Hillary warns about Trump in 2024

Queen of Libya.
Hillary Clinton was caught red handed lying her ass off about President Trump. she paid for a phony charge while she was giving 3 of Alaska's Aleutian Islands with their huge undersea oil reserves to Vladamir Putin and decided that was just the ticket--play like a foreign "spy" the compromised Mr. Steele by writing up a little package of lies about Trump and Russia in a document that became popularly known as the "Steele dossier," with Steele being paid twice--once by Hillary, and once by the Democrat Party. I know you will pretend this is a lie, but it isn't. She is directly connected to the people who delivered the dossier to Mr. Steele and told him to alert the American FBI with it, who did zero checking into its validity and/or were already compromised by Hillary Clintons dirtbag files on everyone who's anyone.

Hillary is lying again. All she has to do is open her dowager's trap, and you know there's a calumnious lie coming out of it. Never mind the body language she uses when she has fomented a big one. The woman is mentally ill if she thinks lying is her ticket to ride.
Trump is "soooo bad" ....that any laws they broke trying to take him out were "justified" in their eyes.
Clinton, with empathy oozing from her pores, obviously, set off a chain of
killing and chaos due to murdering Khadaffi in an illegal coup.

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In this year's Mid-term Elections, it will be the clueless, dithering centrist voters, dissatisfied with Biden's "failures" to advance his agenda and end COVID, that elect a congressional majority of trump Nazis.

The centrists, both Republican and Democrats, have been the cause of most of the political disasters this nation has experienced due to their ignorance of important issues, and most times simply voting for the "other Party's" candidates alternately. On ballot measures, the centrists will normally vote against any that cost them money, and against the many issues they just cannot understand.

For the 2022 Mid-terms, the trump Nazis' overwhelming drive to see their cult leader become dictator, coupled with the centrist voters' traditional political mindset and method for making voting decisions, will, inevitably, doom our democracy. In joining with the trump Nazis, the centrists will, at best, open the door to a plutocracy/oligarchy controlled by the billionaire class, or worse, permit the creation of a fascist state with trump as führer.


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