Hillary: Lesbian, Cocaine, Abortions, Violent Temper

Lesbian, Cocaine, Abortions, Violent Temper

Your new screenplay? It's an obvious work of fiction.

You mean like the New York Times story on Trump?
Trump is an asshole who treats women like shit. He wouldn't be on his third wife, with multiple affairs and multiple girlfriends otherwise.

He's a little prick. Deal with it.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Bill "drop trou" was a sexual predator and his wife had to do damage control by sending state troopers to 'rough them up" so that they would keep their mouths shut when they were in Arkansas and running it into the ground......remember????
Lesbian, Cocaine, Abortions, Violent Temper

Your new screenplay? It's an obvious work of fiction.

You mean like the New York Times story on Trump?
Trump is an asshole who treats women like shit. He wouldn't be on his third wife, with multiple affairs and multiple girlfriends otherwise.

He's a little prick. Deal with it.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Bill "drop trou" was a sexual predator and his wife had to do damage control by sending state troopers to 'rough them up" so that they would keep their mouths shut when they were in Arkansas and running it into the ground......remember????
Prove it?

Oh my, pandora's (or Hillary's) box just opened, and a lot of dirty little secrets just came pouring out.

Slick Willy reveals the real Hillary:

Coke snorter (Roger Clinton her dealer --
Roger Clinton was charged with and convicted of a cocaine-related offense in 1985 and pardoned by Bill in 2001.)

Multiple pregnancies due to 'too lazy to take the pill...

Abortions, hate kids, had Chelsea for political benefit (a prop)

..."She’s a damn frigid bitch who prefers women; she won’t even compromise and be bi-sexual..."

"I recall Bill saying, “Everyone, including my staff, people at the law firm, even friends, knows Hillary is a cokehead but that’s okay. We tolerate Hillary on coke cause without it, Hillary’s a raving maniac."

Out of control, violent lesbian coke addict who hates kids, loves abortions, but had a kid for political benefit...tip of the iceberg.......wonderful DNC nominee and potential President.

CDS is strong w/ you, broken record boi
Lesbian, Cocaine, Abortions, Violent Temper

Your new screenplay? It's an obvious work of fiction.

You mean like the New York Times story on Trump?
Trump is an asshole who treats women like shit. He wouldn't be on his third wife, with multiple affairs and multiple girlfriends otherwise.

He's a little prick. Deal with it.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Bill "drop trou" was a sexual predator and his wife had to do damage control by sending state troopers to 'rough them up" so that they would keep their mouths shut when they were in Arkansas and running it into the ground......remember????
Prove it?

Larry Nichols....former Clinton insider that admitted to doing these kinds of things for them......
Good move on your part, Slow Joe...because I would rip you to shreds over this issue.

No, guy, you'll just repeat a bunch of crazy. I guess you can't claim that 9/11 was staged and those buildings never existed like you tried to do with Sandy Hook, but I shudder at the kind of Rosie O'Donnell level of crazy you've come up with to explain this one
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Bill "drop trou" was a sexual predator and his wife had to do damage control by sending state troopers to 'rough them up" so that they would keep their mouths shut when they were in Arkansas and running it into the ground......remember????

Yes, he did such a bad job he got re-elected four times.
Lesbian, Cocaine, Abortions, Violent Temper

Your new screenplay? It's an obvious work of fiction.

You mean like the New York Times story on Trump?
Trump is an asshole who treats women like shit. He wouldn't be on his third wife, with multiple affairs and multiple girlfriends otherwise.

He's a little prick. Deal with it.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Bill "drop trou" was a sexual predator and his wife had to do damage control by sending state troopers to 'rough them up" so that they would keep their mouths shut when they were in Arkansas and running it into the ground......remember????
Prove it?

Larry Nichols....former Clinton insider that admitted to doing these kinds of things for them......
funny how those on the Left either don't know or care about the Clinton's actions.

I bet many of them don't know who Juanita Broaddrick is. I guess when you get all your information from left wing sources, you naturally are uninformed.
funny how those on the Left either don't know or care about the Clinton's actions.

I bet many of them don't know who Juanita Broaddrick is. I guess when you get all your information from left wing sources, you naturally are uninformed.

I know exactly who Broadrick is.

She's the woman who filed an affadavitt saying she never had sex with Clinton, and then came back later and claimed Clinton raped her, even though no one in her life remembers this, and she couldn't remember the date this supposedly happened.

even Ken Starr didn't consider her credible. Not that he failed to put this and every other unsubstantiated claim in his report.
You mean like the New York Times story on Trump?
Trump is an asshole who treats women like shit. He wouldn't be on his third wife, with multiple affairs and multiple girlfriends otherwise.

