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Hillary Clinton: White women were too weak minded to vote for me.

Hillary continuing her "blame the white men tour"...this week in India saying, quite clearly that white women are too weak minded to vote how they want, and will vote for whoever a close man will tell her to vote for...husband, a boss or son. Too stupid and frail to make up their own minds apparently.

Nice going.... insult 1/2 the

Hillary Clinton blames 'pressure' from men for why white women voted for Trump
Any white person who voted Democrat is mentally deficient and consciously afflicted with self hate.

Well that is an opinion...but I am speaking more on Hillary Clinton's opinion that white women don't know who to vote for unless a man tells them who. Apparently she believes it is still the 1940's.
Hillary continuing her "blame the white men tour"...this week in India saying, quite clearly that white women are too weak minded to vote how they want, and will vote for whoever a close man will tell her to vote for...husband, a boss or son. Too stupid and frail to make up their own minds apparently.

Nice going.... insult 1/2 the population.

Hillary Clinton blames 'pressure' from men for why white women voted for Trump

She's talking about the Stepford wives and June Clevers of the Republican party. They are the Tammy Wynette--"stand by your man" typical Republican women voters. They're not going to debate, let alone argue with their husbands or boyfriends about who they're going to vote for. They're going to go along to get along.

If you have ever attended a Republican women's meeting--they don't talk about promoting women to the Presidency. That's against taboo. The closet place they'll ever promote a woman is to local offices, the senate, congress--but NEVER the White House. That was pretty clear by how the RNC treated Carly Fiorina. Some of them are very vocal about it. They just don't see a woman as President, it terrifies them.

While we have the UK, and several countries where women are or have been the ultimate leader, not here. We're at least 60 years behind UK. Everyone remembers Margaret Thatcher, and now Teresa May is the prime minister of the UK. Germany has Angela Merkel.

There is no one that could have watched any of the debates between Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump and walked away believing that Trump was competent, knowledgeable and qualified to be POTUS. She creamed him in every debate. If they tell you differently, they're lying through their teeth.


Misogyny played a yuuuge part in the 2016 election. And if you're hoping for a woman President, you'll NEVER get it from the Republican party. Misogyny is deeply rooted in the Republican party.

There was a reason Republicans put on a "raining men" platform in 2016 to run against one woman. They are terrified of the 1st woman President, because they know when there is one, there will be more. Here is a good article on this.
Dear Hillary: How very dare you! - Democratic Underground

Who cares about the debates? Only a masochistic white person would vote for someone who hates them.

If you don't watch primary and general election debates then you don't know jack shit, and shouldn't be voting.

You really couldn't have found a worse candidate than Donald Trump if you had gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt in search of one. He is going to destroy the entire Republican party.

This is what you voted for:


FOX NEWS turned into the Trump media network during the primary, while ignoring all other GOP candidates.

These people helped you make a YUUUUUGGGE mistake.


A great article that you should spend 20 minutes reading, if you still remember how to do that.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media


Look at all the STUPID women in this group--:auiqs.jpg:


Another great article:
Neuroscientist Reveals What’s Wrong with Trump Supporters’ Brains

And Hillary couldn't beat him. Should tell you something about the quality of female candidates to put forth.

Yeah--as I explained in POST # 5 of this thread. The Stepford wives & June Clevers of the Republican party will ALWAYS go along to get along with their husbands and boyfriends. We all saw what they did to Carly Fiorina. As soon as she announced--Republicans manufactured so many falsehoods about her, it was astounding. Republican women went along with those conspiracy's & were repeating them.

For the last 20 years right wing talk show hosts have attacked Hillary Clinton--manufacturing all kinds of conspiracy theories because they saw her coming 2 decades ago, and knew she would eventually be the nominee of the Democrat party.

This is why anytime Hillary Clinton's name is mentioned "anywhere" right wingers will come a running, barking, growling and foaming at the mouth. They're like Pavlog's dogs.

FURTHERMORE, you don't really believe that House Republicans would have done 8 investigations into Benghazi, while FOX NEWS held unadulterated endless talk about Benghazi and emails if Hillary Clinton's name was Henry Clinton do you?:auiqs.jpg:

Men won't vote for a woman because they're scared their testicles will shrink up and retreat back into their pelvic bone, and women in the Republican party are just too stupid to see the forest through the trees. They have been raised via their church's and the Republican party to be second class citizens and that's where they will remain.

But at the same time a sleeping giant has been awoken. The second annual woman's march held on January 20, 2018.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

Woman's march pictures, January 20, 2017 the day after Trump was inaugurated.


This has been going on in every state, not just Washington D.C. Go to this link, scroll through the many pages, you'll probably find your home state. They are in the millions.
Woman's march pictures

Any WOMAN who voted for this ASS CLOWN deserves to be insulted. Any woman that is still a Republican is insulting herself.

Here is a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN and what he had to say.

You do realize that it was crossover Democrats that won Trump the Republican nomination and the general election, right?
"every time Crooked Hillary opens her mouth, we are reminded why we voted for President Trump" - Wacky Tomi Lahren

No one has ever convened a Grand Jury on Hillary Clinton. To-date we have 5 guilty plea's who are all now working with Mueller in plea deals, and 87 criminal charges, with more certain to come.

What we're learning today is that Trump (while he was running for POTUS) was working with a Russian bank to secure financing on a new Trump tower in downtown Moscow.

