Hillary: Lesbian, Cocaine, Abortions, Violent Temper

So, screw the rest of the country, so long as you get yours? Your attitude is precisely what's wrong with this country. You view the government as a means to loot your neighbor's pocket. FDR was a douche bag, and so are you.

I look at it from this viewpoint. If we had an even distribution of wealth, we wouldn't need government to loot anything. But what we have is the top 20% having 87% of the wealth, and the top 1% having 43% of the wealth.

You whine and bitch about the government redistributing SOME of the wealth, but not about why it needs to.

John Barron must have leaked this "story."

Hitlery is pristine....an angel in disguise...why do people pick on her, Toro? She has spent her WHOLE life doing nothing but good deeds...a real credit to the human race! ....said no one ever that knows her.


Hillary sucks, Crazy Dale.

But she sucks less than the embarrassing demagogue, Birfer Trump.

So I'm voting for her. Probably.

We are all sooooo shocked to learn that!

I voted for Romney and Rick Scott, and will probably vote for the Republican Senate candidate in Florida no matter who it is.

But Trump is a f****** disaster.

You're an idiot and a douche bag. You've proved that over and over again.

Dude, you think Sweden is a fascist state.

So your opinion of others' levels of intelligence doesn't have as much sting as you think it has.

Oh my, pandora's (or Hillary's) box just opened, and a lot of dirty little secrets just came pouring out.

Slick Willy reveals the real Hillary:

Coke snorter (Roger Clinton her dealer --
Roger Clinton was charged with and convicted of a cocaine-related offense in 1985 and pardoned by Bill in 2001.)

Multiple pregnancies due to 'too lazy to take the pill...

Abortions, hate kids, had Chelsea for political benefit (a prop)

..."She’s a damn frigid bitch who prefers women; she won’t even compromise and be bi-sexual..."

"I recall Bill saying, “Everyone, including my staff, people at the law firm, even friends, knows Hillary is a cokehead but that’s okay. We tolerate Hillary on coke cause without it, Hillary’s a raving maniac."

Out of control, violent lesbian coke addict who hates kids, loves abortions, but had a kid for political benefit...tip of the iceberg.......wonderful DNC nominee and potential President.


you forgot to mention that Chelsea's father was Webb Hubbell.
So, screw the rest of the country, so long as you get yours? Your attitude is precisely what's wrong with this country. You view the government as a means to loot your neighbor's pocket. FDR was a douche bag, and so are you.

I look at it from this viewpoint. If we had an even distribution of wealth, we wouldn't need government to loot anything. But what we have is the top 20% having 87% of the wealth, and the top 1% having 43% of the wealth.

You whine and bitch about the government redistributing SOME of the wealth, but not about why it needs to.

You think more and more wealth being placed in fewer hands is just a coincidence? Because you are absolutely wrong. This corporate "gubermint" passed all of those unfair free trade agreements that killed jobs because this corporate strutture has a vested interest in making massive profits. We are a foreign owned entity and your reps are nothing but corporate officers. This country is nothing but one huge plantation. They do just enough to keep us turning the treadmill.
You think more and more wealth being placed in fewer hands is just a coincidence? Because you are absolutely wrong. This corporate "gubermint" passed all of those unfair free trade agreements that killed jobs because this corporate strutture has a vested interest in making massive profits. We are a foreign owned entity and your reps are nothing but corporate officers. This country is nothing but one huge plantation. They do just enough to keep us turning the treadmill.

Okay, Crazy Dale, I think the Lizard People just spread some Chemtrails over your house in a False flag operation to confuse you.

You think more and more wealth being placed in fewer hands is just a coincidence? Because you are absolutely wrong. This corporate "gubermint" passed all of those unfair free trade agreements that killed jobs because this corporate strutture has a vested interest in making massive profits. We are a foreign owned entity and your reps are nothing but corporate officers. This country is nothing but one huge plantation. They do just enough to keep us turning the treadmill.

