Hillary mocks the Justice system as it is investigating her. Is that the wisdom of a president?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
I got a snapchat account so I don't have to worry about deleting messages.


How the hell is that judgment even considered rational?
anyone supporting her just shows the low IQ her supporters. she's just horrible that she is even running for President while under Investigation

who can even stand listening to her speak. they made fun of Sarah Palin. my gawd
The Clinton's view themselves as above the law, the same attitude Nixon had, in fact the anti establishment fools of the past are now the establishment which most liberals are too dam blind don't see it or accept. A crook is a crook regardless of political party affiliation.
Is there a leftie that will admit this comment by Hillary was ridiculous?

I admit it was hilarious. As soon as you come up with an accusation that holds water, you might have a point, but as long as you continue the endless stream of unfounded, unproven accusations, you deserve a poke every once in a while. After almost three decades of the right attacking her, and always ending up walking away with their ass in their hands, she has earned the right to laugh at you.
Is there a leftie that will admit this comment by Hillary was ridiculous?

I admit it was hilarious. As soon as you come up with an accusation that holds water, you might have a point, but as long as you continue the endless stream of unfounded, unproven accusations, you deserve a poke every once in a while. After almost three decades of the right attacking her, and always ending up walking away with their ass in their hands, she has earned the right to laugh at you.
You have to be fucking kidding! The bitch gets caught lying and hiding TOP SECRET US Government documents on her personal server and you think she's done nothing wrong.

I hope to see her mug shot within a couple of years. It'll take that long to find some lawyers with balls enough to sue her sorry fat ass!

Hillary has never earned a thing in her life. She's had things she doesn't deserve given to her. She has an uninformed following that would vote for her even if she murdered Bill for taking a head job from Monica.

Cur dog, she is!
Is there a leftie that will admit this comment by Hillary was ridiculous?

I admit it was hilarious. As soon as you come up with an accusation that holds water, you might have a point, but as long as you continue the endless stream of unfounded, unproven accusations, you deserve a poke every once in a while. After almost three decades of the right attacking her, and always ending up walking away with their ass in their hands, she has earned the right to laugh at you.
You have to be fucking kidding! The bitch gets caught lying and hiding TOP SECRET US Government documents on her personal server and you think she's done nothing wrong.

I hope to see her mug shot within a couple of years. It'll take that long to find some lawyers with balls enough to sue her sorry fat ass!

Hillary has never earned a thing in her life. She's had things she doesn't deserve given to her. She has an uninformed following that would vote for her even if she murdered Bill for taking a head job from Monica.

Cur dog, she is!

State the specific law she broke. Not what the right wishes they could make stick, but the specific law that she has been found guilty of breaking.
Yeah, it's not like she gave out her opponent's private phone number or anything that bizarre. That would be beyond the pale of acceptability.
Since none of ye were voting for her anyway, it is not surprising your disapproval...
Her victory depends on unfecided votes not mine. Look at her numbers. Look at her untrustworthy numbers.
Asinine comments like this will win her no undecided votes.

Why would these comments hurt her with undecideds?

The only people outraged by her mocking the frivolous lawsuits against her are people who would never vote for her anyway.
As if by magic....:rolleyes:


More than two years after the State Department claimed there were no emails responsive to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request about a close Hillary Clinton adviser’s contact with the media, the Department has informed a judge it has located 17,855 emails that appear to match the criteria.

The website Gawker filed a FOIA request in 2012 seeking any emails between Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Philippe Reines (a top Hillary Clinton adviser) and a list of 33 major media outlets. Interest in Reines’ correspondence with the media was prompted by an angry email exchange between Reines and journalist Michael Hastings. In the exchange, Reines lost his temper and told Hastings to “f-ck off.”

In July of 2013, the State Department responded to Gawker’s request with a letter which stated, “After a thorough search…no records responsive to your request were located.” Earlier this year Gawker filed a lawsuit asking a judge to force State to produce documents which were responsive to its initial FOIA request.

State Dept. Finds 17 855 Missing Hillary Clinton Adviser Emails - Breitbart
Since none of ye were voting for her anyway, it is not surprising your disapproval...
Her victory depends on unfecided votes not mine. Look at her numbers. Look at her untrustworthy numbers.
Asinine comments like this will win her no undecided votes.

Why would these comments hurt her with undecideds?

The only people outraged by her mocking the frivolous lawsuits against her are people who would never vote for her anyway.
An FBI investigation is frivolous?

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