While Donald Trump was running for president in late 2015 and early 2016, his company was pursuing a plan to develop a massive Trump Tower in Moscow, according to several people familiar with the proposal and new records reviewed by Trump Organization lawyers.
Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president
Inside Trump’s financial ties to Russia and his unusual flattery of Vladimir Putin

It's clear you're just a FOX NEWS watcher, probably just Sean Hannity. So if you want to play catch up on the Russian investigation--you can go to these links on this board.
Mueller already has collusion & obstruction of justice--he's going after this Trump russian mob now.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.
Do Russian oligarchs own Trump and his empire?
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.

Now if you can get through all of that, you come back on here and tell me again what a "crook" Hillary Clinton is--:auiqs.jpg:

A good movie for you to watch right now is "All of the Presidents men" because Trump's attorney's have advised him to get an impeachment lawyer.
Trump met with Clinton's impeachment lawyer to assist in Russia probe: report

And it certainly didn't help that Trump went on National T.V. and admitted to Obstruction of Justice.

We know who the real "crooks" are now--and it's not Hillary Clinton.


You're a perfect example of what I mean about the Stepford wives & June Clever's of the Republican party. You don't know anything. You're to lazy to know anything about politics and what is really going on--so you let yourself get lead around by a ring nose by very stupid men, probably your husband or boyfriend. POINT BEING: you clearly don't know anything about this Russian investigation, even though it's been all over the news for over a year now. But you remember how to call Hillary Clinton a crook.

So did this guy--and he pleaded Guilty to conspiring against the United States.

Last edited:
Any white person who voted Democrat is mentally deficient and consciously afflicted with self hate.

Well that is an opinion...but I am speaking more on Hillary Clinton's opinion that white women don't know who to vote for unless a man tells them who. Apparently she believes it is still the 1940's.
She's talking about the Stepford wives and June Clevers of the Republican party. They are the Tammy Wynette--"stand by your man" typical Republican women voters. They're not going to debate, let alone argue with their husbands or boyfriends about who they're going to vote for. They're going to go along to get along.

If you have ever attended a Republican women's meeting--they don't talk about promoting women to the Presidency. That's against taboo. The closet place they'll ever promote a woman is to local offices, the senate, congress--but NEVER the White House. That was pretty clear by how the RNC treated Carly Fiorina. Some of them are very vocal about it. They just don't see a woman as President, it terrifies them.

While we have the UK, and several countries where women are or have been the ultimate leader, not here. We're at least 60 years behind UK. Everyone remembers Margaret Thatcher, and now Teresa May is the prime minister of the UK. Germany has Angela Merkel.

There is no one that could have watched any of the debates between Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump and walked away believing that Trump was competent, knowledgeable and qualified to be POTUS. She creamed him in every debate. If they tell you differently, they're lying through their teeth.


Misogyny played a yuuuge part in the 2016 election. And if you're hoping for a woman President, you'll NEVER get it from the Republican party. Misogyny is deeply rooted in the Republican party.

There was a reason Republicans put on a "raining men" platform in 2016 to run against one woman. They are terrified of the 1st woman President, because they know when there is one, there will be more. Here is a good article on this.
Dear Hillary: How very dare you! - Democratic Underground

Who cares about the debates? Only a masochistic white person would vote for someone who hates them.

If you don't watch primary and general election debates then you don't know jack shit, and shouldn't be voting.

You really couldn't have found a worse candidate than Donald Trump if you had gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt in search of one. He is going to destroy the entire Republican party.

This is what you voted for:


FOX NEWS turned into the Trump media network during the primary, while ignoring all other GOP candidates.

These people helped you make a YUUUUUGGGE mistake.


A great article that you should spend 20 minutes reading, if you still remember how to do that.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media


Look at all the STUPID women in this group--:auiqs.jpg:


Another great article:
Neuroscientist Reveals What’s Wrong with Trump Supporters’ Brains

And Hillary couldn't beat him. Should tell you something about the quality of female candidates to put forth.

Yeah--as I explained in POST # 5 of this thread. The Stepford wives & June Clevers of the Republican party will ALWAYS go along to get along with their husbands and boyfriends. We all saw what they did to Carly Fiorina. As soon as she announced--Republicans manufactured so many falsehoods about her, it was astounding. Republican women went along with those conspiracy's & were repeating them.

For the last 20 years right wing talk show hosts have attacked Hillary Clinton--manufacturing all kinds of conspiracy theories because they saw her coming 2 decades ago, and knew she would eventually be the nominee of the Democrat party.

This is why anytime Hillary Clinton's name is mentioned "anywhere" right wingers will come a running, barking, growling and foaming at the mouth. They're like Pavlog's dogs.

FURTHERMORE, you don't really believe that House Republicans would have done 8 investigations into Benghazi, while FOX NEWS held unadulterated endless talk about Benghazi and emails if Hillary Clinton's name was Henry Clinton do you?:auiqs.jpg:

Men won't vote for a woman because they're scared their testicles will shrink up and retreat back into their pelvic bone, and women in the Republican party are just too stupid to see the forest through the trees. They have been raised via their church's and the Republican party to be second class citizens and that's where they will remain.

But at the same time a sleeping giant has been awoken. The second annual woman's march held on January 20, 2018.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

Woman's march pictures, January 20, 2017 the day after Trump was inaugurated.


This has been going on in every state, not just Washington D.C. Go to this link, scroll through the many pages, you'll probably find your home state. They are in the millions.
Woman's march pictures

Any WOMAN who voted for this ASS CLOWN deserves to be insulted. Any woman that is still a Republican is insulting herself.

Here is a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN and what he had to say.

You do realize that it was crossover Democrats that won Trump the Republican nomination and the general election, right?

