Hillary interviewed today for 3 and half hours by the FBI

Could this be why Bill was in such a rush to meet with Loretta Lynch...despite all the backlash that generated.

I would guess he had lynch relay a message to obama...something to the effect...if you indict hillary we will reveal stuff you do not want revealed. Just my opinion...I could be wrong.

I think you're absolutely right. What you've said was also my first thought when I read the report about the Clinton/FBI interview.

We know enough about that sleazy bastard, Bill Clinton, to know he is much too slick to make such a highly suspicious move without having an overwhelmingly good reason for doing so. I'm sure he has something on Lynch, or someone else of relevant substance, and he laid it on her during that meeting. Because without such an imposing motive what he did would be politically fatal for Hillary.
What's laughable is that it's taken this long for them to interview her.

Not really. This is how Fed law enforcement always works. Try to collect every ounce of evidence first. Then interview bc they know the answers at that point.

There was so much dirt on her to collect and organize. They finally got it all and did it.

If there was nothing here....they would have interviewed her in 2015 and closed the case.
Poor little snowflake it's gonna be ok, daddy's gonna buy you a diamond ring...
I don't expect an indictment because all the parties are Liberal and corrupt.
Hmm... 'Liberal' and 'corrupt' might be mutually inclusive terms.
According to a knowledgable source here is how it will go down. The Nation no doubt will be shocked...nothing like this has ever happened before....the Clinton's legacy of crime and corruption is finally over....kaput, finished but what will Obama do? Will he pardon her? I think not....there is no love lost there...she will have to do some time of that I am convinced.

'Clinton's Crimes and Comey's Choice:
FBI Director James Comey knew he had to make a decision that would change his life, and maybe the history of his country, as he surveyed the piles of papers spread out in his office. The Deputy Director in charge of the investigation of Hillary Clinton – a criminal investigation, not some benign “security review” as the Clintonistas had tried to spin it – sat quietly, letting his boss think. The evidence was overwhelming. Hillary Clinton was clearly guilty of multiple felonies, and the Obama Department of Justice was not going to prosecute her. Now, it fell to Director Comey to decide what he would do about it.

James Comey was a veteran prosecutor and former Deputy Attorney General who convicted hundreds of criminals during his career before coming to direct the troubled Federal Bureau of Investigations. Until now, his integrity always came first, and he served faithfully regardless of the party in power, always careful to put aside any personal political agenda, though he'd seen more than enough people who didn't.

“There's no question, sir. None at all. She’s guilty.” said the Deputy Director, telling Comey nothing he did not know. He had sat in the secure classified information facility deep in the bowels of the Department of Justice when his agents had made their two-hour presentation to the stone-faced prosecutors. Clinton had grossly mishandled classified documents in violation of 18 United States Code Sections 793 and 1924. Some of the information Clinton had on the bathroom server was so sensitive that his agents needed upgraded clearances to see it, and it could only be discussed behind reinforced concrete walls in a room scanned twice a day for bugs. Clinton, because she did not want the accountability that came with using official email, had given industrious hackers and foreign governments carte blanche to pillage through some of America's most sensitive secrets. Though her loyal acolytes tried to spin it as innocuous, anyone who ever held a security clearance would go pale upon hearing what she had done'

Clinton’s Crimes and Comey’s Choice
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This is the best candidate the Liberals can manage to pussy-fart out of their ass? A lying, criminal bitch, who takes time from her campaign for an interview with the FBI ?

Had this been George W. Bush, the fucking bedwetters would be calling for him to be skewered and quartered.

Meanwhile, the criminal skank's husband is flying around on Pedophile Air back and forth to Thailand, while the "adult figure" in the White House is scratching his balls and picking his ass on a golf course on Hawaii, surrounded by Secret Service agents armed to the teeth with handguns the idiot calls a problem.

Fucking imbeciles.

Fucking sums it up beautifully...
This is the best candidate the Liberals can manage to pussy-fart out of their ass? A lying, criminal bitch, who takes time from her campaign for an interview with the FBI ?

Had this been George W. Bush, the fucking bedwetters would be calling for him to be skewered and quartered.

Meanwhile, the criminal skank's husband is flying around on Pedophile Air back and forth to Thailand, while the "adult figure" in the White House is scratching his balls and picking his ass on a golf course on Hawaii, surrounded by Secret Service agents armed to the teeth with handguns the idiot calls a problem.

Fucking imbeciles.
Doesn't feel great to be a second class human, much less a third class American...
This is the best candidate the Liberals can manage to pussy-fart out of their ass? A lying, criminal bitch, who takes time from her campaign for an interview with the FBI ?

Had this been George W. Bush, the fucking bedwetters would be calling for him to be skewered and quartered.

Meanwhile, the criminal skank's husband is flying around on Pedophile Air back and forth to Thailand, while the "adult figure" in the White House is scratching his balls and picking his ass on a golf course on Hawaii, surrounded by Secret Service agents armed to the teeth with handguns the idiot calls a problem.

Fucking imbeciles.
Doesn't feel great to be a second class human, much less a third class American...

