Hillary Clinton’s popular vote lead pushes state pols to replace antiquated Electoral College system

Damn shame isn't it? More folks voted for Hillary but we still have to put up with that red faced, orange haired monkey for the next four years!

Thing is, this is a process established by the Constitution. If states want to change it, 33 of them need to get in line to amend it. Otherwise pipe down and shaddap.

Sorry, but nothing changes if everyone shuts up.

Seriously, what does a lot of talking and whining change? It changes people's opinion of you. But it doesn't change the process that elects presidents.
Sorry, but nothing changes if everyone shuts up.

The noise level does.

Are you a Conservative? Oh... very Conservative of you to want to surpass so many people's 1st Amendment rights. Cool story bro.

Lol. You snowflakes are so dense you can't even handle sarcasm. I never said anything about suppressing (that's the word you're looking for) people's 1st Amendment rights. For the record, the 1st Amendment ends when you start setting things on fire, destroying property or assaulting people. That I want to suppress. Badly.

I'm a conservative alright, and I can't stand people who lack enough of a spine to handle mere words. Offended by simple gender pronouns, Halloween costumes, opposite points of view, Christmas, certain colors, or sidewalk chalk; whatever it is, you're seemingly offended by it. Absolutely pathetic.
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Sorry, but nothing changes if everyone shuts up.

The noise level does.

Are you a Conservative? Oh... very Conservative of you to want to surpass so many people's 1st Amendment rights. Cool story bro.

Lol. You snowflakes are so dense you can't even handle sarcasm. I never said anything about suppressing (that's the word you're looking for) people's 1st Amendment rights. For the record, the 1st Amendment ends when you start setting things on fire, destroying property or assaulting people. That I want to suppress. Badly.

I'm a conservative alright, and I can't stand people who lack enough of a spine to handle mere words. Offended by simple gender pronouns, Halloween costumes, opposite points of view, Christmas, certain colors, or sidewalk chalk; you're offended by it. Absolutely pathetic.

So...as I have already said, you want to lump people who are on here using their 1st Amendment right to give their opinion on things, with those who are violently protesting? Yep, that makes sense.

Creating a Strawman argument by talking about "Offended by simple gender pronouns, Halloween costumes, opposite points of view, Christmas, certain colors, or sidewalk chalk; you're offended by it."

Sorry dude, come up with a better argument. Your "snowflake" crap is stupid. Show me where I have said anything about the above items. You can't. This is exactly why no one takes your arguments seriously. You lump everyone into this tight little group that you want to be able to make fun of, when most of the people you are saying this about have absolutely nothing to do with that stuff.
Your "snowflake" crap is stupid.

Is it? Then why are you complaining about the results of an election? Why are you calling for changes in a constitutionally established process?

Oh, that's right. Because your candidate lost and you can't bear the thought.
Your "snowflake" crap is stupid.

Is it? Then why are you complaining about the results of an election? Why are you calling for changes in a constitutionally established process?

Oh, that's right. Because your candidate lost and you can't bear the thought.

No, it wasn't my candidate. My candidate was cheated out of his place in the election by her. My Second candidate was Jeb Bush, and third was Kasich.

Why do I not like the Electoral College? I don't like the idea of my one person's vote being worth more than someone else's. Period. If this is a country of freedom and equality, then that should include voting.
Damn shame isn't it? More folks voted for Hillary but we still have to put up with that red faced, orange haired monkey for the next four years!

Get some of that AZO for your vagina pain and deal with it. The witch is dead. She is gone and her dreams of entering history died late evening. She will fade away remembered only as a typical corrupt politician. Can't believe how emotionally weak libs are. Just get the fuck over it and get on with life. Damn.
Enjoy your huge tax cut for the rich, hater dupe. lol
Your "snowflake" crap is stupid.

Is it? Then why are you complaining about the results of an election? Why are you calling for changes in a constitutionally established process?

Oh, that's right. Because your candidate lost and you can't bear the thought.

