Hillary, Saul Alinsky, and Het Masters Thesis

The thesis, as I just read it, the thesis was sympathetic to Alinsky's critiques of government antipoverty programs, but criticized Alinsky's methods as largely ineffective, all the while describing Alinsky's personality as appealing. Just like other thesis papers maybe written about Stalin or Hitler as an understanding of the person, but not elevating their actions and philosophy to a need to follow in their foot steps...
And again this is a distortion of the truth and the fact that you have not read the thesis...

Considering the source, I didn't expect it to be read.
If she was worth a shit as college student in 1969 she would have did her thesis on Goldwater, Reagan and the New Conservatism

"she would have did"? That aside, I was in Berkeley on May 19, 1969 while on leave, getting ready to re-enroll for the Fall Semester upon Seperation form active duty.

"The indiscriminate use of shotguns [was] sheer insanity," according to Dr. Harry Brean, chief radiologist at Berkeley's Herrick Hospital.

Alameda County Sheriff's deputies used shotguns to fire at people sitting on the roof at the Telegraph Repertory Cinema. James Rector, a student, was killed when shot by police. The Alamada County Coroner's report listed cause of death as "shock and hemorrhage due to multiple shotgun wounds and perforation of the aorta." The buckshot is the same size as a .38 caliber bullet.
Governor Reagan conceded that Rector was probably shot by police but countered that "it's very naive to assume that you should send anyone into that kind of conflict with a flyswatter."
University of California Police Department
(UCPD) claims Rector threw steel
down onto the police; however, according to
Time Magazine
, Rector was a bystander, not a protester.

"That evening, Governor Reagan declared a state of emergency in Berkeley and sent in 2,700 National Guard troops.[13][20] The Berkeley City Council symbolically voted 8–1 against the decision.[23][27] For two weeks, the streets of Berkeley were patrolled by National Guardsmen, who broke up even small demonstrations with tear gas.[21] Governor Reagan was steadfast and unapologetic: "Once the dogs of war have been unleashed, you must expect things will happen, and that people, being human, will make mistakes on both sides."​
People's Park (Berkeley) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Once again we see the Authoritarian Right Wing Flex its muscle against unarmed protesters.

Is this the Law and Order promised by Donald Trump and his team? Methinks so!
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The thesis, as I just read it, the thesis was sympathetic to Alinsky's critiques of government antipoverty programs, but criticized Alinsky's methods as largely ineffective, all the while describing Alinsky's personality as appealing. Just like other thesis papers maybe written about Stalin or Hitler as an understanding of the person, but not elevating their actions and philosophy to a need to follow in their foot steps...
And again this is a distortion of the truth and the fact that you have not read the thesis...

Considering the source, I didn't expect it to be read.
If she was worth a shit as college student in 1969 she would have did her thesis on Goldwater, Reagan and the New Conservatism
It depends how the teacher assigns the project?
The thesis, as I just read it, the thesis was sympathetic to Alinsky's critiques of government antipoverty programs, but criticized Alinsky's methods as largely ineffective, all the while describing Alinsky's personality as appealing. Just like other thesis papers maybe written about Stalin or Hitler as an understanding of the person, but not elevating their actions and philosophy to a need to follow in their foot steps...
And again this is a distortion of the truth and the fact that you have not read the thesis...

Considering the source, I didn't expect it to be read.
If she was worth a shit as college student in 1969 she would have did her thesis on Goldwater, Reagan and the New Conservatism
It depends how the teacher assigns the project?
It depends on how reliant the district is on federal funds and then has to incorporate federal mandates in the classroom in regards to comprehensive curriculum.

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