He's a little prick. Deal with it.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Bill "drop trou" was a sexual predator and his wife had to do damage control by sending state troopers to 'rough them up" so that they would keep their mouths shut when they were in Arkansas and running it into the ground......remember????
Prove it?

Larry Nichols....former Clinton insider that admitted to doing these kinds of things for them......
funny how those on the Left either don't know or care about the Clinton's actions.

I bet many of them don't know who Juanita Broaddrick is. I guess when you get all your information from left wing sources, you naturally are uninformed.

Hey, when you are just considered "white trash" by elites like the Clintons...do you think there would be any justice for you?
Trump is an asshole who treats women like shit. He wouldn't be on his third wife, with multiple affairs and multiple girlfriends otherwise.

He's a little prick. Deal with it.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Bill "drop trou" was a sexual predator and his wife had to do damage control by sending state troopers to 'rough them up" so that they would keep their mouths shut when they were in Arkansas and running it into the ground......remember????
Prove it?

Larry Nichols....former Clinton insider that admitted to doing these kinds of things for them......
funny how those on the Left either don't know or care about the Clinton's actions.

I bet many of them don't know who Juanita Broaddrick is. I guess when you get all your information from left wing sources, you naturally are uninformed.

Hey, when you are just considered "white trash" by elites like the Clintons...do you think there would be any justice for you?
Yes...the mind of the elitist.

If only Americans would realize our political class and the Oligarchy think they are above the law.
Well, all this standard personal insult shit aside, it will be interesting to see how hard the Clinton campaign attacks Trump on his personal stuff, especially with women. Obviously he'll be ready to go with the "she enabled Bill" stuff. Volumes and volumes of material for both sides.


Because this is the kind of intelligent, dignified, issues-focused campaign we've all been waiting for.
funny how those on the Left either don't know or care about the Clinton's actions.

I bet many of them don't know who Juanita Broaddrick is. I guess when you get all your information from left wing sources, you naturally are uninformed.

I know exactly who Broadrick is.

She's the woman who filed an affadavitt saying she never had sex with Clinton, and then came back later and claimed Clinton raped her, even though no one in her life remembers this, and she couldn't remember the date this supposedly happened.

even Ken Starr didn't consider her credible. Not that he failed to put this and every other unsubstantiated claim in his report.

Though Broaddrick was very resistant to talking to the media, rumors about her story began circulating no later than Clinton’s presidential bid in 1992.[4] Broaddrick had confided in Phillip Yoakum, whom she knew from business circles and at the time considered a friend. When Clinton won the Democratic nomination, Yoakum, widely considered to have aRepublican agenda,[4] contacted Sheffield Nelson, Clinton’s opponent in the 1990 gubernatorial race. Yoakum arranged a meeting between Nelson and Broaddrick, who resisted Yoakum's and Nelson’s push that she go public.[10] Yoakum secretly taped the conversation and wrote a letter summarizing the allegations, which began to circulate within Republican circles. The story reached the New York Times and the LA Times in October 1992, but the papers dropped the story after Broaddrick refused to talk to reporters and Yoakum refused to release the recording.[4]

In the fall of 1997, Paula Jones’s private investigators tried to talk to Broaddrick at her home, also secretly taping the conversation.[9] Broaddrick refused to discuss the incident, saying “it was just a horrible horrible thing,” and that she “wouldn’t relive it for anything.”[11] The investigators told her she would likely be subpoenaed if she would not talk to them. Broaddrick said she would deny everything, saying “you can’t get to him, and I’m not going to ruin my good name to do it… there’s just absolutely no way anyone can get to him, he’s just too vicious.”[11] Broaddrick was subpoenaed in the Jones suit soon after and submitted an affidavit denying that Clinton had made “any sexual advances”.[1][2] The recording of Broaddrick’s conversation with the investigators was leaked to the press, but Broaddrick continued to refuse to speak to reporters.[9]

Despite Broaddrick’s denial in her affidavit, Jones’ lawyers included Yoakum’s letter and Broaddrick's name in a 1998 filing.[9] The letter suggested that the Clintons had bought Broaddrick’s silence, describing a phone call where Broaddrick’s husband asked Yoakum to say the incident never happened and said that he intended to ask Clinton “for a couple of big favors.”[12] This, along with the discrepancy between the letter and Broaddrick’s affidavit, attracted the attention of independent counsel Kenneth Starr, who was investigating Clinton for obstruction of justice. After being approached by the FBI, Broaddrick consulted her son, a lawyer, who told her she could not lie to federal investigators.[4]After they promised her she would not be prosecuted for perjury regarding her affidavit in the Jones case, Broaddrick recanted the affidavit. However, she insisted that Clinton had not pressured or bribed her in any way, and so Starr concluded that the story was not relevant to his investigation and his report only mentioned the recanting in a footnote.[10]

Well, all this standard personal insult shit aside, it will be interesting to see how hard the Clinton campaign attacks Trump on his personal stuff, especially with women. Obviously he'll be ready to go with the "she enabled Bill" stuff. Volumes and volumes of material for both sides.


