Hillary still beating both Dem and GOP contenders in latest polls for 2016

Poll Hillary Clinton still tops in 2016 - CNN.com

WOW! This has really got to bum out the RW nuts that saw blood in the water a few days back. I guess Frank and some of hos buddies will be making extra long stops at the ABC store on the way home for work.

I cannot blame you. Eight years of Obama and looking at perhaps eight years of Hillary. The suicide rate in Texas will double....:biggrin:
The same was said in 2008.
Wow, a CNN poll that shows Hillary winning! I'm sure that's credible. :lol:
Every poll shows Hillary winning. Look it up.
And I really don't see why. She really has no issue. I'm not dissing, but I just don't see it. Personally I thought she did a fine job as a Jr senator, and worked across the aisle, and I think she was a good Sec of State, and Benghazi is more about the CIA and gun running than diplomacy, and only an issue for the rabid right.
I'd guess (and full disclosure: I'm lousy at this stuff) that there is a certain familiarity with her that many people find comfortable.

For all her warts and dings, maybe some people value comfort level.

Also, looking across the aisle, what's attractive to anyone but the GOP base? Bush? Bad last name.


Again, Immigration kills Bush with the far right. They will stay at home, rather than vote for him.
Every poll shows Hillary winning. Look it up.
Yo, this is you:
View attachment 38093
Yo, this is you:

Looks like you just ran out of argument.
Yo, holy crap there's a lot of polls in this link!

Whoa Hillary wins the Presidency every single time! Unbelievable!!!

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 Presidential Polls

If you had something, why didn't you use it, instead of posting a picture of yourself?
Well now you know not to doubt me mah nigga
Poll Hillary Clinton still tops in 2016 - CNN.com

WOW! This has really got to bum out the RW nuts that saw blood in the water a few days back. I guess Frank and some of hos buddies will be making extra long stops at the ABC store on the way home for work.

I cannot blame you. Eight years of Obama and looking at perhaps eight years of Hillary. The suicide rate in Texas will double....:biggrin:
The same was said in 2008.
She should've won in 2008. I was worried republicans would slap Obama around for his naivete and be able to frame everything he did as terrible whether it was a good move or not. And that's exactly what has happened.
Wow, a CNN poll that shows Hillary winning! I'm sure that's credible. :lol:
Every poll shows Hillary winning. Look it up.
And I really don't see why. She really has no issue. I'm not dissing, but I just don't see it. Personally I thought she did a fine job as a Jr senator, and worked across the aisle, and I think she was a good Sec of State, and Benghazi is more about the CIA and gun running than diplomacy, and only an issue for the rabid right.
I'd guess (and full disclosure: I'm lousy at this stuff) that there is a certain familiarity with her that many people find comfortable.

For all her warts and dings, maybe some people value comfort level.

Also, looking across the aisle, what's attractive to anyone but the GOP base? Bush? Bad last name.


Again, Immigration kills Bush with the far right. They will stay at home, rather than vote for him.

I still find it amazing that Hillary so dominates the field. I mean I know its money. Nobody is gonna raise the money to really run against in a primary. But the dems are not without talent in the Governors. Obama is leaving them with latinos knowing the gop will never support a pathway to citizenship, and they continue to have a tendency to be tone deaf towards women. But aside from Hillary being demonstrably competent and not a republican, I can't see a reason to vote for her, and god knows the Clintons have baggage.
Poll Hillary Clinton still tops in 2016 - CNN.com

WOW! This has really got to bum out the RW nuts that saw blood in the water a few days back. I guess Frank and some of hos buddies will be making extra long stops at the ABC store on the way home for work.

I cannot blame you. Eight years of Obama and looking at perhaps eight years of Hillary. The suicide rate in Texas will double....:biggrin:

It's March of 2015
If Jeb is seen as too liberal, then there isn't really any hope of the GOP winning next year. The American people always vote for somebody who is around the center on most big issues. Watching Jeb reverse himself on gay marriage and immigration is painful because he's basically going down the fool's path of only trying to get the hard right lunatics on his side.

We saw what that did for Romney. They still don't like you, no matter what your positions are, if you seem educated and wear a suit well.

Hillary isn't the threat next year to the GOP; the GOP is.
Poll Hillary Clinton still tops in 2016 - CNN.com

WOW! This has really got to bum out the RW nuts that saw blood in the water a few days back. I guess Frank and some of hos buddies will be making extra long stops at the ABC store on the way home for work.

I cannot blame you. Eight years of Obama and looking at perhaps eight years of Hillary. The suicide rate in Texas will double....:biggrin:
The same was said in 2008.
She should've won in 2008. I was worried republicans would slap Obama around for his naivete and be able to frame everything he did as terrible whether it was a good move or not. And that's exactly what has happened.
I don't know. It's not blaming bushii to notice that he left a lot of crap on the floor. But Hill was for the Afghan surge. Imo, Egypt Libya and Syria were inevitable, but I don't see that Hillary's tendency to be more pro-active would have been better. Iraq? Well that's fubared.

