Hillary interviewed today for 3 and half hours by the FBI

Could this be why Bill was in such a rush to meet with Loretta Lynch...despite all the backlash that generated.

I would guess he had lynch relay a message to obama...something to the effect...if you indict hillary we will reveal stuff you do not want revealed. Just my opinion...I could be wrong.

Breaking News: Clinton Interviewed by FBI for 3 and 1/2 Hours About Private Email Server

A democratic AG will never prefer charges against Hillary.
And there it is. The only problem with that "brilliant" analysis is that this isn't coming from the AG. It's coming from the FBI. I know...I know... She's making them say that, right?
What's laughable is that it's taken this long for them to interview her.

Not really. This is how Fed law enforcement always works. Try to collect every ounce of evidence first. Then interview bc they know the answers at that point.

There was so much dirt on her to collect and organize. They finally got it all and did it.

If there was nothing here....they would have interviewed her in 2015 and closed the case.

Actually, Bucs...the way that it's normally done is you interview your suspect early on...get their testimony on paper...THEN you interview others to check the veracity of what she claimed. That way she can't tailor her responses to you by knowing what you know. If Bill Clinton was meeting with Lynch for something other than to talk about golf and grandchildren one would assume his questions revolved around wanting to know what the FBI had gathered on his wife so that Hillary could cop to what they already knew and not to something they didn't have evidence of.
Lynch might not know what the FBI investigation revealed. What Clinton wanted was more than likely a promise not to indict based on the FBI investigation.
Witness in Email Probe Seen Leaving Clinton’s House On Day She Met With FBI
Breitbart via Western Journalism ^

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s former chief of staff during the time Clinton was Secretary of State was spotted leaving Clinton’s residence on the same day Clinton was interviewed by the FBI about her email scandal.

Cheryl Mills, who has been called as a witness in the FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server, was seen on video leaving Clinton’s home at about 10 a.m. No explanation was given for why a witness in the investigation would be meeting with Clinton.

Earlier this week, former President Bill Clinton held a private meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch — a meeting that has been criticized as giving the appearance of a conflict of interest.
What's laughable is that it's taken this long for them to interview her.

Not really. This is how Fed law enforcement always works. Try to collect every ounce of evidence first. Then interview bc they know the answers at that point.

There was so much dirt on her to collect and organize. They finally got it all and did it.

If there was nothing here....they would have interviewed her in 2015 and closed the case.

Actually, Bucs...the way that it's normally done is you interview your suspect early on...get their testimony on paper...THEN you interview others to check the veracity of what she claimed. That way she can't tailor her responses to you by knowing what you know. If Bill Clinton was meeting with Lynch for something other than to talk about golf and grandchildren one would assume his questions revolved around wanting to know what the FBI had gathered on his wife so that Hillary could cop to what they already knew and not to something they didn't have evidence of.
Lynch might not know what the FBI investigation revealed. What Clinton wanted was more than likely a promise not to indict based on the FBI investigation.

I'd be shocked if Lynch didn't know the status of the FBI investigation, Tipsy. For Clinton to arrange that meeting days before Hillary was going to testify to the FBI, I still think he was trying to determine what the FBI knew and what they didn't BEFORE Hillary gave testimony.
I wouldn't be surprised if FBI recommends indictment, Lynch resigns, BO pardons hildabeast, and the Donkeys find a new canidate.
I would be surprised if the Dims change candidates this late into the game, even though it would be their best move if they switched to Sanders.

Sanders can beat Trump fairly easily.
Remember back when Democrats were so sure that Senator Larry Craig committed 'lewd conduct' by tapping his foot in a public bathroom?

The incredibly thin evidence for his 'lewd' behavior was this.

At 1216 hours, Craig tapped his right foot. I recognized this as a signal used by persons wishing to engage in lewd conduct. Craig tapped his toes several times and moves his foot closer to my foot. ... The presence of others did not seem to deter Craig as he moved his right foot so that it touched the side of my left foot which was within my stall area. Craig then proceeded to swipe his left hand under the stall divider several times, with the palm of his hand facing upward.

