Hillary Is To Blame for Orlando Mass Shooting

Let's start with the low hanging fruit.... you posted Hillary had Susan Rice lie about the video...

The GOP investigated that and concluded the story of the video instigating the Benghazi attack came from the CIA, not from Hillary. They further concluded that neither Obama nor Hillary nor Rice lied about the video.

So you lied, by proxy of someone else doing your thinking.
You're saying Susan Rice and Obama and Hillary didn't lie about the video ? Are you nuts ? Good grief. Everyone knows they did. And Hillary lied about it at the airport right to the faces of the families of the 4 guys killed in Benghazi, right when their bodies were being taken off the plane. You must be staying up too late. Better get some sleep

Folks. This is what happens when you watch liberal TV shows. Takes your breath away to see how detached these people are, and what crazy stuff they've been fed. Scary.
My, you're brain-dead. Again, the GOP investigated this and concluded they didn't lie.

You do comprehend the implication of the investigation being headed by the GOP, right??

http://intelligence.house.gov/sites/intelligence.house.gov/files/documents/Benghazi Report.pdf

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

Do ya see that? The liar is you -- not Obama or Hillary or Rice.

NO I DON'T see your phony claims. You can post all the jibberish you like. Everyone knows Rice lied, Obama lied, Hillary lied about there being a video causing the Benghazi attacks. You think you can come in here and throw some jibbersh up on this board, and we're all going to be suckered by it ? You really do need more sleep.

Benghazi Victim’s Sister: Hillary’s Lying, She Told Us YouTube Video Was to Blame

Hillary Told Daughter Chelsea That Terrorists Were Behind Benghazi Attack The Night It Happened [VIDEO]

WATCH HILLARY LYING.. by claiming an anti-Muslim VIDEO was the cause of the Benghazi attacks (in front of the families of the slain men as their coffins are being carried. Go ahead, Warch it. Listen to her Watch her LYING

Hillary Clinton’s latest lie about videos and terrorists

Articles: Hillary's Worst Crime Was Against the 'Filmmaker'

Hillary Clinton Gets Called Out for Benghazi Lies From the Unlikeliest of Reporters [VIDEO]

State Department Still Covering for Clinton and Obama’s Benghazi Lies

Hillary Clinton caught in another video lie

Here she is AGAIN LYING about the video >>

Hillary Clinton AntiMuslim video played role | User Clip | C-SPAN.org

This woman does not have an ounce of decency in her. It's sickening.

You are truly insane. Which of your links held investigations, complete with subpoena power?

That would be none, amirite?

The GOP-led investigation concluded the story of the video came from our intelligence community. Not that you understand anything that has to do with intelligence, mind you. And they concluded the Obama administration did not lie.

Do you even realize what you're saying?? Because I don't think ya do.... according to your latest idiocy ... the GOP is in the tank for Hillary.

There is no way to put a good face on this one: Hillary Clinton lied about her emails. She had something to hide, and she hid it. She deliberately deceived Congress, which asked for her communications on Libya, and she spoke falsely to the public.

Yes, Clinton lied about her emails

Yes, Clinton lied about her emails
You are truly insane. Which of your links held investigations, complete with subpoena power?

That would be none, amirite?

The GOP-led investigation concluded the story of the video came from our intelligence community. Not that you understand anything that has to do with intelligence, mind you. And they concluded the Obama administration did not lie.

Do you even realize what you're saying?? Because I don't think ya do.... according to your latest idiocy ... the GOP is in the tank for Hillary.
It is unbelievable that at this time in mid-June 2016,after the whole country has KNOWN for months, about the lies of Obama, Hillary and Rice about the stupid video + the lies about Trump + the email lies, that you have the gall to throw in here try to lie about this. You just got a video of Obama and Hillary lying about the video. You didn't watch it, did you ? All you're doing is polluting the thread.

You are truly insane. Which of your links held investigations, complete with subpoena power?

That would be none, amirite?

The GOP-led investigation concluded the story of the video came from our intelligence community. Not that you understand anything that has to do with intelligence, mind you. And they concluded the Obama administration did not lie.

Do you even realize what you're saying?? Because I don't think ya do.... according to your latest idiocy ... the GOP is in the tank for Hillary.
It is unbelievable that at this time in mid-June 2016,after the whole country has KNOWN for months, about the lies of Obama, Hillary and Rice about the stupid video + the lies about Trump + the email lies, that you have the gall to throw in here try to lie about this. You just got a video of Obama and Hillary lying about the video. You didn't watch it, did you ? All you're doing is polluting the thread.