Yeah 3 blue states went bezerk and voted for Trump. To put it in perspective Trump won on an accumulated vote total out of those 3 states by a mere 73K votes, while Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million. He did it in the rust belt.

But the rust belt turned on him last night in the 18th district of Pennsylvania. A district he won by 20 points in 2016, and a predominately Republican district with a huge steel industry. A district that hasn't elected a democrat in decades voted for Connor Lamb.

Here is a comment from a Pennsylvania local radio talk show host.

Everyone agrees the race is close. No one agrees why. Is this mostly about Trump? Saccone? Lamb? Murphy? Local radio talk show host Delano replies: In a district that Donald Trump won by nearly 20 points and no Democrat has come close to winning in decades, it's undeniable, in my view, that this election is a referendum on the performance of President Trump. On the ground, it's been a coalition of anti-Trump groups, many that sprouted after Trump's election and led by women, that have been the volunteer backbone of the Lamb campaign."
100% Of Pennsylvania Vote Is In

By electing Trump you have killed the Republican party. There isn't a safe Republican seat anywhere in the nation right now. The midterm election is going to be a bloodbath for Republicans. Which is why 39 House Republicans have already announced their early retirements, and will not seek reelection. I imagine more will drop out in the coming weeks after this huge loss in the 18th district of Pennsylvania.
A Record Number of House Republicans Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2018

When you can't get Republicans to vote for the Republican--Republicans might as well put out their resume's now. After the midterm the entire Republican party is going to have to be put on life support.

I really don't feel a bit sorry for you. You were warned a 1000 times over about Trump and you ignored all those warnings. A great article for you to spend the next 20 minutes READING so you NEVER make the same mistake again.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Then this one:
Neuroscientist Reveals What’s Wrong with Trump Supporters’ Brains

When this all comes crashing down on your heads, & it's going to, remember how it happened.

"It is not entirely true that Trump engineered a “hostile takeover” of the GOP, provided that the party is defined more broadly than elected officials and party insiders. As Conor Friedersdorf wrote last year in the Atlantic: “the elements of the party that sent pro-Trump signals to primary voters—Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, Sarah Palin, Jeff Sessions, Rudi Guiliani, Rick Scott, Jan Brewer, Joe Arpaio, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Breitbart.com, The Drudge Report, The New York Post, are simply more powerful, relative to National Review, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and other ‘Trump is unacceptable’ forces, than previously thought.”
The GOP That Failed

Donald Trump is the direct result of a large segment of this society insisting on living in a right wing media bubble for the last two decades, while being brainwashed into believing that all other media sources are fake.
Last edited:
Well that is an opinion...but I am speaking more on Hillary Clinton's opinion that white women don't know who to vote for unless a man tells them who. Apparently she believes it is still the 1940's.
Who cares about the debates? Only a masochistic white person would vote for someone who hates them.

If you don't watch primary and general election debates then you don't know jack shit, and shouldn't be voting.

You really couldn't have found a worse candidate than Donald Trump if you had gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt in search of one. He is going to destroy the entire Republican party.

This is what you voted for:


FOX NEWS turned into the Trump media network during the primary, while ignoring all other GOP candidates.

These people helped you make a YUUUUUGGGE mistake.


A great article that you should spend 20 minutes reading, if you still remember how to do that.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media


Look at all the STUPID women in this group--:auiqs.jpg:


Another great article:
Neuroscientist Reveals What’s Wrong with Trump Supporters’ Brains

And Hillary couldn't beat him. Should tell you something about the quality of female candidates to put forth.

Yeah--as I explained in POST # 5 of this thread. The Stepford wives & June Clevers of the Republican party will ALWAYS go along to get along with their husbands and boyfriends. We all saw what they did to Carly Fiorina. As soon as she announced--Republicans manufactured so many falsehoods about her, it was astounding. Republican women went along with those conspiracy's & were repeating them.

For the last 20 years right wing talk show hosts have attacked Hillary Clinton--manufacturing all kinds of conspiracy theories because they saw her coming 2 decades ago, and knew she would eventually be the nominee of the Democrat party.

This is why anytime Hillary Clinton's name is mentioned "anywhere" right wingers will come a running, barking, growling and foaming at the mouth. They're like Pavlog's dogs.

FURTHERMORE, you don't really believe that House Republicans would have done 8 investigations into Benghazi, while FOX NEWS held unadulterated endless talk about Benghazi and emails if Hillary Clinton's name was Henry Clinton do you?:auiqs.jpg:

Men won't vote for a woman because they're scared their testicles will shrink up and retreat back into their pelvic bone, and women in the Republican party are just too stupid to see the forest through the trees. They have been raised via their church's and the Republican party to be second class citizens and that's where they will remain.

But at the same time a sleeping giant has been awoken. The second annual woman's march held on January 20, 2018.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

Woman's march pictures, January 20, 2017 the day after Trump was inaugurated.


This has been going on in every state, not just Washington D.C. Go to this link, scroll through the many pages, you'll probably find your home state. They are in the millions.
Woman's march pictures

Any WOMAN who voted for this ASS CLOWN deserves to be insulted. Any woman that is still a Republican is insulting herself.

Here is a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN and what he had to say.

You do realize that it was crossover Democrats that won Trump the Republican nomination and the general election, right?

Yeah 3 blue states went bezerk and voted for Trump. To put it in perspective Trump won on an accumulated vote total out of those 3 states by a mere 73K votes, while Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million. He did it in the rust belt.

But the rust belt turned on him last night in the 18th district of Pennsylvania. A district he won by 20 points in 2016, and a predominately Republican district with a huge steel industry. A district that hasn't elected a democrat in decades voted for Connor Lamb.

