Hillary still beating both Dem and GOP contenders in latest polls for 2016

Poll Hillary Clinton still tops in 2016 - CNN.com

WOW! This has really got to bum out the RW nuts that saw blood in the water a few days back. I guess Frank and some of hos buddies will be making extra long stops at the ABC store on the way home for work.

I cannot blame you. Eight years of Obama and looking at perhaps eight years of Hillary. The suicide rate in Texas will double....:biggrin:

True to the platform, the Democratic field is so finite that it gives voters no other choice but to vote for Hillary. How fitting. I mean, you whine about choice all the time, preach diversity, yet your field lacks any diversity whatsoever and has no other options. If Hillary goes, your party goes with her.

I can't help but laugh.
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Poll Hillary Clinton still tops in 2016 - CNN.com

WOW! This has really got to bum out the RW nuts that saw blood in the water a few days back. I guess Frank and some of hos buddies will be making extra long stops at the ABC store on the way home for work.

I cannot blame you. Eight years of Obama and looking at perhaps eight years of Hillary. The suicide rate in Texas will double....:biggrin:

True to the platform, the Democratic field is so finite that it gives voters no other choice but to vote for Hillary. How fitting. I mean, you whine about choice all the time, preach diversity yet, your field lacks any diversity whatsoever and has no other options. If Hillary goes, your party goes with her.

I can't help but laugh.

What 'platform'? I'm pretty sure you just made that shit up.
“The former secretary of state maintains a broad lead over the field of potential Democratic challengers she could face in a nomination contest and sizable advantages over the leading contenders from the Republican side in general election match-ups.”

The problem for republicans, of course, is they continue to advocate a failed agenda that drives away the very voters a GOP presidential candidate needs to win.
Poll Hillary Clinton still tops in 2016 - CNN.com

WOW! This has really got to bum out the RW nuts that saw blood in the water a few days back. I guess Frank and some of hos buddies will be making extra long stops at the ABC store on the way home for work.

I cannot blame you. Eight years of Obama and looking at perhaps eight years of Hillary. The suicide rate in Texas will double....:biggrin:

Only because she is still the focus of Dem dreams and the Repubs have yet to find their standard bearer. I've been at this long enough to know she is toast and admitting that now will save time and money for whomever will be the eventual Dem cannon fodder.

“The GOP primary process is quite brutal. It forces candidates toward the extremes. And once there, its easy work for democratic nominees to keep them there.”

And consequently the voters a GOP candidate needs to win – weak ('Reagan') democrats, and democratic leaning moderates and independents – end up voting for the democratic nominee, turned off by the extremism exhibited by the right.
The foreign money to the Clinton Foundation is the thing I didn't express well to Siete. Nobody else has a foundation. The Bush Family is Carlyle, but the media seems to give that a pass. It's the closest analogy I see, but Carlyle makes the Bushs .... would billions be far off? But maybe most of us figure we've seen all the corruptions the Clintons have, and we just don't care. I mean, I don't think China can buy anything from Hillary. She wants power, and nobody questioning her private life.

Of all the manufactured 'lets throw shit against the barn wall and see if something sticks' outrages, this issue is actually worthy of discussion. I don't see any evidence of undo influence or influence peddling. But its definitely worth asking some questions about and doing due diligence.
$6 billion in donations from foreign countries like Saudi Arabia is pretty good evidence.

Lay it out there in a link that is not some GOP rag.
Maybe you'd believe it if you Googled it yourself.

I'm not into wasting my time showing you something you're too fucken lazy to do yourself.

Though you certainly seem into making up numbers you can't possibly support with evidence. Back in reality....

Since its creation in 2001, the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation has raised close to $2 billion from a vast global network that includes corporate titans, political donors, foreign governments and other wealthy interests, according to a Washington Post review of public records and newly released contribution data.

February 18th, 2015
Clintons foundation has raised nearly 2 billion and some key questions - The Washington Post

So the other 4 billion came in the last 8 weeks? Or do you just not have a fucking clue what you're talking about?
Sorry. $6 billion was how much disappeared from state department funds while she was there and can't be accounted for.


6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department The Fiscal Times
Sorry. $6 billion was how much disappeared from state department funds while she was there and can't be accounted for.


6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department The Fiscal Times

So when we asked you to back your bullshit up, and you gave us this rather snarky reply...

I'm not into wasting my time showing you something you're too fucken lazy to do yourself

It turned out that you didn't know what the fuck you were talking about. Fair enough.

So next question: where in the constitution or US law does it say that felons can't be president. Because I'm pretty sure you pulled that claim out of the same orifice that you did your '6 billion in donations from foreign countries like Saudi Arabia' claim.
Wow, a CNN poll that shows Hillary winning! I'm sure that's credible. :lol:
Every poll shows Hillary winning. Look it up.

Good thing the election is being held today.....Oops!!! :lol:
Look at the thread title.

Thanks School....you're making my point. The entire thread is asinine. :)
Well I suppose you can say that. But you can't deny the main idea of the thread. Which is to point out that Hillary wins the Presidency in every single poll that has been conducted about 2016.
Wow, a CNN poll that shows Hillary winning! I'm sure that's credible. :lol:
Every poll shows Hillary winning. Look it up.

Good thing the election is being held today.....Oops!!! :lol:
Look at the thread title.

