Hillary: "if they don’t moderate and monitor the content we lose total control"

Perhaps, in my mind the Democrat Party really started to lose it around 2016 and on, with increasing voracity. They went full retard. They allowed the fringe to become the leading voice of their party - and Harris as their candidate is the result. And their Borg devotion to turn her - in their OWN MINDS - from the low level nobody she was - to Superwoman is exactly what it is.

I think Obama put the Democrat Party into a hard left turn from which it never recovered. He also set race relations back decades.
When fascism comes to America it will be waving the flag and wearing a pant suit. Destruction is a process, not an event.
You mean fake news sources of alt-right media? Misinformation and lies are dangerous. Used to be in this country, you had to back your bullshit claims up with facts, otherwise, you got your ass handed to you.
Now they squeal and hide spewing "free speech". Well, courts have ruled that 1st Amendment does NOT give you the right to say and do whatever you want. There are limits.
There are limits. Your inability to control your emotions like an adult is not one of them.
It's difficult to imagine that, when the critical First Amendment was created, that they could have anticipated the carving out of an entirely separate, insulated alternate informational ecosystem like this. A country can't exist with two realities (which may be the goal of those who want to bring down our institutions), so the clock is ticking.

Regardless, the First Amendment has to hold here, even with the profound damage being caused by the alternate universe. This is a cultural problem and it has to be solved through the culture, not with laws that inhibit speech. Freedom of Expression has to win, even now, even with this orange tumor killing us.

The media bubble isn't reality. It's state propaganda.
You mean fake news sources of alt-right media? Misinformation and lies are dangerous. Used to be in this country, you had to back your bullshit claims up with facts, otherwise, you got your ass handed to you.
Now they squeal and hide spewing "free speech". Well, courts have ruled that 1st Amendment does NOT give you the right to say and do whatever you want. There are limits.

Are mainstream media and Democrat lies dangerous?
It is also a systemic educational problem.
High education is virtually 100% only representative of one side. Which churns out brainwashed youth.
Universities should be a place of disagreement, diverse opinions welcomed - but for the past 8-10 years, in America, they are the opposite. Literally banning diversity - in the name of diversity.
college encourages lively exchange of idea.png

Hillary says that the dangers of free speech include child porn, and then stops. Apparently she thinks child porn is free speech. LOL. Idiots.

Funny thing, people get arrested for child porn every day because it is not taken off the internet because the government allows it to exist, but anyone would be hard pressed to find any media sites allow people to question such things as the efficacy of the Covid vaccine as being safe anywhere on the internet because the government censored it all off the internet

Funny that.
Unfortunately, the only way to fight this alternate universe of facts is to get down in the mud and go toe to toe with them. Employ their tactics (in reverse)...and bloody their noses.
Otherwise, you're just tilting at windmills. Sad to say, but the time for "can't we all just get along"....has set sail. :)

They hate it when we use Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals: back on them.
Freedom of Expression has to win, even now, even with this orange tumor killing us.

I think the Progressive Left (PL) is a bigger threat to freedom of expression than Trump is or was. Certainly he wants more control as much as Hillary and the PL do, but he doesn't have sufficient influence over the Media, Academia, and Hollywood that the PL has. He can run his mouth all he wants, but if elected he won't be able to do much of anything cuz he'll essentially be a lame-duck president for 4 years. Even his own party won't pass the crazy stuff and I believe the current SCOTUS won't let him run wild either with whatever Executive Actions he takes.

Even if Trump gets elected, so what? What's he actually going to be able to do? What are you so afraid of? Cuz I ain't it, yeah he's a dirtbag but IMHO so are the democrats in different ways.
A few years ago Democrats didn't want to touch Section 230. That was the loophole social media used to censor people. They simply declared anything conservatives said to be obscene and they got to censor it. Now that X doesn't censor as much suddenly Hillary wants to completely eliminate Section 230 so that lawfare can be used against X.
Stop whining about your savior. He's his own worst enemy. Trump makes his own issues. There are no lies about him. All of his foibles, faults, tendencies, and failings are on display for everyone to see.
His political career should have been over the moment he took his foot off the golden escalator.

Trump is who he is. He's just the result...but you?...well, you've enabled him.
Which makes this more about your sanity than his. :)

The fake Russian Dossier creation was funded for the Hillary Campaign.

FEC fines Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC over Trump-Russia dossier research

Stop whining about your savior. He's his own worst enemy. Trump makes his own issues. There are no lies about him. All of his foibles, faults, tendencies, and failings are on display for everyone to see.
His political career should have been over the moment he took his foot off the golden escalator.

Trump is who he is. He's just the result...but you?...well, you've enabled him.
Which makes this more about your sanity than his. :)
Russian collusion is one.
The thug in the Maoist pantsuit is at it again. Leftists think they own the youth vote and the thought of losing it due to alternative news sources fills them with totalitarian rage.

Fascists love censorship. The sheep just go baaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

You stupid cult fucks need to wake up.


We all get COVID every year now. How come we are not locking down the planet every year?
Perhaps, in my mind the Democrat Party really started to lose it around 2016 and on, with increasing voracity. They went full retard. They allowed the fringe to become the leading voice of their party - and Harris as their candidate is the result. And their Borg devotion to turn her - in their OWN MINDS - from the low level nobody she was - to Superwoman is exactly what it is.

It was full retard when it elected homO, and was trending that way before, in the mid to late 1990s.
Universities should be a place of disagreement, diverse opinions welcomed - but for the past 8-10 years, in America, they are the opposite. Literally banning diversity - in the name of diversity.
This was/is one of the worst things I've seen over the last 10-20 years. And this lies on the shoulders of the Left and the colleges.

The VERY LAST place you want to de-platform people, and keep ideas away from young people, is a goddamn college campus.

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