Now what kind of contortionist a person has to be to have their right foot against another persons left foot while sitting in a bathroom stall and then extend their LEFT hand all the way under the stall partition with palm up is just amazing.

The Dems were convinced on that ridiculous nonsense that Craig was a secret homosexual, but they are all 'hear, see, and speak no evil' when it comes to Hillary's obvious classified email crimes.

To the Democrats EVERYTHING is about politics, and a persons guilt or innosense in a criminal trial is irrelevant, only whether the person helps or hinders the Democrats in their grabbing every piece of American that they can steal is relevant.
Last edited:
This is the best candidate the Liberals can manage to pussy-fart out of their ass? A lying, criminal bitch, who takes time from her campaign for an interview with the FBI ?

Oh look, the butthurt wimp is still whining over having hiss bitch-ass spanked by a woman. Isn't it precious?

If you're that upset over the failure of your latest big treasonous lie, just crawl back into bed. As you're always in pajamas, it should be easy.

Meanwhile, the criminal skank's husband is flying around on Pedophile Air back and forth to Thailand,

So by your standards, anyone hanging outwith Epstein is a pedophile.

Trump hung out with Epstein far, far more than Bill Clinton. They were best buds, partying together constantly. Trump's name was in Epstein's contract book, Clinton's wasn't.

So by your standards, Trump is a super-pedophile.

And you suck his ass.

I can't find anything about Epstein "hanging out" with Trump. Can you point me in the right direction, shitstain?

Bill Clinton was frequent flier on pedophile’s private jet ‘Lolita Express’
You bitches will never lay a finger on me.... he hehh ha hha

Crazy hillary#2.jpg

Take that you vast right wing conspiracy fuckers....
Could this be why Bill was in such a rush to meet with Loretta Lynch...despite all the backlash that generated.

I would guess he had lynch relay a message to obama...something to the effect...if you indict hillary we will reveal stuff you do not want revealed. Just my opinion...I could be wrong.
If that's the case then Lynch will allege sexual assault by Hillary's husband.

Could this be why Bill was in such a rush to meet with Loretta Lynch...despite all the backlash that generated.

I would guess he had lynch relay a message to obama...something to the effect...if you indict hillary we will reveal stuff you do not want revealed. Just my opinion...I could be wrong.

Breaking News: Clinton Interviewed by FBI for 3 and 1/2 Hours About Private Email Server
She still got special treatment
They should have taken her in and interviewed her on their turf like they would have with any of us
Remember back when Democrats were so sure that Senator Larry Craig committed 'lewd conduct' by tapping his foot in a public bathroom?

The incredibly thin evidence for his 'lewd' behavior was this.

At 1216 hours, Craig tapped his right foot. I recognized this as a signal used by persons wishing to engage in lewd conduct. Craig tapped his toes several times and moves his foot closer to my foot. ... The presence of others did not seem to deter Craig as he moved his right foot so that it touched the side of my left foot which was within my stall area. Craig then proceeded to swipe his left hand under the stall divider several times, with the palm of his hand facing upward.

Now what kind of contortionist a person has to be to have their right foot against another persons left foot while sitting in a bathroom stall and then extend their LEFT hand all the way under the stall partition with palm up is just amazing.

The Dems were convinced on that ridiculous nonsense that Craig was a secret homosexual, but they are all 'hear, see, and speak no evil' when it comes to Hillary's obvious classified email crimes.

To the Democrats EVERYTHING is about politics, and a persons guilt or innosense in a criminal trial is irrelevant, only whether the person helps or hinders the Democrats in their grabbing every piece of American that they can steal is relevant.
Oh that's rich! You guys had Hillary convicted the minute you learned about the e-mail server. Now, here it is a year later, the FBI has said "Meh. Nothing to see here," and you guys still want her tarred and feathered over it! But, it has nothing to do with politics, or the fact that she is stomping the dick of the sociopathic, orangutan-haired, carnival barker cocksplat of a candidates that you Republicans were moronic enough to nominate, despite all of the warnings of your most level-headed, clear-thinking party leaders, into the dirt.

