Hillary reminds us why we are happy that she is NOT the President

She's probably worried that if she ever gets back in the game foreign countries won't be able to funnel money to her and her sexual predator husband.
But you are ok with the so-called president at the WH right now being an avowed sexual predator.
Personally, I do not require any reminders to be Sublimely, Ecstatically and Completely DELIGHTED that hiLIARy is Not President.
Thank you Hitlery for reminding us we didn't vote for you. Because like Obama, you would throw money around and run up our already unsustainable $20 trillion debt further.
Trump proposed a 28% cut for U.S. diplomacy and foreign aid next year, including reducing funding for the United Nations, climate change and cultural exchange programs, Reuters reports.
The fact that Hitlery just wants to throw money around instead of cutting as much as possible and spending only what is necessary on the U.S. and our own defense is a reminder of why the American people didn't elect her. The nation is tired of failed left-wing policy.

Clinton Warns Trump of 'Grave Mistake' on Foreign Aid

You may want to reexamine your opinions. I suggest you get your GED and then enroll in a Jr. College talking primarily history classes. Once you've taken the remedial courses and prerequisites you will be allowed to take serious courses and study serious issues, thus you might discover what a fool you appear to be.

The Diplomatic History of the American People examines US Foreign Policy from the perspective of the Sect. of State. My textbook, first written in 1940, and revised several times (my copy was revised in 1970), which you can buy from Amazon (Author is Thomas A. Bailey, Stanford U.) is enlightening, something you and others need, including Trump, Sessions and Tillerson.

From Chap. I: Factors, Forces, and Functions

Since the time when Thomas Jefferson insisted upon a "decent respect to the opinions of mankind" public opinion has controlled foreign policy in all democracies"
Sect. of State Hull (1936)

We can be assured that Mr. Jefferson is spinning in his grave by the actions of Trump and his minions.
Where does your book say what the spending should be to foreign governments, if any, professor?

Beginning on page 855 of the aforementioned book is a discussion on foreign aid (The Defense of The Dollar). In several pages it discusses the costs to the American tax payer (100 Billion in post WWII loans and grants), the successes and failures as well as the fact that the Soviet Union and Red China were contributing money too, to emerging nations. The cold war included a Cold Cash Climate to befriend nations as far and wide as Albania and Cuba. It seems to be in full force today, albiet with differing countries in Asia and Africa.

One other point, the Freedom Caucus (aka Tea Party) had its precursors during the Kennedy Admin. when The Congress in 1962, "wielding a meat-axe cut off more than a billion dollars from Kennedy's recommended budget" for foreign aid (pg. 885-887)
How does a group wanting to trim foreign aid and the aid during the cold war answer my question?
Thank you Hitlery for reminding us we didn't vote for you. Because like Obama, you would throw money around and run up our already unsustainable $20 trillion debt further.
Trump proposed a 28% cut for U.S. diplomacy and foreign aid next year, including reducing funding for the United Nations, climate change and cultural exchange programs, Reuters reports.
The fact that Hitlery just wants to throw money around instead of cutting as much as possible and spending only what is necessary on the U.S. and our own defense is a reminder of why the American people didn't elect her. The nation is tired of failed left-wing policy.

Clinton Warns Trump of 'Grave Mistake' on Foreign Aid

You may want to reexamine your opinions. I suggest you get your GED and then enroll in a Jr. College talking primarily history classes. Once you've taken the remedial courses and prerequisites you will be allowed to take serious courses and study serious issues, thus you might discover what a fool you appear to be.

The Diplomatic History of the American People examines US Foreign Policy from the perspective of the Sect. of State. My textbook, first written in 1940, and revised several times (my copy was revised in 1970), which you can buy from Amazon (Author is Thomas A. Bailey, Stanford U.) is enlightening, something you and others need, including Trump, Sessions and Tillerson.

From Chap. I: Factors, Forces, and Functions

Since the time when Thomas Jefferson insisted upon a "decent respect to the opinions of mankind" public opinion has controlled foreign policy in all democracies"
Sect. of State Hull (1936)

We can be assured that Mr. Jefferson is spinning in his grave by the actions of Trump and his minions.
Where does your book say what the spending should be to foreign governments, if any, professor?

Beginning on page 855 of the aforementioned book is a discussion on foreign aid (The Defense of The Dollar). In several pages it discusses the costs to the American tax payer (100 Billion in post WWII loans and grants), the successes and failures as well as the fact that the Soviet Union and Red China were contributing money too, to emerging nations. The cold war included a Cold Cash Climate to befriend nations as far and wide as Albania and Cuba. It seems to be in full force today, albiet with differing countries in Asia and Africa.