Here is a comment from a Pennsylvania local radio talk show host.

Everyone agrees the race is close. No one agrees why. Is this mostly about Trump? Saccone? Lamb? Murphy? Local radio talk show host Delano replies: In a district that Donald Trump won by nearly 20 points and no Democrat has come close to winning in decades, it's undeniable, in my view, that this election is a referendum on the performance of President Trump. On the ground, it's been a coalition of anti-Trump groups, many that sprouted after Trump's election and led by women, that have been the volunteer backbone of the Lamb campaign."
100% Of Pennsylvania Vote Is In

By electing Trump you have killed the Republican party. There isn't a safe Republican seat anywhere in the nation right now. The midterm election is going to be a bloodbath for Republicans. Which is why 39 House Republicans have already announced their early retirements, and will not seek reelection. I imagine more will drop out in the coming weeks after this huge loss in the 18th district of Pennsylvania.
A Record Number of House Republicans Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2018

When you can't get Republicans to vote for the Republican--Republicans might as well put out their resume's now. After the midterm the entire Republican party is going to have to be put on life support.

I really don't feel a bit sorry for you. You were warned a 1000 times over about Trump and you ignored all those warnings. A great article for you to spend the next 20 minutes READING so you NEVER make the same mistake again.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Then this one:
Neuroscientist Reveals What’s Wrong with Trump Supporters’ Brains

When this all comes crashing down on your heads, & it's going to, remember how it happened.

"It is not entirely true that Trump engineered a “hostile takeover” of the GOP, provided that the party is defined more broadly than elected officials and party insiders. As Conor Friedersdorf wrote last year in the Atlantic: “the elements of the party that sent pro-Trump signals to primary voters—Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, Sarah Palin, Jeff Sessions, Rudi Guiliani, Rick Scott, Jan Brewer, Joe Arpaio, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Breitbart.com, The Drudge Report, The New York Post, are simply more powerful, relative to National Review, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and other ‘Trump is unacceptable’ forces, than previously thought.”
The GOP That Failed

Donald Trump is the direct result of a large segment of this society insisting on living in a right wing media bubble for the last two decades, while being brainwashed into believing that all other media sources are fake.

And yet 10 million democrats voted in Republican primaries.
Yeah 3 blue states went bezerk and voted for Trump. To put it in perspective Trump won on an accumulated vote total out of those 3 states by a mere 73K votes, while Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million. He did it in the rust belt

There are 50 States, you can do that contrived tabulation for a handful of States in every election.

And there is no such thing as a "popular vote," Holmes. It doesn't exist. Seriously, you think Hillary campaigned for the popular vote? Wow, you think she's one stupid bimbo, huh?
"every time Crooked Hillary opens her mouth, we are reminded why we voted for President Trump" - Wacky Tomi Lahren

Another leftist Archie Bunker tells women they are ... not ... free to vote their own views. And the leftist feminist (sic) women are silent
the average white female does not see Hillary as a woman. they see her as a man pretending to be a woman

Archie Bunker to women. You are not free to vote your view. You will vote my view. Leftist feminists (sic), no way! Women are free to vote their views!

Hillary Clinton to women. You are not free to vote your view. You will vote my view. Leftist feminists (sic). Silence

At least Archie Bunker is fictional. Then again leftist feminists (sic) are not to be believed ...
I want to clarify that I was a life long Republican woman--before they made this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party. I switched my party status to Independent and voted for Hillary Clinton.

I have no intentions of ever going back to the Republican party. There's too many bat shit crazy people in this party, and they treat women like second class citizens. It's really a party that no woman should belong too

You don't mean "clarify," you mean "clarif-lie"

1) You've been a leftist Democrat since I joined the board in 2010, liar

2) If you were ever actually a Republican, or knew a Republican, you'd know what a pile of shit that Republican women are weak actually is.

Why do you moron leftist Democrats think that somehow claiming that you're a Republican and that's how you know the Democrats are right on every issue would convince anyone? You're just a shallow, lying bitch.

Or do you not mean all this and your leftist Neanderthal husband told you to think this, so you did?
If you don't watch primary and general election debates then you don't know jack shit, and shouldn't be voting.

You really couldn't have found a worse candidate than Donald Trump if you had gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt in search of one. He is going to destroy the entire Republican party.

This is what you voted for:


FOX NEWS turned into the Trump media network during the primary, while ignoring all other GOP candidates.

These people helped you make a YUUUUUGGGE mistake.


A great article that you should spend 20 minutes reading, if you still remember how to do that.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media


Look at all the STUPID women in this group--:auiqs.jpg:


Another great article:
Neuroscientist Reveals What’s Wrong with Trump Supporters’ Brains

And Hillary couldn't beat him. Should tell you something about the quality of female candidates to put forth.

Yeah--as I explained in POST # 5 of this thread. The Stepford wives & June Clevers of the Republican party will ALWAYS go along to get along with their husbands and boyfriends. We all saw what they did to Carly Fiorina. As soon as she announced--Republicans manufactured so many falsehoods about her, it was astounding. Republican women went along with those conspiracy's & were repeating them.

For the last 20 years right wing talk show hosts have attacked Hillary Clinton--manufacturing all kinds of conspiracy theories because they saw her coming 2 decades ago, and knew she would eventually be the nominee of the Democrat party.

This is why anytime Hillary Clinton's name is mentioned "anywhere" right wingers will come a running, barking, growling and foaming at the mouth. They're like Pavlog's dogs.

