Hillary Knew It Was Terrorism Within Hours After The Benghazi Attack

I'll bet the old hag is tying one on now after this hit the news. Miserable old lying crunt

The breeder weighs in with nothing, as usual.
Dude get real. All you stupid ass Libs have done is deflect in this thread. Especially you with your bush nonsense. And that cmn dumbass thinks this thread is about his personal interpretation of American Foreign Policy.

NONE of you have the courage or character to stay on topic.

So the statute of limitations has run out on Bush needlessly murdering 4000+ brave Americans?

Arent you bothered by Hillary lying blatantly?

I'm bothered by you people lying blatantly.

Liar. You're bothered that the Dems no longer have a stranglehold on all media, and that others can source and publish the truth about your corrupt candidates.
The breeder weighs in with nothing, as usual.
Dude get real. All you stupid ass Libs have done is deflect in this thread. Especially you with your bush nonsense. And that cmn dumbass thinks this thread is about his personal interpretation of American Foreign Policy.

NONE of you have the courage or character to stay on topic.

Thank you. I would really like to know where the Progs draw the line with Hillary. Will they vote for her even knowing that she lied about Benghazi?
THey dont care. Anyone who mouths the right sentiments is fine with them. They'd vote for Joe Stalin if he was pro abortion and wanted to ban guns.

Give us ten reasons a liberal should vote for Jeb Bush.

This thread isn't about Jeb Bush. If you wish to query on that topic, start another thread and quit trying to derail this one.

So, are you voting for Hillary after learning she Lied About Benghazi?
Of course he is. He doesnt care about that.
The offspring a tv weather girl and village idiot knew it was terrorism hours after it happened.

Nobody denied it.
That's the thing. Of course the obfuscation by the admin was because Mitt made sounds of making it a campaign issue, which was pathetic in itself because the entire reason we were transferring weapons, probably illegally, was to give political cover to charges from the right that we weren't doing enough regieme change in the ME. But the end result is that the entire sorry episode was merely a prelude to ISIS, which is a direct result of invading frigtging Iraq in the first place.
Hillary’s unfavorability rating continues its upward climb


Hillary s unfavorability rating continues its upward climb
The breeder weighs in with nothing, as usual.
Dude get real. All you stupid ass Libs have done is deflect in this thread. Especially you with your bush nonsense. And that cmn dumbass thinks this thread is about his personal interpretation of American Foreign Policy.

NONE of you have the courage or character to stay on topic.

Thank you. I would really like to know where the Progs draw the line with Hillary. Will they vote for her even knowing that she lied about Benghazi?
THey dont care. Anyone who mouths the right sentiments is fine with them. They'd vote for Joe Stalin if he was pro abortion and wanted to ban guns.

Give us ten reasons a liberal should vote for Jeb Bush.

This thread isn't about Jeb Bush. If you wish to query on that topic, start another thread and quit trying to derail this one.

So, are you voting for Hillary after learning she Lied About Benghazi?
What was the lie? The video was a problem, and Benghazi was a terrorist attack. So?
The breeder weighs in with nothing, as usual.
Dude get real. All you stupid ass Libs have done is deflect in this thread. Especially you with your bush nonsense. And that cmn dumbass thinks this thread is about his personal interpretation of American Foreign Policy.

NONE of you have the courage or character to stay on topic.

Thank you. I would really like to know where the Progs draw the line with Hillary. Will they vote for her even knowing that she lied about Benghazi?
THey dont care. Anyone who mouths the right sentiments is fine with them. They'd vote for Joe Stalin if he was pro abortion and wanted to ban guns.

Give us ten reasons a liberal should vote for Jeb Bush.

This thread isn't about Jeb Bush. If you wish to query on that topic, start another thread and quit trying to derail this one.

So, are you voting for Hillary after learning she Lied About Benghazi?

Someone brings up the vote in the election and the Republican assholes who might be running are not the topic. The Rabbi made it the topic.
The breeder weighs in with nothing, as usual.
Dude get real. All you stupid ass Libs have done is deflect in this thread. Especially you with your bush nonsense. And that cmn dumbass thinks this thread is about his personal interpretation of American Foreign Policy.

NONE of you have the courage or character to stay on topic.

Thank you. I would really like to know where the Progs draw the line with Hillary. Will they vote for her even knowing that she lied about Benghazi?
THey dont care. Anyone who mouths the right sentiments is fine with them. They'd vote for Joe Stalin if he was pro abortion and wanted to ban guns.

I'm playing Diogenes. Is there one Honest Dem on USMB?

Can you prove I'm not honest? For the record, I'm a liberal, registered independent.

Are you, as a Liberal, going to vote for Hillary despite the fact that she lied about Benghazi?
Dude get real. All you stupid ass Libs have done is deflect in this thread. Especially you with your bush nonsense. And that cmn dumbass thinks this thread is about his personal interpretation of American Foreign Policy.

NONE of you have the courage or character to stay on topic.