You are one fucking dumb idiot

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This is the best candidate the Liberals can manage to pussy-fart out of their ass? A lying, criminal bitch, who takes time from her campaign for an interview with the FBI ?

Oh look, the butthurt wimp is still whining over having hiss bitch-ass spanked by a woman. Isn't it precious?

If you're that upset over the failure of your latest big treasonous lie, just crawl back into bed. As you're always in pajamas, it should be easy.

Meanwhile, the criminal skank's husband is flying around on Pedophile Air back and forth to Thailand,

So by your standards, anyone hanging outwith Epstein is a pedophile.

Trump hung out with Epstein far, far more than Bill Clinton. They were best buds, partying together constantly. Trump's name was in Epstein's contract book, Clinton's wasn't.

So by your standards, Trump is a super-pedophile.

And you suck his ass.
This is the best candidate the Liberals can manage to pussy-fart out of their ass? A lying, criminal bitch, who takes time from her campaign for an interview with the FBI ?

Oh look, the butthurt wimp is still whining over having hiss bitch-ass spanked by a woman. Isn't it precious?

If you're that upset over the failure of your latest big treasonous lie, just crawl back into bed. As you're always in pajamas, it should be easy.

Meanwhile, the criminal skank's husband is flying around on Pedophile Air back and forth to Thailand,

So by your standards, anyone hanging outwith Epstein is a pedophile.

Trump hung out with Epstein far, far more than Bill Clinton. They were best buds, partying together constantly. Trump's name was in Epstein's contract book, Clinton's wasn't.

So by your standards, Trump is a super-pedophile.

And you suck his ass.

LYING suits you FAGERALS to a "T".... Of course Blow Job Clinton was in Epstein's book!

  1. Billionaire Sex Offender's Phone Book Contained...
    Billionaire Sex Offender's Phone Book Contained E-Mail Addresses, 21 Phone Numbers For Bill Clinton . ......
This is the best candidate the Liberals can manage to pussy-fart out of their ass? A lying, criminal bitch, who takes time from her campaign for an interview with the FBI ?

Oh look, the butthurt wimp is still whining over having hiss bitch-ass spanked by a woman. Isn't it precious?

If you're that upset over the failure of your latest big treasonous lie, just crawl back into bed. As you're always in pajamas, it should be easy.

Meanwhile, the criminal skank's husband is flying around on Pedophile Air back and forth to Thailand,

So by your standards, anyone hanging outwith Epstein is a pedophile.

Trump hung out with Epstein far, far more than Bill Clinton. They were best buds, partying together constantly. Trump's name was in Epstein's contract book, Clinton's wasn't.

So by your standards, Trump is a super-pedophile.

And you suck his ass.

You are really some kind of uneducated stupid

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What's laughable is that it's taken this long for them to interview her.

Not really. This is how Fed law enforcement always works. Try to collect every ounce of evidence first. Then interview bc they know the answers at that point.

There was so much dirt on her to collect and organize. They finally got it all and did it.

If there was nothing here....they would have interviewed her in 2015 and closed the case.

Actually, Bucs...the way that it's normally done is you interview your suspect early on...get their testimony on paper...THEN you interview others to check the veracity of what she claimed. That way she can't tailor her responses to you by knowing what you know. If Bill Clinton was meeting with Lynch for something other than to talk about golf and grandchildren one would assume his questions revolved around wanting to know what the FBI had gathered on his wife so that Hillary could cop to what they already knew and not to something they didn't have evidence of.
Could this be why Bill was in such a rush to meet with Loretta Lynch...despite all the backlash that generated.

I would guess he had lynch relay a message to obama...something to the effect...if you indict hillary we will reveal stuff you do not want revealed. Just my opinion...I could be wrong.

Breaking News: Clinton Interviewed by FBI for 3 and 1/2 Hours About Private Email Server
Youre wrong about practically everything else so I agree. As a matter of fact have you ever been right even once in your life?
...and cleared

Just hours after the Clinton-FBI meeting had wrapped up, word was released that Clinton would not have to worry about charges being filed against her for the possible illegal use of the server, which sent Republican nominee Donald Trump into a frenzy.

As reported by The Hill earlier in the day, Clinton gave a "voluntary interview," as it was described by her campaign in a statement released to the media. The meeting took place in Washington, D.C. at the headquarters of the FBI. CNN reported that an official announcement will be made within the next two weeks, to avoid an issue with the upcoming Democratic National Convention. If Clinton were to be indicted, the Democrats could take that into consideration if they decided they wanted to nominate another candidate.

Now, of course this isn't going to make a bit of difference to the Hillary bashers on the right. After all, they decided that Hillary was guilty months ago, and the investigation was just a formality. They already had their narratives all lined up:

Had the FBI decided that Hillary had committed a crime, and needed to be charges with a crime, then the reaction from the right would have been, "See? We tyold you she was a criminal!"

Now that the FBI has determined that she didn't commit a crime, the reaction from the right is going to be, "See? We all knew this corrupt administration was going to cover cor the criminal!"

See how nicely that works out? The hacks on the right don't have to admit they were wrong, or even let the fake scandal drop, because either narrative makes them :right:, regardless of the actual facts.

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