Hillary: Russian hack an attempt to ‘undermine our democracy’

That's the exact thing she said about anyone willing to challenge the outcome of the election....which is what SHE is doing.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Hillary: Russian hack an attempt to ‘undermine our democracy’ - Hot Air

There's nothing she is saying that's not true. That's how Trump got elected. It has been CONFIRMED that Russians not only hacked into the Pentagon, but they were also very instrumental in getting Trump elected by hacking into DNC databases to help Trump win.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

That's why the Kremlin broke out the champagne bottles on the announcement that Trump won.


How did hacking the DNC help Trump win ?

Please make the connection for me.
Are you saying that you think we should ignore the fact that Russia hacked and tried to influence our election? No biggie since your guy won... Is that the mindset?

I guess the first question is.....do they have a right to influence the election ?

The second is.....did they ?

The third is.....why is this a bid deal. You don't think countries have tried before ?

I guess the first question is.....do they have a right to influence the election ?
They have the right to speak their minds. The British parliament had some pretty nasty things to say about Trump and it was obvious what they thought about the election. But nobody has the right to hack and release like Russia did. That is a hostile act and need to be responded to.

The second is.....did they ?
The information being release no doubt influenced the election. But it was real information that was stolen and Clinton was not able to put out the fire. The validity of the election should not be questioned but the actions of the Russians should be responded to.

The third is.....why is this a bid deal. You don't think countries have tried before ?
Do I really need to answer this?

1. They hacked the DNC. That should fall under normal protocols for hacking. What do we do to russian hackers now ? Absolutely nothing. So what makes this so different.
1. You are saying nobody every tried to influence an election before. Got it.

2. What proof do you have that it influenced the election.

3. I would think you do. Why is this a big deal ?
Read this slowly, you don't seem to be comprehending, it is very simple. Our CIA and intelligence agencies have reported that they have evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC and other government systems. The assessment of the evidence they have leads them to believe that the intent of the hacking and release of information was led by Putin and aimed to attack Hillary and help Trump. This is not my partisan interpretation, I literally just listened to the Presidents news conference and this what our Intelligence professionals have reported.

Why people like you feel the need to fight against it makes no sense to me. I understand that you see this as an attack to the validity of Trumps election, but it doesn't have to be that. It is simply an act by a foreign country that is unacceptable and needs to be handled. You understand if we do nothing, the next target is going to be the Trump administration, right?

Do you always default to assuming that just because people don't share you POV that they don't comprehend ?

It has been reported that our CIA and so-called "intelligence" agencies have reported.......no one has seen any assessments. Until they become public, there is suspicion they don't exist. So any comments about the assessment are pretty much of secondary value to me. The Russians have been hacking in American for over a decade. I have first hand knowledge of some of their tricks. But the U.S. seemed little interested in that (they had a scheme going where they locked up people's computers using a program that looked like a microsoft product). They then said you needed a special code to get it undone (which they would supply to you if you gave them a credit card number....I mean you could not log on). When asked about this, enforcement agencies responded that they didn't have time for that. They knew where it was coming from but had little time to do anything about it....so you had to just suck it up.

Hacking the DNC is no big deal in my book. They simply shared information (none of which was really damning) they found (or so they say). Some people might have acted on it, but I saw no large swings in the polls (the tightened as the last week progressed, but it's not like they had not been there before).

Other countries have crowed and yelled about elections before. I see this as little different. But you keep acting like it's the end of the world. Maybe the DNC should have used code when talking about sabatoging Bernie Sanders.

Hillary has been hurting her chances from the start. Everyone knew she was not liked by a great many people long before this little side show started.

Do you really think the Wikileaks turned the tables on her ?
I assume that people don't comprehend when they regurgitate my points in a distorted way like you just did.

It's fine if you don't think Russia's actions are a big deal. I think many perceive your POV as a partisan one trying to cover for Trump instead of appropriately responding to a serious threat.

This is the highest level of hacking and interference that we've seen, short of releasing classified information. Ignore it if you want I don't really care. Part of me is glad information was exposed, maybe people will be more careful with what the say and how they act in private. To bad it wasn't exposed from both sides... but if this goes to a national security level and they get info that compromises our security, we are all going to be in trouble.
I guess the first question is.....do they have a right to influence the election ?