Thank you. I would really like to know where the Progs draw the line with Hillary. Will they vote for her even knowing that she lied about Benghazi?
THey dont care. Anyone who mouths the right sentiments is fine with them. They'd vote for Joe Stalin if he was pro abortion and wanted to ban guns.

Give us ten reasons a liberal should vote for Jeb Bush.

This thread isn't about Jeb Bush. If you wish to query on that topic, start another thread and quit trying to derail this one.

So, are you voting for Hillary after learning she Lied About Benghazi?

Someone brings up the vote in the election and the Republican assholes who might be running are not the topic. The Rabbi made it the topic.

They're all in it up to their eyeballs, except Randian Paul .... until he flip flopped to get on the "right" side.
Unbelievable. Hillary clearly lied. She knew it was a lie when she told it. She has never apologized for it. She has never admitted it. Yet here is the evidence.
Hillary is unfit to be president. She is unfit to be dog catcher. Hillary needs to withdraw from the race. Anyone who supports her has not a shred of integrity and cannot be taken seriously.

I'll bet the old hag is tying one on now after this hit the news. Miserable old lying crunt

The breeder weighs in with nothing, as usual.
Dude get real. All you stupid ass Libs have done is deflect in this thread. Especially you with your bush nonsense. And that cmn dumbass thinks this thread is about his personal interpretation of American Foreign Policy.

NONE of you have the courage or character to stay on topic.

Thank you. I would really like to know where the Progs draw the line with Hillary. Will they vote for her even knowing that she lied about Benghazi?

You people voted for Bush twice and for McCain, and for Romney. How the fuck do you think you hold the high ground?
Voting =/= being elected & LYING YOUR ASS OFF

So yeah, the high ground is easily ours
Well, you lost me there. I mean Hezbollah blew up the Marine barracks in Lebanon and captured the CIA station chief and not only tortured him till he no longer could tell reality from fantasy but died from the torture, and mailed the video to Reagan. I thought all of that was terrorism.
I don't think it terrorism when US troops or agents in foreign lands picking sides in foreign wars are attacked.
But, imo, the real issue over Benghazi-gate and the hearings is that they are simply distractions from our policy failure of even thinking about arming the Syrian "rebels" and the real motivations behind attacking the compound where Stevens was killed are kept from us. Probably both parties want this.
You are more generous than I. Simply forgetting about it would achieve that goal.
Keep the personal attacks out of the thread
Well, you lost me there. I mean Hezbollah blew up the Marine barracks in Lebanon and captured the CIA station chief and not only tortured him till he no longer could tell reality from fantasy but died from the torture, and mailed the video to Reagan. I thought all of that was terrorism.
I don't think it terrorism when US troops or agents in foreign lands picking sides in foreign wars are attacked.
Well, I think Reagan sent in the Marines on a fool's errand to try and keep the Lebanese from slaughtering each other, and to keep the Israelis from the same. But be that as it may. I guess the question is do you think the US should have just sat back while Assad was using gas on his own civilians? Or, now that ISIS is cutting off heads and burning people alive, should the US just say "OK, just leave us out of it?" Are the French and Brits committing terrorism too. How about Jordan?
OK, so far the response from the Left about this new revelation is:
What difference does it make?
Also, They all do it.
This is why leftists have zero moral standing. They have no right to articulate an opinion because they are dishonest debaters.
OK, so far the response from the Left about this new revelation is:
What difference does it make?
Also, They all do it.
This is why leftists have zero moral standing. They have no right to articulate an opinion because they are dishonest debaters.

What difference does it make?

If extremists in Libya attacked our people because of a video, or because of some other beef,

what difference does it make?
Unbelievable. Hillary clearly lied. She knew it was a lie when she told it. She has never apologized for it. She has never admitted it. Yet here is the evidence.
Hillary is unfit to be president. She is unfit to be dog catcher. Hillary needs to withdraw from the race. Anyone who supports her has not a shred of integrity and cannot be taken seriously.

I'll bet the old hag is tying one on now after this hit the news. Miserable old lying crunt

The breeder weighs in with nothing, as usual.
Dude get real. All you stupid ass Libs have done is deflect in this thread. Especially you with your bush nonsense. And that cmn dumbass thinks this thread is about his personal interpretation of American Foreign Policy.

NONE of you have the courage or character to stay on topic.

So the statute of limitations has run out on Bush needlessly murdering 4000+ brave Americans?


Look up the meaning of the word 'murder' and tell me the 58,000 American troops KIA in Vietnam were murdered.
We could dig JFK, LBJ and RMN up and prosecute them.
But, imo, the real issue over Benghazi-gate and the hearings is that they are simply distractions from our policy failure of even thinking about arming the Syrian "rebels" and the real motivations behind attacking the compound where Stevens was killed are kept from us. Probably both parties want this.
You are more generous than I. Simply forgetting about it would achieve that goal.
Oh no. I think the motives of Stevens killers needed to be fully vetted. But what we have in the US is one political party determined to say Iraq wasn't a really bad idea from the get go, and another political party desperate to keep from being called "appeasers"

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