Hillary Knew It Was Terrorism Within Hours After The Benghazi Attack

:rolleyes: What she said at the time was that some people tried to justify the attack by blaming the stupid movie. She never said it wasn't terrorism....which is what it was, no matter what the cause of the attack.
I guess every armed assault aimed at U.S. interests is terrorism since the word came into popularity.

That Koran burning bible thumper in Florida does bear some responsibility for the Benghazi attack. The demonstrations protesting that gave the attackers cover.

There is a lot of blame to go around. Should we even be in Libya? Why are we waging endless war in these artificial countries made of of separate groups who hate each other?

Clearly reading comprehension is not one of your skillsets.

What is it about training in Libya and subscribing to AQ ideology...and planning an attack days in advance that isn't clear to you?

Where is the conflict? Did I say there was no attack?

Are you saying that the Florida Koran burning did not cause demonstrations that the Benghazi attackers used as cover in their attack?

Asked and answered, bub.

Blaming the Koran burning for Benghazi is an exercise in Stupidity. Terrorists play useful idiots such as you. Justifying attacks on the U.S. by citing the exercise of First Amendment Rights turns the Constitution into a Suicide Pact.
Definition of terrorism Collins English Dictionary


  1. systematic use of violence and intimidation to achieve some goal
  2. the act of terrorizing
  3. the state of being terrorized
The goal was to kill Americans in revenge. Hardly terrorism. Unless killing Americans in revenge is the definition of terrorism.
It will be interesting to see Hillary try and explain this away when Mr Gowdy grills her. I suspect Gowdy has been privy to this for quite sometime
He said the meetings we're on standby until further notice.

There are a few people I can think of I'd rather not have grill me, Trey Gowdy is one of them. He's a damn bull dog

I have a total crush on Gowdy. He's an awesome prosecutor!
I'm not a particular fan of prosecutors but he seems pretty straight forward.
I love how the report is quoted while its contents are ignored.
Definition of terrorism Collins English Dictionary


  1. systematic use of violence and intimidation to achieve some goal
  2. the act of terrorizing
  3. the state of being terrorized
The goal was to kill Americans in revenge.

No, the goal was to Kill Americans period.
I love how the report is quoted while its contents are ignored.

Sadly, I cannot return the compliment.

I don't love how you completely ignore that the attacks were partially to memorialize the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

They were CELEBRATING killing Americans, you tool.
:rolleyes: What she said at the time was that some people tried to justify the attack by blaming the stupid movie. She never said it wasn't terrorism....which is what it was, no matter what the cause of the attack.

Hillary and Obama are the ones who tried to blame it on a video.
:rolleyes: What she said at the time was that some people tried to justify the attack by blaming the stupid movie. She never said it wasn't terrorism....which is what it was, no matter what the cause of the attack.

Hillary and Obama are the ones who tried to blame it on a video.

Which was quickly proven to be a lie but yet some left loons STILL buy into it
I guess every armed assault aimed at U.S. interests is terrorism since the word came into popularity.

That Koran burning bible thumper in Florida does bear some responsibility for the Benghazi attack. The demonstrations protesting that gave the attackers cover.

There is a lot of blame to go around. Should we even be in Libya? Why are we waging endless war in these artificial countries made of of separate groups who hate each other?
You really are a special kid, aren't you.

Only a total retard could turn Hilderbeast and The Obama lying about a video being the reason for the Benghazi attack into a smear against a minimal fringe baptist radical group.

As to your last 2 questions; you'll have to ask the President
Sadly, I cannot return the compliment.

I don't love how you completely ignore that the attacks were partially to memorialize the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

They were CELEBRATING killing Americans, you tool.
So what? Who wouldn't? That's not terrorism, neither is it terrorism to kill Americans in revenge in a country whose regime the Americans had just overthrown.

Terrorism is just a word you can wet your pants over.
Sadly, I cannot return the compliment.

I don't love how you completely ignore that the attacks were partially to memorialize the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

They were CELEBRATING killing Americans, you tool.
So what? Who wouldn't? That's not terrorism, neither is it terrorism to kill Americans in revenge in a country whose regime the Americans had just overthrown.

Terrorism is just a word you can wet your pants over.

Sadly, I cannot return the compliment.

I don't love how you completely ignore that the attacks were partially to memorialize the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

They were CELEBRATING killing Americans, you tool.
So what? Who wouldn't? That's not terrorism, neither is it terrorism to kill Americans in revenge in a country whose regime the Americans had just overthrown.

Terrorism is just a word you can wet your pants over.

It is said that no one is completely worthless, you can always serve as an example
You know how this is going to play out, don't you? Hill will just point to some report that was less than clear, and say it was unclear in the fog of war, but that is was a horrible thing and in retrospect the ambassador should have had better security.

And it won't change anyone's mind about Hillary one way or another. Stevens was caught up in a CIA operation transferring weapons to the Syrian "rebels," which is what McCain and John Bolton wanted to do, but which is something that an ambassador shouldn't have been near ... and those rebels are now ISIS.
:rolleyes: What she said at the time was that some people tried to justify the attack by blaming the stupid movie. She never said it wasn't terrorism....which is what it was, no matter what the cause of the attack.
The White House and State Department sent Susan Rice out as a pinata to propagate the video lie.
9 days after the attack Obama, himself, still tried to pass it off
It really is funny that [some] Americans seem to think they can go and kill whomever and overthrow whomever but then wet their pants and call it terrorism when the blowback arrives.

Must be the exceptionalism.

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