FURTHERMORE, you don't really believe that House Republicans would have done 8 investigations into Benghazi, while FOX NEWS held unadulterated endless talk about Benghazi and emails if Hillary Clinton's name was Henry Clinton do you?:auiqs.jpg:

Men won't vote for a woman because they're scared their testicles will shrink up and retreat back into their pelvic bone, and women in the Republican party are just too stupid to see the forest through the trees. They have been raised via their church's and the Republican party to be second class citizens and that's where they will remain.

But at the same time a sleeping giant has been awoken. The second annual woman's march held on January 20, 2018.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

Woman's march pictures, January 20, 2017 the day after Trump was inaugurated.


This has been going on in every state, not just Washington D.C. Go to this link, scroll through the many pages, you'll probably find your home state. They are in the millions.
Woman's march pictures

Any WOMAN who voted for this ASS CLOWN deserves to be insulted. Any woman that is still a Republican is insulting herself.

Here is a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN and what he had to say.

You do realize that it was crossover Democrats that won Trump the Republican nomination and the general election, right?

Yeah 3 blue states went bezerk and voted for Trump. To put it in perspective Trump won on an accumulated vote total out of those 3 states by a mere 73K votes, while Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million. He did it in the rust belt.

But the rust belt turned on him last night in the 18th district of Pennsylvania. A district he won by 20 points in 2016, and a predominately Republican district with a huge steel industry. A district that hasn't elected a democrat in decades voted for Connor Lamb.

Here is a comment from a Pennsylvania local radio talk show host.

Everyone agrees the race is close. No one agrees why. Is this mostly about Trump? Saccone? Lamb? Murphy? Local radio talk show host Delano replies: In a district that Donald Trump won by nearly 20 points and no Democrat has come close to winning in decades, it's undeniable, in my view, that this election is a referendum on the performance of President Trump. On the ground, it's been a coalition of anti-Trump groups, many that sprouted after Trump's election and led by women, that have been the volunteer backbone of the Lamb campaign."
100% Of Pennsylvania Vote Is In

By electing Trump you have killed the Republican party. There isn't a safe Republican seat anywhere in the nation right now. The midterm election is going to be a bloodbath for Republicans. Which is why 39 House Republicans have already announced their early retirements, and will not seek reelection. I imagine more will drop out in the coming weeks after this huge loss in the 18th district of Pennsylvania.
A Record Number of House Republicans Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2018

When you can't get Republicans to vote for the Republican--Republicans might as well put out their resume's now. After the midterm the entire Republican party is going to have to be put on life support.

I really don't feel a bit sorry for you. You were warned a 1000 times over about Trump and you ignored all those warnings. A great article for you to spend the next 20 minutes READING so you NEVER make the same mistake again.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Then this one:
Neuroscientist Reveals What’s Wrong with Trump Supporters’ Brains

When this all comes crashing down on your heads, & it's going to, remember how it happened.

"It is not entirely true that Trump engineered a “hostile takeover” of the GOP, provided that the party is defined more broadly than elected officials and party insiders. As Conor Friedersdorf wrote last year in the Atlantic: “the elements of the party that sent pro-Trump signals to primary voters—Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, Sarah Palin, Jeff Sessions, Rudi Guiliani, Rick Scott, Jan Brewer, Joe Arpaio, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Breitbart.com, The Drudge Report, The New York Post, are simply more powerful, relative to National Review, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and other ‘Trump is unacceptable’ forces, than previously thought.”
The GOP That Failed

Donald Trump is the direct result of a large segment of this society insisting on living in a right wing media bubble for the last two decades, while being brainwashed into believing that all other media sources are fake.

And yet 10 million democrats voted in Republican primaries.

If you're talking about open primary states--YES Democrats were voting for Trump--because they believed that he would be the easiest candidate to beat. But it wasn't near 10 million---:auiqs.jpg:
Yeah 3 blue states went bezerk and voted for Trump. To put it in perspective Trump won on an accumulated vote total out of those 3 states by a mere 73K votes, while Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million. He did it in the rust belt

There are 50 States, you can do that contrived tabulation for a handful of States in every election.

And there is no such thing as a "popular vote," Holmes. It doesn't exist. Seriously, you think Hillary campaigned for the popular vote? Wow, you think she's one stupid bimbo, huh?

EVERYONE knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field. Former FBI director, James Comey was actually under investigation himself for interfering into the election "before" Trump fired him. Comey broke long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occasions.
Justice Department inspector general to investigate pre-election actions by department and FBI


1. Comey actually used an altered RUSSIAN document to attack Hillary Clinton with. This gave him an opportunity to skirt around the justice department and stand in front of congress to give a damming speech about her--(also against DOJ protocol)--which set off the arm chair legal quarterbacks on FOX NEWS. Lindsey Graham had a fit about it right on the Senate floor, once he found out about it. .'None of it makes much sense': Experts are baffled by Comey's use of a fake Russian document to skirt the DOJ
How a dubious Russian document influenced the FBI’s handling of the Clinton probe

2. Comey broke protocol again by releasing information within 60 days of an election, being warned by the DOJ not to do it, did it anyway within 11 days of an election. Within that time, millions of Americans were voting believing charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton, and 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger.
Former AG Eric Holder Slams FBI Director Comey For "Breach Of Protocol"
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election

In fact two of you home boys (frequent flyers on FOX NEWS) may be in hiding right now.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

Then of course Vladimir Putin's interference--via social media outlets, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, GOOGLE, and including YOU TUBE. All fake news sponsored and written by them in an effort to help Trump win the election.
Hacking into DNC databases, etc.