Thanks School....you're making my point. The entire thread is asinine. :)
Well I suppose you can say that. But you can't deny the main idea of the thread. Which is to point out that Hillary wins the Presidency in every single poll that has been conducted about 2016.

School....ah.....Hillary is not a declared candidate. There is no GOP nominee. Polls at this point are almost purely a matter of name recognition. That is all. Otherwise...meaningless.

Now if Hillary is up in the polls in October 2016 you've got something.

Right now....you got nothing. :(
Every poll shows Hillary winning. Look it up.

Good thing the election is being held today.....Oops!!! :lol:
Look at the thread title.

Thanks School....you're making my point. The entire thread is asinine. :)
Well I suppose you can say that. But you can't deny the main idea of the thread. Which is to point out that Hillary wins the Presidency in every single poll that has been conducted about 2016.

School....ah.....Hillary is not a declared candidate. There is no GOP nominee. Polls at this point are almost purely a matter of name recognition. That is all. Otherwise...meaningless.

Now if Hillary is up in the polls in October 2016 you've got something. Right now....you got nothing. :(
Great. You should start a thread about that then. Because this thread is about NOW, not 2016.
Good thing the election is being held today.....Oops!!! :lol:
Look at the thread title.

Thanks School....you're making my point. The entire thread is asinine. :)
Well I suppose you can say that. But you can't deny the main idea of the thread. Which is to point out that Hillary wins the Presidency in every single poll that has been conducted about 2016.

School....ah.....Hillary is not a declared candidate. There is no GOP nominee. Polls at this point are almost purely a matter of name recognition. That is all. Otherwise...meaningless.

Now if Hillary is up in the polls in October 2016 you've got something. Right now....you got nothing. :(
Great. You should start a thread about that then. Because this thread is about NOW, not 2016.

Yes....and my point is a thread now about polling is completely fucking stupid without any declared candidates, primaries, or nominees.

I understand it makes Libtards feel better.

I am saying the fact it makes them feel better at this point is fucking stupid. Hope this clears everything up. :)
Look at the thread title.

Thanks School....you're making my point. The entire thread is asinine. :)
Well I suppose you can say that. But you can't deny the main idea of the thread. Which is to point out that Hillary wins the Presidency in every single poll that has been conducted about 2016.

School....ah.....Hillary is not a declared candidate. There is no GOP nominee. Polls at this point are almost purely a matter of name recognition. That is all. Otherwise...meaningless.

Now if Hillary is up in the polls in October 2016 you've got something. Right now....you got nothing. :(
Great. You should start a thread about that then. Because this thread is about NOW, not 2016.

Yes....and my point is a thread now about polling is completely fucking stupid without any declared candidates, primaries, or nominees.

I understand it makes Libtards feel better.

I am saying the fact it makes them feel better at this point is fucking stupid. Hope this clears everything up. :)
Oh so you think this thread is dumb. What a contribution...
Thanks School....you're making my point. The entire thread is asinine. :)
Well I suppose you can say that. But you can't deny the main idea of the thread. Which is to point out that Hillary wins the Presidency in every single poll that has been conducted about 2016.

School....ah.....Hillary is not a declared candidate. There is no GOP nominee. Polls at this point are almost purely a matter of name recognition. That is all. Otherwise...meaningless.

Now if Hillary is up in the polls in October 2016 you've got something. Right now....you got nothing. :(
Great. You should start a thread about that then. Because this thread is about NOW, not 2016.

Yes....and my point is a thread now about polling is completely fucking stupid without any declared candidates, primaries, or nominees.

I understand it makes Libtards feel better.

I am saying the fact it makes them feel better at this point is fucking stupid. Hope this clears everything up. :)
Oh so you think this thread is dumb. What a contribution...

Thanks....I try. :)
Sorry. $6 billion was how much disappeared from state department funds while she was there and can't be accounted for.


6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department The Fiscal Times

So when we asked you to back your bullshit up, and you gave us this rather snarky reply...

I'm not into wasting my time showing you something you're too fucken lazy to do yourself

It turned out that you didn't know what the fuck you were talking about. Fair enough.

So next question: where in the constitution or US law does it say that felons can't be president. Because I'm pretty sure you pulled that claim out of the same orifice that you did your '6 billion in donations from foreign countries like Saudi Arabia' claim.
So, let me get this straight, dickhead, if I got the exact amount wrong that totally erases that fact that Hillary has been taking multimillion dollar donations from Muslim countries for some strange reason?:alirulz:

To be honest, nobody really knows how much graft the Clintons have taken from our enemies. They've only declared $2 billion. Judging from her history, even that figure is wrong.

And all of this is totally erased because I got the amount wrong. What are you, some kind of fucken idiot?:ahole-1:

It's really weird how your priorities are so fucked up, isn't it?

Well, go ahead and vote for the bitch. Don't come complaining to me when shit goes to hell during the second Clinton Administration. . :boohoo:

It doesn't specifically state in the Constitution that a felon can't run. What kind of shitforbrains tosser would vote for one????? (I, know.....Democrats)

How are they supposed to get a security clearance???? They can't unless they decide to wave any red-flags. A felon can't even vote, but they can be a Democrat and run for president. How pathetic can you guys get. The first black president, the first female president, and the first president convicted of a felony. You guys must be so proud.
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