Hillary Knew It Was Terrorism Within Hours After The Benghazi Attack

Some extremists attacked the anti-Muhammed cartoon festival. Why did they attack? Does it make a difference why?
Unbelievable. Hillary clearly lied. She knew it was a lie when she told it. She has never apologized for it. She has never admitted it. Yet here is the evidence.
Hillary is unfit to be president. She is unfit to be dog catcher. Hillary needs to withdraw from the race. Anyone who supports her has not a shred of integrity and cannot be taken seriously.

I'll bet the old hag is tying one on now after this hit the news. Miserable old lying crunt

The breeder weighs in with nothing, as usual.
Dude get real. All you stupid ass Libs have done is deflect in this thread. Especially you with your bush nonsense. And that cmn dumbass thinks this thread is about his personal interpretation of American Foreign Policy.

NONE of you have the courage or character to stay on topic.

So the statute of limitations has run out on Bush needlessly murdering 4000+ brave Americans?


Look up the meaning of the word 'murder' and tell me the 58,000 American troops KIA in Vietnam were murdered.
We could dig JFK, LBJ and RMN up and prosecute them.

Why would you assume I would defend the idiots who committed the disaster of Vietnam? Are you that infantile when it comes to party partisanship?
Thank you. I would really like to know where the Progs draw the line with Hillary. Will they vote for her even knowing that she lied about Benghazi?
THey dont care. Anyone who mouths the right sentiments is fine with them. They'd vote for Joe Stalin if he was pro abortion and wanted to ban guns.

Give us ten reasons a liberal should vote for Jeb Bush.

This thread isn't about Jeb Bush. If you wish to query on that topic, start another thread and quit trying to derail this one.

So, are you voting for Hillary after learning she Lied About Benghazi?

Someone brings up the vote in the election and the Republican assholes who might be running are not the topic. The Rabbi made it the topic.

They're all in it up to their eyeballs, except Randian Paul .... until he flip flopped to get on the "right" side.

Most of them were pounding the table for more aggressive entanglement in Libya - remember the old 'leading from behind' line -

up until they perceived that it might be politically expedient to become anti-Libyan peaceniks.

They are all horrible people.
One thing I hope that whoever becomes the Republican candidate that Benghazi is a dead issue. Not because it should be, but because on one side you are preaching to the choir, while on the other you are talking to a wall. Democrats couldn't give a flying fig about Benghazi no matter what happened.
I'll bet the old hag is tying one on now after this hit the news. Miserable old lying crunt

The breeder weighs in with nothing, as usual.
Dude get real. All you stupid ass Libs have done is deflect in this thread. Especially you with your bush nonsense. And that cmn dumbass thinks this thread is about his personal interpretation of American Foreign Policy.

NONE of you have the courage or character to stay on topic.

So the statute of limitations has run out on Bush needlessly murdering 4000+ brave Americans?


Look up the meaning of the word 'murder' and tell me the 58,000 American troops KIA in Vietnam were murdered.
We could dig JFK, LBJ and RMN up and prosecute them.

Why would you assume I would defend the idiots who committed the disaster of Vietnam? Are you that infantile when it comes to party partisanship?

I included RMN to make it bipartisan. Did you look up the meaning of the word 'murder' ?
The breeder weighs in with nothing, as usual.
Dude get real. All you stupid ass Libs have done is deflect in this thread. Especially you with your bush nonsense. And that cmn dumbass thinks this thread is about his personal interpretation of American Foreign Policy.

NONE of you have the courage or character to stay on topic.

So the statute of limitations has run out on Bush needlessly murdering 4000+ brave Americans?


Look up the meaning of the word 'murder' and tell me the 58,000 American troops KIA in Vietnam were murdered.
We could dig JFK, LBJ and RMN up and prosecute them.

Why would you assume I would defend the idiots who committed the disaster of Vietnam? Are you that infantile when it comes to party partisanship?

I included RMN to make it bipartisan. Did you look up the meaning of the word 'murder' ?

