Hillary: "if they don’t moderate and monitor the content we lose total control"

Unfortunately, the only way to fight this alternate universe of facts is to get down in the mud and go toe to toe with them. Employ their tactics (in reverse)...and bloody their noses.
Otherwise, you're just tilting at windmills. Sad to say, but the time for "can't we all just get along"....has set sail. :)
At best, this is going to be a slow grind.

This is cultural now, and when it gets that far, it's in deep.
I think the Progressive Left (PL) is a bigger threat to freedom of expression than Trump is or was. Certainly he wants more control as much as Hillary and the PL do, but he doesn't have sufficient influence over the Media, Academia, and Hollywood that the PL has. He can run his mouth all he wants, but if elected he won't be able to do much of anything cuz he'll essentially be a lame-duck president for 4 years. Even his own party won't pass the crazy stuff and I believe the current SCOTUS won't let him run wild either with whatever Executive Actions he takes.

Even if Trump gets elected, so what? What's he actually going to be able to do? What are you so afraid of? Cuz I ain't it, yeah he's a dirtbag but IMHO so are the democrats in different ways.
The Left weaponized PC & Political Correctness by making them punative. They wrecked careers, destroyed businesses, and made people from coast to coast afraid to say what they were thinking. I got into a few hundred squabbles with lefties here over that, and for that I was called every name in the book.

Their tactics animated the Right and played a big role in the rise of Trumpism.
Who monitors Hillary’s lies? Like Trump is a Russian asset?

The entire Steele dossier was manufactured by Hillary.

Who censored her DISINFORMATION?
At best, this is going to be a slow grind.

This is cultural now, and when it gets that far, it's in deep.
The slow grind you are referring to is the retirement, death and/or exit from politics by the baby boomers and first run Gen-X crowd.
That is the only thing that fixes this. And that may be a decade or more away.
I think the Progressive Left (PL) is a bigger threat to freedom of expression than Trump is or was. Certainly he wants more control as much as Hillary and the PL do, but he doesn't have sufficient influence over the Media, Academia, and Hollywood that the PL has. He can run his mouth all he wants, but if elected he won't be able to do much of anything cuz he'll essentially be a lame-duck president for 4 years. Even his own party won't pass the crazy stuff and I believe the current SCOTUS won't let him run wild either with whatever Executive Actions he takes.

Even if Trump gets elected, so what? What's he actually going to be able to do? What are you so afraid of? Cuz I ain't it, yeah he's a dirtbag but IMHO so are the democrats in different ways.

We should all remember that Democrats loved Trump until he decided to run against Hillary.
The slow grind you are referring to is the retirement, death and/or exit from politics by the baby boomers and first run Gen-X crowd.
That is the only thing that fixes this. And that may be a decade or more away.

Then socialism finally works? :auiqs.jpg:
Russian collusion is one.
Trump Tower meeting. It happened. Even Bannon thought someone was going to prison. :auiqs.jpg:
Collusion. Right there. End of story. Trump is lucky Mueller didn't consider it as a charge.

Look, the main portion of that Steele Dossier (paid for originally by a Republican operative for dirt on Trump) has been verified.
So..who do you think has the pee-pee tape? :laughing0301:
The thug in the Maoist pantsuit is at it again. Leftists think they own the youth vote and the thought of losing it due to alternative news sources fills them with totalitarian rage.
Control the media, the content and you control the people.
Florida is solidly red. Now that over 60% of Florida Hispanics support Trump, KNUCKLEHEAD AND CHUCKLEHEAD don’t have a chance to turn Florida blue.

Many Hispanics know communism when they see it.
You mean fake news sources of alt-right media? Misinformation and lies are dangerous. Used to be in this country, you had to back your bullshit claims up with facts, otherwise, you got your ass handed to you.
Now they squeal and hide spewing "free speech". Well, courts have ruled that 1st Amendment does NOT give you the right to say and do whatever you want. There are limits.
Pay attention to your own rants then.
The funny part - Democrats even as little as 10 years ago, would have been at the forefront to defend free speech and people's right to say what they want.

No More.
The Borg Democrats are absolutely out to end the 1st amendment, shut down free speech by convincing themselves that only their lies and misinformation should be allowed.
It is exactly like Maoism
Democracks no longer stand for anything, short turmoil and antonyms.

Remember their cries we need an outsider to clean up DC?

Sure, Trump is that guy, and then they caught TDS.

Today they worship the most corrupt administrations in our nation's history.
"maoist pantsuit"?
If Hillary Clinton is your role model, you also love Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Chavez, Che Guevara, Duvalier, and Castro
The thug in the Maoist pantsuit is at it again. Leftists think they own the youth vote and the thought of losing it due to alternative news sources fills them with totalitarian rage.
This is the newest thing from the Left, i.e. control of speech as well as the message. And of course she means that left/Marxists/Democrats are the only ones who should be moderating and controlling speech.

And they demand that it be THEM who decides what is 'disinformation' or 'misinformation.'

Kamala, Kerry, Hillary, Schiff etc. etc. etc. all want to be able to disallow opinions from being expressed if those opinions are contrary to what they want to express and the First Amendment be damned.

Schiff was one of the more recent to chime in:
Trump Tower meeting. It happened. Even Bannon thought someone was going to prison. :auiqs.jpg:
Collusion. Right there. End of story. Trump is lucky Mueller didn't consider it as a charge.

Look, the main portion of that Steele Dossier (paid for originally by a Republican operative for dirt on Trump) has been verified.
So..who do you think has the pee-pee tape? :laughing0301:
Mueller said he had no evidence, if he did Trump would be in jail.

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