Hillary warns about Trump in 2024

Hillary Clinton Warns What People Might Be Missing About A Trump Run In 2024​

Hillary Clinton warned in a new interview that a possible 2024 presidential run by Donald Trump will be an inflection point for America.

“If I were a betting person right now, I’d say Trump is going to run again,” the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate told “Sunday TODAY’s” Willie Geist in a preview clip from their sit-down that will be aired in full this weekend.

“But I want people to understand that this is a make-or-break point,” Clinton continued. “Are we going to give in to all these lies and this disinformation and this organized effort to undermine our rule of law and our institutions, or are we going to stand up to it?”

Amen! I totally agree with Hillary! What do you think?

She should be dead.
Can't wait to see him run again in 2024. He'll wipe the floor with Biden!!! Biden is really unbelievably bad.
I hope he runs, with 1/6 footage running 24/7 and his staff‘s text messages telling him to do something about the insurrection being the topic of every news show, it should be a hoot, unless he’s in prison by then. LOCK HIM UP.
I hope he runs, with 1/6 footage running 24/7 and his staff‘s text messages telling him to do something about the insurrection being the topic of every news show, it should be a hoot, unless he’s in prison by then. LOCK HIM UP.

Let's see that "footage" nazi?

It took you fascist fucks 3 months to fabricate it, and it can be taken apart in 3 minutes.
Dream on, shortbus. No amount of talk is going to change the fact that the 1/6 rioters and their supporters are traitors.

3 months for the best of Hollywood to greescreen it and you don't even want to post links?


Hey Nazi, when will the Gestapo release the rest of the footage - uncut and unedited, from the security system (best in the world) at the capitol?

Ah, but actual footage doesn't promote the Reichstag Fire narrative of your filthy party.
Fiona Hill...Espionage spy / 'victory speech'-blubbering Hildebeast ... the same person saying the exact same thing.....?!

You decide.

3 months for the best of Hollywood to greescreen it and you don't even want to post links?


Hey Nazi, when will the Gestapo release the rest of the footage - uncut and unedited, from the security system (best in the world) at the capitol?

Ah, but actual footage doesn't promote the Reichstag Fire narrative of your filthy party.
The only links you need are to a good psychiatrist.
The only links you need are to a good psychiatrist.

Right, still you Nazis suppress the video evidence of what happened during the Reichstag Fire.

It's like the FBI video at the Rittenhouse trial - it blows your fucking lies all to shit.

Fascism is here.

There is no difference between Trump and Clinton, they are the same fucking leftist politics, the only difference is that Trump pretended to be a Republican before the election
There is no difference between Trump and Clinton, they are the same fucking leftist politics, the only difference is that Trump pretended to be a Republican before the election

And knocked the evil empire of China back on it's heels with fair trade policies. Destroyed the Russian economy with energy independence thus containing Putin in his lust to recreate the Soviet Union, stopped illegal immigration with the RIM policies and enforce compliance. Created opportunity zones that increased minority business development by 30,000% (credit to Dr. Ben Carson)

But I mean, other than that....

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