Yes. Going to the dentist is murder. Abortion is murder.
I guess the question is do you think the US should have just sat back while Assad was using gas on his own civilians? Or, now that ISIS is cutting off heads and burning people alive, should the US just say "OK, just leave us out of it?" Are the French and Brits committing terrorism too. How about Jordan?
I think such action should be done through the UN, otherwise it will be dismissed as hypocrisy considering the US support of Saddam's deployment of chemical weapons.

But to be clear, I think 'Shock and Awe' was terrorism. I mean it boasts of it in its label.
I guess the question is do you think the US should have just sat back while Assad was using gas on his own civilians? Or, now that ISIS is cutting off heads and burning people alive, should the US just say "OK, just leave us out of it?" Are the French and Brits committing terrorism too. How about Jordan?
I think such action should be done through the UN, otherwise it will be dismissed as hypocrisy considering the US support of Saddam's deployment of chemical weapons.
That would make some sense had the UN not authorized force in Iraq. Not that Iraq was a good idea.

To ignore the political motivations of both parties in the Stevens' murder, and to basically hijack the thread for one single post, the question is really one of unintended consequences. The UN is powerless vis a vis Syria, because the Russians and probably the Chinese have no interest in removing Assad. So, the slaughter of civilians would have gone, and has gone, unchecked. Do those who can act, act ... or not act? What do you do when there is no political leverage to coerce a Saddam or Assad into reforming his government and returning to being less despotic? I'm not asking for a response with the questions. I'm merely arguing that there's not necessarily a good answer. Invading Iraq certainly made it worse, but from your logic saving the Shiaa with the no fly zones was unacceptable meddling too.
Dude get real. All you stupid ass Libs have done is deflect in this thread. Especially you with your bush nonsense. And that cmn dumbass thinks this thread is about his personal interpretation of American Foreign Policy.

NONE of you have the courage or character to stay on topic.

So the statute of limitations has run out on Bush needlessly murdering 4000+ brave Americans?


Look up the meaning of the word 'murder' and tell me the 58,000 American troops KIA in Vietnam were murdered.
We could dig JFK, LBJ and RMN up and prosecute them.

Why would you assume I would defend the idiots who committed the disaster of Vietnam? Are you that infantile when it comes to party partisanship?

I included RMN to make it bipartisan. Did you look up the meaning of the word 'murder' ?

Yes. Going to the dentist is murder. Abortion is murder.

Should the Dentist be charged with murder?
So the statute of limitations has run out on Bush needlessly murdering 4000+ brave Americans?


Look up the meaning of the word 'murder' and tell me the 58,000 American troops KIA in Vietnam were murdered.
We could dig JFK, LBJ and RMN up and prosecute them.

Why would you assume I would defend the idiots who committed the disaster of Vietnam? Are you that infantile when it comes to party partisanship?

I included RMN to make it bipartisan. Did you look up the meaning of the word 'murder' ?

Yes. Going to the dentist is murder. Abortion is murder.

Should the Dentist be charged with murder?

Ah, so you agree that the people who run around saying abortion is murder are idiots...

...no shit.
Look up the meaning of the word 'murder' and tell me the 58,000 American troops KIA in Vietnam were murdered.
We could dig JFK, LBJ and RMN up and prosecute them.

Why would you assume I would defend the idiots who committed the disaster of Vietnam? Are you that infantile when it comes to party partisanship?

I included RMN to make it bipartisan. Did you look up the meaning of the word 'murder' ?

Yes. Going to the dentist is murder. Abortion is murder.

Should the Dentist be charged with murder?

Ah, so you agree that the people who run around saying abortion is murder are idiots...

...no shit.

Where did I say that?
Why would you assume I would defend the idiots who committed the disaster of Vietnam? Are you that infantile when it comes to party partisanship?

I included RMN to make it bipartisan. Did you look up the meaning of the word 'murder' ?

Yes. Going to the dentist is murder. Abortion is murder.

Should the Dentist be charged with murder?

Ah, so you agree that the people who run around saying abortion is murder are idiots...

...no shit.

