Hillary upset the press focused on her criminal actions rather then who gave the information..

America did overwhelmingly reject Hillary....so....

Trump won 30 states.....
she won the popular vote the majority of americans voted for her....
Remind me again, what did she win?
you said trump won a mandate i corrected you be a grown up and deal with it
He did win with a mandate....so....
godamn your stupid can you even tie your shoes?
Hmmmm.....let's start over...did Trump win the POTUS?
This thread is meant to deflect from minority presidential-elect Trump's request for Putin to hack into his opponent's emails in order to give him an advantage.

I actually listened to the trumpster as he made that wisecrack. And wisecrack it was. The shrilary couldn't come up with her thousands of emails which magically "disappeared" along with her 13 Blacberries that somehow got smashed to bits with a hammer, all AFTER being subpoenaed. The trumpster made the wisecack "well maybe the Russians can hack her account to find them. Aaaaand, hers was a private server thus there is no espionage involved.

You fail on multiple accounts.
This thread is meant to deflect from minority presidential-elect Trump's request for Putin to hack into his opponent's emails in order to give him an advantage.

I actually listened to the trumpster as he made that wisecrack. And wisecrack it was. The shrilary couldn't come up with her thousands of emails which magically "disappeared" along with her 13 Blacberries that somehow got smashed to bits with a hammer, all AFTER being subpoenaed. The trumpster made the wisecack "well maybe the Russians can hack her account to find them. Aaaaand, hers was a private server thus there is no espionage involved.

You fail on multiple accounts.
when trump releases his tax returns ill pretend i give a shit about her emails
What did she win? :lol:
mandate would imply americans overwhelmingly rejected the opponent, Trump losing the popular vote by almost 4 million votes doesn't equal a mandate dumbass

If trump won the popular vote but lost the electoral college you would be calling for a civil war
America did overwhelmingly reject Hillary....so....

Trump won 30 states.....
she won the popular vote the majority of americans voted for her....
That is in question, if you recognize the likely number of fraudulent votes.

D party loves fraudulent voting...you know? illegals, dead, stuffing the ballot box...etc...

Have you heard what Ds did in Detroit? Guessing not...since liberals generally are uninformed so they generally don't know WTF is going on.
more batshit lunacy from the neo nazis.... you trolls will say anything, when are trumps investigators coming back from Hawaii with obamas birth certificate? alex jones ever say?
Yeah....Ds would never CHEAT.

Heil Hitler!!!!

...and you claim I am batshit lunacy....again libs accusing their opponents of exactly what they are.
This thread is meant to deflect from minority presidential-elect Trump's request for Putin to hack into his opponent's emails in order to give him an advantage.

I actually listened to the trumpster as he made that wisecrack. And wisecrack it was. The shrilary couldn't come up with her thousands of emails which magically "disappeared" along with her 13 Blacberries that somehow got smashed to bits with a hammer, all AFTER being subpoenaed. The trumpster made the wisecack "well maybe the Russians can hack her account to find them. Aaaaand, hers was a private server thus there is no espionage involved.

You fail on multiple accounts.
when trump releases his tax returns ill pretend i give a shit about her emails
When do you think Obama will release his academic records and passport?
This thread is meant to deflect from minority presidential-elect Trump's request for Putin to hack into his opponent's emails in order to give him an advantage.

I actually listened to the trumpster as he made that wisecrack. And wisecrack it was. The shrilary couldn't come up with her thousands of emails which magically "disappeared" along with her 13 Blacberries that somehow got smashed to bits with a hammer, all AFTER being subpoenaed. The trumpster made the wisecack "well maybe the Russians can hack her account to find them. Aaaaand, hers was a private server thus there is no espionage involved.

