Hillary is Gone

If Hillary had went up to that microphone and announced she had murdered Foster and that she had 20 million dollars placed in her account from ISIS there are still many that would vote for her because she is a woman and many feel that Affirmative action applies to the Oval Office. This email thing will have the Democrats beating the bushes looking for another female. Elizabeth Warren could easily be there new choice as she is a female and an American Indian....right!

"-----there are still many that would vote for her because she is a woman and many feel that Affirmative action applies to the Oval Office. "

There are still many rooting for her because she isn't a Republican. It doesn't matter to most Dems how unethical she is and how little she has accomplished. That would only be an issue if she were a GOP member.

Liz is too inexperienced and could never raise the money, unless Soros used his many avenues of wealth distribution to fund her candidacy.
No question that Hillary is beatable in 2016

Lucky for her there are no impressive Republicans running against her. Add in the impact that far right conservatives will have in poisoning the well and the current alignment of Red and Blue states and Hillary will cruise to a victory

Hillary would get 325+ EVs against Jeb Bush
She would get 375+ EV against any other Republican

Well shit, winger. why even bother with the election, just put a crown on the bitch and move her and bubba into the whitehouse.

I know that you ejaculate over Hillary, but that only proves that your mind is totally empty of working brain cells.

You are pretty much spot on
Republicans can't beat Hillary in 2016

The question is, will they run a candidate like Bush that will bring Republicans to the polls or will they run a nutjob like Cruz or Paul that will keep Republicans from voting in battleground and blue states

It will have a big impact on local and congressional elections
No question that Hillary is beatable in 2016

Lucky for her there are no impressive Republicans running against her. Add in the impact that far right conservatives will have in poisoning the well and the current alignment of Red and Blue states and Hillary will cruise to a victory

Hillary would get 325+ EVs against Jeb Bush
She would get 375+ EV against any other Republican
Anyone is hypothetically beatable. However, in order for that to happen, someone better, more electable, needs to be running against her, and as you say, there is no one else.

I think Hillary is much weaker than she was in 2008

But having no competition for the Democratic nomination and a weak Republican field make it unlikely she can be beaten

Republican plans of using Benghazi and an email "scandal" that nobody cares about shows how desperate they are
No question that Hillary is beatable in 2016

Lucky for her there are no impressive Republicans running against her. Add in the impact that far right conservatives will have in poisoning the well and the current alignment of Red and Blue states and Hillary will cruise to a victory

Hillary would get 325+ EVs against Jeb Bush
She would get 375+ EV against any other Republican

Well shit, winger. why even bother with the election, just put a crown on the bitch and move her and bubba into the whitehouse.

I know that you ejaculate over Hillary, but that only proves that your mind is totally empty of working brain cells.

You are pretty much spot on
Republicans can't beat Hillary in 2016

The question is, will they run a candidate like Bush that will bring Republicans to the polls or will they run a nutjob like Cruz or Paul that will keep Republicans from voting in battleground and blue states

It will have a big impact on local and congressional elections

Yes we saw how Romney sparked the base.... your spin leaves us laughing, we simply put up Jeb and we are a shoe in, is that right, Trotskyite?
No question that Hillary is beatable in 2016

Lucky for her there are no impressive Republicans running against her. Add in the impact that far right conservatives will have in poisoning the well and the current alignment of Red and Blue states and Hillary will cruise to a victory

Hillary would get 325+ EVs against Jeb Bush
She would get 375+ EV against any other Republican
Anyone is hypothetically beatable. However, in order for that to happen, someone better, more electable, needs to be running against her, and as you say, there is no one else.

