Hillary still beating both Dem and GOP contenders in latest polls for 2016

If Jeb is seen as too liberal, then there isn't really any hope of the GOP winning next year. The American people always vote for somebody who is around the center on most big issues. Watching Jeb reverse himself on gay marriage and immigration is painful because he's basically going down the fool's path of only trying to get the hard right lunatics on his side.

We saw what that did for Romney. They still don't like you, no matter what your positions are, if you seem educated and wear a suit well.

Hillary isn't the threat next year to the GOP; the GOP is.
America voted for Reagan.....twice.
It wont be Jeb. It wont be most of the current wannabes.
It will be a conservative. And that conservative may win...thanks to Obama and thanks to Hillary.
Poll Hillary Clinton still tops in 2016 - CNN.com

WOW! This has really got to bum out the RW nuts that saw blood in the water a few days back. I guess Frank and some of hos buddies will be making extra long stops at the ABC store on the way home for work.

I cannot blame you. Eight years of Obama and looking at perhaps eight years of Hillary. The suicide rate in Texas will double....:biggrin:

Not really. If she is charged and convicted of a felony, she can't run for president. She'll be disqualified.

She'd be practically disqualified? Or legally disqualified? Because to the best of my knowledge there are only 4 qualifications to be president:

1) Natural born citizen
2) Age (35)
3) Term limits (no more than 2 terms)
4) A majority vote of the electoral college.

Did I miss one?
Yup. You can't be a felon.
If Jeb is seen as too liberal, then there isn't really any hope of the GOP winning next year. The American people always vote for somebody who is around the center on most big issues. Watching Jeb reverse himself on gay marriage and immigration is painful because he's basically going down the fool's path of only trying to get the hard right lunatics on his side.

The GOP primary process is quite brutal. It forces candidates toward the extremes. And once there, its easy work for democratic nominees to keep them there.

Worse, since Citizens United, the GOP primary is a wood chipper. With conservative groups spending hundreds of millions of dollars to destroy conservative candidates. Leaving the winner bloodied weakened with the DNC not having to spend a penny.

We saw what that did for Romney.

Exactly. For example, Romney was behind healthcare reform. But the GOP primary forced him to take the 'fuck 'em, they can use the emergency room' policy of healthcare reform
Poll Hillary Clinton still tops in 2016 - CNN.com

WOW! This has really got to bum out the RW nuts that saw blood in the water a few days back. I guess Frank and some of hos buddies will be making extra long stops at the ABC store on the way home for work.

I cannot blame you. Eight years of Obama and looking at perhaps eight years of Hillary. The suicide rate in Texas will double....:biggrin:

Not really. If she is charged and convicted of a felony, she can't run for president. She'll be disqualified.

She'd be practically disqualified? Or legally disqualified? Because to the best of my knowledge there are only 4 qualifications to be president:

1) Natural born citizen
2) Age (35)
3) Term limits (no more than 2 terms)
4) A majority vote of the electoral college.

Did I miss one?
Yup. You can't be a felon.

And where in the constitution or US law is this restriction?
She'll get the nomination but the Dems will go into 2016 with a very damaged candidate. Bill's coattails weren't enough to get his VP elected and Obama would need to pull his pants up so they can be seen.

Dems lose the White House, it's a no-brainer.

'Calling' an election a year and half before it happens is about the farthest thing from a 'no brainer' there is. You don't actually have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

But then, neither do I when it comes to the outcome the election. I'm pretty comfortable with Hillary's chances. But there's an eternity between now and the actual election.
Hillary is too old and too damaged. The aura of inevitability has bitten her in her ample ass before.

No one wants yesterday's paper or girls, to paraphrase an early Rolling Stone's song.

If Jeb is seen as too liberal, then there isn't really any hope of the GOP winning next year. The American people always vote for somebody who is around the center on most big issues. Watching Jeb reverse himself on gay marriage and immigration is painful because he's basically going down the fool's path of only trying to get the hard right lunatics on his side.

We saw what that did for Romney. They still don't like you, no matter what your positions are, if you seem educated and wear a suit well.

Hillary isn't the threat next year to the GOP; the GOP is.
America voted for Reagan.....twice.

Reagan would be run out on a rail by modern GOP standards. The GOP has managed to convince the majority of the american people to vote for them a grand total of ONCE in the last generation.
If Jeb is seen as too liberal, then there isn't really any hope of the GOP winning next year. The American people always vote for somebody who is around the center on most big issues. Watching Jeb reverse himself on gay marriage and immigration is painful because he's basically going down the fool's path of only trying to get the hard right lunatics on his side.