You fail on multiple accounts.
when trump releases his tax returns ill pretend i give a shit about her emails

His tax returns are his business. Her emails were OUR business so I don't give a flying fuck what you think. You're a propagandist and are divested from reality. ALL of this BS wouldn't even be an issue if she had the slightest bit of common sense to not have a private server with classified material on it that was TOTALLY unprotected. She was a shit candidate and that is the reason why she lost.
This thread is meant to deflect from minority presidential-elect Trump's request for Putin to hack into his opponent's emails in order to give him an advantage.

I actually listened to the trumpster as he made that wisecrack. And wisecrack it was. The shrilary couldn't come up with her thousands of emails which magically "disappeared" along with her 13 Blacberries that somehow got smashed to bits with a hammer, all AFTER being subpoenaed. The trumpster made the wisecack "well maybe the Russians can hack her account to find them. Aaaaand, hers was a private server thus there is no espionage involved.

You fail on multiple accounts.
when trump releases his tax returns ill pretend i give a shit about her emails

His tax returns are his business. Her emails were OUR business so I don't give a flying fuck what you think. You're a propagandist and are divested from reality. ALL of this BS wouldn't even be an issue if she had the slightest bit of common sense to not have a private server with classified material on it that was TOTALLY unprotected. She was a shit candidate and that is the reason why she lost.
how are her emails your business but trumps taxes aren't? you think its normal hack into peoples computers? or are you saying the sham witchtrial benghazi hearings were a real issue?

If so why isn't she being prosecuted rube?
This thread is meant to deflect from minority presidential-elect Trump's request for Putin to hack into his opponent's emails in order to give him an advantage.

I actually listened to the trumpster as he made that wisecrack. And wisecrack it was. The shrilary couldn't come up with her thousands of emails which magically "disappeared" along with her 13 Blacberries that somehow got smashed to bits with a hammer, all AFTER being subpoenaed. The trumpster made the wisecack "well maybe the Russians can hack her account to find them. Aaaaand, hers was a private server thus there is no espionage involved.

You fail on multiple accounts.
when trump releases his tax returns ill pretend i give a shit about her emails

His tax returns are his business. Her emails were OUR business so I don't give a flying fuck what you think. You're a propagandist and are divested from reality. ALL of this BS wouldn't even be an issue if she had the slightest bit of common sense to not have a private server with classified material on it that was TOTALLY unprotected. She was a shit candidate and that is the reason why she lost.
how are her emails your business but trumps taxes aren't? you think its normal hack into peoples computers? or are you saying the sham witchtrial benghazi hearings were a real issue?

If so why isn't she being prosecuted rube?

Because they were State Department Documents you 'tard. That means they were OUR property. That's why one of the laws she broke was the NARA records protection act. Get a clue, clown.
This thread is meant to deflect from minority presidential-elect Trump's request for Putin to hack into his opponent's emails in order to give him an advantage.

I actually listened to the trumpster as he made that wisecrack. And wisecrack it was. The shrilary couldn't come up with her thousands of emails which magically "disappeared" along with her 13 Blacberries that somehow got smashed to bits with a hammer, all AFTER being subpoenaed. The trumpster made the wisecack "well maybe the Russians can hack her account to find them. Aaaaand, hers was a private server thus there is no espionage involved.

You fail on multiple accounts.
when trump releases his tax returns ill pretend i give a shit about her emails

His tax returns are his business. Her emails were OUR business so I don't give a flying fuck what you think. You're a propagandist and are divested from reality. ALL of this BS wouldn't even be an issue if she had the slightest bit of common sense to not have a private server with classified material on it that was TOTALLY unprotected. She was a shit candidate and that is the reason why she lost.
how are her emails your business but trumps taxes aren't? you think its normal hack into peoples computers? or are you saying the sham witchtrial benghazi hearings were a real issue?

If so why isn't she being prosecuted rube?
Asking such a dumb question merely exposes you as entirely and completely uninformed.

Please get informed before posting.
This thread is meant to deflect from minority presidential-elect Trump's request for Putin to hack into his opponent's emails in order to give him an advantage.

