Hillary lied about Trump

Trump's not in any videos but apparently Bill is and ISIS refers to him as the fornicator.

Clinton's not going to like this recruitment video.

"A propaganda video the ISIS terror army released last month in several languages used the image of former U.S. President Bill Clinton as a rallying point, calling him a 'fornicator' whose wishes were carried out by America's military in the last decade of the 20th Century.

The four-minute video, titled 'No Respite,' urges male Muslims to take up the cause of the ISIS 'caliphate' and counter the influence of America."

Trump isn't in ISIS recruitment videos. 'Fornicator' Bill Clinton is.
Will not matter. She could take a shit in front of everyone on television and her followers will only increase.

We should all know by now that the democrats are allowed to lie, cheat, kill, cause wars, treat the oval office like a cheap 3 dollar whore house.

All of it does not matter one bit.

That is what we fight. A group of voters that could not possibly care one bit. Hence, the reason they deserve zero respect and will never get any out of me.
Trump calls Clinton a 'liar' over video claim

Pure and simple.

Do Dims care? Hell no, they already know she is a liar.

Hillary did the same thing blaming the attacks in Libya on a video instead of terrorism.

I think it's FANTASTIC that the old bag (and anyone else who lies) is IMMEDIATELY called onto the carpet by President Trump. Once elected, he will rid our society of scum like this, once and for all - and the Libberturds who blindly follow will be put in their place.
I find it extremely funny that Hillary is once again embroiled in a 'scandal' involving a VIDEO.
(Perhaps she should vow to have the film maker arrested...)
I hope most Americans know Hillary is a prolific liar, but apparently this means little to D voters.

Au contraire!

Nay, No, Never!

It not only means so very, very much to adherents of The Democrat Party - it's the source of their love for their dear lady!

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