Hillary Clinton sure is getting a lot of press

Two speeches at NY college campuses and a speech before a friendly socialist audience do not excite the electorate.

(Sorry. I heard Hillary's name, and some people say you should yell "BENGHAZI!" whenever that happens. Not sure why.)

Iraq and over 4k Americans killed. That's what I think of when some says bush. Where was your outrage then?

Yes, but wait till Jan 1 2015. That's when the knives of her detractors come out. Mid 2015 and she will be fighting for her campaigne life from the right and left. Both saws hate the woman.

I've got a feeling that 2016 is going to give WWE a run for their money.

But here's the thing. I remember 2008, when everyone thought it was going to be a New Yawk Cage match between Hillary and Rudy. The media and pundits were salivating over the heavyweight title fight this was going to be.

And the primary voters thought about it for a moment, decided they didn't want that kind of drama, and nominated Obama and McCain, who proceeded to actually run a pretty civilized campaign. (It's more complicated as to why those campaigns failed, but I think that was a factor.)

Hillary's biggest challenge, I think, is going to be to soften her abrasive nature. Not an easy thing to do, because she's spent decades honing it to be taken seriously as a female candidate.
And three speeches in three days looks like an awful lot like she's prepping to run.

What's really behind Hillary Clinton's latest wave of speeches? - CNN.com

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is starting to look a lot like someone who is picking up the pace of a presidential campaign -- complete with the perks and the challenges that come with it.

On Wednesday, she spoke to the University of Buffalo. Thursday, she returned to Washington for her place in the lineup of high-profile public figures at a conference the Center for American Progress was hosting. Friday night she did Colgate University's "distinguished speakers" series in upstate New York.

Asked in Buffalo what her ideal presidential candidate in 2016 would look like, she said: "I'm not as interested in what the candidate looks like as what the candidate stands for and what the candidate really believes needs to be the agenda for America's future, particularly as it relates to young people like students at this great university."

She's already ramping up the "I used as many words as I could to say as little as possible" app.

Soros is getting the ball rolling;

WASHINGTON — Billionaire financier George Soros is joining forces with others urging Hillary Rodham Clinton to run for president in 2016, becoming the best-known Democratic donor to provide his money and name to the Ready for Hillary super PAC.

The move, announced Thursday by the super PAC via Twitter, could attract other big-name donors to a possible Clinton candidacy, potentially making it harder for other Democrats to compete financially with Clinton should she decide to seek the nomination.

Soros will serve as a co-chair of the super PAC's national finance council. Each member commits to contribute or raise at least $25,000 for the political action committee. The council meets Nov. 12 in New York City.

Three years early? Overkill much?

So she just turned 66 the other day, which means when the race is actually happening, she will be 69. I remember reading during the 2008 primaries how hard it was on her as a woman, and this made total sense. The men roll out of bed, and get dressed. Basic grooming. She has to have at least another hour carved out of an incredibly busy schedule for hair and make-up. That would be true of any woman. There's not a professional woman alive who doesn't do hair and make-up, especially if they are going to be under the harsh lights of the media. *can't actually find the story now, but I do know I read it during the campaign. I did, however, find Sarah Palin defending herself on wardrobe expenses etc once she got the VP offer.*

Anybody else thinking it's awfully darn early for her to be having PACs, etc?

Does anyone here think she isn't going to run? Did anyone here think she wasn't going to run? I have a better chance of dying of a heart attack between now and 2016 then her not running.
It's like nobody finished reading the OP.

Three years early? Overkill much?

The point is not questioning whether she is running. The point is all the press and etc starting three years early.
And three speeches in three days looks like an awful lot like she's prepping to run.

What's really behind Hillary Clinton's latest wave of speeches? - CNN.com

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is starting to look a lot like someone who is picking up the pace of a presidential campaign -- complete with the perks and the challenges that come with it.

On Wednesday, she spoke to the University of Buffalo. Thursday, she returned to Washington for her place in the lineup of high-profile public figures at a conference the Center for American Progress was hosting. Friday night she did Colgate University's "distinguished speakers" series in upstate New York.

Asked in Buffalo what her ideal presidential candidate in 2016 would look like, she said: "I'm not as interested in what the candidate looks like as what the candidate stands for and what the candidate really believes needs to be the agenda for America's future, particularly as it relates to young people like students at this great university."

She's already ramping up the "I used as many words as I could to say as little as possible" app.

Soros is getting the ball rolling;

WASHINGTON — Billionaire financier George Soros is joining forces with others urging Hillary Rodham Clinton to run for president in 2016, becoming the best-known Democratic donor to provide his money and name to the Ready for Hillary super PAC.

The move, announced Thursday by the super PAC via Twitter, could attract other big-name donors to a possible Clinton candidacy, potentially making it harder for other Democrats to compete financially with Clinton should she decide to seek the nomination.

Soros will serve as a co-chair of the super PAC's national finance council. Each member commits to contribute or raise at least $25,000 for the political action committee. The council meets Nov. 12 in New York City.

Three years early? Overkill much?

So she just turned 66 the other day, which means when the race is actually happening, she will be 69. I remember reading during the 2008 primaries how hard it was on her as a woman, and this made total sense. The men roll out of bed, and get dressed. Basic grooming. She has to have at least another hour carved out of an incredibly busy schedule for hair and make-up. That would be true of any woman. There's not a professional woman alive who doesn't do hair and make-up, especially if they are going to be under the harsh lights of the media. *can't actually find the story now, but I do know I read it during the campaign. I did, however, find Sarah Palin defending herself on wardrobe expenses etc once she got the VP offer.*

Anybody else thinking it's awfully darn early for her to be having PACs, etc?

Not really.

It's the nature of modern politics.

In the US at least.

It's like nobody finished reading the OP.

Three years early? Overkill much?

The point is not questioning whether she is running. The point is all the press and etc starting three years early.

DNC gods get copious amounts of free press from their media wing. Like voting, it's early and often.
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LOLberals are as bad as neo-cons when it comes to politics. Clinton, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clnton, Bush....

Do we really need another "what difference does it make" , "the smoking gun could be in a mushroom cloud" type bullshit spreader in office again?

I guess for status quo Statists, the answer is "oh, pretty please! Yes we can! Yes we can!"

Good grief.

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