Hillary Is Copying Obama With Fake Scandals


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Hillarry is pulling a fast one on the press. We're never going to get to the bottom of this email scandal because the truth will never be made public.

Obama was accused of being born in Kenya and after months of speculation in the press he produced this internet copy of his birth certificate that supposedly proved he was a US citizen. The press either intentionally ignored the fact that his mother was a US citizen and thus was automatically a US citizen regardless, or the press is so stupid that they are like a herd of stampeding Buffalo just following which ever way the story goes without thinking.

Hillary hid the fact that she used her own server to prevent discovery of her activities. If she used her own private server for her official duties, those emails were subject to search by the State Department. However, Hillary pretty much does what she wants to. (Now Obama announces that he's starting his own server too, regardless how bad it looks....essentially thumbing his nose at America)

These people think they're better than everyone else. Hillary knows what she talked about in her emails and instead of turning over her server she's spoon-feeding information to the press. After all, Hillary says "Nobody wants to have them released more than I do!"


This is a shell game folks. Nothing of value will be found in those lousy emails because any incriminating evidence has already been scrubbed. When she finally releases them she will be totally vindicated.....just like Obama supposedly was. The whole thing is a damned set-up.

The primary focus should be this; Isn't a president who took billions in bribes from foreign countries, and potential enemies, a massive national security risk??? What is the difference between what Hillary is doing and what any run of the mill spy does selling secrets to our enemies? The potential for damage is much greater if a president has taken big-time cash from a Muslim country trying to get special favors.
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doesnt anyone find it rather suspicious when two of our more powerful leaders will never take "Candid Questions" from anyone, especially during scandalous times? oh, but they do, but only when they get to select who to be questioned by.
You're just now realizing the entire birth certificate silliness was nothing more than made up right wing manufactured outrage? Here's a hint. That was far from the only time.
This a shell game folks. Nothing is of value will be found in those lousy emails because any incriminating evidence has already been scrubbed.
You may be right. Liberals have enough influence in the media to steer conservatives down fruitless paths.

The primary focus should be this; Isn't a president who took billions in bribes from foreign countries, and potential enemies, a massive national security risk???
The Clintons are so awful it's hard to know where to begin.

Marc Rich presidential pardon How Eric Holder facilitated the most unjust presidential pardon in American history.

Essay - The China Connection - NYTimes.com
This a shell game folks. Nothing is of value will be found in those lousy emails because any incriminating evidence has already been scrubbed.
You may be right. Liberals have enough influence in the media to steer conservatives down fruitless paths.

The primary focus should be this; Isn't a president who took billions in bribes from foreign countries, and potential enemies, a massive national security risk???
The Clintons are so awful it's hard to know where to begin.

Marc Rich presidential pardon How Eric Holder facilitated the most unjust presidential pardon in American history.

Essay - The China Connection - NYTimes.com

Since the left never seems to take who our leaders are seriously anymore.....we're at risk of electing someone who has already sold us out. We know Obama has....and so has Hillary.

Both have sold us out by taking money from our enemies.
You're just now realizing the entire birth certificate silliness was nothing more than made up right wing manufactured outrage? Here's a hint. That was far from the only time.
And the left never creates faux outrage? Please.
You're just now realizing the entire birth certificate silliness was nothing more than made up right wing manufactured outrage? Here's a hint. That was far from the only time.
And the left never creates faux outrage? Please.
Hillary's defense is sending out liberal spokesman to point out all of the terrible things that have happened in the past.....as if this excuses her.


Someone asked why Hillary claims she stands up for women and is fighting against abuse.......then collects $500k from Saudi Arabia for her husband to give a speech. Everyone knows Saudi Arabia is guilty of massive abuses against women. The hypocrisy is palatable.......the spokesman then counters with......"America has been accused of hundreds of abuses against women.......blah...blah....blah...."

Next question.
You're just now realizing the entire birth certificate silliness was nothing more than made up right wing manufactured outrage? Here's a hint. That was far from the only time.
And the left never creates faux outrage? Please.

No where near the regularity of the right. Accusing a president of having people murdered, (Vince Foster) or setting up FEMA prisons? The right has taken false outrage to never before seen levels of vile.
You're just now realizing the entire birth certificate silliness was nothing more than made up right wing manufactured outrage? Here's a hint. That was far from the only time.
And the left never creates faux outrage? Please.

No where near the regularity of the right. Accusing a president of having people murdered, (Vince Foster) or setting up FEMA prisons? The right has taken false outrage to never before seen levels of vile.
Obama has done things that most would consider to be illegal if not unethical. The paranoia about this this administration is highly justifiable.....

Hillary was in the current administration.....and hasn't given us any reason to believe that she'll be any different.....especially since she's essentially trying to emulate Obama in many ways. Not to mention the fact that she's taking money from Muslim countries that would like nothing better than to see us fall.
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