Because this is the kind of intelligent, dignified, issues-focused campaign we've all been waiting for.
It is very likely this campaign will be very dirty. We know the Clinton's love dishing dirt and Trump loves it too.

The thing is the MSM will clearly line up behind Hillary's considerable behind and will dump on Trump daily...as they are doing now. This will affect many voters. A few honest liberals in the media (very few), like Chris Hitchens, knows Hillary is a neocon disaster.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Bill "drop trou" was a sexual predator and his wife had to do damage control by sending state troopers to 'rough them up" so that they would keep their mouths shut when they were in Arkansas and running it into the ground......remember????

Yes, he did such a bad job he got re-elected four times.

He was real good at lying and bamboozling. He was also good at using government spending to buy votes.
...but you forgot about all those scandals and bad policies...probably on purpose.

no, there were no Scandals.. Ken Starr spent 70 million trying to find a scandal and couldn't.

...but you forgot about the war in the Balkans and the refusal to take out Osama leading to 9/11.

Bin Laden You mean that wonderful Freedom Fighter that Ronnie Reagan armed to kill Communists before they taught girls how to read or something?
spent? More like threw away $70,000,000 of taxpayer money to prove that men like women younger than themselves. Money well spent Republitards/drones :happy-1:
It is very likely this campaign will be very dirty. We know the Clinton's love dishing dirt and Trump loves it too.

The thing is the MSM will clearly line up behind Hillary's considerable behind and will dump on Trump daily...as they are doing now. This will affect many voters. A few honest liberals in the media (very few), like Chris Hitchens, knows Hillary is a neocon disaster.

The democrats are not used to a victim that fights back. They are the school yard bully stealing the Republicans lunch money, with that little twerp Mitt trying to win their approval after having his head shoved in the toilet.

Trump is something the dims don't know how to deal with. They and their little gang of thugs, the MSM, are used to the GOP just cowering before them. No one has really stood up to them since Reagan. democrats and their party press play dirty, on the level of Josef Goebbels and Pol Pot. But Trump hits back. Like most bullies, the democrats have nothing to back their bullshit up. Their little punk media thugs will scatter like the wind the second anyone defends themselves.

I'm not a Trump supporter, but it WILL be nice to see the putrid demagogues get their lying teeth kicked in.
...but you forgot about all those scandals and bad policies...probably on purpose.

no, there were no Scandals.. Ken Starr spent 70 million trying to find a scandal and couldn't.

...but you forgot about the war in the Balkans and the refusal to take out Osama leading to 9/11.

Bin Laden You mean that wonderful Freedom Fighter that Ronnie Reagan armed to kill Communists before they taught girls how to read or something?
spent? More like threw away $70,000,000 of taxpayer money to prove that men like women younger than themselves. Money well spent Republitards/drones :happy-1:
Libs bitching about $70 million, when Obungles has wasted trillions.

Oh well...no one ever said they make sense.
...but you forgot about all those scandals and bad policies...probably on purpose.

no, there were no Scandals.. Ken Starr spent 70 million trying to find a scandal and couldn't.

...but you forgot about the war in the Balkans and the refusal to take out Osama leading to 9/11.

Bin Laden You mean that wonderful Freedom Fighter that Ronnie Reagan armed to kill Communists before they taught girls how to read or something?
spent? More like threw away $70,000,000 of taxpayer money to prove that men like women younger than themselves. Money well spent Republitards/drones :happy-1:
Libs bitching about $70 million, when Obungles has wasted trillions.

Oh well...no one ever said they make sense.
he inherited $10,000,000,000 from his Repub- predecessor gipper fluffer. :thup: You sheeple conveniently never seem to acknowledge that part :eusa_think: Just like cons, blame the fireman for trying to put out the fire.
...but you forgot about all those scandals and bad policies...probably on purpose.

no, there were no Scandals.. Ken Starr spent 70 million trying to find a scandal and couldn't.

...but you forgot about the war in the Balkans and the refusal to take out Osama leading to 9/11.

Bin Laden You mean that wonderful Freedom Fighter that Ronnie Reagan armed to kill Communists before they taught girls how to read or something?
spent? More like threw away $70,000,000 of taxpayer money to prove that men like women younger than themselves. Money well spent Republitards/drones :happy-1:
Libs bitching about $70 million, when Obungles has wasted trillions.

Oh well...no one ever said they make sense.
he inherited $10,000,000,000 from his Repub- predecessor gipper fluffer. :thup: You sheeple conveniently never seem to acknowledge that part :eusa_think: Just like cons, blame the fireman for trying to put out the fire.

BO doubles the debt in 8 years, but means nothing to the lib.

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