One other point, the Freedom Caucus (aka Tea Party) had its precursors during the Kennedy Admin. when The Congress in 1962, "wielding a meat-axe cut off more than a billion dollars from Kennedy's recommended budget" for foreign aid (pg. 885-887)

How does a group wanting to trim foreign aid and the aid during the cold war answer my question?

I suppose posting something thought provoking was the wrong way to respond to you. Asking the impossible was wrong, mea culpa.
Thank you Hitlery for reminding us we didn't vote for you. Because like Obama, you would throw money around and run up our already unsustainable $20 trillion debt further.
The fact that Hitlery just wants to throw money around instead of cutting as much as possible and spending only what is necessary on the U.S. and our own defense is a reminder of why the American people didn't elect her. The nation is tired of failed left-wing policy.

Clinton Warns Trump of 'Grave Mistake' on Foreign Aid

You may want to reexamine your opinions. I suggest you get your GED and then enroll in a Jr. College talking primarily history classes. Once you've taken the remedial courses and prerequisites you will be allowed to take serious courses and study serious issues, thus you might discover what a fool you appear to be.

The Diplomatic History of the American People examines US Foreign Policy from the perspective of the Sect. of State. My textbook, first written in 1940, and revised several times (my copy was revised in 1970), which you can buy from Amazon (Author is Thomas A. Bailey, Stanford U.) is enlightening, something you and others need, including Trump, Sessions and Tillerson.

From Chap. I: Factors, Forces, and Functions

Since the time when Thomas Jefferson insisted upon a "decent respect to the opinions of mankind" public opinion has controlled foreign policy in all democracies"
Sect. of State Hull (1936)

We can be assured that Mr. Jefferson is spinning in his grave by the actions of Trump and his minions.
Where does your book say what the spending should be to foreign governments, if any, professor?

Beginning on page 855 of the aforementioned book is a discussion on foreign aid (The Defense of The Dollar). In several pages it discusses the costs to the American tax payer (100 Billion in post WWII loans and grants), the successes and failures as well as the fact that the Soviet Union and Red China were contributing money too, to emerging nations. The cold war included a Cold Cash Climate to befriend nations as far and wide as Albania and Cuba. It seems to be in full force today, albiet with differing countries in Asia and Africa.

One other point, the Freedom Caucus (aka Tea Party) had its precursors during the Kennedy Admin. when The Congress in 1962, "wielding a meat-axe cut off more than a billion dollars from Kennedy's recommended budget" for foreign aid (pg. 885-887)

How does a group wanting to trim foreign aid and the aid during the cold war answer my question?

I suppose posting something thought provoking was the wrong way to respond to you. Asking the impossible was wrong, mea culpa.
You couldn't answer my challenge so you tried to bullshit your way out of it. Now you want to make it look like my problem. You really are not too sharp.
Hitlery Clinton continues to remind us of why she lost. This is not a leader. This is an entitled, butt-hurt, participation trophy, power-hungry, left-wing liar who cannot accept she was defeated by Donald freaking Trump.
She added, “I was on the way to winning, until the combination of Jim Comey’s letter on October 28th, and Russian WikiLeaks raised doubts in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for me
Sweetie....nobody was inclined to vote for you. Nobody. That's why an unqualified, inexperienced, community organizer beat you in the 2008 primary. That's why an 80-year old socialists dimwit who never held a job until he was in his 40's beat you in the last primary and required the DNC to rig the election for you. And it's why I begged and pleaded for you to run and for the Dumbocrats to vote for you - because you are unquestionably the most unelectable politician in U.S. history. Republicans were guaranteed the White House if you ran.
if the election had been on October 27th, I’d be your president
The vanity. The entitlement. The butt-hurt. And she wonders why she lost. :eusa_doh:

Hillary: 'I Was on the Way to Winning,' Until Comey Letter and WikiLeaks 'Scared Off' Voters - Breitbart
We can be assured that Mr. Jefferson is spinning in his grave by the actions of Trump and his minions.

I'm not sure about that. I fully share Thomas Jefferson's philosophy on many issues!

"When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe ."
-- Thomas Jefferson

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
-- Thomas Jefferson

"It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world."
-- Thomas Jefferson

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting
the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
-- Thomas Jefferson

"My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government."
-- Thomas Jefferson
I'm not always correct...
You're literally never correct. You just proved that once again with your absurd comment about Thomas Jefferson.