Okay, Crazy Dale, I think the Lizard People just spread some Chemtrails over your house in a False flag operation to confuse you.
Slow Joe, just because "da gubermint" didn't get your input does it mean that it geo-engineering isn't going on because it is. I am sure that "da gubermint" doesn't ask your input about anything. (snicker)
You think more and more wealth being placed in fewer hands is just a coincidence? Because you are absolutely wrong. This corporate "gubermint" passed all of those unfair free trade agreements that killed jobs because this corporate strutture has a vested interest in making massive profits. We are a foreign owned entity and your reps are nothing but corporate officers. This country is nothing but one huge plantation. They do just enough to keep us turning the treadmill.

Okay, Crazy Dale, I think the Lizard People just spread some Chemtrails over your house in a False flag operation to confuse you.
Slow Joe, just because "da gubermint" didn't get your input does it mean that it geo-engineering isn't going on because it is. I am sure that "da gubermint" doesn't ask your input about anything. (snicker)
Well, I've been out for awhile, but I don't think one can deny that free trade has killed pay for workers here.

Hillary sucks, Crazy Dale.

But she sucks less than the embarrassing demagogue, Birfer Trump.

So I'm voting for her. Probably.

Can't go with you on that one.

Trump sucks, but few things are worse than career criminal Hillary.

At least Trump will appoint SCOTUS justices who support the Constitution. That alone makes him WAY better that the gutter scum Hillary.
You think more and more wealth being placed in fewer hands is just a coincidence? Because you are absolutely wrong. This corporate "gubermint" passed all of those unfair free trade agreements that killed jobs because this corporate strutture has a vested interest in making massive profits. We are a foreign owned entity and your reps are nothing but corporate officers. This country is nothing but one huge plantation. They do just enough to keep us turning the treadmill.

Okay, Crazy Dale, I think the Lizard People just spread some Chemtrails over your house in a False flag operation to confuse you.
Slow Joe, just because "da gubermint" didn't get your input does it mean that it geo-engineering isn't going on because it is. I am sure that "da gubermint" doesn't ask your input about anything. (snicker)
Well, I've been out for awhile, but I don't think one can deny that free trade has killed pay for workers here.

Right as rain, Bendog. They went after the steel mills, then they went after the textile industries, then it was the automotive side to bust unions and let in cheap imports with no tariffs....on and on it goes.

Hillary sucks, Crazy Dale.

But she sucks less than the embarrassing demagogue, Birfer Trump.

So I'm voting for her. Probably.

Can't go with you on that one.

Trump sucks, but few things are worse than career criminal Hillary.

At least Trump will appoint SCOTUS justices who support the Constitution. That alone makes him WAY better that the gutter scum Hillary.

Hitlery has already said that she is coming for the semi-automatic weapons.
You think more and more wealth being placed in fewer hands is just a coincidence? Because you are absolutely wrong. This corporate "gubermint" passed all of those unfair free trade agreements that killed jobs because this corporate strutture has a vested interest in making massive profits. We are a foreign owned entity and your reps are nothing but corporate officers. This country is nothing but one huge plantation. They do just enough to keep us turning the treadmill.

Okay, Crazy Dale, I think the Lizard People just spread some Chemtrails over your house in a False flag operation to confuse you.
Slow Joe, just because "da gubermint" didn't get your input does it mean that it geo-engineering isn't going on because it is. I am sure that "da gubermint" doesn't ask your input about anything. (snicker)
Well, I've been out for awhile, but I don't think one can deny that free trade has killed pay for workers here.

Right as rain, Bendog. They went after the steel mills, then they went after the textile industries, then it was the automotive side to bust unions and let in cheap imports with no tariffs....on and on it goes.
The question is what to do about it. In 1980, the difference was whether we allocated trade rolls, and worker pay or whether we just threw it all open to international markets. Reagan won.

I would argue the world is better off economically today, but the decision to go full market with no regulation hasn't worked to our absolute benefit.

Oh my, pandora's (or Hillary's) box just opened, and a lot of dirty little secrets just came pouring out.

Slick Willy reveals the real Hillary:

Coke snorter (Roger Clinton her dealer --
Roger Clinton was charged with and convicted of a cocaine-related offense in 1985 and pardoned by Bill in 2001.)

Multiple pregnancies due to 'too lazy to take the pill...

Abortions, hate kids, had Chelsea for political benefit (a prop)

..."She’s a damn frigid bitch who prefers women; she won’t even compromise and be bi-sexual..."

