Hillary: Lesbian, Cocaine, Abortions, Violent Temper

Apparently some D party voters want to return to all that...CRAZY!!!

Yes, I would love to get up in the morning, and the worst thing I had to worry about was "Did the President lie about a beej?"
Yes, Bill Clinton getting some from an intern, while Obama Bin Laden is sneaking people into the country to plan for 9/11, I guess you were happy our country was not safe and the president was doing anything but his job. And of course we see what the Clinton's will do if Americans are in danger again, Benghazi!
8 years of peace and prosperity..,wonder why
Unless you were Ambassador Christopher Stevens in Libya, then you lived 8 hours of hell, was tortured, and drug through the streets until you died, while Mrs. Clinton slept (alone, bill clinton was with......).

Funny how the Democrats can live in peace and prosperity, during Wars and Conflict, in safe prosperous government jobs, while the people suffer.
...but you forgot about the war in the Balkans and the refusal to take out Osama leading to 9/11...and the recession...probably on purpose.

To Candycorn...
8 years of peace and prosperity..,wonder why

Apparently some D party voters want to return to all that...CRAZY!!!

Yes, I would love to get up in the morning, and the worst thing I had to worry about was "Did the President lie about a beej?"

You two need to read the lib Chris Hitchens column on your beloved Slate. Very damning...Hillary is a disaster...but then you both likely voted for the disaster in the WH, so why change?

The Case Against Hillary Clinton

Why on earth would we choose to put the Clinton family drama at the center of our politics again?
By Christopher Hitchens
What does matter is that she has since altered her position and attempted, with her husband's help, to make people forget that she ever held it. And this, on a grave matter of national honor and security, merely to influence her short-term standing in the Iowa caucuses. Surely that on its own should be sufficient to disqualify her from consideration? Indifferent to truth, willing to use police-state tactics and vulgar libels against inconvenient witnesses, hopeless on health care, and flippant and fast and loose with national security: The case against Hillary Clinton for president is open-and-shut. Of course, against all these considerations you might prefer the newly fashionable and more media-weighty notion that if you don't show her enough appreciation, and after all she's done for us, she may cry.
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8 years of peace and prosperity..,wonder why

Apparently some D party voters want to return to all that...CRAZY!!!

Yes, I would love to get up in the morning, and the worst thing I had to worry about was "Did the President lie about a beej?"

You two need to read the lib Chris Hitchens column in your beloved Slate. Very damning...Hillary is a disaster...but then you both likely voted for the disaster in the WH, so why change?

The Case Against Hillary Clinton

Why on earth would we choose to put the Clinton family drama at the center of our politics again?
By Christopher Hitchens
What does matter is that she has since altered her position and attempted, with her husband's help, to make people forget that she ever held it. And this, on a grave matter of national honor and security, merely to influence her short-term standing in the Iowa caucuses. Surely that on its own should be sufficient to disqualify her from consideration? Indifferent to truth, willing to use police-state tactics and vulgar libels against inconvenient witnesses, hopeless on health care, and flippant and fast and loose with national security: The case against Hillary Clinton for president is open-and-shut. Of course, against all these considerations you might prefer the newly fashionable and more media-weighty notion that if you don't show her enough appreciation, and after all she's done for us, she may cry.

Hitch had his own opinions.

Loved this one about your messiah Drumpf:

"Donald Trump – a ludicrous figure," Hitchens said, noting "at least he's lived it up a bit in the real world and at least he’s worked out how to cover 90 per cent of his skull with 30 per cent of his hair.” he he he

Thanks for bringing it up.
Yes, Bill Clinton getting some from an intern, while Obama Bin Laden is sneaking people into the country to plan for 9/11, I guess you were happy our country was not safe and the president was doing anything but his job. And of course we see what the Clinton's will do if Americans are in danger again, Benghazi!

you know, you have a point. So when the CIA went to the President and said, "Bin Laden Determined to Strike US" with a emphasis on airplanes, and the President said, "Well you covered your ass" and went fishing, that would be a gross dereliction of duty.

Oh, wait. That was Bush.
8 years of peace and prosperity..,wonder why

Apparently some D party voters want to return to all that...CRAZY!!!

Yes, I would love to get up in the morning, and the worst thing I had to worry about was "Did the President lie about a beej?"