“I … place economy among the first and most important of republican virtues, and public debt as the greatest of the dangers to be feared.” - Thomas Jefferson (July 21, 1816)

“I think very capable of proof. I set out on this ground, which I suppose to be self-evident: that the earth belongs in usufruct to the living; that the dead have neither powers nor rights over it.… If [one generation] could charge [another] with a debt, then the earth would belong to the dead and not to the living generation. Then, no generation can contract debts greater than may be paid during the course of its own existence” - Thomas Jefferson (1789)

Pot meet kettle
I'm not always correct...
You're literally never correct. You just proved that once again with your absurd comment about Thomas Jefferson.

“I … place economy among the first and most important of republican virtues, and public debt as the greatest of the dangers to be feared.” - Thomas Jefferson (July 21, 1816)

“I think very capable of proof. I set out on this ground, which I suppose to be self-evident: that the earth belongs in usufruct to the living; that the dead have neither powers nor rights over it.… If [one generation] could charge [another] with a debt, then the earth would belong to the dead and not to the living generation. Then, no generation can contract debts greater than may be paid during the course of its own existence” - Thomas Jefferson (1789)

Pot meet kettle
At least you have the humility to realize that you're never right like Wry Catcher. And it was nice of you to introduce yourself to him! :lmao:
Every time she opens her mouth and every time smarmy left wing idiot media types defend her it makes us thankful she wasn't elected.
I'm not always correct...
You're literally never correct. You just proved that once again with your absurd comment about Thomas Jefferson.

“I … place economy among the first and most important of republican virtues, and public debt as the greatest of the dangers to be feared.” - Thomas Jefferson (July 21, 1816)

“I think very capable of proof. I set out on this ground, which I suppose to be self-evident: that the earth belongs in usufruct to the living; that the dead have neither powers nor rights over it.… If [one generation] could charge [another] with a debt, then the earth would belong to the dead and not to the living generation. Then, no generation can contract debts greater than may be paid during the course of its own existence” - Thomas Jefferson (1789)

Pot meet kettle
At least you have the humility to realize that you're never right like Wry Catcher. And it was nice of you to introduce yourself to him! :lmao:

Cherry picking works for birds, for bird brains like you, not so much.
I'm not always correct...
You're literally never correct. You just proved that once again with your absurd comment about Thomas Jefferson.

“I … place economy among the first and most important of republican virtues, and public debt as the greatest of the dangers to be feared.” - Thomas Jefferson (July 21, 1816)

“I think very capable of proof. I set out on this ground, which I suppose to be self-evident: that the earth belongs in usufruct to the living; that the dead have neither powers nor rights over it.… If [one generation] could charge [another] with a debt, then the earth would belong to the dead and not to the living generation. Then, no generation can contract debts greater than may be paid during the course of its own existence” - Thomas Jefferson (1789)

Pot meet kettle
At least you have the humility to realize that you're never right like Wry Catcher. And it was nice of you to introduce yourself to him! :lmao:

She did beat your messiah by 3 million votes. Shove that up your ass.
Every time she opens her mouth and every time smarmy left wing idiot media types defend her it makes us thankful she wasn't elected.

She threatens your hopes of returning to the 1950's lifestyle you all pine for. Anyone who does is your enemy; Hispanics, women, blacks, intellecuals....everyone.
I'm glad that stupid bitch lost.

Trump couldn't have picked a better time to run.
Pretty much all of the U.S. is thankful that miserable bitch lost. Not only that - but much of the world as well.

She got 3 million more votes than your messiah.

Does that give you solace or the feeling you were somehow robbed ?

You realize you also failed to take the senate paving the way for Neil Gorsuch.
Every time she opens her mouth and every time smarmy left wing idiot media types defend her it makes us thankful she wasn't elected.

She threatens your hopes of returning to the 1950's lifestyle you all pine for. Anyone who does is your enemy; Hispanics, women, blacks, intellecuals....everyone.

Hmmm, was the 1950's pre liberals? If so I'm all in.
I'm glad that stupid bitch lost.

Trump couldn't have picked a better time to run.
Pretty much all of the U.S. is thankful that miserable bitch lost. Not only that - but much of the world as well.

She got 3 million more votes than your messiah.

Does that give you solace or the feeling you were somehow robbed ?

You realize you also failed to take the senate paving the way for Neil Gorsuch.

We'll see how Neil plays out. I remember you guys being giddy about John Roberts too...hows that working out for you? And Kennedy before him!!!

As far as Trump losing the popular vote, much solace that Americans aren't as dumb as it would otherwise appear to the outside world.
Every time she opens her mouth and every time smarmy left wing idiot media types defend her it makes us thankful she wasn't elected.

She threatens your hopes of returning to the 1950's lifestyle you all pine for. Anyone who does is your enemy; Hispanics, women, blacks, intellecuals....everyone.

Hmmm, was the 1950's pre liberals? If so I'm all in.

Unfortunately for you, liberals founded the nation.

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