The second is.....did they ?

The third is.....why is this a bid deal. You don't think countries have tried before ?

I guess the first question is.....do they have a right to influence the election ?
They have the right to speak their minds. The British parliament had some pretty nasty things to say about Trump and it was obvious what they thought about the election. But nobody has the right to hack and release like Russia did. That is a hostile act and need to be responded to.

The second is.....did they ?
The information being release no doubt influenced the election. But it was real information that was stolen and Clinton was not able to put out the fire. The validity of the election should not be questioned but the actions of the Russians should be responded to.

The third is.....why is this a bid deal. You don't think countries have tried before ?
Do I really need to answer this?

1. They hacked the DNC. That should fall under normal protocols for hacking. What do we do to russian hackers now ? Absolutely nothing. So what makes this so different.
1. You are saying nobody every tried to influence an election before. Got it.

2. What proof do you have that it influenced the election.

3. I would think you do. Why is this a big deal ?
Read this slowly, you don't seem to be comprehending, it is very simple. Our CIA and intelligence agencies have reported that they have evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC and other government systems. The assessment of the evidence they have leads them to believe that the intent of the hacking and release of information was led by Putin and aimed to attack Hillary and help Trump. This is not my partisan interpretation, I literally just listened to the Presidents news conference and this what our Intelligence professionals have reported.

Why people like you feel the need to fight against it makes no sense to me. I understand that you see this as an attack to the validity of Trumps election, but it doesn't have to be that. It is simply an act by a foreign country that is unacceptable and needs to be handled. You understand if we do nothing, the next target is going to be the Trump administration, right?

Do you always default to assuming that just because people don't share you POV that they don't comprehend ?

It has been reported that our CIA and so-called "intelligence" agencies have reported.......no one has seen any assessments. Until they become public, there is suspicion they don't exist. So any comments about the assessment are pretty much of secondary value to me. The Russians have been hacking in American for over a decade. I have first hand knowledge of some of their tricks. But the U.S. seemed little interested in that (they had a scheme going where they locked up people's computers using a program that looked like a microsoft product). They then said you needed a special code to get it undone (which they would supply to you if you gave them a credit card number....I mean you could not log on). When asked about this, enforcement agencies responded that they didn't have time for that. They knew where it was coming from but had little time to do anything about it....so you had to just suck it up.

Hacking the DNC is no big deal in my book. They simply shared information (none of which was really damning) they found (or so they say). Some people might have acted on it, but I saw no large swings in the polls (the tightened as the last week progressed, but it's not like they had not been there before).

Other countries have crowed and yelled about elections before. I see this as little different. But you keep acting like it's the end of the world. Maybe the DNC should have used code when talking about sabatoging Bernie Sanders.

Hillary has been hurting her chances from the start. Everyone knew she was not liked by a great many people long before this little side show started.

Do you really think the Wikileaks turned the tables on her ?
I assume that people don't comprehend when they regurgitate my points in a distorted way like you just did.

It's fine if you don't think Russia's actions are a big deal. I think many perceive your POV as a partisan one trying to cover for Trump instead of appropriately responding to a serious threat.

This is the highest level of hacking and interference that we've seen, short of releasing classified information. Ignore it if you want I don't really care. Part of me is glad information was exposed, maybe people will be more careful with what the say and how they act in private. To bad it wasn't exposed from both sides... but if this goes to a national security level and they get info that compromises our security, we are all going to be in trouble.

Help me out here.

The DNC is part of the government ?
I guess the first question is.....do they have a right to influence the election ?
They have the right to speak their minds. The British parliament had some pretty nasty things to say about Trump and it was obvious what they thought about the election. But nobody has the right to hack and release like Russia did. That is a hostile act and need to be responded to.

The second is.....did they ?
The information being release no doubt influenced the election. But it was real information that was stolen and Clinton was not able to put out the fire. The validity of the election should not be questioned but the actions of the Russians should be responded to.

The third is.....why is this a bid deal. You don't think countries have tried before ?
Do I really need to answer this?

1. They hacked the DNC. That should fall under normal protocols for hacking. What do we do to russian hackers now ? Absolutely nothing. So what makes this so different.
1. You are saying nobody every tried to influence an election before. Got it.