You two need to read the lib Chris Hitchens column in your beloved Slate. Very damning...Hillary is a disaster...but then you both likely voted for the disaster in the WH, so why change?

The Case Against Hillary Clinton

Why on earth would we choose to put the Clinton family drama at the center of our politics again?
By Christopher Hitchens
What does matter is that she has since altered her position and attempted, with her husband's help, to make people forget that she ever held it. And this, on a grave matter of national honor and security, merely to influence her short-term standing in the Iowa caucuses. Surely that on its own should be sufficient to disqualify her from consideration? Indifferent to truth, willing to use police-state tactics and vulgar libels against inconvenient witnesses, hopeless on health care, and flippant and fast and loose with national security: The case against Hillary Clinton for president is open-and-shut. Of course, against all these considerations you might prefer the newly fashionable and more media-weighty notion that if you don't show her enough appreciation, and after all she's done for us, she may cry.

The problem is, you guys would bring up a bunch of Drama no matter who the Democrats elected. Democrats picked Obama to avoid the kind of shit Hitchens was talking about. You guys lost your shit anyway.
...but you forgot about all those scandals and bad policies...probably on purpose.

no, there were no Scandals.. Ken Starr spent 70 million trying to find a scandal and couldn't.

...but you forgot about the war in the Balkans and the refusal to take out Osama leading to 9/11.

Bin Laden You mean that wonderful Freedom Fighter that Ronnie Reagan armed to kill Communists before they taught girls how to read or something?
Yes, Bill Clinton getting some from an intern, while Obama Bin Laden is sneaking people into the country to plan for 9/11, I guess you were happy our country was not safe and the president was doing anything but his job. And of course we see what the Clinton's will do if Americans are in danger again, Benghazi!

you know, you have a point. So when the CIA went to the President and said, "Bin Laden Determined to Strike US" with a emphasis on airplanes, and the President said, "Well you covered your ass" and went fishing, that would be a gross dereliction of duty.

Oh, wait. That was Bush.
USS Cole, Obama Bin Laden attack, 17 sailors murdered/dead. Bill Clinton was a bit busy getting a lewinsky while he should of been protecting the nation.

Last I checked, Bill Clinton is married to Benghazi-Hillary who is running for President. I am sure Hillary will not be distracted by her husband chasing the skirts around the White House, Hillary can sleep through anything, even 4 Americans getting tortured and murdered will not stir Hillary.

Benghazi or the USS Cole, Mogadishu, makes a difference, the Clinton's are responsible. They are actively seeking the highest office in the land, and they are proven failures.
...but you forgot about all those scandals and bad policies...probably on purpose.

no, there were no Scandals.. Ken Starr spent 70 million trying to find a scandal and couldn't.

...but you forgot about the war in the Balkans and the refusal to take out Osama leading to 9/11.

Bin Laden You mean that wonderful Freedom Fighter that Ronnie Reagan armed to kill Communists before they taught girls how to read or something?

Hey dumbfuck, bin laden was armed by globalists like Zbigniew Brzezinski that was Jimmy Carter's security advisor at the time and this happened in 1979....I mean, Reagan was no great shakes but let's not re-write history, shall we????. Remember the mujahadeen? That was CIA spooks training and funding these mercenaries and bin laden was a CIA asset up until the day he died of Marfan's syndrome in December of 2001...that's right, Slow Joe...your beloved Barrypuppet pulled another one on ya. Slow Joe = All day sucker. I bet you believed that the reason bin laden was dumped into the ocean was because it was a muslim tradition...being that so many Middle Eastern muslims live close to oceans.

Yes, Bill Clinton getting some from an intern, while Obama Bin Laden is sneaking people into the country to plan for 9/11, I guess you were happy our country was not safe and the president was doing anything but his job. And of course we see what the Clinton's will do if Americans are in danger again, Benghazi!

you know, you have a point. So when the CIA went to the President and said, "Bin Laden Determined to Strike US" with a emphasis on airplanes, and the President said, "Well you covered your ass" and went fishing, that would be a gross dereliction of duty.

Oh, wait. That was Bush.
USS Cole, Obama Bin Laden attack, 17 sailors murdered/dead. Bill Clinton was a bit busy getting a lewinsky while he should of been protecting the nation.

Last I checked, Bill Clinton is married to Benghazi-Hillary who is running for President. I am sure Hillary will not be distracted by her husband chasing the skirts around the White House, Hillary can sleep through anything, even 4 Americans getting tortured and murdered will not stir Hillary.