I quoted the results of a Congressional investigation. The seventh GOP-led investigation, as a matter of fact. None of the seven GOP-led investigations found Obama or Hillary or Rice to have lied about the video being the catalyst for the attack.

You quoted tabloids.

You think the GOP is lying to get Hillary off the hook for Benghazi.

Yes, you really are as insane as you sound. :cuckoo:
I quoted the results of a Congressional investigation. The seventh GOP-led investigation, as a matter of fact. None of the seven GOP-led investigations found Obama or Hillary or Rice to have lied about the video being the catalyst for the attack.

You quoted tabloids.

You think the GOP is lying to get Hillary off the hook for Benghazi.

Yes, you really are as insane as you sound. :cuckoo:
You LIKE what happened to the people in Orlando. You're happy about it. You like the jihadists. Your'e one of them. You were laughing and you clicked the funny icon earlier in the thread. And you like Obama and Hillary who are in cahoots with the jihadists.

But when Trump becomes president, you'll be fleeing the country, but you'll be caught, captured and brought back here for trial. There's nothing you can do to turn it around now. You've gone too far. Just in this thread alone, you've shown your true colors - they look like the black flag of ISIS.

No amount of apologies on your part will do any good. Your credibility is shot.

I will be there when they put you on trial. I will testify against you. I will show your pro-Hillary posts to the court, and they will condemn you.
Here they are: Hillary's 22 biggest scandals ever

Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever

During his 1992 campaign for the presidency, Bill Clinton was fond of promising America, “You get two for the price of one,” indicating Hillary Clinton would act as his co-president.

But the nation got much more than it bargained for, as the top power couple brought a load of baggage with them into the White House from their days in Arkansas.

After the Clintons moved into the presidential mansion, the political scandals multiplied – from use of the IRS and FBI to target political opponents to stalking and harassing subjects of Bill Clinton’s sexual advances and even attempts to loot taxpayer-funded items from the White House. Americans also witnessed capers such as Travelgate, Chinagate, Filegate and Pardongate.

Bill Clinton’s sexual escapades and subsequent impeachment by the U.S. House of Representatives on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice consumed more than a year of American public life and bitterly divided the nation.

In the years since the memorable Clinton presidency, Hillary has brought America Emailgate and the Benghazi scandal, among others. New developments in the Clinton Foundation scandals emerges almost daily.

Now, it’s Hillary’s “turn” to be president, according to her Democrat supporters.

But in 2015, America is still apparently suffering from “Clinton fatigue.” Results from a Quinnipiac poll published in April revealed between 49 and 56 percent of voters in three significant swing states – Colorado, Virginia and Iowa – believe Hillary is neither honest nor trustworthy.

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I quoted the results of a Congressional investigation. The seventh GOP-led investigation, as a matter of fact. None of the seven GOP-led investigations found Obama or Hillary or Rice to have lied about the video being the catalyst for the attack.

You quoted tabloids.

You think the GOP is lying to get Hillary off the hook for Benghazi.

Yes, you really are as insane as you sound. :cuckoo:
You LIKE what happened to the people in Orlando. You're happy about it. You like the jihadists. Your'e one of them. You were laughing and you clicked the funny icon earlier in the thread. And you like Obama and Hillary who are in cahoots with the jihadists.

But when Trump becomes president, you'll be fleeing the country, but you'll be caught, captured and brought back here for trial. There's nothing you can do to turn it around now. You've gone too far. Just in this thread alone, you've shown your true colors - they look like the black flag of ISIS.

No amount of apologies on your part will do any good. Your credibility is shot.

I will be there when they put you on trial. I will testify against you. I will show your pro-Hillary posts to the court, and they will condemn you.
Sadly, your deranged state worsens. :cuckoo:

I guess that's what happens when you can't prove your bullshit. You delve into insane drivel.
Classic rwnj reaction on the subject, blame everyone else other than the responsible party.
The only reason you give a shit is you might make a profit on the tragedy.
I win.
Barry is a pawn of special interest groups, idealogues such as yourself are the losers. They saw you coming a mile away... Sucker
Says the terror profiteer.
If you had any lingering doubt that protectionist was not deranged, the massive wall of bullshit should be more than enough evidence he is.
So this is the latest leftist defense mechanism. Along wit race cards invalidation, interpretation, and context, now we have the derangement card. When somebody presents argument you can't defeat, you just call him "deranged".