I think Hillary is much weaker than she was in 2008

But having no competition for the Democratic nomination and a weak Republican field make it unlikely she can be beaten

Republican plans of using Benghazi and an email "scandal" that nobody cares about shows how desperate they are

Only you loons on the left don't care...recent polls show her support dropping, she's in a free fall and unless she pulls something off I doubt she'll recover.
No question that Hillary is beatable in 2016

Lucky for her there are no impressive Republicans running against her. Add in the impact that far right conservatives will have in poisoning the well and the current alignment of Red and Blue states and Hillary will cruise to a victory

Hillary would get 325+ EVs against Jeb Bush
She would get 375+ EV against any other Republican

Well shit, winger. why even bother with the election, just put a crown on the bitch and move her and bubba into the whitehouse.

I know that you ejaculate over Hillary, but that only proves that your mind is totally empty of working brain cells.

You are pretty much spot on
Republicans can't beat Hillary in 2016

The question is, will they run a candidate like Bush that will bring Republicans to the polls or will they run a nutjob like Cruz or Paul that will keep Republicans from voting in battleground and blue states

It will have a big impact on local and congressional elections

You really want Bush to be the candidate don't you? You are so obvious in your bullshit.

The truth is that any of the potential GOP candidates would destroy hillary in debates and would win the general because she is a flawed candidate, a proven liar, old, tired, angry, arrogant, and uninspiring.

But you dems have no one else, I find that very funny, you put all your marbles on obozo and they turned to shit.
No question that Hillary is beatable in 2016

Lucky for her there are no impressive Republicans running against her. Add in the impact that far right conservatives will have in poisoning the well and the current alignment of Red and Blue states and Hillary will cruise to a victory

Hillary would get 325+ EVs against Jeb Bush
She would get 375+ EV against any other Republican

Well shit, winger. why even bother with the election, just put a crown on the bitch and move her and bubba into the whitehouse.

I know that you ejaculate over Hillary, but that only proves that your mind is totally empty of working brain cells.

You are pretty much spot on
Republicans can't beat Hillary in 2016

The question is, will they run a candidate like Bush that will bring Republicans to the polls or will they run a nutjob like Cruz or Paul that will keep Republicans from voting in battleground and blue states

It will have a big impact on local and congressional elections
Do you really think Bush would bring in republicans to the polls? I'm Thinking that it would take a lot longer than 8 years to rehabilitate the Bush name. He would be about as popular as a Frankenstein in Transylvania.
No question that Hillary is beatable in 2016

Lucky for her there are no impressive Republicans running against her. Add in the impact that far right conservatives will have in poisoning the well and the current alignment of Red and Blue states and Hillary will cruise to a victory

Hillary would get 325+ EVs against Jeb Bush
She would get 375+ EV against any other Republican

Well shit, winger. why even bother with the election, just put a crown on the bitch and move her and bubba into the whitehouse.

I know that you ejaculate over Hillary, but that only proves that your mind is totally empty of working brain cells.

You are pretty much spot on
Republicans can't beat Hillary in 2016

The question is, will they run a candidate like Bush that will bring Republicans to the polls or will they run a nutjob like Cruz or Paul that will keep Republicans from voting in battleground and blue states

It will have a big impact on local and congressional elections

Yes we saw how Romney sparked the base.... your spin leaves us laughing, we simply put up Jeb and we are a shoe in, is that right, Trotskyite?

No....you can't be so lucky

Jeb will still lose to Hillary. Every Republican will

But candidates like Cruz, Paul and Walker will help you win states that are already red. What they won't do is inspire Republicans in swing states and blue states to come to the polls. Republicans will lose seats in local elections in those states
No question that Hillary is beatable in 2016

Lucky for her there are no impressive Republicans running against her. Add in the impact that far right conservatives will have in poisoning the well and the current alignment of Red and Blue states and Hillary will cruise to a victory

Hillary would get 325+ EVs against Jeb Bush
She would get 375+ EV against any other Republican

Well shit, winger. why even bother with the election, just put a crown on the bitch and move her and bubba into the whitehouse.

I know that you ejaculate over Hillary, but that only proves that your mind is totally empty of working brain cells.