Nooooo....that couldn't have anything to do with why you need Hillary to be guilty of a scandal so badly...
Remember back when Democrats were so sure that Senator Larry Craig committed 'lewd conduct' by tapping his foot in a public bathroom?

The incredibly thin evidence for his 'lewd' behavior was this.

At 1216 hours, Craig tapped his right foot. I recognized this as a signal used by persons wishing to engage in lewd conduct. Craig tapped his toes several times and moves his foot closer to my foot. ... The presence of others did not seem to deter Craig as he moved his right foot so that it touched the side of my left foot which was within my stall area. Craig then proceeded to swipe his left hand under the stall divider several times, with the palm of his hand facing upward.

Now what kind of contortionist a person has to be to have their right foot against another persons left foot while sitting in a bathroom stall and then extend their LEFT hand all the way under the stall partition with palm up is just amazing.

The Dems were convinced on that ridiculous nonsense that Craig was a secret homosexual, but they are all 'hear, see, and speak no evil' when it comes to Hillary's obvious classified email crimes.

To the Democrats EVERYTHING is about politics, and a persons guilt or innosense in a criminal trial is irrelevant, only whether the person helps or hinders the Democrats in their grabbing every piece of American that they can steal is relevant.
Oh that's rich! You guys had Hillary convicted the minute you learned about the e-mail server. Now, here it is a year later, the FBI has said "Meh. Nothing to see here," and you guys still want her tarred and feathered over it! But, it has nothing to do with politics, or the fact that she is stomping the dick of the sociopathic, orangutan-haired, carnival barker cocksplat of a candidates that you Republicans were moronic enough to nominate, despite all of the warnings of your most level-headed, clear-thinking party leaders, into the dirt.

Nooooo....that couldn't have anything to do with why you need Hillary to be guilty of a scandal so badly...

if there was nothing to find then why is the investigation still going on?
Or is the FBI now part of the vast right wing conspiracy?
Could this be why Bill was in such a rush to meet with Loretta Lynch...despite all the backlash that generated.

I would guess he had lynch relay a message to obama...something to the effect...if you indict hillary we will reveal stuff you do not want revealed. Just my opinion...I could be wrong.

Breaking News: Clinton Interviewed by FBI for 3 and 1/2 Hours About Private Email Server
She still got special treatment
They should have taken her in and interviewed her on their turf like they would have with any of us
Ya know, I was interviewed by the FBI, once. Long story. We sat in my living room, them, my wife, my lawyer. My wife served coffee. I guess i'm "special", too? You see, you didn't want her interviewed by the FBI. You wanted her interrogated, grilled, stuck in a room, with the light in her face, like in the movies. Why? Because you already decided, because it was convenient for you to do so, that she was guilty of a crime. Even now, that voice in your tiny little pea brain is screaming, "Yup. She;s a criminal. They just let her get away with it is all,"

8 Benghazi hearings, including that circus your guys ran, and Hillary was not found to have done anything wrong. A year long FBI investigation, and Hillary was cleared. But, none of that matters, because you decided she was guilty, and nothing anyone says is ever going to change your mind.
Could this be why Bill was in such a rush to meet with Loretta Lynch...despite all the backlash that generated.

I would guess he had lynch relay a message to obama...something to the effect...if you indict hillary we will reveal stuff you do not want revealed. Just my opinion...I could be wrong.

Breaking News: Clinton Interviewed by FBI for 3 and 1/2 Hours About Private Email Server
She still got special treatment
They should have taken her in and interviewed her on their turf like they would have with any of us
Ya know, I was interviewed by the FBI, once. Long story. We sat in my living room, them, my wife, my lawyer. My wife served coffee. I guess i'm "special", too? You see, you didn't want her interviewed by the FBI. You wanted her interrogated, grilled, stuck in a room, with the light in her face, like in the movies. Why? Because you already decided, because it was convenient for you to do so, that she was guilty of a crime. Even now, that voice in your tiny little pea brain is screaming, "Yup. She;s a criminal. They just let her get away with it is all,"

8 Benghazi hearings, including that circus your guys ran, and Hillary was not found to have done anything wrong. A year long FBI investigation, and Hillary was cleared. But, none of that matters, because you decided she was guilty, and nothing anyone says is ever going to change your mind.
I want her to be treated like anyone of us would be treated. And the fucking FBI would not come to our houses on a Saturday morning of a holiday weekend to interview us.
Remember back when Democrats were so sure that Senator Larry Craig committed 'lewd conduct' by tapping his foot in a public bathroom?

