Hillary: Lesbian, Cocaine, Abortions, Violent Temper

While everyone knows that I love Mrs. Tuzla Clinton I once again have to rise to her defense.

This is a quote from the OP:

Multiple pregnancies due to 'too lazy to take the pill...

Abortions, hate kids, had Chelsea for political benefit (a prop)

..."She’s a damn frigid bitch who prefers women; she won’t even compromise and be bi-sexual..."

Don't those sentences kinda contradict themselves?

You do understand that what Lesbians do does not end in pregnancy? At some point, there has to be a man, Wade Hubble, involved.
You are ignoring the story reported / posted earlier about Chelsea, how Hillary learned polls show a married female politician with at least 1 child was accepted / liked more by voters. The article went on to support this one by saying Hillary had one child with Bill for political gain but had (at least one) an abortion because she did not want to have more.

This 'frigid, cold lesbian bitch' had a child for political gain while proving their isn't anything she would not say or do to personally get what she wants.

Oh, I am not arguing that Chelsea is Mrs. Tuzla's "beard" of a child.

What I am saying is claiming multiple abortions and that she isn't bi-sexual is a contradiction, that is all.
I think Slick Willy is the reason Hillary turned lesbian. With a pig of a husband like that, that would do it.
Lack of facts, prone to trust shady sources with outlandish claims, thinks they have inside knowledge on a candidates supposed homosexuality

It must be Sunday. Or saturday, or Monday or any other day of the week.
Truth about your coke queen, coming from her husband, stings like a bitch, don't it.

Obviously there isn't anything this freak can do that her followers will not willingly ignore and keep on defending her.

Blind partisanship and loyalty to a party or individual rather than to the country is the biggest threat to this country, not 'PC'...
Truth about your coke queen, coming from her husband, stings like a bitch, don't it.

Obviously there isn't anything this freak can do that her followers will not willingly ignore and keep on defending her.

Blind partisanship and loyalty to a party or individual rather than to the country is the biggest threat to this country, not 'PC'...

Blind partisanship? I'm not the one believing in dopey stories that are obviously not true. You're the one who supports the birther king. The guy who goes on tv, claims Obama's birth certificate is false, which would have been a constitutional catastrophe and then all of the sudden it's not a big deal anymore.

You morons really do give real conservatives a bad name.
Truth about your coke queen, coming from her husband, stings like a bitch, don't it.

Obviously there isn't anything this freak can do that her followers will not willingly ignore and keep on defending her.

Blind partisanship and loyalty to a party or individual rather than to the country is the biggest threat to this country, not 'PC'...

Blind partisanship? I'm not the one believing in dopey stories that are obviously not true. You're the one who supports the birther king. The guy who goes on tv, claims Obama's birth certificate is false, which would have been a constitutional catastrophe and then all of the sudden it's not a big deal anymore.

You morons really do give real conservatives a bad name.
I thought Hillary started the birther stuff back during her first attempt? Now it doesn't matter? WTF?
Truth about your coke queen, coming from her husband, stings like a bitch, don't it.

Obviously there isn't anything this freak can do that her followers will not willingly ignore and keep on defending her.

Blind partisanship and loyalty to a party or individual rather than to the country is the biggest threat to this country, not 'PC'...

Blind partisanship? I'm not the one believing in dopey stories that are obviously not true. You're the one who supports the birther king. The guy who goes on tv, claims Obama's birth certificate is false, which would have been a constitutional catastrophe and then all of the sudden it's not a big deal anymore.

You morons really do give real conservatives a bad name.
So you think Bill, Hillary's husband - who gave this interview- is a liar?

Joy, Hillary has been embroiled in scandals of her own making for DECADES and liberals like you have never paused once to consider wtf is wrong with her. You just instantly and continuously swallow and regurgitate her BS about a 'vast right wing conspiracy'. Evidently now, according to you, her husband - Bill Clinton - is part of that 'vast right wing conspiracy'. That is proof of a serious, unhealthy partisanship disorder.
Truth about your coke queen, coming from her husband, stings like a bitch, don't it.