Benghazi or the USS Cole, Mogadishu, makes a difference, the Clinton's are responsible. They are actively seeking the highest office in the land, and they are proven failures.

Ol Bill "drop trou" made quite a few journeys to Esptein's "Pedophile Island and of course it is well known that Hitlery would have women that Bill "drop trou" assaulted "shut upped" through different avenues but the most popular one was to send state troopers over to beat the shit out of them. The guy that had film of Bill "drop trou" visiting Gennifer Flowers was alsmot beaten to death....but the Clintons are not thugs...they are as pure as the new driven snow and anyone that speaks out against them are just "haters"........

Yep, them leftards will circle the wagons around any POS that they think might get put in as CEO of USA.INC. LOL!
USS Cole, Obama Bin Laden attack, 17 sailors murdered/dead. Bill Clinton was a bit busy getting a lewinsky while he should of been protecting the nation.

Okay, I'm going to cut you off. First, the USS Cole was Yemeni thing. Second, noneof these things were an existential threat to the US. You can't keep stickign your hand in theMiddle East Hornets' nest and then whine about getting stung.
USS Cole, Obama Bin Laden attack, 17 sailors murdered/dead. Bill Clinton was a bit busy getting a lewinsky while he should of been protecting the nation.

Okay, I'm going to cut you off. First, the USS Cole was Yemeni thing. Second, noneof these things were an existential threat to the US. You can't keep stickign your hand in theMiddle East Hornets' nest and then whine about getting stung.

Good God, Joe...STFU. It should be totally obvious to you by now that they were setting up bin laden for the fall guy for 9/11/01. Bill "drop trou" wasn't going to do anything to fuck up the false flag event. He had money to make off of it as well. Bill "drop trou" played his part to the hilt and if you don't know that the Clintons and the Bush crime family are thicker than thieves? You are beyond naive. They ran the cocaine out of South America into the united states via the Mena airport in Arkansas. That was what Iran/Contra was all about....running drugs. The CIA and their minions have been doing it since the Korean War. Take off the blinders, Slow Joe.

Good God, Joe...STFU. It should be totally obvious to you by now that they were setting up bin laden for the fall guy for 9/11/01. Bill "drop trou" wasn't going to do anything to fuck up the false flag event. He had money to make off of it as well. Bill "drop trou" played his part to the hilt and if you don't know that the Clintons and the Bush crime family are thicker than thieves? You are beyond naive. They ran the cocaine out of South America into the united states via the Mena airport in Arkansas. That was what Iran/Contra was all about....running drugs. The CIA and their minions have been doing it since the Korean War. Take off the blinders, Slow Joe.

Obviously, the LIzard People did it.

How do you get through life avoiding so many vast conspiracies, Dale? Does the tin-foil hat help?
Hillary Clinton scares me.

She really does! I see her and my gut starts to hurt.
Good God, Joe...STFU. It should be totally obvious to you by now that they were setting up bin laden for the fall guy for 9/11/01. Bill "drop trou" wasn't going to do anything to fuck up the false flag event. He had money to make off of it as well. Bill "drop trou" played his part to the hilt and if you don't know that the Clintons and the Bush crime family are thicker than thieves? You are beyond naive. They ran the cocaine out of South America into the united states via the Mena airport in Arkansas. That was what Iran/Contra was all about....running drugs. The CIA and their minions have been doing it since the Korean War. Take off the blinders, Slow Joe.

Obviously, the LIzard People did it.

How do you get through life avoiding so many vast conspiracies, Dale? Does the tin-foil hat help?

Good move on your part, Slow Joe...because I would rip you to shreds over this issue. The fact that the CIA has been running drugs into this country and laundering the money through the big banks is a documented fact. Drug money is what keeps the ATMs full because it's a cash only business. Last estimate is that it's 600 billion dollar a year profit maker and funds the black ops. Face it, you don't know shit. C'mon....let's talk about this.....Google "Chip Tatum"....he was a pilot that flew cocaine in from South America....Barry Seal? He flew cocaine directly into Mena, Arkansas. Garry Webb blew the doors off of the cocaine trafficking of the CIA and was murdered for doing so. Ted Gunderson, 30 years in the FBI also knew about it. Once again, you are in over your head.

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