Hillary Clinton’s popular vote lead pushes state pols to replace antiquated Electoral College system

You mistake just yourself for a "push". You also mistake old for outdated.

Why don't you go ask Gore how much popular vote matters? You know, assuming she even won the popular vote. Even if the numbers were correct, it's without absentee ballots included, which would be 2/3rds Republican votes.

Hey, Gore made being a loser work for him. He is a single billionaire now from selling snake oil. Hillary is a bigger loser, sure, but she has great potential. All she has to do is make something out.

can she do that from federal prison?

That's a fantasy that the right needs to get over. Trump made a pile of huge promises. Booting wets, building a wall, fixing Bammercare, dealing with ISIS and pushing his promise to work at term limits for senators and congressmen. Politicians rarely do time for their crimes. One even got to commit murder of a woman no less and was praised as some kind of hero. Hillary has no need to worry about prison. It will never happen. So pleas let the wounded reptile slither back under its rock to eat its bugs, and lets keep the guy who made all the promises honest ya?
Damn shame isn't it? More folks voted for Hillary but we still have to put up with that red faced, orange haired monkey for the next four years!
God was certainly looking out for the U.S, there is no question.
That vile whore would have sold this country to the highest bidder, we would have had no borders, and we would be seeing many terrorist attacks here.
She is a liar and a corrupt piece of shit and she should not be allowed anywhere near a government office.
You mistake just yourself for a "push". You also mistake old for outdated.

Why don't you go ask Gore how much popular vote matters? You know, assuming she even won the popular vote. Even if the numbers were correct, it's without absentee ballots included, which would be 2/3rds Republican votes.

Hey, Gore made being a loser work for him. He is a single billionaire now from selling snake oil. Hillary is a bigger loser, sure, but she has great potential. All she has to do is make something out.

can she do that from federal prison?
She's not going to prison. In fact I saw somewhere that Trump was thinking of taking advantage of her foreign policy experience and appoint her as ambassador to Libya.

Ya, I hear there has been an opening for awhile.
Trump also won the popular vote.

Are you sure?
The reality is, only the snowflakes care about something that does not matter. They can't deal with their corrupt whore losing, so now they insist on showing their lack of maturity by crying like little bitches and making asinine demands. It comical watching these dumb punks. I hope they keep it up. Burn and smash cars and businesses in the name of fairness. Brilliant!
Trump also won the popular vote.

Are you sure?
The reality is, only the snowflakes care about something that does not matter. They can't deal with their corrupt whore losing, so now they insist on showing their lack of maturity by crying like little bitches and making asinine demands. It comical watching these dumb punks. I hope they keep it up. Burn and smash cars and businesses in the name of fairness. Brilliant!

They will be thankfully when they don't have mom and dad paying the bills.
Sure, because the libs have realized that breeding their way into power and ignoring a large part of America might not be a foolproof plan to seize power, so they want to alter the system set up precisely to prevent that from happening.

Here's an idea, stop acting as if only your point of view matters, stop ignoring the 'flyover rubes' as if they're nothing but animals in your zoo employed to grow y'all some corn, start figuring how to work toward more cohesive goals for the country as a whole, rather than playing divisive politics....in other words take this lesson and learn something for a change.....

But noooooooo, instead after losing this election precisely because they thought they had marginalized a huge segment of the population to the point they could simply tell them to go fuck themselves they now want to change election protocols so they can tell them to go fuck themselves.
Damn shame isn't it? More folks voted for Hillary but we still have to put up with that red faced, orange haired monkey for the next four years!

Change the constitution then

Gonna be kind of hard with Republicans holding historically high governorships, State Legislators and so on.

Wake up dude, the butthurt is strong within you.
Trump also won the popular vote.

Are you sure?
The reality is, only the snowflakes care about something that does not matter. They can't deal with their corrupt whore losing, so now they insist on showing their lack of maturity by crying like little bitches and making asinine demands. It comical watching these dumb punks. I hope they keep it up. Burn and smash cars and businesses in the name of fairness. Brilliant!

Your head would have exploded if Clinton won the electoral vote but lost the popular vote.

You're not fooling anyone.
Trump also won the popular vote.

Are you sure?
The reality is, only the snowflakes care about something that does not matter. They can't deal with their corrupt whore losing, so now they insist on showing their lack of maturity by crying like little bitches and making asinine demands. It comical watching these dumb punks. I hope they keep it up. Burn and smash cars and businesses in the name of fairness. Brilliant!

Your head would have exploded if Clinton won the electoral vote but lost the popular vote.

You're not fooling anyone.

"If" don't fly.

You lost.
Damn shame isn't it? More folks voted for Hillary but we still have to put up with that red faced, orange haired monkey for the next four years!

We do not know that Hitlery honestly won the popular vote at all.....but we do know that Trump won the electoral college even in spite of the cheating.........get it now???

Hillary 60,467,245 Trump 60,071,650

Like 2000:

Gore 50,999,897 Bush 50,456,002
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Trump also won the popular vote.

Are you sure?
The reality is, only the snowflakes care about something that does not matter. They can't deal with their corrupt whore losing, so now they insist on showing their lack of maturity by crying like little bitches and making asinine demands. It comical watching these dumb punks. I hope they keep it up. Burn and smash cars and businesses in the name of fairness. Brilliant!