The GOP primary process is quite brutal. It forces candidates toward the extremes. And once there, its easy work for democratic nominees to keep them there.

Worse, since Citizens United, the GOP primary is a wood chipper. With conservative groups spending hundreds of millions of dollars to destroy conservative candidates. Leaving the winner bloodied weakened with the DNC not having to spend a penny.

We saw what that did for Romney.

Exactly. For example, Romney was behind healthcare reform. But the GOP primary forced him to take the 'fuck 'em, they can use the emergency room' policy of healthcare reform
Yeah. I think Walker's running smart though. He starts off already at war with unions and colleges, but the gop doesn't like either anyway. He's flipped on immigration and says all the right things on Israel taking all the land. He speaks ill of no republican, and really doesn't have any natural enemies in the gop field. He also raised money nationally in the recall campaign. He seems tailor maid (-: for the Kochs.
The foreign money to the Clinton Foundation is the thing I didn't express well to Siete. Nobody else has a foundation. The Bush Family is Carlyle, but the media seems to give that a pass. It's the closest analogy I see, but Carlyle makes the Bushs .... would billions be far off? But maybe most of us figure we've seen all the corruptions the Clintons have, and we just don't care. I mean, I don't think China can buy anything from Hillary. She wants power, and nobody questioning her private life.

Of all the manufactured 'lets throw shit against the barn wall and see if something sticks' outrages, this issue is actually worthy of discussion. I don't see any evidence of undo influence or influence peddling. But its definitely worth asking some questions about and doing due diligence.
$6 billion in donations from foreign countries like Saudi Arabia is pretty good evidence.
Poll Hillary Clinton still tops in 2016 - CNN.com

WOW! This has really got to bum out the RW nuts that saw blood in the water a few days back. I guess Frank and some of hos buddies will be making extra long stops at the ABC store on the way home for work.

I cannot blame you. Eight years of Obama and looking at perhaps eight years of Hillary. The suicide rate in Texas will double....:biggrin:
The same was said in 2008.
She should've won in 2008. I was worried republicans would slap Obama around for his naivete and be able to frame everything he did as terrible whether it was a good move or not. And that's exactly what has happened.

I think she knew the significance of the first black president and stepped aside and gave O the nod. Not again.....
The foreign money to the Clinton Foundation is the thing I didn't express well to Siete. Nobody else has a foundation. The Bush Family is Carlyle, but the media seems to give that a pass. It's the closest analogy I see, but Carlyle makes the Bushs .... would billions be far off? But maybe most of us figure we've seen all the corruptions the Clintons have, and we just don't care. I mean, I don't think China can buy anything from Hillary. She wants power, and nobody questioning her private life.

Of all the manufactured 'lets throw shit against the barn wall and see if something sticks' outrages, this issue is actually worthy of discussion. I don't see any evidence of undo influence or influence peddling. But its definitely worth asking some questions about and doing due diligence.
$6 billion in donations from foreign countries like Saudi Arabia is pretty good evidence.

Lay it out there in a link that is not some GOP rag.
Poll Hillary Clinton still tops in 2016 - CNN.com

WOW! This has really got to bum out the RW nuts that saw blood in the water a few days back. I guess Frank and some of hos buddies will be making extra long stops at the ABC store on the way home for work.

I cannot blame you. Eight years of Obama and looking at perhaps eight years of Hillary. The suicide rate in Texas will double....:biggrin:
The same was said in 2008.
She should've won in 2008. I was worried republicans would slap Obama around for his naivete and be able to frame everything he did as terrible whether it was a good move or not. And that's exactly what has happened.

I think she knew the significance of the first black president and stepped aside and gave O the nod. Not again.....
Ted Kennedy threw her under the bus. And Obama showed his inexperience by honoring his promise to Ted to enact universal care ... which turned out to not be quite universal yet .. and Ted was dead by the time it passed.
Poll Hillary Clinton still tops in 2016 - CNN.com

WOW! This has really got to bum out the RW nuts that saw blood in the water a few days back. I guess Frank and some of hos buddies will be making extra long stops at the ABC store on the way home for work.

I cannot blame you. Eight years of Obama and looking at perhaps eight years of Hillary. The suicide rate in Texas will double....:biggrin:
The same was said in 2008.
She should've won in 2008. I was worried republicans would slap Obama around for his naivete and be able to frame everything he did as terrible whether it was a good move or not. And that's exactly what has happened.