You are pretty much spot on
Republicans can't beat Hillary in 2016

The question is, will they run a candidate like Bush that will bring Republicans to the polls or will they run a nutjob like Cruz or Paul that will keep Republicans from voting in battleground and blue states

It will have a big impact on local and congressional elections

You really want Bush to be the candidate don't you? You are so obvious in your bullshit.

The truth is that any of the potential GOP candidates would destroy hillary in debates and would win the general because she is a flawed candidate, a proven liar, old, tired, angry, arrogant, and uninspiring.

But you dems have no one else, I find that very funny, you put all your marbles on obozo and they turned to shit.

You really think any of the Republicans can win a debate with Benghazi and emails?

Bush has a chance with his immigration stance and moderate views. The rest of the clown car?
Not a chance
the right is so divided they don't know who they want to vote for. A party that divided at the polls means they lose. They're used to losing.
No question that Hillary is beatable in 2016

Lucky for her there are no impressive Republicans running against her. Add in the impact that far right conservatives will have in poisoning the well and the current alignment of Red and Blue states and Hillary will cruise to a victory

Hillary would get 325+ EVs against Jeb Bush
She would get 375+ EV against any other Republican

Well shit, winger. why even bother with the election, just put a crown on the bitch and move her and bubba into the whitehouse.

I know that you ejaculate over Hillary, but that only proves that your mind is totally empty of working brain cells.

You are pretty much spot on
Republicans can't beat Hillary in 2016

The question is, will they run a candidate like Bush that will bring Republicans to the polls or will they run a nutjob like Cruz or Paul that will keep Republicans from voting in battleground and blue states

It will have a big impact on local and congressional elections

Yes we saw how Romney sparked the base.... your spin leaves us laughing, we simply put up Jeb and we are a shoe in, is that right, Trotskyite?

No....you can't be so lucky

Jeb will still lose to Hillary. Every Republican will

But candidates like Cruz, Paul and Walker will help you win states that are already red. What they won't do is inspire Republicans in swing states and blue states to come to the polls. Republicans will lose seats in local elections in those states

The really sad thing is you and other daffy democrats will vote for Hildabeast no matter what, she's never accomplished a damn thing other than riding Bill's coat tails and her entire "career" is rife with scandals. But yet you'll still follow your masters and cast your vote for her. YOU are what is wrong with this nation
No question that Hillary is beatable in 2016

Lucky for her there are no impressive Republicans running against her. Add in the impact that far right conservatives will have in poisoning the well and the current alignment of Red and Blue states and Hillary will cruise to a victory

Hillary would get 325+ EVs against Jeb Bush
She would get 375+ EV against any other Republican

Well shit, winger. why even bother with the election, just put a crown on the bitch and move her and bubba into the whitehouse.

I know that you ejaculate over Hillary, but that only proves that your mind is totally empty of working brain cells.

You are pretty much spot on
Republicans can't beat Hillary in 2016

The question is, will they run a candidate like Bush that will bring Republicans to the polls or will they run a nutjob like Cruz or Paul that will keep Republicans from voting in battleground and blue states

It will have a big impact on local and congressional elections
Do you really think Bush would bring in republicans to the polls? I'm Thinking that it would take a lot longer than 8 years to rehabilitate the Bush name. He would be about as popular as a Frankenstein in Transylvania.

I am not a Jeb fan, but I would vote for him over HRC. If the best this country can do is Bush vs Clinton then we are on a steep downhill slide.
No question that Hillary is beatable in 2016

Lucky for her there are no impressive Republicans running against her. Add in the impact that far right conservatives will have in poisoning the well and the current alignment of Red and Blue states and Hillary will cruise to a victory

Hillary would get 325+ EVs against Jeb Bush
She would get 375+ EV against any other Republican

Well shit, winger. why even bother with the election, just put a crown on the bitch and move her and bubba into the whitehouse.

I know that you ejaculate over Hillary, but that only proves that your mind is totally empty of working brain cells.