Well, as long as we're doing the label game, OK, I'll play that game with you. You're are not only deranged, you're also deficient and defeated.
Sadly, your deranged state worsens. :cuckoo:

I guess that's what happens when you can't prove your bullshit. You delve into insane drivel.
Post 246 proved everything. You didn't read it. Yes it is long, but it's educational, and that's what you need, being information-deprived, coming from your OMISSION media.

You "guess" ? Well, I don't have to guess. I KNOW.

1) Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’

2) Covering Bill’s dirty deeds

Kathleen Willey

3) Looting the White House


4) Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies

5) Hillary’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood princess

Hillary & Huma Abedin

6) Vince Foster’s 1993 death

7) Emailgate: ‘She should go to prison for this’

8) Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets

9) Travelgate: Always room for friends

10) Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clintons

11) ‘Landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia

12) Hillary’s ‘missing’ law firm billing records

13) Pardongate: Hillary Senate contributions

14) Hillary’s cash cows and 9,987 percent profit

15) Clinton body count: ‘You find dead people’

16) Hillary’s radical pal, Saul Alinsky

17) Hillary laughs about defending child rapist

18) Hill ca$hes in: Iranian fundraising

19) Clinton Foundation: Scandals keep coming

20) Benghazi: 4 American lives lost


21) Peter Franklin Paul: Another Hillary friend goes to prison

22) Watergate: Fired for being a ‘liar’

If you had any lingering doubt that protectionist was not deranged, the massive wall of bullshit should be more than enough evidence he is.
So this is the latest leftist defense mechanism. Along wit race cards invalidation, interpretation, and context, now we have the derangement card. When somebody presents argument you can't defeat, you just call him "deranged".

Well, as long as we're doing the label game, OK, I'll play that game with you. You're are not only deranged, you're also deficient and defeated.
Being delusional you would think that , however the evidence says different.
Own it!
Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever

1) Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’

2) Covering Bill’s dirty deeds

Kathleen Willey

3) Looting the White House


4) Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies

5) Hillary’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood princess

Hillary & Huma Abedin

6) Vince Foster’s 1993 death

7) Emailgate: ‘She should go to prison for this’

8) Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets

9) Travelgate: Always room for friends

10) Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clintons

11) ‘Landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia

12) Hillary’s ‘missing’ law firm billing records

13) Pardongate: Hillary Senate contributions

14) Hillary’s cash cows and 9,987 percent profit

15) Clinton body count: ‘You find dead people’

16) Hillary’s radical pal, Saul Alinsky

17) Hillary laughs about defending child rapist

18) Hill ca$hes in: Iranian fundraising

19) Clinton Foundation: Scandals keep coming

20) Benghazi: 4 American lives lost


21) Peter Franklin Paul: Another Hillary friend goes to prison

22) Watergate: Fired for being a ‘liar’

Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever

For years, an extreme-right online “news company” called WorldNetDaily has been pumping out staggering vol- umes of baseless conspiracy theories, end-of-the-world predictions, and “birther” attacks on President Obama. But its truly defining moment may have come with the fairy-tale claim that soy- beans cause homosexuality.
For years, an extreme-right online “news company” called WorldNetDaily has been pumping out staggering vol- umes of baseless conspiracy theories, end-of-the-world predictions, and “birther” attacks on President Obama. But its truly defining moment may have come with the fairy-tale claim that soy- beans cause homosexuality.

INVALIDATION is hard-wired into liberals. (Ho hum)
Sadly, your deranged state worsens. :cuckoo:

I guess that's what happens when you can't prove your bullshit. You delve into insane drivel.
Post 246 proved everything. You didn't read it. Yes it is long, but it's educational, and that's what you need, being information-deprived, coming from your OMISSION media.

You "guess" ? Well, I don't have to guess. I KNOW.
No rational person respects World Nut Daily as a reliable, verifiable source. Only moronic rightards, who can't prove their nonsense with valid sources, reference World Nut Daily; which is to the right what Huffington and Daily Kos is to the left. You'd have to be an imbecile to either source them or accept them.

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