I think she knew the significance of the first black president and stepped aside and gave O the nod. Not again.....

She was hosed.
BFD You had her all but sworn in at this time the last she ran,how did that turn out?
She will never be president
Poll Hillary Clinton still tops in 2016 - CNN.com

WOW! This has really got to bum out the RW nuts that saw blood in the water a few days back. I guess Frank and some of hos buddies will be making extra long stops at the ABC store on the way home for work.

I cannot blame you. Eight years of Obama and looking at perhaps eight years of Hillary. The suicide rate in Texas will double....:biggrin:
The same was said in 2008.
She should've won in 2008. I was worried republicans would slap Obama around for his naivete and be able to frame everything he did as terrible whether it was a good move or not. And that's exactly what has happened.

I think she knew the significance of the first black president and stepped aside and gave O the nod. Not again.....

She was hosed.
I'll agree with you there. The left's version of the tea partiers took her out. Which wouldn't have been possible without the disaster that was Dubya.
The foreign money to the Clinton Foundation is the thing I didn't express well to Siete. Nobody else has a foundation. The Bush Family is Carlyle, but the media seems to give that a pass. It's the closest analogy I see, but Carlyle makes the Bushs .... would billions be far off? But maybe most of us figure we've seen all the corruptions the Clintons have, and we just don't care. I mean, I don't think China can buy anything from Hillary. She wants power, and nobody questioning her private life.

Of all the manufactured 'lets throw shit against the barn wall and see if something sticks' outrages, this issue is actually worthy of discussion. I don't see any evidence of undo influence or influence peddling. But its definitely worth asking some questions about and doing due diligence.
$6 billion in donations from foreign countries like Saudi Arabia is pretty good evidence.

Lay it out there in a link that is not some GOP rag.
Maybe you'd believe it if you Googled it yourself.

I'm not into wasting my time showing you something you're too fucken lazy to do yourself.
The foreign money to the Clinton Foundation is the thing I didn't express well to Siete. Nobody else has a foundation. The Bush Family is Carlyle, but the media seems to give that a pass. It's the closest analogy I see, but Carlyle makes the Bushs .... would billions be far off? But maybe most of us figure we've seen all the corruptions the Clintons have, and we just don't care. I mean, I don't think China can buy anything from Hillary. She wants power, and nobody questioning her private life.

Of all the manufactured 'lets throw shit against the barn wall and see if something sticks' outrages, this issue is actually worthy of discussion. I don't see any evidence of undo influence or influence peddling. But its definitely worth asking some questions about and doing due diligence.
$6 billion in donations from foreign countries like Saudi Arabia is pretty good evidence.

Which is pretty amazing, given that Clinton's foundation has raised roughly 2 billion in total since its creation in 2001.

You may want to sit down. Because pulling that '6 billion dollar' fallacious factoid sideways out of your ass probably tore something.
The foreign money to the Clinton Foundation is the thing I didn't express well to Siete. Nobody else has a foundation. The Bush Family is Carlyle, but the media seems to give that a pass. It's the closest analogy I see, but Carlyle makes the Bushs .... would billions be far off? But maybe most of us figure we've seen all the corruptions the Clintons have, and we just don't care. I mean, I don't think China can buy anything from Hillary. She wants power, and nobody questioning her private life.

Of all the manufactured 'lets throw shit against the barn wall and see if something sticks' outrages, this issue is actually worthy of discussion. I don't see any evidence of undo influence or influence peddling. But its definitely worth asking some questions about and doing due diligence.
$6 billion in donations from foreign countries like Saudi Arabia is pretty good evidence.

Lay it out there in a link that is not some GOP rag.
Maybe you'd believe it if you Googled it yourself.

I'm not into wasting my time showing you something you're too fucken lazy to do yourself.

Though you certainly seem into making up numbers you can't possibly support with evidence. Back in reality....

Since its creation in 2001, the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation has raised close to $2 billion from a vast global network that includes corporate titans, political donors, foreign governments and other wealthy interests, according to a Washington Post review of public records and newly released contribution data.

February 18th, 2015
Clintons foundation has raised nearly 2 billion and some key questions - The Washington Post

So the other 4 billion came in the last 8 weeks? Or do you just not have a fucking clue what you're talking about?
Oh and Mudwhistle.....where in the constitution or US law does it say that a felon can't be elected president? Is that passage sitting right next to the '6 billion dollar donation to the Clinton Foundation from Saudi Arabia'?

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