Hillary Knew It Was Terrorism Within Hours After The Benghazi Attack

I included RMN to make it bipartisan. Did you look up the meaning of the word 'murder' ?

Yes. Going to the dentist is murder. Abortion is murder.

Should the Dentist be charged with murder?

Ah, so you agree that the people who run around saying abortion is murder are idiots...

...no shit.

Where did I say that?

lol when you tried to ridicule me for using the word 'murder' retard.

Wrong again, dipshit!

This is what you posted. "Yes. Going to the dentist is murder. Abortion is murder."

You are the simple minded fuck that accuse me of agreeing with you that abortion is murder because I did not comment on your assertion that it is.

I ridiculed you for accusing the Commander in Chief of murdering US soldiers that were KIA in Iraq.

Democrats can only think in terms of cartoons.
We have "caught" the truth that Hillary lied about Benghazi, claiming it was a spontaneous riot caused by a YT video when in fact she knew it was a planned terrorist attack.
What part of that do you not understand?
Why does this sound so familiar? Oh yeah because you people have no platform & an election is approaching. Gawd you tools are anything if predictable. GObP :lol:
One thing I hope that whoever becomes the Republican candidate that Benghazi is a dead issue. Not because it should be, but because on one side you are preaching to the choir, while on the other you are talking to a wall. Democrats couldn't give a flying fig about Benghazi no matter what happened.

How many TAXPAYER-FUNDED investigations have there been?
Fixed it for you. if Firebug couldn't find anything after throwing MILLIONS in taxpayer $$$ at it, what makes the rightists think anyone else can manufacture.....errr..... find anything?
Democrats can only think in terms of cartoons.
We have "caught" the truth that Hillary lied about Benghazi, claiming it was a spontaneous riot caused by a YT video when in fact she knew it was a planned terrorist attack.
What part of that do you not understand?
Why does this sound so familiar? Oh yeah because you people have no platform & an election is approaching. Gawd you tools are anything if predictable. GObP :lol:
Are you denying that she lied on Benghazi? I want to hear you answer that. Did Hillary know that it was a terrorist attack at the time she claimed it was a spontaneous riot caused by a Youtube video? Yes or no.
And this is somehow new news or is this the raw intel from where they based the claim that some Militia claimed responsibility for the attack.

Good luck to the Stop Hillary Express.
One thing I hope that whoever becomes the Republican candidate that Benghazi is a dead issue. Not because it should be, but because on one side you are preaching to the choir, while on the other you are talking to a wall. Democrats couldn't give a flying fig about Benghazi no matter what happened.

They will deny anything that makes their party look bad. No matter what it is or how many are hurt.
Democrats can only think in terms of cartoons.
We have "caught" the truth that Hillary lied about Benghazi, claiming it was a spontaneous riot caused by a YT video when in fact she knew it was a planned terrorist attack.
What part of that do you not understand?
Why does this sound so familiar? Oh yeah because you people have no platform & an election is approaching. Gawd you tools are anything if predictable. GObP :lol:
Are you denying that she lied on Benghazi? I want to hear you answer that. Did Hillary know that it was a terrorist attack at the time she claimed it was a spontaneous riot caused by a Youtube video? Yes or no.
Here is a more curious way to say what you just asked.....

Did Hillary know that it was a terrorist attack at the time she claimed it was a spontaneous riot caused by an American Citizen exercising his right to free speech?

I mean, even if she believed it was a riot caused by the video, why would she openly blame an American Citizen without knowing for sure? Shouldn't blaming an American Citizen be the LAST thing she would want to do?

Why are people so interested in seeing her as the leader of America? The woman was not sure what caused the attack, but opted to jump on the bandwagon of blaming America for an attack on America.
As you can see by this thread, the left flat out does not care what any government official does if that person is a Democrat.
Read through the thread and you will see jokes, rhetorical talking points and otherwise scoffing off anything no matter what source.
The fact is, we do not know, nor will we ever know what happened.
What we DO know is that it wasn't a rag-tag group over a cartoon.
But you know what?
Even if we did learn that Hillary was totally at fault here. 100% her fault and we see verified proof she hid it from the President to cover her ass.
She would still get minimum 98% of Democrat votes.
As you can see by this thread, the left flat out does not care what any government official does if that person is a Democrat.
Read through the thread and you will see jokes, rhetorical talking points and otherwise scoffing off anything no matter what source.
The fact is, we do not know, nor will we ever know what happened.
What we DO know is that it wasn't a rag-tag group over a cartoon.
But you know what?
Even if we did learn that Hillary was totally at fault here. 100% her fault and we see verified proof she hid it from the President to cover her ass.
She would still get minimum 98% of Democrat votes.
Sure...98% of those on the left on this message board...but 98% of the democratic voters overall. I can say with certainty that I am hearing a lot of grumbling amongst the democratic voters. Big conversation in the gym this morning. About 30% republican, 30% democrat, the rest claimed independents. Only one democrat is satisfied with Hillary as the candidate. The rest argued with her...including the rest of the democrats. They are very concerned that there will be no choice.
As you can see by this thread, the left flat out does not care what any government official does if that person is a Democrat.
Read through the thread and you will see jokes, rhetorical talking points and otherwise scoffing off anything no matter what source.
The fact is, we do not know, nor will we ever know what happened.
What we DO know is that it wasn't a rag-tag group over a cartoon.
But you know what?
Even if we did learn that Hillary was totally at fault here. 100% her fault and we see verified proof she hid it from the President to cover her ass.
She would still get minimum 98% of Democrat votes.