Obviously there isn't anything this freak can do that her followers will not willingly ignore and keep on defending her.

Blind partisanship and loyalty to a party or individual rather than to the country is the biggest threat to this country, not 'PC'...

Blind partisanship? I'm not the one believing in dopey stories that are obviously not true. You're the one who supports the birther king. The guy who goes on tv, claims Obama's birth certificate is false, which would have been a constitutional catastrophe and then all of the sudden it's not a big deal anymore.

You morons really do give real conservatives a bad name.
So you think Bill, Hillary's husband - who gave this interview- is a liar?

Joy, Hillary has been embroiled in scandals of her own making for DECADES and liberals like you have never paused once to consider wtf is wrong with her. You just instantly and continuously swallow and regurgitate her BS about a 'vast right wing conspiracy'. Evidently now, according to you, her husband - Bill Clinton - is part of that 'vast right wing conspiracy'. That is proof of a serious, unhealthy partisanship disorder.

You honestly believe Bill Clinton gave this interview? Prove it.
Truth about your coke queen, coming from her husband, stings like a bitch, don't it.

Obviously there isn't anything this freak can do that her followers will not willingly ignore and keep on defending her.

Blind partisanship and loyalty to a party or individual rather than to the country is the biggest threat to this country, not 'PC'...

Blind partisanship? I'm not the one believing in dopey stories that are obviously not true. You're the one who supports the birther king. The guy who goes on tv, claims Obama's birth certificate is false, which would have been a constitutional catastrophe and then all of the sudden it's not a big deal anymore.

You morons really do give real conservatives a bad name.
I thought Hillary started the birther stuff back during her first attempt? Now it doesn't matter? WTF?

No, it was started before 2008, a couple of people who supported Clinton passed around emails, as you know, no evidence Hillary or her campaign had anything to do with it and now king birther comes along and launches his investigation on tv, we have video of him.

But you're just another Trump apologist, ignore what comes out of his mouth that is caught on video but go all in on a fake interview of Bill Clinton.
Truth about your coke queen, coming from her husband, stings like a bitch, don't it.

Obviously there isn't anything this freak can do that her followers will not willingly ignore and keep on defending her.

Blind partisanship and loyalty to a party or individual rather than to the country is the biggest threat to this country, not 'PC'...

Blind partisanship? I'm not the one believing in dopey stories that are obviously not true. You're the one who supports the birther king. The guy who goes on tv, claims Obama's birth certificate is false, which would have been a constitutional catastrophe and then all of the sudden it's not a big deal anymore.

You morons really do give real conservatives a bad name.
I thought Hillary started the birther stuff back during her first attempt? Now it doesn't matter? WTF?

No, it was started before 2008, a couple of people who supported Clinton passed around emails, as you know, no evidence Hillary or her campaign had anything to do with it and now king birther comes along and launches his investigation on tv, we have video of him.

But you're just another Trump apologist, ignore what comes out of his mouth that is caught on video but go all in on a fake interview of Bill Clinton.
You're just another shill for HillBilly. If she had balls no one would even be listening. However ...

Bombshell: 'Washington Post' Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement - Breitbart
New analysis from the Washington Post removes any doubt that the anti-Obama Birther movement was started in 2007 and 2008 by Hillary Clinton, her campaign, and her Democrat supporters.

As Breitbart News reported earlier this month, other left-wing media outlets, like Politico and theGuardian, had already traced the Birther movement back to Democrats and Ms. Clinton. Using his wayback machine on Wednesday, the Post‘s David Weigel took an in-depth look at the origins of the false rumors that President Obama is a practicing Muslim who was not born in a America. Weigel’s reporting contains the final pieces of a very disturbing puzzle.

What Weigel found and re-reported was astounding, details many of us had forgotten or never heard of, including a 2007 bombshell memo from the Clinton campaign’s chief strategist.

What the left-wing Weigel left out of his reporting was even more astounding, including a documented confrontation between Clinton and Obama over the Birther issue, and video of Hillary herself stoking doubt about Obama’s Christian faith.
Truth about your coke queen, coming from her husband, stings like a bitch, don't it.

