Hillary Is To Blame for Orlando Mass Shooting

For years, an extreme-right online “news company” called WorldNetDaily has been pumping out staggering vol- umes of baseless conspiracy theories, end-of-the-world predictions, and “birther” attacks on President Obama. But its truly defining moment may have come with the fairy-tale claim that soy- beans cause homosexuality.

INVALIDATION is hard-wired into liberals. (Ho hum)
Says the Queen of posting invalid shit as if it were valid.
No rational person respects World Nut Daily as a reliable, verifiable source. Only moronic rightards, who can't prove their nonsense with valid sources, reference World Nut Daily; which is to the right what Huffington and Daily Kos is to the left. You'd have to be an imbecile to either source them or accept them.
Sez the brain-dead, programmed leftist lemming, who would consider such JOKES as MSNBC, CNN, PBS, Media Matters, the Nation, and other liberal propaganda mills, to be valid. In a word > Laughingstock.

Here's the correction >> No IRRational programmed liberal respects World Nut Daily as a reliable, verifiable source. If they did, WND would have a problem. :biggrin:

PS - notice how the leftist loons don't attack the CONTENT of a WND article, thinking all they have to do is say that the website is invalid, and everyone will accept that, sight unseen. Is there a doctor in the house ?

Hey Mr Invalidation Card! Wanna try talking about the section on Huma Abedin ? Or are you too chicken to get specific (beyond your little invalidation card hot air)
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Says the Queen of posting invalid shit as if it were valid.
Says the Queen of pretending that things are invalid, while offering no specifics to back up the wild claim. What did WND say about Huma Abedin that was invalid, Queen ?

PS - I am the KING of posting VALID information (which liberals sorely lack) And I don't even charge them for it. How lucky they are. You're welcome, liberals. :biggrin:
Being delusional you would think that , however the evidence says different.
Own it!
Yeah ? WHAT "evidence" ? Some BS piped into you from lunatic fringe MSNBC ?

Like their nutjob claims that Hillary's dear Huma is not MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD ? Try getting away with THAT hogwash twaddle.

And the WND article says >> "when placed under oath, Bill Clinton admitted to an affair with Flowers, as he did with Lewinksy" You wanna call this "delusional", or would you rather admit it is a fact ? I could pop 100 more like this in here if you like. :biggrin:
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No rational person respects World Nut Daily as a reliable, verifiable source. Only moronic rightards, who can't prove their nonsense with valid sources, reference World Nut Daily; which is to the right what Huffington and Daily Kos is to the left. You'd have to be an imbecile to either source them or accept them.
Sez the brain-dead, programmed leftist lemming, who would consider such JOKES as MSNBC, CNN, PBS, Media Matters, the Nation, and other liberal propaganda mills, to be valid. In a word > Laughingstock.

Here's the correction >> No IRRational programmed liberal respects World Nut Daily as a reliable, verifiable source. If they did, WND would have a problem. :biggrin:

PS - notice how the leftist loons don't attack the CONTENT of a WND article, thinking all they have to do is say that the website is invalid, and everyone will accept that, sight unseen. Is there a doctor in the house ?

Hey Mr Invalidation Card! Wanna try talking about the section on Huma Abedin ? Or are you too chicken to get specific (beyond your little invalidation card hot air)
World Nut Daily once wrote an article about how Al-Qaeda had snuck no less than 7 nuclear devices into the country with plans on detonate them in some of our largest cities.

To nutcases like you, they're credibile.

Why don't you just admit the truth? You like them because you want to hear the idiocy you believe.
Says the Queen of posting invalid shit as if it were valid.
Says the Queen of pretending that things are invalid, while offering no specifics to back up the wild claim. What did WND say about Huma Abedin that was invalid, Queen ?

PS - I am the KING of posting VALID information (which liberals sorely lack) And I don't even charge them for it. How lucky they are. You're welcome, liberals. :biggrin:
You are a legend in your own mind other than that you're a drooling anal aperture.
Nothing more.
Being delusional you would think that , however the evidence says different.
Own it!
Yeah ? WHAT "evidence" ? Some BS piped into you from lunatic fringe MSNBC ?

Like their nutjob claims that Hillary's dear Huma is not MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD ? Try getting away with THAT hogwash twaddle.

And the WND article says >> "when placed under oath, Bill Clinton admitted to an affair with Flowers, as he did with Lewinksy" You wanna call this "delusional", or would you rather admit it is a fact ? I could pop 100 more like this in here if you like. :biggrin:
A hundred more would just cement the fact that you're obsessed and a waste of resources.
World Nut Daily once wrote an article about how Al-Qaeda had snuck no less than 7 nuclear devices into the country with plans on detonate them in some of our largest cities.

To nutcases like you, they're credibile.

Why don't you just admit the truth? You like them because you want to hear the idiocy you believe.
If you have an ounce of evidence to show that the 7 nuclear devices story is without merit, then let's hear it. My guess is, as usual. you will come up with nothing. If the story was not credible, that sure isn't being shown by you.

And you also haven't uttered any response to my challenge about Hillary's princess, Huma Abedin.
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World Nut Daily once wrote an article about how Al-Qaeda had snuck no less than 7 nuclear devices into the country with plans on detonate them in some of our largest cities.

To nutcases like you, they're credibile.

Why don't you just admit the truth? You like them because you want to hear the idiocy you believe.
If you have an ounce of evidence to show that the 7 nuclear devices story is without merit, then let's hear it. My guess is, as usual. you will come up with nothing. If the story was not credible, that sure isn't being shown by you.

And you also haven't uttered any response to my challenge about Hillary's princess, Huma Abedin.
It never happened. What better evidence do you need? :eusa_doh:
Do us a favor and step out in front of the first train ,bus , or any other large fast moving object.
So you support the killings we saw happen today, and the condition that allowed for it to happen. Undeniably.
Again who's we.
Unless you were there you saw jack shit.
Guns would not have changed the situation other than making it worse .
Multiple weapons , a crowded small space.
= larger body count.
Besides asshat firearms in clubs, bars etc.
Have been illegal for about 100 years.

It's not about guns idiot. If we rounded up Muslims that are openly supporting ISIS, this would not had happened. He was under investigation by the FBI, but they did nothing because of political correct bullshit, thanks to President Hussein.
Do us a favor and step out in front of the first train ,bus , or any other large fast moving object.
So you support the killings we saw happen today, and the condition that allowed for it to happen. Undeniably.
Again who's we.
Unless you were there you saw jack shit.
Guns would not have changed the situation other than making it worse .
Multiple weapons , a crowded small space.
= larger body count.
Besides asshat firearms in clubs, bars etc.
Have been illegal for about 100 years.

It's not about guns idiot. If we rounded up Muslims that are openly supporting ISIS, this would not had happened. He was under investigation by the FBI, but they did nothing because of political correct bullshit, thanks to President Hussein.
What you call, "political correctness," is actually called, "the law." The Constitution, and not, "political correctness," does not permit law enforcement to arrest folks without due cause; and can't hold them without due process.

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