You are pretty much spot on
Republicans can't beat Hillary in 2016

The question is, will they run a candidate like Bush that will bring Republicans to the polls or will they run a nutjob like Cruz or Paul that will keep Republicans from voting in battleground and blue states

It will have a big impact on local and congressional elections

You really want Bush to be the candidate don't you? You are so obvious in your bullshit.

The truth is that any of the potential GOP candidates would destroy hillary in debates and would win the general because she is a flawed candidate, a proven liar, old, tired, angry, arrogant, and uninspiring.

But you dems have no one else, I find that very funny, you put all your marbles on obozo and they turned to shit.

You really think any of the Republicans can win a debate with Benghazi and emails?

Bush has a chance with his immigration stance and moderate views. The rest of the clown car?
Not a chance

They can win a debate on honesty and a vision for the future. Face reality winger, HRC is a terrible candidate. She will never be POTUS, NEVER
No question that Hillary is beatable in 2016

Lucky for her there are no impressive Republicans running against her. Add in the impact that far right conservatives will have in poisoning the well and the current alignment of Red and Blue states and Hillary will cruise to a victory

Hillary would get 325+ EVs against Jeb Bush
She would get 375+ EV against any other Republican

Well shit, winger. why even bother with the election, just put a crown on the bitch and move her and bubba into the whitehouse.

I know that you ejaculate over Hillary, but that only proves that your mind is totally empty of working brain cells.

You are pretty much spot on
Republicans can't beat Hillary in 2016

The question is, will they run a candidate like Bush that will bring Republicans to the polls or will they run a nutjob like Cruz or Paul that will keep Republicans from voting in battleground and blue states

It will have a big impact on local and congressional elections

Yes we saw how Romney sparked the base.... your spin leaves us laughing, we simply put up Jeb and we are a shoe in, is that right, Trotskyite?

No....you can't be so lucky

Jeb will still lose to Hillary. Every Republican will

But candidates like Cruz, Paul and Walker will help you win states that are already red. What they won't do is inspire Republicans in swing states and blue states to come to the polls. Republicans will lose seats in local elections in those states

The really sad thing is you and other daffy democrats will vote for Hildabeast no matter what, she's never accomplished a damn thing other than riding Bill's coat tails and her entire "career" is rife with scandals. But yet you'll still follow your masters and cast your vote for her. YOU are what is wrong with this nation

people will vote for Clinton because RW kept her in the front with Bengahzi, now the emails ... AND WERE ABLE TO PROVE NOTHING.

might have been ok if she had done something .. as it is she got free publicity and was cleared of wrongdoing by the Republicans.


Well shit, winger. why even bother with the election, just put a crown on the bitch and move her and bubba into the whitehouse.

I know that you ejaculate over Hillary, but that only proves that your mind is totally empty of working brain cells.

You are pretty much spot on
Republicans can't beat Hillary in 2016

The question is, will they run a candidate like Bush that will bring Republicans to the polls or will they run a nutjob like Cruz or Paul that will keep Republicans from voting in battleground and blue states

It will have a big impact on local and congressional elections

Yes we saw how Romney sparked the base.... your spin leaves us laughing, we simply put up Jeb and we are a shoe in, is that right, Trotskyite?

No....you can't be so lucky

Jeb will still lose to Hillary. Every Republican will

But candidates like Cruz, Paul and Walker will help you win states that are already red. What they won't do is inspire Republicans in swing states and blue states to come to the polls. Republicans will lose seats in local elections in those states

The really sad thing is you and other daffy democrats will vote for Hildabeast no matter what, she's never accomplished a damn thing other than riding Bill's coat tails and her entire "career" is rife with scandals. But yet you'll still follow your masters and cast your vote for her. YOU are what is wrong with this nation

people will vote for Clinton because RW kept her in the front with Bengahzi, now the emails ... AND WERE ABLE TO PROVE NOTHING.

might have been ok if she had done something .. as it is she got free publicity and was cleared of wrongdoing by the Republicans.



Another dumb downed left loon chimes in....

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