Obviously there isn't anything this freak can do that her followers will not willingly ignore and keep on defending her.

Blind partisanship and loyalty to a party or individual rather than to the country is the biggest threat to this country, not 'PC'...

Blind partisanship? I'm not the one believing in dopey stories that are obviously not true. You're the one who supports the birther king. The guy who goes on tv, claims Obama's birth certificate is false, which would have been a constitutional catastrophe and then all of the sudden it's not a big deal anymore.

You morons really do give real conservatives a bad name.
I thought Hillary started the birther stuff back during her first attempt? Now it doesn't matter? WTF?

No, it was started before 2008, a couple of people who supported Clinton passed around emails, as you know, no evidence Hillary or her campaign had anything to do with it and now king birther comes along and launches his investigation on tv, we have video of him.

But you're just another Trump apologist, ignore what comes out of his mouth that is caught on video but go all in on a fake interview of Bill Clinton.
You're just another shill for HillBilly. If she had balls no one would even be listening. However ...

Bombshell: 'Washington Post' Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement - Breitbart
New analysis from the Washington Post removes any doubt that the anti-Obama Birther movement was started in 2007 and 2008 by Hillary Clinton, her campaign, and her Democrat supporters.

As Breitbart News reported earlier this month, other left-wing media outlets, like Politico and theGuardian, had already traced the Birther movement back to Democrats and Ms. Clinton. Using his wayback machine on Wednesday, the Post‘s David Weigel took an in-depth look at the origins of the false rumors that President Obama is a practicing Muslim who was not born in a America. Weigel’s reporting contains the final pieces of a very disturbing puzzle.

What Weigel found and re-reported was astounding, details many of us had forgotten or never heard of, including a 2007 bombshell memo from the Clinton campaign’s chief strategist.

What the left-wing Weigel left out of his reporting was even more astounding, including a documented confrontation between Clinton and Obama over the Birther issue, and video of Hillary herself stoking doubt about Obama’s Christian faith.

It's not like Breibart ever got a story wrong before. Since they have zero credibility they have to cling to those that largely are reputable like the Washington Post.

Anyway, the Washington Post is having none of Breitbart's lies.

Republicans are blaming Hillary Clinton for the ‘birther’ movement. That’s wishful thinking.

The problem: This is simply not true. Clinton's campaign, one of the most thoroughly dissected in modern history, never raised questions about the future president's citizenship. The idea that it did is based largely on a series of disconnected actions by supporters of Clinton, mostly in the months between Obama's reaction to the Jeremiah Wright story and the Democratic National Convention. I know, because I spent/wasted quite a lot of time covering this stuff.

But, hey, let's go ahead and excuse the birther man-baby king:

Did Clinton use some voo-doo to make Trump go all in on birtherism?
Truth about your coke queen, coming from her husband, stings like a bitch, don't it.

Obviously there isn't anything this freak can do that her followers will not willingly ignore and keep on defending her.

Blind partisanship and loyalty to a party or individual rather than to the country is the biggest threat to this country, not 'PC'...

Blind partisanship? I'm not the one believing in dopey stories that are obviously not true. You're the one who supports the birther king. The guy who goes on tv, claims Obama's birth certificate is false, which would have been a constitutional catastrophe and then all of the sudden it's not a big deal anymore.

You morons really do give real conservatives a bad name.
So you think Bill, Hillary's husband - who gave this interview- is a liar?

Joy, Hillary has been embroiled in scandals of her own making for DECADES and liberals like you have never paused once to consider wtf is wrong with her. You just instantly and continuously swallow and regurgitate her BS about a 'vast right wing conspiracy'. Evidently now, according to you, her husband - Bill Clinton - is part of that 'vast right wing conspiracy'. That is proof of a serious, unhealthy partisanship disorder.

You honestly believe Bill Clinton gave this interview? Prove it.
A journalist already did. Think he didn't? YOU prove it. Good luck with that, 'denier'.
Truth about your coke queen, coming from her husband, stings like a bitch, don't it.

Obviously there isn't anything this freak can do that her followers will not willingly ignore and keep on defending her.