It's nothing short of a miracle that Hillary Clinton still beat Trump by 3 million popular votes. The anger in this country is palpable and it's going to show up in every precinct across this country in November.
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Hillary continuing her "blame the white men tour"...this week in India saying, quite clearly that white women are too weak minded to vote how they want, and will vote for whoever a close man will tell her to vote for...husband, a boss or son. Too stupid and frail to make up their own minds apparently.

Nice going.... insult 1/2 the population.

Hillary Clinton blames 'pressure' from men for why white women voted for Trump

She's talking about the Stepford wives and June Clevers of the Republican party. They are the Tammy Wynette--"stand by your man" typical Republican women voters. They're not going to debate, let alone argue with their husbands or boyfriends about who they're going to vote for. They're going to go along to get along.

If you have ever attended a Republican women's meeting--they don't talk about promoting women to the Presidency. That's against taboo. The closet place they'll ever promote a woman is to local offices, the senate, congress--but NEVER the White House. That was pretty clear by how the RNC treated Carly Fiorina. Some of them are very vocal about it. They just don't see a woman as President, it terrifies them.

While we have the UK, and several countries where women are or have been the ultimate leader, not here. We're at least 60 years behind UK. Everyone remembers Margaret Thatcher, and now Teresa May is the prime minister of the UK. Germany has Angela Merkel.

There is no one that could have watched any of the debates between Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump and walked away believing that Trump was competent, knowledgeable and qualified to be POTUS. She creamed him in every debate. If they tell you differently, they're lying through their teeth.


Misogyny played a yuuuge part in the 2016 election. And if you're hoping for a woman President, you'll NEVER get it from the Republican party. Misogyny is deeply rooted in the Republican party.

There was a reason Republicans put on a "raining men" platform in 2016 to run against one woman. They are terrified of the 1st woman President, because they know when there is one, there will be more. Here is a good article on this.
Dear Hillary: How very dare you! - Democratic Underground

And Frankly, these women deserve to be insulted. If they're going to vote with their head stuck up their dark spots--to please their men--they shouldn't vote at all.

Complete and utter bullshit. The "Left" have lost their collective minds.
Hillary continuing her "blame the white men tour"...this week in India saying, quite clearly that white women are too weak minded to vote how they want, and will vote for whoever a close man will tell her to vote for...husband, a boss or son. Too stupid and frail to make up their own minds apparently.

Nice going.... insult 1/2 the population.

Hillary Clinton blames 'pressure' from men for why white women voted for Trump

Hmmmm iamwhatiseem
Maybe Hillary is speaking for herself
and how she is perceived as a mouthpiece
for her husband or he was seen as a mouthpiece for her politics....

If anything she was feared and hated for the Politics she stood for.

You can't have it both ways.

If you want to win by association with certain groups or politics,
then if people HATE those groups or politics, you will lose by association as well!


More bullshit, she was blaming ALL Republican women.
Hillary continuing her "blame the white men tour"...this week in India saying, quite clearly that white women are too weak minded to vote how they want, and will vote for whoever a close man will tell her to vote for...husband, a boss or son. Too stupid and frail to make up their own minds apparently.

Nice going.... insult 1/2 the

Hillary Clinton blames 'pressure' from men for why white women voted for Trump
Any white person who voted Democrat is mentally deficient and consciously afflicted with self hate.

Well that is an opinion...but I am speaking more on Hillary Clinton's opinion that white women don't know who to vote for unless a man tells them who. Apparently she believes it is still the 1940's.
Hillary continuing her "blame the white men tour"...this week in India saying, quite clearly that white women are too weak minded to vote how they want, and will vote for whoever a close man will tell her to vote for...husband, a boss or son. Too stupid and frail to make up their own minds apparently.

Nice going.... insult 1/2 the population.

Hillary Clinton blames 'pressure' from men for why white women voted for Trump

She's talking about the Stepford wives and June Clevers of the Republican party. They are the Tammy Wynette--"stand by your man" typical Republican women voters. They're not going to debate, let alone argue with their husbands or boyfriends about who they're going to vote for. They're going to go along to get along.

If you have ever attended a Republican women's meeting--they don't talk about promoting women to the Presidency. That's against taboo. The closet place they'll ever promote a woman is to local offices, the senate, congress--but NEVER the White House. That was pretty clear by how the RNC treated Carly Fiorina. Some of them are very vocal about it. They just don't see a woman as President, it terrifies them.

While we have the UK, and several countries where women are or have been the ultimate leader, not here. We're at least 60 years behind UK. Everyone remembers Margaret Thatcher, and now Teresa May is the prime minister of the UK. Germany has Angela Merkel.

There is no one that could have watched any of the debates between Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump and walked away believing that Trump was competent, knowledgeable and qualified to be POTUS. She creamed him in every debate. If they tell you differently, they're lying through their teeth.


Misogyny played a yuuuge part in the 2016 election. And if you're hoping for a woman President, you'll NEVER get it from the Republican party. Misogyny is deeply rooted in the Republican party.

There was a reason Republicans put on a "raining men" platform in 2016 to run against one woman. They are terrified of the 1st woman President, because they know when there is one, there will be more. Here is a good article on this.
Dear Hillary: How very dare you! - Democratic Underground

Who cares about the debates? Only a masochistic white person would vote for someone who hates them.

If you don't watch primary and general election debates then you don't know jack shit, and shouldn't be voting.

You really couldn't have found a worse candidate than Donald Trump if you had gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt in search of one. He is going to destroy the entire Republican party.

This is what you voted for:


FOX NEWS turned into the Trump media network during the primary, while ignoring all other GOP candidates.