I actually listened to the trumpster as he made that wisecrack. And wisecrack it was. The shrilary couldn't come up with her thousands of emails which magically "disappeared" along with her 13 Blacberries that somehow got smashed to bits with a hammer, all AFTER being subpoenaed. The trumpster made the wisecack "well maybe the Russians can hack her account to find them. Aaaaand, hers was a private server thus there is no espionage involved.

You fail on multiple accounts.
when trump releases his tax returns ill pretend i give a shit about her emails

His tax returns are his business. Her emails were OUR business so I don't give a flying fuck what you think. You're a propagandist and are divested from reality. ALL of this BS wouldn't even be an issue if she had the slightest bit of common sense to not have a private server with classified material on it that was TOTALLY unprotected. She was a shit candidate and that is the reason why she lost.
how are her emails your business but trumps taxes aren't? you think its normal hack into peoples computers? or are you saying the sham witchtrial benghazi hearings were a real issue?

If so why isn't she being prosecuted rube?
You clearly are getting your news from fake news outlets....stop it now!!!
This thread is meant to deflect from minority presidential-elect Trump's request for Putin to hack into his opponent's emails in order to give him an advantage.

I actually listened to the trumpster as he made that wisecrack. And wisecrack it was. The shrilary couldn't come up with her thousands of emails which magically "disappeared" along with her 13 Blacberries that somehow got smashed to bits with a hammer, all AFTER being subpoenaed. The trumpster made the wisecack "well maybe the Russians can hack her account to find them. Aaaaand, hers was a private server thus there is no espionage involved.

You fail on multiple accounts.
when trump releases his tax returns ill pretend i give a shit about her emails

His tax returns are his business. Her emails were OUR business so I don't give a flying fuck what you think. You're a propagandist and are divested from reality. ALL of this BS wouldn't even be an issue if she had the slightest bit of common sense to not have a private server with classified material on it that was TOTALLY unprotected. She was a shit candidate and that is the reason why she lost.
how are her emails your business but trumps taxes aren't? you think its normal hack into peoples computers? or are you saying the sham witchtrial benghazi hearings were a real issue?

If so why isn't she being prosecuted rube?

There are none so blind as those who will not see.
This thread is meant to deflect from minority presidential-elect Trump's request for Putin to hack into his opponent's emails in order to give him an advantage.
Good think Trump won with a mandate.....
hillary won the popular vote by 3.7 million and counting trump did not win with a mandate

So Trump will go on vacation and play golf?
This thread is meant to deflect from minority presidential-elect Trump's request for Putin to hack into his opponent's emails in order to give him an advantage.
Good think Trump won with a mandate.....
hillary won the popular vote by 3.7 million and counting trump did not win with a mandate

What did she win? :lol:
A permanent vacation?
This thread is meant to deflect from minority presidential-elect Trump's request for Putin to hack into his opponent's emails in order to give him an advantage.

No deflection..just reporting liberal logic 101 when caught play the victim.


And what request? Or just trying to throw shit at the wall over and over till you hope it sticks?

The left seems to be throwing shit into a turbine fan and it's blowing back at them.
Good think Trump won with a mandate.....
hillary won the popular vote by 3.7 million and counting trump did not win with a mandate

What did she win? :lol:
mandate would imply americans overwhelmingly rejected the opponent, Trump losing the popular vote by almost 4 million votes doesn't equal a mandate dumbass

If trump won the popular vote but lost the electoral college you would be calling for a civil war
America did overwhelmingly reject Hillary....so....

Trump won 30 states.....
she won the popular vote the majority of americans voted for her....

Trying to hold onto your big leaning liberal states, like California and New York, as your solace over the election results?
Good think Trump won with a mandate.....
hillary won the popular vote by 3.7 million and counting trump did not win with a mandate

What did she win? :lol:
mandate would imply americans overwhelmingly rejected the opponent, Trump losing the popular vote by almost 4 million votes doesn't equal a mandate dumbass

If trump won the popular vote but lost the electoral college you would be calling for a civil war
America did overwhelmingly reject Hillary....so....