Blind partisanship and loyalty to a party or individual rather than to the country is the biggest threat to this country, not 'PC'...

Blind partisanship? I'm not the one believing in dopey stories that are obviously not true. You're the one who supports the birther king. The guy who goes on tv, claims Obama's birth certificate is false, which would have been a constitutional catastrophe and then all of the sudden it's not a big deal anymore.

You morons really do give real conservatives a bad name.
I thought Hillary started the birther stuff back during her first attempt? Now it doesn't matter? WTF?

No, it was started before 2008, a couple of people who supported Clinton passed around emails, as you know, no evidence Hillary or her campaign had anything to do with it and now king birther comes along and launches his investigation on tv, we have video of him.

But you're just another Trump apologist, ignore what comes out of his mouth that is caught on video but go all in on a fake interview of Bill Clinton.
You're just another shill for HillBilly. If she had balls no one would even be listening. However ...

Bombshell: 'Washington Post' Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement - Breitbart
New analysis from the Washington Post removes any doubt that the anti-Obama Birther movement was started in 2007 and 2008 by Hillary Clinton, her campaign, and her Democrat supporters.

As Breitbart News reported earlier this month, other left-wing media outlets, like Politico and theGuardian, had already traced the Birther movement back to Democrats and Ms. Clinton. Using his wayback machine on Wednesday, the Post‘s David Weigel took an in-depth look at the origins of the false rumors that President Obama is a practicing Muslim who was not born in a America. Weigel’s reporting contains the final pieces of a very disturbing puzzle.

What Weigel found and re-reported was astounding, details many of us had forgotten or never heard of, including a 2007 bombshell memo from the Clinton campaign’s chief strategist.

What the left-wing Weigel left out of his reporting was even more astounding, including a documented confrontation between Clinton and Obama over the Birther issue, and video of Hillary herself stoking doubt about Obama’s Christian faith.

It's not like Breibart ever got a story wrong before. Since they have zero credibility they have to cling to those that largely are reputable like the Washington Post.

Anyway, the Washington Post is having none of Breitbart's lies.

Republicans are blaming Hillary Clinton for the ‘birther’ movement. That’s wishful thinking.

The problem: This is simply not true. Clinton's campaign, one of the most thoroughly dissected in modern history, never raised questions about the future president's citizenship. The idea that it did is based largely on a series of disconnected actions by supporters of Clinton, mostly in the months between Obama's reaction to the Jeremiah Wright story and the Democratic National Convention. I know, because I spent/wasted quite a lot of time covering this stuff.

But, hey, let's go ahead and excuse the birther man-baby king:

Did Clinton use some voo-doo to make Trump go all in on birtherism?
Breitbart quoted the source, they didn't make the story up. LOL.

Total garbage as usual! Just par for the course for Easy65!
Big talk, as usual. Another liberal gets busted. Another liberal blames someone else. 3 things are guaranteed: death, taxes, and libs blaming others. :p
Truth about your coke queen, coming from her husband, stings like a bitch, don't it.

Obviously there isn't anything this freak can do that her followers will not willingly ignore and keep on defending her.

Blind partisanship and loyalty to a party or individual rather than to the country is the biggest threat to this country, not 'PC'...

Blind partisanship? I'm not the one believing in dopey stories that are obviously not true. You're the one who supports the birther king. The guy who goes on tv, claims Obama's birth certificate is false, which would have been a constitutional catastrophe and then all of the sudden it's not a big deal anymore.

You morons really do give real conservatives a bad name.
I thought Hillary started the birther stuff back during her first attempt? Now it doesn't matter? WTF?

No, it was started before 2008, a couple of people who supported Clinton passed around emails, as you know, no evidence Hillary or her campaign had anything to do with it and now king birther comes along and launches his investigation on tv, we have video of him.

But you're just another Trump apologist, ignore what comes out of his mouth that is caught on video but go all in on a fake interview of Bill Clinton.
I went all in on a fake interview of Bill Clinton? Quote it or be a lying shitstain. I didn't even read that article or comment on it.
Truth about your coke queen, coming from her husband, stings like a bitch, don't it.