These people helped you make a YUUUUUGGGE mistake.


A great article that you should spend 20 minutes reading, if you still remember how to do that.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media


Look at all the STUPID women in this group--:auiqs.jpg:


Another great article:
Neuroscientist Reveals What’s Wrong with Trump Supporters’ Brains

.....ad yet YOUR side found a worse candidate. Go figure.
Yeah 3 blue states went bezerk and voted for Trump. To put it in perspective Trump won on an accumulated vote total out of those 3 states by a mere 73K votes, while Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million. He did it in the rust belt

There are 50 States, you can do that contrived tabulation for a handful of States in every election.

And there is no such thing as a "popular vote," Holmes. It doesn't exist. Seriously, you think Hillary campaigned for the popular vote? Wow, you think she's one stupid bimbo, huh?

EVERYONE knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field. Former FBI director, James Comey was actually under investigation himself for interfering into the election "before" Trump fired him. Comey broke long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occasions.
Justice Department inspector general to investigate pre-election actions by department and FBI


1. Comey actually used an altered RUSSIAN document to attack Hillary Clinton with. This gave him an opportunity to skirt around the justice department and stand in front of congress to give a damming speech about her--(also against DOJ protocol)--which set off the arm chair legal quarterbacks on FOX NEWS. Lindsey Graham had a fit about it right on the Senate floor, once he found out about it. .'None of it makes much sense': Experts are baffled by Comey's use of a fake Russian document to skirt the DOJ
How a dubious Russian document influenced the FBI’s handling of the Clinton probe

2. Comey broke protocol again by releasing information within 60 days of an election, being warned by the DOJ not to do it, did it anyway within 11 days of an election. Within that time, millions of Americans were voting believing charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton, and 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger.
Former AG Eric Holder Slams FBI Director Comey For "Breach Of Protocol"
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election

In fact two of you home boys (frequent flyers on FOX NEWS) may be in hiding right now.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

Then of course Vladimir Putin's interference--via social media outlets, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, GOOGLE, and including YOU TUBE. All fake news sponsored and written by them in an effort to help Trump win the election.
Hacking into DNC databases, etc.


It's nothing short of a miracle that Hillary Clinton still beat Trump by 3 million popular votes. The anger in this country is palpable and it's going to show up in every precinct across this country in November.

So why did you change parties from Republican to Democrat (sic)? Did your husband tell you to?
Yeah 3 blue states went bezerk and voted for Trump. To put it in perspective Trump won on an accumulated vote total out of those 3 states by a mere 73K votes, while Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million. He did it in the rust belt

There are 50 States, you can do that contrived tabulation for a handful of States in every election.

And there is no such thing as a "popular vote," Holmes. It doesn't exist. Seriously, you think Hillary campaigned for the popular vote? Wow, you think she's one stupid bimbo, huh?

EVERYONE knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field. Former FBI director, James Comey was actually under investigation himself for interfering into the election "before" Trump fired him. Comey broke long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occasions.
Justice Department inspector general to investigate pre-election actions by department and FBI


1. Comey actually used an altered RUSSIAN document to attack Hillary Clinton with. This gave him an opportunity to skirt around the justice department and stand in front of congress to give a damming speech about her--(also against DOJ protocol)--which set off the arm chair legal quarterbacks on FOX NEWS. Lindsey Graham had a fit about it right on the Senate floor, once he found out about it. .'None of it makes much sense': Experts are baffled by Comey's use of a fake Russian document to skirt the DOJ
How a dubious Russian document influenced the FBI’s handling of the Clinton probe

2. Comey broke protocol again by releasing information within 60 days of an election, being warned by the DOJ not to do it, did it anyway within 11 days of an election. Within that time, millions of Americans were voting believing charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton, and 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger.
Former AG Eric Holder Slams FBI Director Comey For "Breach Of Protocol"
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election

In fact two of you home boys (frequent flyers on FOX NEWS) may be in hiding right now.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

Then of course Vladimir Putin's interference--via social media outlets, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, GOOGLE, and including YOU TUBE. All fake news sponsored and written by them in an effort to help Trump win the election.
Hacking into DNC databases, etc.


It's nothing short of a miracle that Hillary Clinton still beat Trump by 3 million popular votes. The anger in this country is palpable and it's going to show up in every precinct across this country in November.

Obviously you believe that if you post this drivel enough someone might start to believe it.
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Yeah 3 blue states went bezerk and voted for Trump. To put it in perspective Trump won on an accumulated vote total out of those 3 states by a mere 73K votes, while Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million. He did it in the rust belt

There are 50 States, you can do that contrived tabulation for a handful of States in every election.

And there is no such thing as a "popular vote," Holmes. It doesn't exist. Seriously, you think Hillary campaigned for the popular vote? Wow, you think she's one stupid bimbo, huh?

EVERYONE knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field. Former FBI director, James Comey was actually under investigation himself for interfering into the election "before" Trump fired him. Comey broke long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occasions.
Justice Department inspector general to investigate pre-election actions by department and FBI


1. Comey actually used an altered RUSSIAN document to attack Hillary Clinton with. This gave him an opportunity to skirt around the justice department and stand in front of congress to give a damming speech about her--(also against DOJ protocol)--which set off the arm chair legal quarterbacks on FOX NEWS. Lindsey Graham had a fit about it right on the Senate floor, once he found out about it. .'None of it makes much sense': Experts are baffled by Comey's use of a fake Russian document to skirt the DOJ
How a dubious Russian document influenced the FBI’s handling of the Clinton probe

2. Comey broke protocol again by releasing information within 60 days of an election, being warned by the DOJ not to do it, did it anyway within 11 days of an election. Within that time, millions of Americans were voting believing charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton, and 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger.
Former AG Eric Holder Slams FBI Director Comey For "Breach Of Protocol"
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election

In fact two of you home boys (frequent flyers on FOX NEWS) may be in hiding right now.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

Then of course Vladimir Putin's interference--via social media outlets, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, GOOGLE, and including YOU TUBE. All fake news sponsored and written by them in an effort to help Trump win the election.
Hacking into DNC databases, etc.