The incredibly thin evidence for his 'lewd' behavior was this.

At 1216 hours, Craig tapped his right foot. I recognized this as a signal used by persons wishing to engage in lewd conduct. Craig tapped his toes several times and moves his foot closer to my foot. ... The presence of others did not seem to deter Craig as he moved his right foot so that it touched the side of my left foot which was within my stall area. Craig then proceeded to swipe his left hand under the stall divider several times, with the palm of his hand facing upward.

Now what kind of contortionist a person has to be to have their right foot against another persons left foot while sitting in a bathroom stall and then extend their LEFT hand all the way under the stall partition with palm up is just amazing.

The Dems were convinced on that ridiculous nonsense that Craig was a secret homosexual, but they are all 'hear, see, and speak no evil' when it comes to Hillary's obvious classified email crimes.

To the Democrats EVERYTHING is about politics, and a persons guilt or innosense in a criminal trial is irrelevant, only whether the person helps or hinders the Democrats in their grabbing every piece of American that they can steal is relevant.
Oh that's rich! You guys had Hillary convicted the minute you learned about the e-mail server. Now, here it is a year later, the FBI has said "Meh. Nothing to see here," and you guys still want her tarred and feathered over it! But, it has nothing to do with politics, or the fact that she is stomping the dick of the sociopathic, orangutan-haired, carnival barker cocksplat of a candidates that you Republicans were moronic enough to nominate, despite all of the warnings of your most level-headed, clear-thinking party leaders, into the dirt.

Nooooo....that couldn't have anything to do with why you need Hillary to be guilty of a scandal so badly...

if there was nothing to find then why is the investigation still going on?
Or is the FBI now part of the vast right wing conspiracy?
It's not. That was the point. Read the article I linked to. After the interview yesterday, the FBI said, "We're done, but we're not making an official finding until after the convention,"
Could this be why Bill was in such a rush to meet with Loretta Lynch...despite all the backlash that generated.

I would guess he had lynch relay a message to obama...something to the effect...if you indict hillary we will reveal stuff you do not want revealed. Just my opinion...I could be wrong.

Breaking News: Clinton Interviewed by FBI for 3 and 1/2 Hours About Private Email Server
She still got special treatment
They should have taken her in and interviewed her on their turf like they would have with any of us
Ya know, I was interviewed by the FBI, once. Long story. We sat in my living room, them, my wife, my lawyer. My wife served coffee. I guess i'm "special", too? You see, you didn't want her interviewed by the FBI. You wanted her interrogated, grilled, stuck in a room, with the light in her face, like in the movies. Why? Because you already decided, because it was convenient for you to do so, that she was guilty of a crime. Even now, that voice in your tiny little pea brain is screaming, "Yup. She;s a criminal. They just let her get away with it is all,"

8 Benghazi hearings, including that circus your guys ran, and Hillary was not found to have done anything wrong. A year long FBI investigation, and Hillary was cleared. But, none of that matters, because you decided she was guilty, and nothing anyone says is ever going to change your mind.
I want her to be treated like anyone of us would be treated. And the fucking FBI would not come to our houses on a Saturday morning of a holiday weekend to interview us.
Like I said, she was treated the same way I was, soooo...????
Remember back when Democrats were so sure that Senator Larry Craig committed 'lewd conduct' by tapping his foot in a public bathroom?

The incredibly thin evidence for his 'lewd' behavior was this.

