Hillary interviewed today for 3 and half hours by the FBI

Did any of Hillary's email ever end up on government servers?
Dunno, and who cares. The FBI said "nuthin to see here," and that should be the end of it. But, we all know that, since you guys already had her convicted, it won't be.
8 Benghazi hearings, including that circus your guys ran, and Hillary was not found to have done anything wrong
Nothing wrong except she is responsible for the deaths of. 4 Americans and blamed it on a guy who made a video. She is a criminal.
Could this be why Bill was in such a rush to meet with Loretta Lynch...despite all the backlash that generated.

I would guess he had lynch relay a message to obama...something to the effect...if you indict hillary we will reveal stuff you do not want revealed. Just my opinion...I could be wrong.

I think you're absolutely right. What you've said was also my first thought when I read the report about the Clinton/FBI interview.

We know enough about that sleazy bastard, Bill Clinton, to know he is much too slick to make such a highly suspicious move without having an overwhelmingly good reason for doing so. I'm sure he has something on Lynch, or someone else of relevant substance, and he laid it on her during that meeting. Because without such an imposing motive what he did would be politically fatal for Hillary.
I'm sure he gave her some lines to read between.
8 Benghazi hearings, including that circus your guys ran, and Hillary was not found to have done anything wrong
Nothing wrong except she is responsible for the deaths of. 4 Americans and blamed it on a guy who made a video. She is a criminal.
Your right. She should have blamed it on Republicans who cut funding to security. But, she's the criminal...

You're adorable.

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Nothing wrong except she is responsible for the deaths of. 4 Americans and blamed it on a guy who made a video. She is a criminal.
If not criminal due to that fiasco, she at least demonstrated to the entire world (except Dimbocrats) that she is incompetent on a legendary scale and not fit to be POTUS.
Could this be why Bill was in such a rush to meet with Loretta Lynch...despite all the backlash that generated.

I would guess he had lynch relay a message to obama...something to the effect...if you indict hillary we will reveal stuff you do not want revealed. Just my opinion...I could be wrong.
If that's the case then Lynch will allege sexual assault by Hillary's husband.


Every time I see this picture of the "LYNCHMAN" waddling up to meet Blow Job Clinton....I hear this music.....

She is seriously one big girl!
Imagine having those legs wrapped around your head.
Photoshop her head and stick Hillary' head on Lynch's shoulders and we see what Hillary looks like in a skirt.
Nothing wrong except she is responsible for the deaths of. 4 Americans and blamed it on a guy who made a video. She is a criminal.
If not criminal due to that fiasco, she at least demonstrated to the entire world (except Dimbocrats) that she is incompetent on a legendary scale and not fit to be POTUS.
Well, the "rest of the world" seems to disagree with you, as she is sloundly beating the orangutan-haired Dicksplat who is running against her, in every single poll, except, not surprisingly, the heavily right-wing Rasmussen poll.

But, I don't expect this election to be any different than the last. Right-wing fucktards are going to crow, and insist their guy is "blowing away" the "Dumbocrat Crook" right up until Shitsplat loses, then they're all gonna scratch their heads, totally confused, and not understand how they could have lost, when they were "so clearly winning".
LMAO! This FBI "investigation" is a fucking farce!


That shishkabob up her ass is nice...
This is the best candidate the Liberals can manage to pussy-fart out of their ass? A lying, criminal bitch, who takes time from her campaign for an interview with the FBI ?

Oh look, the butthurt wimp is still whining over having hiss bitch-ass spanked by a woman. Isn't it precious?

If you're that upset over the failure of your latest big treasonous lie, just crawl back into bed. As you're always in pajamas, it should be easy.

Meanwhile, the criminal skank's husband is flying around on Pedophile Air back and forth to Thailand,

So by your standards, anyone hanging outwith Epstein is a pedophile.

Trump hung out with Epstein far, far more than Bill Clinton. They were best buds, partying together constantly. Trump's name was in Epstein's contract book, Clinton's wasn't.

So by your standards, Trump is a super-pedophile.

And you suck his ass.
But, but Clinton has a reputation!
Could this be why Bill was in such a rush to meet with Loretta Lynch...despite all the backlash that generated.

I would guess he had lynch relay a message to obama...something to the effect...if you indict hillary we will reveal stuff you do not want revealed. Just my opinion...I could be wrong.

Breaking News: Clinton Interviewed by FBI for 3 and 1/2 Hours About Private Email Server
She still got special treatment
They should have taken her in and interviewed her on their turf like they would have with any of us
They did interview her on "their own turf". The interview happened at FBI headquarters, for fuck's sake! How much more "their own turf" can you get?!?!?!
I've been through Arkansas several times and have never seen that sign.
Great, now I can't get Gilligan's Island theme out of my head, "a 3 hour interview, a 3 hour interview".
Did any of Hillary's email ever end up on government servers?
Dunno, and who cares. The FBI said "nuthin to see here," and that should be the end of it. But, we all know that, since you guys already had her convicted, it won't be.
And is this your opinion regarding the illegal email server where she kept confidential and highly sensitive security letters too? Nothing to see here?
Did any of Hillary's email ever end up on government servers?
Dunno, and who cares. The FBI said "nuthin to see here," and that should be the end of it. But, we all know that, since you guys already had her convicted, it won't be.
And is this your opinion regarding the illegal email server where she kept confidential and highly sensitive security letters too? Nothing to see here?
It clearly wasn't illegal since The FBI said, "Nuthin to see here". You guys keep throwing this word "illegal" around, and yet the people who are paid, and trained to recognise crimes have made no such determinations. Like I said, "We have already made up our minds. Please do not try to confuse us with the facts,"
It clearly wasn't illegal since The FBI said, "Nuthin to see here". You guys keep throwing this word "illegal" around, and yet the people who are paid, and trained to recognise crimes have made no such determinations. Like I said, "We have already made up our minds. Please do not try to confuse us with the facts,"
You're mixing up your Clinton scandals. The FBI hasn't said there is nothing to see here regarding the State Dept emails illegally kept on Clinton's server.

Oh BTW, the Clinton Foundation is being looked into as well.

Now that Obama has ordered all federal facilities co-Ed, maybe Hillary will shower with Dennis Hastert.
It clearly wasn't illegal since The FBI said, "Nuthin to see here". You guys keep throwing this word "illegal" around, and yet the people who are paid, and trained to recognise crimes have made no such determinations. Like I said, "We have already made up our minds. Please do not try to confuse us with the facts,"
You're mixing up your Clinton scandals. The FBI hasn't said there is nothing to see here regarding the State Dept emails illegally kept on Clinton's server.

Oh BTW, the Clinton Foundation is being looked into as well.
Wrong. The entire point of the investigation was whether she committed a crime having the servers in her house, or wherever it was she had it, and whether she transmitted classified information. The FBI said, "Nope". So, you can keep calling it "illegal' if you want, no law enforcement investigatory agency agrees with your assessment. Not that that matters to you guys. You know full well that Hillary is going to beat the orangutan-haired Carnival Barker cockslpat hands down, so you're desperate to find a scandal, any scandal, that you can tie her to, to disqualify her from running. Sorry. You tried. You failed. She's running. Trump is toast.

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