How many times has Benghazi been investigated?
Democrats can only think in terms of cartoons.
We have "caught" the truth that Hillary lied about Benghazi, claiming it was a spontaneous riot caused by a YT video when in fact she knew it was a planned terrorist attack.
What part of that do you not understand?
Why does this sound so familiar? Oh yeah because you people have no platform & an election is approaching. Gawd you tools are anything if predictable. GObP :lol:
Are you denying that she lied on Benghazi? I want to hear you answer that. Did Hillary know that it was a terrorist attack at the time she claimed it was a spontaneous riot caused by a Youtube video? Yes or no.
Here is a more curious way to say what you just asked.....

Did Hillary know that it was a terrorist attack at the time she claimed it was a spontaneous riot caused by an American Citizen exercising his right to free speech?

I mean, even if she believed it was a riot caused by the video, why would she openly blame an American Citizen without knowing for sure? Shouldn't blaming an American Citizen be the LAST thing she would want to do?

Why are people so interested in seeing her as the leader of America? The woman was not sure what caused the attack, but opted to jump on the bandwagon of blaming America for an attack on America.

When did Hillary say it was not a terrorist attack? All of the video related attacks were terrorism.
Sure...98% of those on the left on this message board...but 98% of the democratic voters overall. I can say with certainty that I am hearing a lot of grumbling amongst the democratic voters. Big conversation in the gym this morning. About 30% republican, 30% democrat, the rest claimed independents. Only one democrat is satisfied with Hillary as the candidate. The rest argued with her...including the rest of the democrats. They are very concerned that there will be no choice.

Precisely my point.
They may be disgruntled with her, but they will still vote for her.
It is harder to be a Republican front runner than Democrat.
Republicans judge their candidates harshly by their opinions, past votes etc.
Democrats do not. It is pretty much whoever the party leaders put up - they vote for them regardless of who they are.
It is that simple.
Within a few hours after the Benghazi attack, Hillary received a memo which describes the attack as terrorism.
There is a problem with that claim, pg 395 says the "date of information: 16 Sept 2012" so there is no proof of the date it was sent to Clinton. Usually there is a page that shows where the report was delivered and what date, the factthat the dishonest JW did not include that page is a red flag.
Within a few hours after the Benghazi attack, Hillary received a memo which describes the attack as terrorism.
There is a problem with that claim, pg 395 says the "date of information: 16 Sept 2012" so there is no proof of the date it was sent to Clinton. Usually there is a page that shows where the report was delivered and what date, the factthat the dishonest JW did not include that page is a red flag.
But it still does not explain why the administration and Clintons staff were so willing to blame an American for the attack on Americans before the evidence was in.

Heck, they did not want to say anything disparaging about Bergdahl until the evidence was in....but within days of Benghazi, they had no problem having Rice go out there and say that it was likely the fault of an American exercising his right to free speech.

Think about it. Really. Give it serious thought. Whether they thought it or not, until it was proven to be an American at fault, why would they EVER cast blame on an American exercising his right to free speech?
Within a few hours after the Benghazi attack, Hillary received a memo which describes the attack as terrorism.

An excerpt:

View attachment 41416


New documents obtained by Judicial Watch and made public Monday show that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other senior officials under President Obama were given intelligence within hours of the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi attack describing how it had been planned at least 10 days in advance “to kill as many Americans as possible.”

A heavily redacted copy of a Sept. 12, 2012, Defense Intelligence Agency memo to Clinton, then Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, the White House National Security Council and the Joint Chiefs of Staff said “the attack was planned 10 or more days prior on approximately 01 September 2012. The intention was to attack the consulate and to kill as many Americans as possible to seek revenge for U.S. killing of Aboyahiye ((ALALIBY)) in Pakistan and in memorial of the 11 September 2001 atacks on the World Trade Center buildings.”

The attack “was planned and executed by the Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman (BCOAR). BCOAR is also responsible for past attacks on the Red Cross in Benghazi and the attack on the British Ambassador, they have approximately 120 members.” Rahman is serving a life sentence in a federal prison for his role in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center which killed six people in New York.

The memo was labeled: “Information Report, Not Finally Evaluated Intelligence.”...

Memo To Hillary Described Benghazi As Planned Terror Attack Immediately The Daily Caller

And then she had the gall to blame an obscure video maker and to stand over the coffins of the dead and to lie to their parents.

Libbies - this is who you want as President?

You people need to ride this horse into the ground.
I think the horse expired some time ago, and the "investigation" is now dragging the poor horse's rotting corpse by the bit and reins, when the sensible thing to do would be remove the saddle and just carry that.
Which is not possible when you have no policy positions of your own.
Democrats can only think in terms of cartoons.
We have "caught" the truth that Hillary lied about Benghazi, claiming it was a spontaneous riot caused by a YT video when in fact she knew it was a planned terrorist attack.
What part of that do you not understand?
Why does this sound so familiar? Oh yeah because you people have no platform & an election is approaching. Gawd you tools are anything if predictable. GObP :lol:
Are you denying that she lied on Benghazi? I want to hear you answer that. Did Hillary know that it was a terrorist attack at the time she claimed it was a spontaneous riot caused by a Youtube video? Yes or no.
Here is a more curious way to say what you just asked.....

Did Hillary know that it was a terrorist attack at the time she claimed it was a spontaneous riot caused by an American Citizen exercising his right to free speech?

I mean, even if she believed it was a riot caused by the video, why would she openly blame an American Citizen without knowing for sure? Shouldn't blaming an American Citizen be the LAST thing she would want to do?

Why are people so interested in seeing her as the leader of America? The woman was not sure what caused the attack, but opted to jump on the bandwagon of blaming America for an attack on America.

When did Hillary say it was not a terrorist attack? All of the video related attacks were terrorism.

Does the lack of response here mean that she never said it wasn't a terrorist attack?


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