HILLARY CLINTON! We Want Her To Run For President!!

Lets see hillary,
1. Broke the law trying to get rich quick in real estate. Failed.
2. Tried to get universal healthcare while was first lady. Failed.
3. Tried to control Bill. Failed.
4. Left the white house dead broke. Failed.
5. Lost presidential nomination to an inexperienced candidate. Failed.
6. Bengazi. Major fail.
7. Author. Failed with millions of dollars free advertising.
Just to name a few, yeah go ahead and run her.
He didn't lose the last time.

Gore Won Florida

No, he did not. Al did not win, nor did he become President.

Oh well, maybe next time.

Actually, Bush never won either election.

Gore won Florida in 2000 and Kerry won Ohio in 2004.

Kerry Won Ohio - Greg Palast | Investigative Reporter
Hillary is already running for president. She just hasn't officially announced yet.
We want Hillary to run too!
No relevant experience
Lied about most of what she did
Cheated and took bribes
Morals of an alley cat
Would be our first bisexual president. And who wants that??
Hillary Clinton is just another slime ball politician that will do anything to get elected.
Funny, your dear leader and his puppet master Valerie Jarret are courting Warren, promising funding and the full weight of OFA if she will run. I guess there is no honor in the camp of the mulatto messiah because he made the same promise to the hildabeast in 2011.
IMO, this nation is so totally fucked that there is no turning it around. Let the Dems win. The shit storm that will happen needs to happen on their watch anyway since they caused it.
We have a ""CLUELESS"" TWIT that has cost the USA trillions in new debt, cut and run worldwide,ruined economy,Now you want a old bimbo barfly hag????? REALLY!! will you never learn??
Hillary Clinton is a grand lady with great experience. She has taken on many leadership roles and worn many hats and has weathered the storms that have come her way. That is why we are now ready for her to Run For President! And if she does, so many would support her that it would make your head spin and the Republicans know it and are afraid of her running because they know full well that she would easily beat her Republican opponent to become the next President of the United States. So, Get Ready folks!

For great information about Hillary's history and who she is and what she has accomplished, please read the following:

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Even Senator McCain believes in Hillary!

McCain: If election were tomorrow, Clinton would be president ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

CNN 2016 Poll: Clinton favored for Democrats; no clear GOP leader - CNN.com

Three big takeaways from Hillary Clinton's return to politics - CNN.com

CBS' Lara Logan, producer on leave after discredited Benghazi report - CNN.com

The Randy Report: Ohio: Hillary Clinton tops hypothetical 2016 GOP Presidential candidates

CNN/ORC Poll: Christie?s loss appears to be Clinton?s gain ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

In Sum, We Are So --

Ready For HILLARY https://www.readyforhillary.com/

No we don't. Not any more.
He didn't lose the last time.

Gore Won Florida

No, he did not. Al did not win, nor did he become President.

Oh well, maybe next time.

Actually, Bush never won either election.

Gore won Florida in 2000 and Kerry won Ohio in 2004.

Kerry Won Ohio - Greg Palast | Investigative Reporter

Hmmmm, seems that Bush won both elections. Maybe dems should have put up better candidates.

Greg Palast? Are you kidding? Gore nor Kerry won. But you keep telling yourself that, maybe someday even you'll believe it.
Hillary Clinton is a grand lady with great experience. She has taken on many leadership roles and worn many hats and has weathered the storms that have come her way. That is why we are now ready for her to Run For President! And if she does, so many would support her that it would make your head spin and the Republicans know it and are afraid of her running because they know full well that she would easily beat her Republican opponent to become the next President of the United States. So, Get Ready folks!

For great information about Hillary's history and who she is and what she has accomplished, please read the following:

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Even Senator McCain believes in Hillary!

McCain: If election were tomorrow, Clinton would be president ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

CNN 2016 Poll: Clinton favored for Democrats; no clear GOP leader - CNN.com

Three big takeaways from Hillary Clinton's return to politics - CNN.com

CBS' Lara Logan, producer on leave after discredited Benghazi report - CNN.com

The Randy Report: Ohio: Hillary Clinton tops hypothetical 2016 GOP Presidential candidates

CNN/ORC Poll: Christie?s loss appears to be Clinton?s gain ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

In Sum, We Are So --

Ready For HILLARY https://www.readyforhillary.com/

She has the inside track and will be very difficult to beat. The economy is improving despite everything Republicans have done to make things worse. If she picks Julian Castro as her running mate, it will be very difficult for any Republican to beat her. In fact, things may get very ugly for Republicans in 2016.

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