Harris / Trump Election Polls

I've said it before and I'll say it again.

In just a handful of days, most of the dumb Democrats will be pretending it was "conventional wisdom" all along that Kackles was a horrible candidate and that she should have picked Shapiro.

Just like when, literally overnight, it dawned on them that Biden was too mentally incapacitated to run for office. (But not to serve as President, strangely enough.)

Of course, they will never admit to Orange Man's popularity, or that they haplessly fell for the siren song of the mainstream media's harmful commie brainwash.

These are not serious people, and they certainly have no integrity.

Or, rather, the ones that do have already or are abandoning ship in droves.

The polls are LIKE, SO CLOSE!

Don't you read VOX?

Listen to CNN?

Subscribe to NBC Cable News?

(Like your grandmother...)

You must be SO embarrassed to not be on the CUTTING EDGE of what's happening...


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