Hillary flies 20 miles in private jet from Martha’s Vineyard to Nantucket

maybe you should be. you never told us why she is taking time off with no scheduled appearances, and at a time when her numbers are going down and Trump's are going up.

Clinton's strategy ?????? SIMPLE.....

Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself...Napoleon.

Very appropriate to compare two empty suit emperors, Napoleon and Obama.
You do know that Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket are Islands and a very long Ferry ride is the only way to get there unless you take a Puddle Jumper. (plane)

The Ferry would be out of the question during Season, as we are in now up here and with all the Secret Service duties of protecting her....they would truly hurt the tourist business for both Islands using the Ferries, and would inconvenience the vacationers there.

My guess is via Air, was the only feasible way to get there, without major disruption of the tourists.
This is laughable. "OMG she took a jet, unbelievable!" then show her climbing the stairs to board the jet forgetting about their other bullshit story that she can't climb stairs. ROFL!!!
And acting like their billionaire Mr. Dump wouldn't do the same.
It shows her descending the stairs NOT climbing the stairs you dummy!
The private jet was parked at a covered boarding entrance LEVEL with the plane's door.
That way no one could see if she had 'loaded' her Depends again when she's seen climbing the stairs.
Hillary Clinton is very important, and she can’t be bogged down by pesky things such as boats or waiting.

The presidential candidate, who is endlessly trying to tell factory workers in Ohio and Pennsylvania that she’s one of them, jetted approximately 20 miles from Martha’s Vineyard — where she was last night partying with President Obama — to Nantucket for a fundraiser on Saturday."

RICH: Hillary flies 20 miles in private jet from Martha's Vineyard to Nantucket - The American Mirror

This is why we laugh at you idiots who think she gives a shit about you.


dumb donald flies everywhere in his OWN private plane and then bills his campaign for it.

you're welcome. :cuckoo:

This is not about Donald so quit the red herring crap. For a woman who demands ordinary Americans make major changes to combat global warming, it os beyond hypocritical for her to take a private jet for a 1 hour car drive.

It is like the biggest hypocrite on the planet - Al Gore- America. People shouldn't drive SUVs, but he flies in a private jet, American People use expensive light bulb and conservative energy at home, yet his home uses as much electricity as 20 normal homes. Shouldn't the asshole rely fully on solar and wind power.

Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth'? -- A $30,000 Utility Bill
You do know that Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket are Islands and a very long Ferry ride is the only way to get there unless you take a Puddle Jumper. (plane)

The Ferry would be out of the question during Season, as we are in now up here and with all the Secret Service duties of protecting her....they would truly hurt the tourist business for both Islands using the Ferries, and would inconvenience the vacationers there.

My guess is via Air, was the only feasible way to get there, without major disruption of the tourists.

If you can't cope with the difficulties and the circumstances of the way regular people are traveling, stop being a hypocrite and stop pretending that you are regular people.


Try this:

There was a golfer called Margo
Who started swimming from Key Largo
Said "I really wanna
Play golf in Havana
So, the Hell with the embargo.

If there is a will, there is a way. Let Hillary swim, or preferably, SINK.
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maybe you should be. you never told us why she is taking time off with no scheduled appearances, and at a time when her numbers are going down and Trump's are going up.

Clinton's strategy ?????? SIMPLE.....

Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself...Napoleon.

The election polls today have it a dead heat. HRC was ahead a few weeks ago, now she is taking time off, sounds like she needs some rest or therapy. Face it, HRC is an old feeble sick woman.
OK, who brought up Napoleon????

Of course I brought up a quote from Napoleon....who died almost 200 years ago.....and YOU, moron, brought up the current president and compared him to an emperor.....LOL
Face it, HRC is an old feeble sick woman.

You DO realize that Clinton is younger than Trump....or do you?
In your ever lasting delusion, try to come up with some way to dispute even that....LOL
Hillary Clinton is very important, and she can’t be bogged down by pesky things such as boats or waiting.

The presidential candidate, who is endlessly trying to tell factory workers in Ohio and Pennsylvania that she’s one of them, jetted approximately 20 miles from Martha’s Vineyard — where she was last night partying with President Obama — to Nantucket for a fundraiser on Saturday."

RICH: Hillary flies 20 miles in private jet from Martha's Vineyard to Nantucket - The American Mirror

This is why we laugh at you idiots who think she gives a shit about you.
Island hopping...heard of it?
Hillary Clinton is very important, and she can’t be bogged down by pesky things such as boats or waiting.

The presidential candidate, who is endlessly trying to tell factory workers in Ohio and Pennsylvania that she’s one of them, jetted approximately 20 miles from Martha’s Vineyard — where she was last night partying with President Obama — to Nantucket for a fundraiser on Saturday."

RICH: Hillary flies 20 miles in private jet from Martha's Vineyard to Nantucket - The American Mirror

This is why we laugh at you idiots who think she gives a shit about you.


dumb donald flies everywhere in his OWN private plane and then bills his campaign for it.

you're welcome. :cuckoo:

So far Trump paid all his campaign expenses out of his own pocket.

You are welcome.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: He's got YOU trained.
Hillary Clinton is very important, and she can’t be bogged down by pesky things such as boats or waiting.

The presidential candidate, who is endlessly trying to tell factory workers in Ohio and Pennsylvania that she’s one of them, jetted approximately 20 miles from Martha’s Vineyard — where she was last night partying with President Obama — to Nantucket for a fundraiser on Saturday."

RICH: Hillary flies 20 miles in private jet from Martha's Vineyard to Nantucket - The American Mirror

This is why we laugh at you idiots who think she gives a shit about you.


dumb donald flies everywhere in his OWN private plane and then bills his campaign for it.

you're welcome. :cuckoo:

Trump isn't running around blubbering about how fossil fuels are destroying the Earth. Hillary is.
So,Hillary is a hypocrite because she lives in luxury and is NOT of the people.........True....

But we should vote for Trump because he IS the average man or woman candidate???? Do I have that right ?

....and to prove that assertion, here's a picture of Trump's trailer........

So,Hillary is a hypocrite because she lives in luxury and is NOT of the people.........True....

But we should vote for Trump because he IS the average man or woman candidate???? Do I have that right ?

....and to prove that assertion, here's a picture of Trump's trailer........


First it is again not about Trump it is about Hillary's hypocrisy.

Second, like Gore, she preaches how all of the little people need to do their parts in reducing fossils fuels yet the Queen won't do her part. That is the job of the peasants.
First it is again not about Trump it is about Hillary's hypocrisy.

Second, like Gore, she preaches how all of the little people need to do their parts in reducing fossils fuels yet the Queen won't do her part. That is the job of the peasants.

Yes.....democracy is never absent of some hypocrisy.....You and I don't get to live in a big white house, or have a secret service detail, or have a huge airplane and helicopter at our disposal, etc.

So, what the fuck is YOUR point?.....Do you want Hillary to campaign on a platform that EVERY citizen should have the same exact perks as a POTUS?
The idiocy of the thread premise is nothing new – republicans have been propagating the same ridiculous ‘hypocrisy’ lie as far back as FDR and JFK.

That a democratic politician might be ‘wealthy’ has no bearing whatsoever on that politician’s ability to address issues concerning the middle class, working, and low income Americans.

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