2. What proof do you have that it influenced the election.

3. I would think you do. Why is this a big deal ?
Read this slowly, you don't seem to be comprehending, it is very simple. Our CIA and intelligence agencies have reported that they have evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC and other government systems. The assessment of the evidence they have leads them to believe that the intent of the hacking and release of information was led by Putin and aimed to attack Hillary and help Trump. This is not my partisan interpretation, I literally just listened to the Presidents news conference and this what our Intelligence professionals have reported.

Why people like you feel the need to fight against it makes no sense to me. I understand that you see this as an attack to the validity of Trumps election, but it doesn't have to be that. It is simply an act by a foreign country that is unacceptable and needs to be handled. You understand if we do nothing, the next target is going to be the Trump administration, right?

Do you always default to assuming that just because people don't share you POV that they don't comprehend ?

It has been reported that our CIA and so-called "intelligence" agencies have reported.......no one has seen any assessments. Until they become public, there is suspicion they don't exist. So any comments about the assessment are pretty much of secondary value to me. The Russians have been hacking in American for over a decade. I have first hand knowledge of some of their tricks. But the U.S. seemed little interested in that (they had a scheme going where they locked up people's computers using a program that looked like a microsoft product). They then said you needed a special code to get it undone (which they would supply to you if you gave them a credit card number....I mean you could not log on). When asked about this, enforcement agencies responded that they didn't have time for that. They knew where it was coming from but had little time to do anything about it....so you had to just suck it up.

Hacking the DNC is no big deal in my book. They simply shared information (none of which was really damning) they found (or so they say). Some people might have acted on it, but I saw no large swings in the polls (the tightened as the last week progressed, but it's not like they had not been there before).

Other countries have crowed and yelled about elections before. I see this as little different. But you keep acting like it's the end of the world. Maybe the DNC should have used code when talking about sabatoging Bernie Sanders.

Hillary has been hurting her chances from the start. Everyone knew she was not liked by a great many people long before this little side show started.

Do you really think the Wikileaks turned the tables on her ?
I assume that people don't comprehend when they regurgitate my points in a distorted way like you just did.

It's fine if you don't think Russia's actions are a big deal. I think many perceive your POV as a partisan one trying to cover for Trump instead of appropriately responding to a serious threat.

This is the highest level of hacking and interference that we've seen, short of releasing classified information. Ignore it if you want I don't really care. Part of me is glad information was exposed, maybe people will be more careful with what the say and how they act in private. To bad it wasn't exposed from both sides... but if this goes to a national security level and they get info that compromises our security, we are all going to be in trouble.

Help me out here.

The DNC is part of the government ?
No the DNC is a private organization
1. They hacked the DNC. That should fall under normal protocols for hacking. What do we do to russian hackers now ? Absolutely nothing. So what makes this so different.
1. You are saying nobody every tried to influence an election before. Got it.

2. What proof do you have that it influenced the election.

3. I would think you do. Why is this a big deal ?
Read this slowly, you don't seem to be comprehending, it is very simple. Our CIA and intelligence agencies have reported that they have evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC and other government systems. The assessment of the evidence they have leads them to believe that the intent of the hacking and release of information was led by Putin and aimed to attack Hillary and help Trump. This is not my partisan interpretation, I literally just listened to the Presidents news conference and this what our Intelligence professionals have reported.

Why people like you feel the need to fight against it makes no sense to me. I understand that you see this as an attack to the validity of Trumps election, but it doesn't have to be that. It is simply an act by a foreign country that is unacceptable and needs to be handled. You understand if we do nothing, the next target is going to be the Trump administration, right?

Do you always default to assuming that just because people don't share you POV that they don't comprehend ?

It has been reported that our CIA and so-called "intelligence" agencies have reported.......no one has seen any assessments. Until they become public, there is suspicion they don't exist. So any comments about the assessment are pretty much of secondary value to me. The Russians have been hacking in American for over a decade. I have first hand knowledge of some of their tricks. But the U.S. seemed little interested in that (they had a scheme going where they locked up people's computers using a program that looked like a microsoft product). They then said you needed a special code to get it undone (which they would supply to you if you gave them a credit card number....I mean you could not log on). When asked about this, enforcement agencies responded that they didn't have time for that. They knew where it was coming from but had little time to do anything about it....so you had to just suck it up.