Where did I say that?

lol when you tried to ridicule me for using the word 'murder' retard.
One thing I hope that whoever becomes the Republican candidate that Benghazi is a dead issue. Not because it should be, but because on one side you are preaching to the choir, while on the other you are talking to a wall. Democrats couldn't give a flying fig about Benghazi no matter what happened.

How many investigations have there been?
Democrats can only think in terms of cartoons.
We have "caught" the truth that Hillary lied about Benghazi, claiming it was a spontaneous riot caused by a YT video when in fact she knew it was a planned terrorist attack.
What part of that do you not understand?
Within a few hours after the Benghazi attack, Hillary received a memo which describes the attack as terrorism.

An excerpt:

View attachment 41416


New documents obtained by Judicial Watch and made public Monday show that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other senior officials under President Obama were given intelligence within hours of the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi attack describing how it had been planned at least 10 days in advance “to kill as many Americans as possible.”

A heavily redacted copy of a Sept. 12, 2012, Defense Intelligence Agency memo to Clinton, then Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, the White House National Security Council and the Joint Chiefs of Staff said “the attack was planned 10 or more days prior on approximately 01 September 2012. The intention was to attack the consulate and to kill as many Americans as possible to seek revenge for U.S. killing of Aboyahiye ((ALALIBY)) in Pakistan and in memorial of the 11 September 2001 atacks on the World Trade Center buildings.”

The attack “was planned and executed by the Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman (BCOAR). BCOAR is also responsible for past attacks on the Red Cross in Benghazi and the attack on the British Ambassador, they have approximately 120 members.” Rahman is serving a life sentence in a federal prison for his role in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center which killed six people in New York.

The memo was labeled: “Information Report, Not Finally Evaluated Intelligence.”...

Memo To Hillary Described Benghazi As Planned Terror Attack Immediately The Daily Caller

And then she had the gall to blame an obscure video maker and to stand over the coffins of the dead and to lie to their parents.

Libbies - this is who you want as President?

Of course she knew as did the CIA and everyone else. They knew it was a terror attack before it happened. AFter all they had months of warnings and an ambassador wanted beefed up security.

Hillary showed how she would handle a crisis. Not well. Good Lord can anyone imagine that cow as POTUS??
Democrats can only think in terms of cartoons.
We have "caught" the truth that Hillary lied about Benghazi, claiming it was a spontaneous riot caused by a YT video when in fact she knew it was a planned terrorist attack.
What part of that do you not understand?

Look, dewd..... Accept something -- dimocraps are scum. Period.

Heard of MoveOn? Of course you have. Know how it got started? Some Clinton knob-slurpers with the help of Hitlery started it as Clinton (the rapist one) support site dedicated to the idea of "Let's Move On" from this during the Monica Lewinsky jizz-gate debacle.

That's the same shit they're doing now. They're screaming "Move On!!" after it is THEY who have blocked a rational and fair inquiry.

dimocrap filth wouldn't know this but, killing an Ambassador isn't a criminal act, it is an ACT OF WAR. Period.

Whenever an act of war is committed against the United States, an investigation is warranted, wouldn't you say?

Well, not if it's a dimocrap scumbag that might be exposed as incompetent -- Or worse. Much worse.

dimocrap scum are dimocrap scum because they are what they are -- Stupid, low life, lazy, scuzzy, indolent, lying, thieving, subhuman filth.... They're just a different life-form than regular Americans.... Or anybody else for that matter

The only reasons I tell you this are, 1) They are NEVER going to change and, 2) Remember this if you start to feel sorry for them when they get what they deserve
I included RMN to make it bipartisan. Did you look up the meaning of the word 'murder' ?

Yes. Going to the dentist is murder. Abortion is murder.

Should the Dentist be charged with murder?

Ah, so you agree that the people who run around saying abortion is murder are idiots...

...no shit.

Where did I say that?

lol when you tried to ridicule me for using the word 'murder' retard.

Wrong again, dipshit!

This is what you posted. "Yes. Going to the dentist is murder. Abortion is murder."

You are the simple minded fuck that accuse me of agreeing with you that abortion is murder because I did not comment on your assertion that it is.

I ridiculed you for accusing the Commander in Chief of murdering US soldiers that were KIA in Iraq.

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