Hillary Clinton’s Camp Set Up ‘Veterans Against Trump’ Protest. Unbelievable !

“He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'
Sounds right when it comes to McLame, who just happened to PARLAY his capture into a 30+ YEAR job in Politics, and has been worthless most of the time!
Worthless. Probably what you think of all captured vets.
Well, you were wrong.

Funny how you libs only care about them when you can use them for your nasty political purposes......but you could give a flying fuck about them when the VA makes them wait to be treated. Vets are dying every day while waiting for Obama to get off his ass and get them treated, and you could give a shit.
Well mudpacker, when are you going to realize that its the house that allocates the money, not the president ... in the last seven years time and time again the Democrats/liberals have been writing bills for the Vets either your precious republicans Filibuster the bill, when we held the majority, and when we lost the majority the reopublicans wouldn't bring its to the floor or they voted against any bill that would help the vets ... Now you want to say its obama['s fault ??? really are you this stupid??? last I check all obama can do is ask the congress to act which he has ... where your republicans refuse to do anything for the vets ... I think you mudpacker you should stick to what you do best... still trying to figure out what that is
Taking your homosexual fantasies aside, having been inside of government for over 30 years, I know that the Veterans Administration falls under the control of the president, and like everything this dickhead touches, the VA has turned to shit. Same can be said for the TSA, the IRS, and every other department under his control. The problem is the total lack of leadership or direction. This became apparent in the DoD the moment he took office. He has more money to work with than his predecessor, but he seems intent on finding jobs for illegals and bringing thousands of people into this country that hate our guts. It's no small wonder that everything it is going to shit.

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