Hacking the DNC is no big deal in my book. They simply shared information (none of which was really damning) they found (or so they say). Some people might have acted on it, but I saw no large swings in the polls (the tightened as the last week progressed, but it's not like they had not been there before).

Other countries have crowed and yelled about elections before. I see this as little different. But you keep acting like it's the end of the world. Maybe the DNC should have used code when talking about sabatoging Bernie Sanders.

Hillary has been hurting her chances from the start. Everyone knew she was not liked by a great many people long before this little side show started.

Do you really think the Wikileaks turned the tables on her ?
I assume that people don't comprehend when they regurgitate my points in a distorted way like you just did.

It's fine if you don't think Russia's actions are a big deal. I think many perceive your POV as a partisan one trying to cover for Trump instead of appropriately responding to a serious threat.

This is the highest level of hacking and interference that we've seen, short of releasing classified information. Ignore it if you want I don't really care. Part of me is glad information was exposed, maybe people will be more careful with what the say and how they act in private. To bad it wasn't exposed from both sides... but if this goes to a national security level and they get info that compromises our security, we are all going to be in trouble.

Help me out here.

The DNC is part of the government ?
No the DNC is a private organization

And so how is hacking the DNC such a big deal ?
What matters is that Putin, the former head of the KGB hacked our election.

"our" election was not hacked by anyone (nor exposed). Trump won 30 states.
Despite voter fraud and sleazy DemWitted MSM SOROS tactics (prior to the actual vote).

What was hacked (apparently, it also could have been surrendered?) was a private citizen email (which contained plenty of DemWitted sleaze). If you don't like it? Lock up your sleaze? Again, You are hooked up to a wire that goes world-wide. Lock up your "Electrons" tight.

Are also you going to "bomb" the Okeefe guy for his incredibly damaging video evidence? That was just as hurtful as the emails?
The several US intel groups that have investigated this so far are in total disagreement with you.

Plus, remember that the Nixon impeachment (which he dodged by resigning office) was not based on whether the information burgled at the Watergate Hotel was election changing.
1. They hacked the DNC. That should fall under normal protocols for hacking. What do we do to russian hackers now ? Absolutely nothing. So what makes this so different.
1. You are saying nobody every tried to influence an election before. Got it.

2. What proof do you have that it influenced the election.

3. I would think you do. Why is this a big deal ?
Read this slowly, you don't seem to be comprehending, it is very simple. Our CIA and intelligence agencies have reported that they have evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC and other government systems. The assessment of the evidence they have leads them to believe that the intent of the hacking and release of information was led by Putin and aimed to attack Hillary and help Trump. This is not my partisan interpretation, I literally just listened to the Presidents news conference and this what our Intelligence professionals have reported.

Why people like you feel the need to fight against it makes no sense to me. I understand that you see this as an attack to the validity of Trumps election, but it doesn't have to be that. It is simply an act by a foreign country that is unacceptable and needs to be handled. You understand if we do nothing, the next target is going to be the Trump administration, right?

Do you always default to assuming that just because people don't share you POV that they don't comprehend ?

It has been reported that our CIA and so-called "intelligence" agencies have reported.......no one has seen any assessments. Until they become public, there is suspicion they don't exist. So any comments about the assessment are pretty much of secondary value to me. The Russians have been hacking in American for over a decade. I have first hand knowledge of some of their tricks. But the U.S. seemed little interested in that (they had a scheme going where they locked up people's computers using a program that looked like a microsoft product). They then said you needed a special code to get it undone (which they would supply to you if you gave them a credit card number....I mean you could not log on). When asked about this, enforcement agencies responded that they didn't have time for that. They knew where it was coming from but had little time to do anything about it....so you had to just suck it up.

Hacking the DNC is no big deal in my book. They simply shared information (none of which was really damning) they found (or so they say). Some people might have acted on it, but I saw no large swings in the polls (the tightened as the last week progressed, but it's not like they had not been there before).

Other countries have crowed and yelled about elections before. I see this as little different. But you keep acting like it's the end of the world. Maybe the DNC should have used code when talking about sabatoging Bernie Sanders.