Obviously there isn't anything this freak can do that her followers will not willingly ignore and keep on defending her.

Blind partisanship and loyalty to a party or individual rather than to the country is the biggest threat to this country, not 'PC'...

Blind partisanship? I'm not the one believing in dopey stories that are obviously not true. You're the one who supports the birther king. The guy who goes on tv, claims Obama's birth certificate is false, which would have been a constitutional catastrophe and then all of the sudden it's not a big deal anymore.

You morons really do give real conservatives a bad name.
So you think Bill, Hillary's husband - who gave this interview- is a liar?

Joy, Hillary has been embroiled in scandals of her own making for DECADES and liberals like you have never paused once to consider wtf is wrong with her. You just instantly and continuously swallow and regurgitate her BS about a 'vast right wing conspiracy'. Evidently now, according to you, her husband - Bill Clinton - is part of that 'vast right wing conspiracy'. That is proof of a serious, unhealthy partisanship disorder.

You honestly believe Bill Clinton gave this interview? Prove it.
A journalist already did. Think he didn't? YOU prove it. Good luck with that, 'denier'.

Which 'journalist'? :badgrin:
Truth about your coke queen, coming from her husband, stings like a bitch, don't it.

Obviously there isn't anything this freak can do that her followers will not willingly ignore and keep on defending her.

Blind partisanship and loyalty to a party or individual rather than to the country is the biggest threat to this country, not 'PC'...

Blind partisanship? I'm not the one believing in dopey stories that are obviously not true. You're the one who supports the birther king. The guy who goes on tv, claims Obama's birth certificate is false, which would have been a constitutional catastrophe and then all of the sudden it's not a big deal anymore.

You morons really do give real conservatives a bad name.
I thought Hillary started the birther stuff back during her first attempt? Now it doesn't matter? WTF?

No, it was started before 2008, a couple of people who supported Clinton passed around emails, as you know, no evidence Hillary or her campaign had anything to do with it and now king birther comes along and launches his investigation on tv, we have video of him.

But you're just another Trump apologist, ignore what comes out of his mouth that is caught on video but go all in on a fake interview of Bill Clinton.
I went all in on a fake interview of Bill Clinton? Quote it or be a lying shitstain. I didn't even read that article or comment on it.

Oh, I assumed you agreed with all the moronic bullshit in the OP.. It is absolute crap, right?
Bill didn't inhale, Hillary didn't snort...got it. At least Obama was honest enough to admit he smoked pot and experimented with other drugs in college...
Truth about your coke queen, coming from her husband, stings like a bitch, don't it.

Obviously there isn't anything this freak can do that her followers will not willingly ignore and keep on defending her.

Blind partisanship and loyalty to a party or individual rather than to the country is the biggest threat to this country, not 'PC'...

Blind partisanship? I'm not the one believing in dopey stories that are obviously not true. You're the one who supports the birther king. The guy who goes on tv, claims Obama's birth certificate is false, which would have been a constitutional catastrophe and then all of the sudden it's not a big deal anymore.

You morons really do give real conservatives a bad name.
I thought Hillary started the birther stuff back during her first attempt? Now it doesn't matter? WTF?

No, it was started before 2008, a couple of people who supported Clinton passed around emails, as you know, no evidence Hillary or her campaign had anything to do with it and now king birther comes along and launches his investigation on tv, we have video of him.

But you're just another Trump apologist, ignore what comes out of his mouth that is caught on video but go all in on a fake interview of Bill Clinton.
I went all in on a fake interview of Bill Clinton? Quote it or be a lying shitstain. I didn't even read that article or comment on it.

Oh, I assumed you agreed with all the moronic bullshit in the OP.. It is absolute crap, right?
Total crap....because a partisan liberal said so...as usual. :p
Bill didn't inhale, Hillary didn't snort...got it. At least Obama was honest enough to admit he smoked pot and experimented with other drugs in college...

1. I assume Bill Clinton did inhale
2. I could care less either way
3. I have higher standards for sources than you do.
4. There is no evidence Clinton is a 'coke head'.
5. Trump - man-baby birther king.

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