There's the race thing, but the gop lurched rightward really in response to BushII being anything but conservative.
Poll Hillary Clinton still tops in 2016 - CNN.com

WOW! This has really got to bum out the RW nuts that saw blood in the water a few days back. I guess Frank and some of hos buddies will be making extra long stops at the ABC store on the way home for work.

I cannot blame you. Eight years of Obama and looking at perhaps eight years of Hillary. The suicide rate in Texas will double....:biggrin:

Not really. If she is charged and convicted of a felony, she can't run for president. She'll be disqualified. That's why all of the stonewalling and all of the coverups. She has committed several felonies. Obstruction of justice. Mishandling classified information. Taking bribes in return for favors from foreign entities and possibly from our enemies.

I don't care if she might win. Her primary concern is staying out of jail.

So what laws were broken? You are just hoping some law can be found to stop her. Nope, no laws have been broken so get a couple drinks on the way home and relax.
I don't believe in repeating myself.

Obstruction of justice - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

18 U.S. Code 798 - Disclosure of classified information LII Legal Information Institute

Bribery Charges and Defenses Criminal Law
Poll Hillary Clinton still tops in 2016 - CNN.com

WOW! This has really got to bum out the RW nuts that saw blood in the water a few days back. I guess Frank and some of hos buddies will be making extra long stops at the ABC store on the way home for work.

I cannot blame you. Eight years of Obama and looking at perhaps eight years of Hillary. The suicide rate in Texas will double....:biggrin:
The same was said in 2008.
She should've won in 2008. I was worried republicans would slap Obama around for his naivete and be able to frame everything he did as terrible whether it was a good move or not. And that's exactly what has happened.
I don't know. It's not blaming bushii to notice that he left a lot of crap on the floor. But Hill was for the Afghan surge. Imo, Egypt Libya and Syria were inevitable, but I don't see that Hillary's tendency to be more pro-active would have been better. Iraq? Well that's fubared.

There's the race thing, but the gop lurched rightward really in response to BushII being anything but conservative.
I think Hillary would have been far savvier than Obama. Egypt, Libya, and Syria were inevitable imo too. But Obama didn't even try to handle the fallout. He's painted as weak on National Security by republicans, despite National Security having held up just fine. He's painted as weak on foreign policy by republicans, despite America doing just fine. Europe trusts us again, the world is united against Russia, and we've moved our focus from the middle east to the far east which will benefit us in the future. And yes the middle east is burning but when hasn't it been burning? Foreign meddling is the root of most of it anyways.

Lastly I don't think Hillary would have said anywhere near as many stupid things as Obama. I mean "what difference does it make" isn't exactly the best thing to say, but it's not even close to "if you like your plan you can keep your plan."
Poll Hillary Clinton still tops in 2016 - CNN.com

WOW! This has really got to bum out the RW nuts that saw blood in the water a few days back. I guess Frank and some of hos buddies will be making extra long stops at the ABC store on the way home for work.

I cannot blame you. Eight years of Obama and looking at perhaps eight years of Hillary. The suicide rate in Texas will double....:biggrin:
The same was said in 2008.
She should've won in 2008. I was worried republicans would slap Obama around for his naivete and be able to frame everything he did as terrible whether it was a good move or not. And that's exactly what has happened.
I don't know. It's not blaming bushii to notice that he left a lot of crap on the floor. But Hill was for the Afghan surge. Imo, Egypt Libya and Syria were inevitable, but I don't see that Hillary's tendency to be more pro-active would have been better. Iraq? Well that's fubared.

There's the race thing, but the gop lurched rightward really in response to BushII being anything but conservative.
I think Hillary would have been far savvier than Obama. Egypt, Libya, and Syria were inevitable imo too. But Obama didn't even try to handle the fallout. He's painted as weak on National Security by republicans, despite National Security having held up just fine. He's painted as weak on foreign policy by republicans, despite America doing just fine. Europe trusts us again, the world is united against Russia, and we've moved our focus from the middle east to the far east which will benefit us in the future. And yes the middle east is burning but when hasn't it been burning? Foreign meddling is the root of most of it anyways.

Lastly I don't think Hillary would have said anywhere near as many stupid things as Obama. I mean "what difference does it make" isn't exactly the best thing to say, but it's not even close to "if you like your plan you can keep your plan."
Maybe so. I do think Hillary would not have just let Pelosi write the ACA, nor do I think she'd have passed something that no goper SENATOR could sign onto. The tea party made any serious reform involving shifting costs and market transparency impossible. But, we could have expanded Medicaid and sewn up pre-existing conditions. I believe Obama got into some unnecessary battles that poisoned the well. However, it's just a fact that Boehner cannot keep his word on deals and retain his speakership. He has to take it to the edge of the cliff everytime on default and shutdown, and only then force a vote after the tea party members are told there's no option.
It's like a boxer showing up for a championship fight and no one knows who his opponent is. Of course he's gonna be favored to win. Duh.

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