Hillary has leased bureau space in Brooklyn for her 2016 Prez campaign


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
Hillary Clinton s Campaign Headquarters Could Be in Brooklyn MSNBC - NBC News

(Video at the link)

A lease has been signed in the Brooklyn Heights neighborhood for office space expected to be the headquarters of Clinton's 2016 White House bid, sources familiar with the matter confirmed to MSNBC on Friday morning.

The move could signal that her long-awaited campaign launch is imminent. Under federal election rules, candidates have just 15 days to declare a presidential run after engaging in campaign activity, like renting office space, though it's unclear who or what legal entity signed the document, and when, MSNBC reported.

This means that it is very likely that she will be announcing around the same time as Marco Rubio (R-FL).

Orgasm time folks. on the count of three

I was wondering if she would announce soon. It would strategically be a good idea to. It would get the media talking about something besides her emails.
Looks like they are going to stand with the Old gray mare, who they kicked out of the starting gate, 8 YEARS ago for the man/boy

wow we should all be impressed...actually that's some sad shit
Hillary Clinton s Campaign Headquarters Could Be in Brooklyn MSNBC - NBC News

(Video at the link)

A lease has been signed in the Brooklyn Heights neighborhood for office space expected to be the headquarters of Clinton's 2016 White House bid, sources familiar with the matter confirmed to MSNBC on Friday morning.
The move could signal that her long-awaited campaign launch is imminent. Under federal election rules, candidates have just 15 days to declare a presidential run after engaging in campaign activity, like renting office space, though it's unclear who or what legal entity signed the document, and when, MSNBC reported.

This means that it is very likely that she will be announcing around the same time as Marco Rubio (R-FL).

Must be an excruciatingly boring day in Germany.
Looks like they are going to stand with the Old gray mare, who they kicked out of the starting gate, 8 YEARS ago for the man/boy

wow we should all be impressed...actually that's some sad shit

Kind of the same way Reagan and Romney were kicked out in previous primaries before getting a chance to run in the general election huh?

What do you know, Reagan was around the same age as Hillary will be!
Kind of the same way Reagan and Romney were kicked out in previous primaries before getting a chance to run in the general election huh?

What do you know, Reagan was around the same age as Hillary will be!

Wow.. You have a lot of guts, comparing the great and powerful Ronald Wilson Reagan to mere mortals like Mitt and Hillary. :wink_2:
Kind of the same way Reagan and Romney were kicked out in previous primaries before getting a chance to run in the general election huh?

What do you know, Reagan was around the same age as Hillary will be!

Wow.. You have a lot of guts, comparing the great and powerful Ronald Wilson Reagan to mere mortals like Mitt and Hillary. :wink_2:

No kidding. Reagan accomplished something when he was a Governor and the President...Hillary has accomplished being a career politician in Congress... she was Bestowed SOS and didn't accomplish shit there either....so big whoppie
No kidding. Reagan accomplished something when he was a Governor and the President...Hillary has accomplished being a career politician in Congress...big whoppie

I forget, which decade was Ronald Reagan? He freed the slaves right?
Looks like they are going to stand with the Old gray mare, who they kicked out of the starting gate, 8 YEARS ago for the man/boy

wow we should all be impressed...actually that's some sad shit

Yes, because the Republicans have of course never done that!

Oh, wait.... they did.

Ronald Reagan LOST the nomination in both 1968 and 1976. But gosh-darnit it, those Republicans stood by that old gray Mare in 1980, whom they kicked out of the starting gate in 1976....

And the Mittster, well, he lost the nomination in 2008. But the Republicans stood by that old Mare in 2012, whom they kicked out the starting gate in 2008.

The only difference is: Reagan eventually won. Romney?

Tsk, tsk...

Wow, ´we should all be impressed....

See, Stephanie, a little useful knowledge goes a LONG, LONG way.

And yes, you really ARE that stupid.

Thank you for playing.
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Go ahead and run her. She is married to a sexual predator pedophile. There goes the young politically correct crowd. Accomplishments, she had to move to a state she new she could win, so she could be senator. She ran a failed presidential campaign and got smoked by a unqualified black man. She became sos and totally screwed the pooch. Failed marriage. Failed book tour. Was dead broke when she left the Whitehouse, after living for free for eight years. Failed at the attempt for healthcare. She even got kicked off the team that was prosecuting Nixon. The scandals that follow her, do you really want to live through that garbage again?
Go ahead and run her. She is married to a sexual predator pedophile. There goes the young politically correct crowd. Accomplishments, she had to move to a state she new she could win, so she could be senator. She ran a failed presidential campaign and got smoked by a unqualified black man. She became sos and totally screwed the pooch. Failed marriage. Failed book tour. Was dead broke when she left the Whitehouse, after living for free for eight years. Failed at the attempt for healthcare. She even got kicked off the team that was prosecuting Nixon. The scandals that follow her, do you really want to live through that garbage again?

Interesting that you believe Bill is going to hurt her chances. Seems I remember a pretty sizable bump in the polls after Bill gave a speech in support of Obama at the DNC during the most recent presidential election. Maybe people like him more than you are willing to open your eyes to? Hm. All I know is he definitely out did Clint at the RNC that year. Hard to believe, considering Clint even brought a prop.
Eh. By primary time I'm sure there will be plenty of Democratic candidates, but I strongly doubt Clinton will be the nominee. I suspect Democrats will vote for a newer face, as they did in 2008. Elizabeth Warren might be the only familiar face to stand a chance in 2016.

The thing I wonder about is why more Democrats haven't made moves suggesting that they are running. People speculate about Warren and Biden, but neither have made any significant moves suggesting that they are joining the race. People have speculated on Michelle Obama running, but that's just retard talk. Who else does the Democratic party have to bring forward? :dunno: ,

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