Trump won 30 states.....
she won the popular vote the majority of americans voted for her....
Popular vote again.

He will be President.

Regardless of popular vote or mandate.
Liberal logic 101, when caught play the victim...

Obama Says Clinton Was Not 'Treated Fairly' During Election
Dec 16, 2016,
President Obama said today that he did not think Hillary Clinton was “treated fairly” during the presidential election.

Obama was asked specifically during a news conference whether his former secretary of state lost because of Russia’s reported hacking of the Democratic Party and Clinton campaign computer servers. The president pivoted on that question, and instead lobbed a critique of the media. He said he found the coverage of Clinton “troubling.”

“I think she's worked tirelessly on behalf of the American people and I don't think she was treated fairly during the election, I think the coverage of her -- and the issues -- was troubling,” he said.

Clinton and her campaign in recent days have also expressed disappointment with news outlets' focus on her private email server during the campaign over Russia’s involvement in the data breaches. Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, called the coverage of the Russia story “lackadaisical,” and Clinton last night reportedly told donors in New York that she was glad the press was catching onto the issue.

Of course she was not treated fairly.
Liberal logic 101, when caught play the victim...

Obama Says Clinton Was Not 'Treated Fairly' During Election
Dec 16, 2016,
President Obama said today that he did not think Hillary Clinton was “treated fairly” during the presidential election.

Obama was asked specifically during a news conference whether his former secretary of state lost because of Russia’s reported hacking of the Democratic Party and Clinton campaign computer servers. The president pivoted on that question, and instead lobbed a critique of the media. He said he found the coverage of Clinton “troubling.”

“I think she's worked tirelessly on behalf of the American people and I don't think she was treated fairly during the election, I think the coverage of her -- and the issues -- was troubling,” he said.

Clinton and her campaign in recent days have also expressed disappointment with news outlets' focus on her private email server during the campaign over Russia’s involvement in the data breaches. Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, called the coverage of the Russia story “lackadaisical,” and Clinton last night reportedly told donors in New York that she was glad the press was catching onto the issue.

Of course she was not treated fairly.
Who didn't treat her fairly?
Liberal logic 101, when caught play the victim...

Obama Says Clinton Was Not 'Treated Fairly' During Election
Dec 16, 2016,
President Obama said today that he did not think Hillary Clinton was “treated fairly” during the presidential election.

Obama was asked specifically during a news conference whether his former secretary of state lost because of Russia’s reported hacking of the Democratic Party and Clinton campaign computer servers. The president pivoted on that question, and instead lobbed a critique of the media. He said he found the coverage of Clinton “troubling.”

“I think she's worked tirelessly on behalf of the American people and I don't think she was treated fairly during the election, I think the coverage of her -- and the issues -- was troubling,” he said.

Clinton and her campaign in recent days have also expressed disappointment with news outlets' focus on her private email server during the campaign over Russia’s involvement in the data breaches. Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, called the coverage of the Russia story “lackadaisical,” and Clinton last night reportedly told donors in New York that she was glad the press was catching onto the issue.

Of course she was not treated fairly.
Who didn't treat her fairly?
Apparently the voting public.
This thread is meant to deflect from minority presidential-elect Trump's request for Putin to hack into his opponent's emails in order to give him an advantage.
Good think Trump won with a mandate.....
hillary won the popular vote by 3.7 million and counting trump did not win with a mandate

What did she win? :lol:
mandate would imply americans overwhelmingly rejected the opponent, Trump losing the popular vote by almost 4 million votes doesn't equal a mandate dumbass

If trump won the popular vote but lost the electoral college you would be calling for a civil war

Dems lost positions across America. Face it,you and your policies have been soundly rejected.

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