No, it wasn't my candidate. My candidate was cheated out of his place in the election by her. My Second candidate was Jeb Bush, and third was Kasich.

Why do I not like the Electoral College? I don't like the idea of my one person's vote being worth more than someone else's. Period. If this is a country of freedom and equality, then that should include voting.
No, Sanders himself says she won fair and square, dupe.
No, it wasn't my candidate. My candidate was cheated out of his place in the election by her. My Second candidate was Jeb Bush, and third was Kasich.


Why do I not like the Electoral College? I don't like the idea of my one person's vote being worth more than someone else's.

Let me get this straight. You think the electoral college makes one person's vote worth more than another's?

To think you just called me ignorant.

If we had nothing but a popular election to decide the president, the elections would be driven by the largest most populous states in the union. The people in the less populous states would have their votes rendered meaningless. It was designed to give everyone in each state an equal voice. One person, one vote. It puts smaller states on equal ground with the larger ones in terms of electing the president.
Damn shame isn't it? More folks voted for Hillary but we still have to put up with that red faced, orange haired monkey for the next four years!
All the popular vote proves this time, is there's more morons in America than smart people. You can perhaps blame that on the education system...or opioids.
No, it wasn't my candidate. My candidate was cheated out of his place in the election by her. My Second candidate was Jeb Bush, and third was Kasich.


Why do I not like the Electoral College? I don't like the idea of my one person's vote being worth more than someone else's.

Let me get this straight. You think the electoral college makes one person's vote worth more than another's?

To think you just called me ignorant.

If we had nothing but a popular election to decide the president, the elections would be driven by the largest most populous states in the union. The people in the less populous states would have their votes rendered meaningless. It was designed to give everyone in each state an equal voice. One person, one vote.

Yeah...when it takes different amounts of popular votes to equal one Electoral Vote, yes, one person's vote is worth more than someone else's.

It's asinine that in the U.S. a person's vote in Idaho is worth more than a person's vote in California. When you vote for Governor of your state, does a person's vote that lives in Buttlick County BFE count more than someone that lives in Major City, USA? Nope. So why should it be different when voting for the President?
Yeah...when it takes different amounts of popular votes to equal one Electoral Vote, yes, one person's vote is worth more than someone else's.

You have no idea how this works, do you?

Instead of having all 50 states hold an election, thereby letting mob rule dictate the president, each state has their own independent election. Who ever wins that state, wins the votes. That basically makes a vote from oh, say, North Dakota, just as equal as one from California or New York.
It's asinine that in the U.S. a person's vote in Idaho is worth more than a person's vote in California. When you vote for Governor of your state, does a person's vote that lives in Buttlick County BFE count more than someone that lives in Major City, USA? Nope. So why should it be different when voting for the President?

Actually, like I just said, it makes a Californian's vote just as equal as an Idahoan's.

You have no idea how this works. Period. Go educate yourself.
It's asinine that in the U.S. a person's vote in Idaho is worth more than a person's vote in California. When you vote for Governor of your state, does a person's vote that lives in Buttlick County BFE count more than someone that lives in Major City, USA? Nope. So why should it be different when voting for the President?

Actually, like I just said, it makes a Californian's vote just as equal as an Idahoan's.

You have no idea how this works. Period. Go educate yourself.

I already posted an article that hows exactly how much each person's vote is worth in each state. They are not equal.
United States electoral votes aren't distributed completely proportionally to state population. This is because the number of electors for a state is determined by adding the number of representatives and senators. Since there are always at least 2 senators and 1 representative, smaller states can have nearly 3x as much voting power as larger states on a per-capita basis.

US Presidential Elections: How Much Is One Vote Worth? - Ravi Parikh's Website
Has it dawned on you that the EC system won't be changed at all and why?

And people said Blacks would never be able to vote... nor women. We would never make it to the moon. We'd never fly around the world. Oh and the Sun rotated around the Earth. Yeah... and the Earth is flat.

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