"I recall Bill saying, “Everyone, including my staff, people at the law firm, even friends, knows Hillary is a cokehead but that’s okay. We tolerate Hillary on coke cause without it, Hillary’s a raving maniac."

Out of control, violent lesbian coke addict who hates kids, loves abortions, but had a kid for political benefit...tip of the iceberg.......wonderful DNC nominee and potential President.


But enough with listing the stuff that endears her to Democrat Party Adherents....now let's hear some dirt!
Slow Joe, just because "da gubermint" didn't get your input does it mean that it geo-engineering isn't going on because it is. I am sure that "da gubermint" doesn't ask your input about anything. (snicker)

Right. You think Chemtrails are a real thing. I keep forgetting how batshit crazy you are.

Slow Joe, it has been going on in earnest for 20 years. I am an expert in the geo-engineering field. I did a thirty minute interview about what is going on for a radio station in Utah this past Monday. Soil and water samples do not lie....the EPA keeps raising the levels of aluminum, strontium and barium that is showing up in samples given to independent labs. There are over 100 patents for aerosol spraying. There are thousands upon thousands of youtube videos of ordinary citizens not only here but in every NATO country filming the spraying. Indigo Skyfold, Operation Cloverleaf are but two of the names for this project that hides under the guise of "National Security"....you, your kids or your grandkids are breathing this shit in. It is corrupting the farm lands and it is landing in our water supply. Cows grass on grass this crap falls on. I have taken hundreds of pics of chemtrails and put it along side contrails. Contrails dissipate within seconds....much like when you are outside on a cold day and you can see your breath...it disappears within seconds. Chemtrails feather out and will stay in the upper atmosphere for hours...fact.

BTW, guess which multi-national corporation has seeds that will grow in aluminum corrupted soil????

Metabunk.com will claim that it isn't so but it's not a debunking website with any credibility at all. They claim that aluminum corrupted soil has no bearing on the yield of a crop at all because they are shills....but go ahead and guess which corporation has these seeds.....begins with a "M".....
Slow Joe, it has been going on in earnest for 20 years. I am an expert in the geo-engineering field. I did a thirty minute interview about what is going on for a radio station in Utah this past Monday.

dude, the fact you got invited onto a crazy person radio station out in the desert doesn't impress anyone buy you.

LMAO!!!!!! "Vapor trails can last for hours and feather out and white out the sky for a week....but the next week it will not because they are VAPOR trails!!". Hey, dumbass....when was the last time it was really cold and you could come back where to were standing and see that cloud of vapor you had exhaled a few hours before?.....(snicker)

That has got to be THE dumbest, lamest explanation for the chemical dumps I have ever read here or in any other forum. It's pretty fucking obvious when they are spraying and it coincides with weather fronts. The tale of the tape is the water and soil samples. People have gone from attending city council meetings with no results to the state capital to bring their results from independent labs....the response? "We have no control over it....take it up with the EPA". The proof is indisputable...not even up for debate that there is a geo-engineering program going on right under our nose and over our heads. You just exposed how utterly stupid you really are...you should have left this one alone, dumb ass. Peole in Europe are more aware than the American sheeple and it makes me ashamed.....


Oh my, pandora's (or Hillary's) box just opened, and a lot of dirty little secrets just came pouring out.

Slick Willy reveals the real Hillary:

Coke snorter (Roger Clinton her dealer --
Roger Clinton was charged with and convicted of a cocaine-related offense in 1985 and pardoned by Bill in 2001.)

Multiple pregnancies due to 'too lazy to take the pill...

Abortions, hate kids, had Chelsea for political benefit (a prop)

..."She’s a damn frigid bitch who prefers women; she won’t even compromise and be bi-sexual..."

"I recall Bill saying, “Everyone, including my staff, people at the law firm, even friends, knows Hillary is a cokehead but that’s okay. We tolerate Hillary on coke cause without it, Hillary’s a raving maniac."

Out of control, violent lesbian coke addict who hates kids, loves abortions, but had a kid for political benefit...tip of the iceberg.......wonderful DNC nominee and potential President.


No wonder she let the Benghazi Embassy get overrun

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