At 1216 hours, Craig tapped his right foot. I recognized this as a signal used by persons wishing to engage in lewd conduct. Craig tapped his toes several times and moves his foot closer to my foot. ... The presence of others did not seem to deter Craig as he moved his right foot so that it touched the side of my left foot which was within my stall area. Craig then proceeded to swipe his left hand under the stall divider several times, with the palm of his hand facing upward.

Now what kind of contortionist a person has to be to have their right foot against another persons left foot while sitting in a bathroom stall and then extend their LEFT hand all the way under the stall partition with palm up is just amazing.

The Dems were convinced on that ridiculous nonsense that Craig was a secret homosexual, but they are all 'hear, see, and speak no evil' when it comes to Hillary's obvious classified email crimes.

To the Democrats EVERYTHING is about politics, and a persons guilt or innosense in a criminal trial is irrelevant, only whether the person helps or hinders the Democrats in their grabbing every piece of American that they can steal is relevant.
Oh that's rich! You guys had Hillary convicted the minute you learned about the e-mail server. Now, here it is a year later, the FBI has said "Meh. Nothing to see here," and you guys still want her tarred and feathered over it! But, it has nothing to do with politics, or the fact that she is stomping the dick of the sociopathic, orangutan-haired, carnival barker cocksplat of a candidates that you Republicans were moronic enough to nominate, despite all of the warnings of your most level-headed, clear-thinking party leaders, into the dirt.

Nooooo....that couldn't have anything to do with why you need Hillary to be guilty of a scandal so badly...

if there was nothing to find then why is the investigation still going on?
Or is the FBI now part of the vast right wing conspiracy?
It's not. That was the point. Read the article I linked to. After the interview yesterday, the FBI said, "We're done, but we're not making an official finding until after the convention,"
I really don't care
Politicians are never held to the same laws we are
She'll sleaze her way out of it like they all do
Remember back when Democrats were so sure that Senator Larry Craig committed 'lewd conduct' by tapping his foot in a public bathroom?

The incredibly thin evidence for his 'lewd' behavior was this.

At 1216 hours, Craig tapped his right foot. I recognized this as a signal used by persons wishing to engage in lewd conduct. Craig tapped his toes several times and moves his foot closer to my foot. ... The presence of others did not seem to deter Craig as he moved his right foot so that it touched the side of my left foot which was within my stall area. Craig then proceeded to swipe his left hand under the stall divider several times, with the palm of his hand facing upward.

Now what kind of contortionist a person has to be to have their right foot against another persons left foot while sitting in a bathroom stall and then extend their LEFT hand all the way under the stall partition with palm up is just amazing.

The Dems were convinced on that ridiculous nonsense that Craig was a secret homosexual, but they are all 'hear, see, and speak no evil' when it comes to Hillary's obvious classified email crimes.

To the Democrats EVERYTHING is about politics, and a persons guilt or innosense in a criminal trial is irrelevant, only whether the person helps or hinders the Democrats in their grabbing every piece of American that they can steal is relevant.
Oh that's rich! You guys had Hillary convicted the minute you learned about the e-mail server. Now, here it is a year later, the FBI has said "Meh. Nothing to see here," and you guys still want her tarred and feathered over it! But, it has nothing to do with politics, or the fact that she is stomping the dick of the sociopathic, orangutan-haired, carnival barker cocksplat of a candidates that you Republicans were moronic enough to nominate, despite all of the warnings of your most level-headed, clear-thinking party leaders, into the dirt.

Nooooo....that couldn't have anything to do with why you need Hillary to be guilty of a scandal so badly...

if there was nothing to find then why is the investigation still going on?
Or is the FBI now part of the vast right wing conspiracy?
It's not. That was the point. Read the article I linked to. After the interview yesterday, the FBI said, "We're done, but we're not making an official finding until after the convention,"
I really don't care
Politicians are never held to the same laws we are
She'll sleaze her way out of it like they all do
Which is rather what I said in my first post. You guys aready decided her guilt, and the actual findings of the investigation don't matter. Had they found that che should have been charged with a crime, you would have been vindicated, and when she has been cleared, just just a "political conspiracy". "We know what we know. Please do not try to confuse us with facts,"

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