It's nothing short of a miracle that Hillary Clinton still beat Trump by 3 million popular votes. The anger in this country is palpable and it's going to show up in every precinct across this country in November.

Obviously you believe that if you post this drivel enough someone might start to believe it.

Oreo's husband told her to believe Democrats. Who is she to question her husband?
And Hillary couldn't beat him. Should tell you something about the quality of female candidates to put forth.

Yeah--as I explained in POST # 5 of this thread. The Stepford wives & June Clevers of the Republican party will ALWAYS go along to get along with their husbands and boyfriends. We all saw what they did to Carly Fiorina. As soon as she announced--Republicans manufactured so many falsehoods about her, it was astounding. Republican women went along with those conspiracy's & were repeating them.

For the last 20 years right wing talk show hosts have attacked Hillary Clinton--manufacturing all kinds of conspiracy theories because they saw her coming 2 decades ago, and knew she would eventually be the nominee of the Democrat party.

This is why anytime Hillary Clinton's name is mentioned "anywhere" right wingers will come a running, barking, growling and foaming at the mouth. They're like Pavlog's dogs.

FURTHERMORE, you don't really believe that House Republicans would have done 8 investigations into Benghazi, while FOX NEWS held unadulterated endless talk about Benghazi and emails if Hillary Clinton's name was Henry Clinton do you?:auiqs.jpg:

Men won't vote for a woman because they're scared their testicles will shrink up and retreat back into their pelvic bone, and women in the Republican party are just too stupid to see the forest through the trees. They have been raised via their church's and the Republican party to be second class citizens and that's where they will remain.

But at the same time a sleeping giant has been awoken. The second annual woman's march held on January 20, 2018.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

Woman's march pictures, January 20, 2017 the day after Trump was inaugurated.


This has been going on in every state, not just Washington D.C. Go to this link, scroll through the many pages, you'll probably find your home state. They are in the millions.
Woman's march pictures

Any WOMAN who voted for this ASS CLOWN deserves to be insulted. Any woman that is still a Republican is insulting herself.

Here is a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN and what he had to say.

You do realize that it was crossover Democrats that won Trump the Republican nomination and the general election, right?

Yeah 3 blue states went bezerk and voted for Trump. To put it in perspective Trump won on an accumulated vote total out of those 3 states by a mere 73K votes, while Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million. He did it in the rust belt.

But the rust belt turned on him last night in the 18th district of Pennsylvania. A district he won by 20 points in 2016, and a predominately Republican district with a huge steel industry. A district that hasn't elected a democrat in decades voted for Connor Lamb.

Here is a comment from a Pennsylvania local radio talk show host.

Everyone agrees the race is close. No one agrees why. Is this mostly about Trump? Saccone? Lamb? Murphy? Local radio talk show host Delano replies: In a district that Donald Trump won by nearly 20 points and no Democrat has come close to winning in decades, it's undeniable, in my view, that this election is a referendum on the performance of President Trump. On the ground, it's been a coalition of anti-Trump groups, many that sprouted after Trump's election and led by women, that have been the volunteer backbone of the Lamb campaign."
100% Of Pennsylvania Vote Is In

By electing Trump you have killed the Republican party. There isn't a safe Republican seat anywhere in the nation right now. The midterm election is going to be a bloodbath for Republicans. Which is why 39 House Republicans have already announced their early retirements, and will not seek reelection. I imagine more will drop out in the coming weeks after this huge loss in the 18th district of Pennsylvania.
A Record Number of House Republicans Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2018

When you can't get Republicans to vote for the Republican--Republicans might as well put out their resume's now. After the midterm the entire Republican party is going to have to be put on life support.

I really don't feel a bit sorry for you. You were warned a 1000 times over about Trump and you ignored all those warnings. A great article for you to spend the next 20 minutes READING so you NEVER make the same mistake again.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Then this one:
Neuroscientist Reveals What’s Wrong with Trump Supporters’ Brains

When this all comes crashing down on your heads, & it's going to, remember how it happened.

"It is not entirely true that Trump engineered a “hostile takeover” of the GOP, provided that the party is defined more broadly than elected officials and party insiders. As Conor Friedersdorf wrote last year in the Atlantic: “the elements of the party that sent pro-Trump signals to primary voters—Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, Sarah Palin, Jeff Sessions, Rudi Guiliani, Rick Scott, Jan Brewer, Joe Arpaio, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Breitbart.com, The Drudge Report, The New York Post, are simply more powerful, relative to National Review, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and other ‘Trump is unacceptable’ forces, than previously thought.”
The GOP That Failed

Donald Trump is the direct result of a large segment of this society insisting on living in a right wing media bubble for the last two decades, while being brainwashed into believing that all other media sources are fake.

And yet 10 million democrats voted in Republican primaries.

If you're talking about open primary states--YES Democrats were voting for Trump--because they believed that he would be the easiest candidate to beat. But it wasn't near 10 million---:auiqs.jpg:

The fact that he carried the labor states says otherwise.

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