Hillary still beating both Dem and GOP contenders in latest polls for 2016

Sorry. $6 billion was how much disappeared from state department funds while she was there and can't be accounted for.


6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department The Fiscal Times

So when we asked you to back your bullshit up, and you gave us this rather snarky reply...

I'm not into wasting my time showing you something you're too fucken lazy to do yourself

It turned out that you didn't know what the fuck you were talking about. Fair enough.

So next question: where in the constitution or US law does it say that felons can't be president. Because I'm pretty sure you pulled that claim out of the same orifice that you did your '6 billion in donations from foreign countries like Saudi Arabia' claim.
So, let me get this straight, dickhead, if I got the exact amount wrong that totally erases that fact that Hillary has been taking multimillion dollar donations from Muslim countries for some strange reason?

You didn't know what the fuck you were talking about. And were too lazy to back your bullshit up with even the slightest research. I had to pry your little beak open, spit in accurate information, and work your gullet before you'd finally admit the truth.

And all the while you were a complete dick about it. If you're going to act like a condescending ass, make sure to actually know what you're talking about.

Oh, and this thread is already bookmarked for the NEXT time you pull that 'I'm not into wasting my time showing you something you're too fucken lazy to do yourself' bullshit. As you typing a claim means exactly nothing as far as accuracy. Let me demonstrate yet again, from this very thread:

Where in the constitution or US law does it say that a felon can't be president? Can we chock that up to more hapless bullshit you pulled sideways out of your ass, and were to 'fucken' lazy to fact check?
Sorry. $6 billion was how much disappeared from state department funds while she was there and can't be accounted for.


6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department The Fiscal Times

So when we asked you to back your bullshit up, and you gave us this rather snarky reply...

I'm not into wasting my time showing you something you're too fucken lazy to do yourself

It turned out that you didn't know what the fuck you were talking about. Fair enough.

So next question: where in the constitution or US law does it say that felons can't be president. Because I'm pretty sure you pulled that claim out of the same orifice that you did your '6 billion in donations from foreign countries like Saudi Arabia' claim.
So, let me get this straight, dickhead, if I got the exact amount wrong that totally erases that fact that Hillary has been taking multimillion dollar donations from Muslim countries for some strange reason?

You didn't know what the fuck you were talking about. And were too lazy to back your bullshit up with even the slightest research. I had to pry your little beak open, spit in accurate information, and work your gullet before you'd finally admit the truth.

And all the while you were a complete dick about it. If you're going to act like a condescending ass, make sure to actually know what you're talking about.

Oh, and this thread is already bookmarked for the NEXT time you pull that 'I'm not into wasting my time showing you something you're too fucken lazy to do yourself' bullshit. As you typing a claim means exactly nothing as far as accuracy. Let me demonstrate yet again, from this very thread:

Where in the constitution or US law does it say that a felon can't be president? Can we chock that up to more hapless bullshit you pulled sideways out of your ass, and were to 'fucken' lazy to fact check?
Sorry. $6 billion was how much disappeared from state department funds while she was there and can't be accounted for.


6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department The Fiscal Times

So when we asked you to back your bullshit up, and you gave us this rather snarky reply...

I'm not into wasting my time showing you something you're too fucken lazy to do yourself

It turned out that you didn't know what the fuck you were talking about. Fair enough.

So next question: where in the constitution or US law does it say that felons can't be president. Because I'm pretty sure you pulled that claim out of the same orifice that you did your '6 billion in donations from foreign countries like Saudi Arabia' claim.
So, let me get this straight, dickhead, if I got the exact amount wrong that totally erases that fact that Hillary has been taking multimillion dollar donations from Muslim countries for some strange reason?

You didn't know what the fuck you were talking about. And were too lazy to back your bullshit up with even the slightest research. I had to pry your little beak open, spit in accurate information, and work your gullet before you'd finally admit the truth.

And all the while you were a complete dick about it. If you're going to act like a condescending ass, make sure to actually know what you're talking about.

Oh, and this thread is already bookmarked for the NEXT time you pull that 'I'm not into wasting my time showing you something you're too fucken lazy to do yourself' bullshit. As you typing a claim means exactly nothing as far as accuracy. Let me demonstrate yet again, from this very thread:

Where in the constitution or US law does it say that a felon can't be president? Can we chock that up to more hapless bullshit you pulled sideways out of your ass, and were to 'fucken' lazy to fact check?
So you edit my post? According to forum rules you must keep proper context if you're going to do that.

Editing quotes. You may selectively quote, provided that it does not change the context or meaning of the quote. When you comment on the quote, do it outside of the quote box.

Let me re-post it in it's entirety:

So, let me get this straight, dickhead, if I got the exact amount wrong that totally erases that fact that Hillary has been taking multimillion dollar donations from Muslim countries for some strange reason?:alirulz:

To be honest, nobody really knows how much graft the Clintons have taken from our enemies. They've only declared $2 billion. Judging from her history, even that figure is wrong.

And all of this is totally erased because I got the amount wrong. What are you, some kind of fucken idiot?:ahole-1:

It's really weird how your priorities are so fucked up, isn't it?

Well, go ahead and vote for the bitch. Don't come complaining to me when shit goes to hell during the second Clinton Administration. . :boohoo:

It doesn't specifically state in the Constitution that a felon can't run. What kind of shitforbrains tosser would vote for one????? (I, know.....Democrats)

How are they supposed to get a security clearance???? They can't unless they decide to wave any red-flags. A felon can't even vote, but they can be a Democrat and run for president. How pathetic can you guys get. The first black president, the first female president, and the first president convicted of a felony. You guys must be so proud.
Look, dickhead, don't ever edit my posts again.
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