Your head would have exploded if Clinton won the electoral vote but lost the popular vote.

You're not fooling anyone.
Nope. I understand how the electoral college works and why it exists, unlike the snowflakes. The fact is Trump flipped multiple democrat strongholds, and that is why he won. Next time try to run a candidate that is not under FBI investigation for selling favors as Sec of State. Just a tip.
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It would require 3/4ths of the states to make the change. If you think that will happen you are as loopy as they come.
Damn shame isn't it? More folks voted for Hillary but we still have to put up with that red faced, orange haired monkey for the next four years!

One state so far and you need many more to do it before Maryland will be able to enact that change...

Why don't you request Pelosi to introduce the amendment to change the system and see how many Democrats sign on?

Also you are one of those that believe States like California should be able to swing the election in favor of your candidate...

You do know Clinton was losing the Popular Vote until California swung it to her favor, right?

So as you complain about the outdated system you should look at how many states Trump won versus how many Hillary won and tell me again how you believe the Electoral College is outdated because what I am seeing is a bunch of progressive Liberals upset that their few states with bigger population are not allow to dictate what rest of America should have as President!
The op is just like the other snowflakes. None of them ever took a civics class. They ran a crook and the result is they got there asses kicked across the country. Only the dim bulbs believe a dozen cities should determine the President.

actually it would be 4 or 5 cities.
Hillary Clinton’s popular vote lead pushes state pols to replace antiquated Electoral College system
Damn shame isn't it? More folks voted for Hillary but we still have to put up with that red faced, orange haired monkey for the next four years!

Interesting. I've heard no one of import calling for scrapping the Electoral College.

And yes you do. Maybe eight.

Really you haven't? Trump said on 60 Minutes that he would be in favor of looking to get rid of it. Is he important?
Hillary Clinton’s popular vote lead pushes state pols to replace antiquated Electoral College system
Damn shame isn't it? More folks voted for Hillary but we still have to put up with that red faced, orange haired monkey for the next four years!

Interesting. I've heard no one of import calling for scrapping the Electoral College.

And yes you do. Maybe eight.

Really you haven't? Trump said on 60 Minutes that he would be in favor of looking to get rid of it. Is he important?

dream on. it would take ratification by 38 states, not happnin.
Hillary Clinton’s popular vote lead pushes state pols to replace antiquated Electoral College system
Damn shame isn't it? More folks voted for Hillary but we still have to put up with that red faced, orange haired monkey for the next four years!

Interesting. I've heard no one of import calling for scrapping the Electoral College.

And yes you do. Maybe eight.

Really you haven't? Trump said on 60 Minutes that he would be in favor of looking to get rid of it. Is he important?

dream on. it would take ratification by 38 states, not happnin.

I asked a damn question. He said no one of importance has said anything about getting rid of it. Trump has. So is he important?
Hillary Clinton’s popular vote lead pushes state pols to replace antiquated Electoral College system
Damn shame isn't it? More folks voted for Hillary but we still have to put up with that red faced, orange haired monkey for the next four years!

Interesting. I've heard no one of import calling for scrapping the Electoral College.

And yes you do. Maybe eight.

Really you haven't? Trump said on 60 Minutes that he would be in favor of looking to get rid of it. Is he important?

Give me the quote and source.
Hillary Clinton’s popular vote lead pushes state pols to replace antiquated Electoral College system
Damn shame isn't it? More folks voted for Hillary but we still have to put up with that red faced, orange haired monkey for the next four years!

Interesting. I've heard no one of import calling for scrapping the Electoral College.

And yes you do. Maybe eight.

Really you haven't? Trump said on 60 Minutes that he would be in favor of looking to get rid of it. Is he important?

Give me the quote and source.

Lesley Stahl: Now, for months, you were running around saying that the system is rigged, the whole thing was rigged. You tweeted once that the Electoral College is a disaster for democracy.

Donald Trump: I do.

Lesley Stahl: So do you still think it’s rigged?

Donald Trump: Well, I think the electoral ca-- look, I won with the Electoral College.

Lesley Stahl: Exactly.But do you think--

Donald Trump: You know, it’s--

Lesley Stahl: --it’s rigged?

Donald Trump: Yeah, some of the election locations are. Some of the system is. I hated--

Lesley Stahl: Even though you won you’re saying that--

Donald Trump: I hated-- well, you know, I’m not going to change my mind just because I won. But I would rather see it where you went with simple votes. You know, you get 100 million votes and somebody else gets 90 million votes and you win. There’s a reason for doing this because it brings all the states into play. Electoral College and there’s something very good about that. But this is a different system. But I respect it. I do respect the system.

President-elect Trump speaks to a divided country on 60 Minutes
Damn shame isn't it? More folks voted for Hillary but we still have to put up with that red faced, orange haired monkey for the next four years!
And, had she won, they wouldn't be saying shit.

Now, our election system is fucked up and has to change.

Funny, I do recall her disgust when Trump said,
He might not accept the results and feared it would be rigged.
And, journalist who said he was unamerican,
and a threat to our system of democracy.

Now, because 'this was supposed to be HER turn',
and she doesn't want to accept defeat,
everything is wrong with our election system,
and needs to be changed...for the sake of democracy.

I am so sick of these fucks!

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