, guy... people die, you don't care.

A woman might get into power, you are TERRIFIED!!!!

I can't believe I used to be one of you sad Right Wingers.

Nobody is terrified of a Hillary Presidency because she's a woman, rational people are terrified of the prospect because of the fact that she's a self serving, dishonest, power hungry career criminal who'd have a steep challenge tying her own shoes let alone running the executive branch.
Until you can demonstrate how Bush getting us into a war,is related to whether or not Shrillary broke the law or lied to cover it up, any attempt at deflection and distraction will be a cause for laughter and derision - indicative, as they are, of corruption coming to the defense of corruption.

Again, guy... people die, you don't care.

A woman might get into power, you are TERRIFIED!!!!

I can't believe I used to be one of you sad Right Wingers.

Nobody is terrified of a Hillary Presidency because she's a woman, rational people are terrified of the prospect because of the fact that she's a self serving, dishonest, power hungry career criminal who'd have a steep challenge tying her own shoes let alone running the executive branch.

Nobody is terrified of a Hillary Presidency because she's a woman, rational people are terrified of the prospect because of the fact that she's a self serving, dishonest, power hungry career criminal who'd have a steep challenge tying her own shoes let alone running the executive branch.

What do you base that on?

Frankly, I did pretty good when her husband was president. My property values doubled, my salary increased, and so on.

You guys seem to think she'd either be totally incompetent or that she'd turn the country into a dictatorship. Frankly, there's no really evidence for either. If she had won in 2008, she'd probably have been more moderate than Obama has been, not that Obama has really been that radical.

On the other hand, Bush-41 and Bush-43 between them have brought us 3 wars and 3 recessions, a couple of stock market crashes, and a few mismanaged natural disasters. Yet despite this, the rich are putting all their chips on Jeb Bush being their guy after the knuckle draggers who make up the GOP Electorate get bored with their Reality TV Rodeo Clowns.

^^^ another left-wing loser that thinks making fun of republicans will make hillary not a career criminal and failure

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