Hillary: "Secret email accounts... It's everything our Constitution was designed to prevent"


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Fascinating quote from Hillary Clinton.

Oddly, she was not talking about her own secret email account, which she used while she was Secretary of State to conduct all State business in a way that couldn't be revealed to investigators.

She said it in 2007, and was complaining about George W. Bush.

"Our Constitution is being shredded. We know about the secret wiretaps, the secret military tribunals, the secret White House e-mail accounts.... We’ve seen information taken off of government websites. It is a stunning record of secrecy and corruption, of cronyism run amok. It is everything our founders were afraid of, everything our Constitution was designed to prevent.
- Hillary Clinton, "Take Back America 2007" Conference, June 20, 2007

Now that we know how Hillary feels about "secret email accounts", when can we expect her to turn over all the emails used in that account, to investigators trying to find out her role in the Benghazi disaster where four Americans were killed by terrorists, including a U.S. Ambassador?
In fairness to Hillary, it should be noted that the State Department e-mail system was already known to be less than airtight, as the later Wikileaks hacks proved, and she may have wanted to avoid potential leaks of her e-mails.
I just don't see why intelligent people want this woman in the white house? The only reason I could see is infrastructure, science and r&d...But, there's plenty of other people that aren't losertarians to do that.
I find it interesting the Dems were all against the Benghazi probe and that is exactly what revealed Hillary had these accounts, Gowdy recognized her emails were missing so he went looking.
In fairness to Hillary, it should be noted that the State Department e-mail system was already known to be less than airtight, as the later Wikileaks hacks proved, and she may have wanted to avoid potential leaks of her e-mails.
So, she gets to decide which laws and policies to obey?

Who the fuck does she think she is, Barack Obama?
In fairness to Hillary, it should be noted that the State Department e-mail system was already known to be less than airtight, as the later Wikileaks hacks proved, and she may have wanted to avoid potential leaks of her e-mails.

So the answer is an even less secure personal email system? As if.
Someone described the Clintons as being made of ambition with a reptilian disregard of any moral concerns. The absence of anything resembling a soul or conscience in either one of them seems to support that. I can only imagine what Chelsea is like.
In fairness to Hillary, it should be noted that the State Department e-mail system was already known to be less than airtight, as the later Wikileaks hacks proved, and she may have wanted to avoid potential leaks of her e-mails.
So she set up her own unprotected private server in a closet somewhere, to protect it??? :cuckoo:

How rabidly fanatical must a Hillary supporter be, to believe a load like that?

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