Hillary has been hurting her chances from the start. Everyone knew she was not liked by a great many people long before this little side show started.

Do you really think the Wikileaks turned the tables on her ?
I assume that people don't comprehend when they regurgitate my points in a distorted way like you just did.

It's fine if you don't think Russia's actions are a big deal. I think many perceive your POV as a partisan one trying to cover for Trump instead of appropriately responding to a serious threat.

This is the highest level of hacking and interference that we've seen, short of releasing classified information. Ignore it if you want I don't really care. Part of me is glad information was exposed, maybe people will be more careful with what the say and how they act in private. To bad it wasn't exposed from both sides... but if this goes to a national security level and they get info that compromises our security, we are all going to be in trouble.

Help me out here.

The DNC is part of the government ?
No the DNC is a private organization
True - as was the DNC at the time of the Watergate Hotel burglary over which Nixon resigned office.
Read this slowly, you don't seem to be comprehending, it is very simple. Our CIA and intelligence agencies have reported that they have evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC and other government systems. The assessment of the evidence they have leads them to believe that the intent of the hacking and release of information was led by Putin and aimed to attack Hillary and help Trump. This is not my partisan interpretation, I literally just listened to the Presidents news conference and this what our Intelligence professionals have reported.

Why people like you feel the need to fight against it makes no sense to me. I understand that you see this as an attack to the validity of Trumps election, but it doesn't have to be that. It is simply an act by a foreign country that is unacceptable and needs to be handled. You understand if we do nothing, the next target is going to be the Trump administration, right?

Do you always default to assuming that just because people don't share you POV that they don't comprehend ?

It has been reported that our CIA and so-called "intelligence" agencies have reported.......no one has seen any assessments. Until they become public, there is suspicion they don't exist. So any comments about the assessment are pretty much of secondary value to me. The Russians have been hacking in American for over a decade. I have first hand knowledge of some of their tricks. But the U.S. seemed little interested in that (they had a scheme going where they locked up people's computers using a program that looked like a microsoft product). They then said you needed a special code to get it undone (which they would supply to you if you gave them a credit card number....I mean you could not log on). When asked about this, enforcement agencies responded that they didn't have time for that. They knew where it was coming from but had little time to do anything about it....so you had to just suck it up.

Hacking the DNC is no big deal in my book. They simply shared information (none of which was really damning) they found (or so they say). Some people might have acted on it, but I saw no large swings in the polls (the tightened as the last week progressed, but it's not like they had not been there before).

Other countries have crowed and yelled about elections before. I see this as little different. But you keep acting like it's the end of the world. Maybe the DNC should have used code when talking about sabatoging Bernie Sanders.

Hillary has been hurting her chances from the start. Everyone knew she was not liked by a great many people long before this little side show started.

Do you really think the Wikileaks turned the tables on her ?
I assume that people don't comprehend when they regurgitate my points in a distorted way like you just did.

It's fine if you don't think Russia's actions are a big deal. I think many perceive your POV as a partisan one trying to cover for Trump instead of appropriately responding to a serious threat.

This is the highest level of hacking and interference that we've seen, short of releasing classified information. Ignore it if you want I don't really care. Part of me is glad information was exposed, maybe people will be more careful with what the say and how they act in private. To bad it wasn't exposed from both sides... but if this goes to a national security level and they get info that compromises our security, we are all going to be in trouble.

Help me out here.

The DNC is part of the government ?
No the DNC is a private organization

And so how is hacking the DNC such a big deal ?
The best way to help you understand might be by flipping the script. Try ur best to pretend that Russia had hacked the RNC and/or the Trump organization... now pretend that every day for the last few months of the campaign, emails were released showing the behind the scenes conversations that occurred. Some spun out of control with no context and other revealing legit concerns regarding staffers statements. Perhaps Trumps tax returns get hacked and every week another year gets leaked causing a media frenzy of accusations and analysis...
Instead of Trumps campaign talking about their messages they are stuck defending the mountain of accusations that were a result of stolen data hacked by the Russians and leaked in an attempt to undermine, discredit, and destroy Trump.

That is what happened to Hillary. If you don't see the political implications and the hand Russia played in assisting the narrative that led to her loss, then you are without objectivity

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